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(dS a �Nrit or �acecution or attac:�ment of any simiiar prvcass shall be entered against Tnutor �Nnicn shail <br /> , become a iien on the Trust :s:ate or anv portion thereor or ir�terest :herein and suc� execution, attaczment or similar <br /> , proc�ss or ;udqment is not reieased, bonaed, satisiied, vacated 9r stayed within sixty 16o) days arter its arttry or ievy; or <br /> (e1 there has oc�.�rred a breac:� of or default under any -erm, covenant, agreement, canditian, provisian, <br /> represerttaBOn or �Narranr� carttaineC �n any prior deed of *rust or mortgaqe affec�nq ;he Trust Es•are. � <br /> t 0. Accs/erarion upan Oefau/t; AQditiona/ Remedies. If an event �i deiauft oc�urs. Beneric:ary may dec:are ;}�e � <br /> Indeotedness sec:lrea hereay -o �e �ue and �ayabfe and ,he same shal! chereupon became due and payable wit2�out arty F„� <br /> preser�tment, aemana, ?rotest or notic� or any a�d. Thereafter, Beneiiciary may: <br /> O <br /> C7 <br /> (ii °ither in �erson or by agent, witi�or witriout bnnging arty a�on or procaedinq, or by a recaiver a000irtted � <br /> by a caurr ana �Nitriout regarC to :tie ade�uac� or its securiry, enter ueon and :ake possession of the Trusc Estate, or arry � <br /> part�hereaf, in its own name or in�e name af Trvs:es, and do any ac:s wnic,ti it deems^ec�ssary or desirable to preserve � <br /> the value, marketabifiry �r rentabiiity of 7�e Trust Estate, or part thereor or interest�erein, increase the incame thererrom <br /> or protec:�e securtty herear and, with or without�king possession of;he Trust Esrate, sue far or ott�erwise callec tt�e <br /> rer�ts. issues and proiits -hereof, inc:uoing those past due and unpaid, and apply �►e same, less cnsts and expenses of <br /> operauon and c�ilec�on inc:uaing atromeys' fess. upon any indebteaness secured hereby, all in suc:� order as Benericiary <br /> may determine. The enterinq upon and aking passession of the Trust Estate, the coitec�on af such rents, issues and <br /> profits artd �e appiicat►on t�ereflf as aforesaid shall nat cure or waive arry defautt or notice of default hereunaer or <br /> invalidate arn/ ac: done in response ;o suc;� default or pursuartt *o such no�c� of default and, nornrithstantlir.g �e <br /> can�nuancs in passession af the Trust r-s.ate or�e collec;ion, rec�ipt and applicaQOn of rerrts, issues or profits. Trustee <br /> or Beneficiary shall been erttitted to exercise every right provided for in arry of the Loan Ins�truments or by iaw upon <br /> occurrenc� or any svent or deiault, inc:uding �e ngnt to exercise �e aower ot sale; <br /> (ii} commenc� an ac:ion �o �orec:ose this Oesd or Trus� as a mortqage, appaint a rec�iver or spec:Tically <br /> enrorc� any or :he cove�ants hereor; <br /> ;jjij Q@!tv@! "„ ' ;USiZ° 3'.vft�._!1 G�EC:df3I70�1 CT �7@TdUlt 3(1Q �°.^,7df7Q uf SaIE 3RQ a WfITi°f! ^Oi.C° OT �@*.cL'1L 3f`Q <br /> �iec;;en to �use -rus�or'; :ntarest n .-e 'rust _s:ate �o �e soic. �Nric^ �otic� �rus.�s snail cause .., �e �wv "iea 'cr <br /> rec�re :n -^e aoerocriat° �ric�s �; .^e �.:unri �n wnica :;-e 'rust �sLa�� :s 'cc;:tec; :r <br /> ;iv, axerc:sa �ucn �,he� ���r,s ::r r=meaies a� law or :n ec::ir�. <br /> 1 1. Foiectosure dy r�ower ot Sa/e. If �enericiary eiec:s to 'orectos2 �v �xe�cis2 ai--;e P�wer or Saie -z�em ccr.r�red, <br /> 9enericiary snail nonr/ Trustee ana snail ceaosit•.v�th �ruste�this Secand De°� or�;ust and any rote �viderc:ng '^e Inoec�=cness <br /> and sucn rec�tots and zvicenc° ar �xoenditures maae and secured nere�y as Trus:e° may recuire. <br /> (ai Upon rec�iot or;uc� �ores 'rom Benericiary, Trustes s„all cause to oe rec�rded, publis^ea ana �e�ivered <br /> to Trus:or sucn Not�c° cr �eiauit and Nonc� or Sale as chen required �y law anQ by ;ris Sec�nd Deed cr 'rust. -rus:2° <br /> shall, �Nithout demand on Trus:or, arter sucn hme as may tnen oe reQuired by faw and ai;er recordation or sucn Notic� or <br /> Derauit ana arter Notic� or Saie having be�n qiven as reQUire� by law, sell the Trust =s:ate at ihe �ime and piac� �r sale <br /> fixed by it in sucn Notic� or Sale, �ither as a wnole, or in separate lots or parcels or items as Trustee snail deem ex�eaienr, <br /> and in such order as i2 may aetermine, at�ubfic auc:ion �o the hignest bidder `or casn in lawful money or the Unitea States <br /> payable at trie cime or sale. Trustes sna►1 deliver to such purc�aser or purc�asers �hereor its qood and suificient �eed or <br /> desds conveying the property so sold, but�Nitriout any covenant or warranry, express or imolied. The recitals in suc�aeed <br /> of any matters or `acts snall be conc:usive proof or the truthfulness thereor. Any person, including without limitation <br /> Trustor, Trustee or 3enericiary, may purcnase at such sale. <br /> (b) As may �e permitted by !aw, after deduc:ing all cn�s, `ees and expenses of Trusee ard or -his '�ust. <br /> includinq cas.s or avidenc� or title in c�nnec:ion with sale. Trustee shall appiy the proc°eds of sale to ?ayment �r ;ii the <br /> Indebtetiness (ii) ail other sums,hen s2cured hereby, and (iii} �he remaincer, if any, to the person or oersons Iegally �nn;ted <br /> thereto. <br /> (c; Trustee may in the manner p�ovided by law pos:pone sale of alt or any portion of the i rus2 Er.ate. <br /> 12. Remedies Nat ExUusive. Truste� and Beneficiar�, and each of them, shall be erttitted to enforc� payment and <br /> performance of any indebtedness or obliqations secured hereby and to exercise all riqhts and powers under this Second Desd of <br /> Trust or under any Loan Instrument or other agreement or any law5 now or hereafter in force; notwithstanding, some or all or the <br /> such indebtedness artd obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of;, <br /> piedge, lien, assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Secand Oeed of Trust nor its enfarcament, whether by court <br /> actian or pursuant to tt�e power of sale or oitier powers herein c�ntained, shall prejudics or in any manner afi`ect Trus:ee's or <br /> Beneficiary's right to realize upon or errforce any other securiry now or hereafter held by Trustee or Beneficiary, it beinq agreed ttiat <br /> Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Second Oeed of Trust and any other security now or <br /> � 3 <br />