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2. Taxes. Trustor snail ;,aY each insailment of ail taxes and special assessments of every ftind, naw or hereafter <br /> 'e�ied aqainst ;he Trus; �s:ate or any �art thereor, �eiore delinquency, without noticE or demand. <br /> � 3. lnsuranca and Reraai�s Trustor sitail maintain fire and extende� caveraqe insurance insuring �e Improvemerns <br /> �onstituunq parc oi .he Trust :state �or such amount5 artd on suc:� terms reasanaoly sansfac;ory to Benerciary. So lanq as the <br /> Prooerty is secured by a `irst deed �r ;rust or mortgage, c�molianca witt� the insurance requiremerrcs af the `irst deed of itust o� <br /> moRgage shall 'oe surf9cient ,o satiry -;�e requirements or �is paraqraptr 3 reiat�ng m insurance. <br /> � <br /> Truster snad :romony reDa;r sna replac� ;.�e i rust �s:ate or any part�eseflf sa :iiat, excapt`or orCinar/ wear artd tear, � <br /> -ne �rust;srate snail not �e*enorate. (n no avent snall ,ne Trustor camm�t�Nase on or�o the Trtist�sqte. or cammit, surfer or <br /> :ermit arry a�;o ce oone in or uaort -:�e'rust�te irt violation or any law, ordinanca or regulation. Trusior shall pay artd prompt}y � <br /> :iscnarge at�rus:or's ��as.snd exoense all (iens, anc�moranc�s and charges IevieQ, imposed or assessed againsr;he Trus�te `� <br /> �r any part ;hereor. p� <br /> Q'J <br /> a.. Aczions Affec�ng �rrcrt Estate. Trusor snall aaRear in artd carttest arsy ac�on or procaedinq purparunq to affec; � <br /> �he secunty hereor or;}ie rignts or powers�f Beneiic:ary or i rustee, and shail pay all casts and expenses,including casi of evidenca '� <br /> :t �itte and attomeys' `ees, in any suc:� ac;ion or pmcsedinq in wnic:� Heneficiary or Trustee may appear. lt Trustor fails to make <br /> 3ny payment or to do any aC as artd in �e manner �rovided in any of �e Loan Insauments, Beneficiary and/or Trtlszes, eac:� in <br /> _heir own discretion, witnaut ooligation so to do and without notic� to or demand upon Trtutor and without reieasing Tnis;or rrom <br /> �ny obligation, may make or do the same in suctc manner and to such extent as e�ther may desm necESSary to protec;t�e sec;uity <br /> iereor. Trtutor shall, immediately upon demand �ereior 5y Beneficiary, pay all costs and expenses incurre� 5y 9enefic:ary in <br /> :annec5on with �e �cercise by 8enenc:ary of the `oregoing ngnts, inc:udinq witttaut limitation casts of evidenc� or IIt1e, court <br /> :ors, appraisals. surveys and attomeys` fess. <br /> 5. Emine„r pomain. If the Trust Estare, or any part thereflf or irtreresr:herein, be taken or damaged by reason or <br /> :ny public imorovement or candemnation procaeding, or in any other manner inc:udinq deed in lieu thereaT ;"C�ndemnation";, or <br /> `�rustor recaives any notice or otr,er iniormation re;arcing suc^ procasdinq, Trustor snail give promot wntten notic� ;tiereflf �o <br /> :enericiary. Trustor snail be entitfe� to ail comoensation, awares and other payments nr reliei thereor and srail be entitied at its <br /> otion ;o c�mmerca, aooear in anc �resecute in its �wn name arn� ac:ion �r �rcc�saings. Truster sna11 also �e sntitiea �o ,�axe <br /> ny �omoromis2 �r seT:ement in ccrr,ec:ion �Vti1l S�C^ ;aKif^g �r �amaqe. <br /> ,,. .�ppo:}7ZIT7El1f 7� $iJCC°SSOf /f1JSa22. �2^°TiC:dCV :T$y, .'tpt71 �ir^e -o �rre. �v a 'NfILi2!1 ltT$�^�.^,.°f1� '_X@C;;L°C af1Q <br /> �:<^OW12cged �v 3e�e*ic:ar�, maiiec _., i fCiSLC� �t1C '°��'C2C ;fl ;i�e C�unr� !T1 vvf iC:l ;^8 ';US� _S'.di° !S IOCuT°^_ 3f1C �V �L`1E!tNISZ <br /> �mcrying ,vitn ;ne �fCviSIGf1S Ji :,'1Q 3CCIICuC�Q IeW :7 ',^,e Stat� JT VQ�(dSXd SUCS1Sf1t@ 3 �UC��SSOf Cf SUCC�SSCfS '.i ;R@ fCSi°p <br /> amea herein or 3c.:ng �er2unaer. <br /> 7. Successors andsassigns. T'nis Seccna Cead or'rust aoolies�o,inures m:he oeneTit or ana 5incs ail�ar*�es�,ere*o. <br /> �eir neirs. ;egat°es, aevis2°s. perscnal ;=ores��tatives, succ�ssors ana assigns. �;e -erm "9enericiarv' s�ail rrean c,e owner ana <br /> �ider or any promisscri note �,ive.^. :o �ene�iciary, ',wne:ner or not �amed as 3er.eiiciary nereinj. <br /> 8. Merger, C�nso/idarron, Sales o�Leases. Trus:cr covenants .hat'rusor wiil not s211. 'eas2 or �tner.vise cisaose <br /> ' any oT the Trust Es:ate. !n tne evenT-hat Trustor sells, I@dS2S Jf OLh2fWIS2 QISDOS@S OT 3�1�/ a8f�OT�he Trus�sate. Bene*iciary <br /> •ay at its ootion 7ec:are cne Inde�tearess s2c�rea hereby immediately due artd payable, wnether or not any deiauit axiss. <br /> ;ne*"iciary shall cnnsent to a transcer or the Trust s:ate to a tnird parry to �he �xtent sucn third parry mee*s .he require.ments <br /> �ntained in, and assumes :he obligations set`orth in the r=�rst Ceed or Trust. T'iie cnvenants contained herein snail run wi,n the <br /> �operty and shail remain in full.`orc� and effect untii the Indebtedness is paid in rul1. <br /> °. E�ents of Defau/t. Any or the following events shait be deeme� an event of deiault hereunder: <br /> f.a) deiault sha(I be made in the payment or �he Indebtedness or any ather sum secured 'nereby wnen due; <br /> ar <br /> (bl Trustor sna(I perrorm any act in bankruptcy; or <br /> (c1 a court of comoe!ent jurisaic�on shall enter an order,judgmerrt or decres approvinq a petition filed against <br /> Truror seelcing any reorganizancn, dissolution or similar relief under any present or future federal, state or oU'�er s:atute, <br /> law or regulatian relatrng �o oankruptcy, insolvency or other reiief for deotors, and such order, judgment or decree snall <br /> remain unvacated and unstayed `or an aggregate of sixty (6Q)days(whether or not cansecutive! from the first date of entry <br /> triereof; or any trus:ee, receiver or liquidator or Trustor or of all or any part of the Trust Estate, or of any or all of the <br /> royalties, revenues, rents, issues or profits thereof, shall be appointed without the consent or acquiescance ot Trustor and <br /> suc;� appointment shall remain unvacated and unstayed for an aggregate of sixty (6o) days (whether or not consecutive}; <br /> or <br /> 2 <br />