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4C, p . . , i : C . C i . .: --r, � .T .— <br /> TY�t.s1s�� -- i��' _ [ `�. '_� " � .< _ __�4-�.l` . _c . L. � . 1.` L � _- . � ... . [ •-."4 .�. <br /> . . �. � c ' - c ' ` • ` a � - � LL����' �' .t'L -j `. <br /> � • . <br /> - . ... <br /> . � . <br /> . . . . . . . ..' .+ :,a�. <br /> .. t �, <br /> ' <br /> . � .,�t.S`111e�'i ir h�ei�.I��wet� Bar�et`. c��e..#�pno�er�s _ �a_ . . .� <br /> � 'FrQpe�ty�a�neet bia bY f�erl�a+bs uicLde�'wn�ibd ta�i'eaciead�d cor��""�id�:�Ir�ril�: -i�!R., � 4��> <br /> � �tloods or fioodin6,fbt which L�1der iequ�n�oo�x•'!tic no�rnooe s6st1'be cminauoed'm t8e�onouots ae►i foc�pnl�od� . . <br /> tl�e�.e�ider�equices=,3'�c.u�aooe camet�pci�vicfiu��e i�e�oe sh�I be�by'.Hvmb�ar eoit�ect ta.�ader's�pp�arit. �.�. ., <br /> � y6ich sbalt 1wt be mu+essoq�bt�►witl�dd.�If Boaowar fails to nai��oovaase'deaer�ed abo�va: i�didet�m!i�.�at I.e�der's ' <br /> � option.abt�n aarve�e to P�+otect i,�jer's righs in�t PmpecE.y in aotaoi�daooe wit6 pn�pH?.�• .. � ' . �- <br /> �_ � . ..A4l�i�caape p�aud�+ralg�hG�ept�bk tn Ld�da aiAd alaal inch+ae a sta�ad moit�e,cJ�se._Iai�i� L__��_ <br /> � . �shau l�ave the iigbe ta Mw tlr�pouctes,od oene�vgts.If I.endrr ieqpioes,Barowrt smlrpconaptly aixe ta I�ades�d[modpt�or` <br /> Psid�aoQ rd�ewat die eo`�nt of.loss,�v�ar�sf�ll glve�notioe ta tbe i�ai�oce prria�ind°I.etldec <br /> F�ndet�aday�ake gc+oo€of�ss if mt mde P�P�Y��• '. � , .- <br /> " IIaias I.eadet�d Baa§o�r�ec aB�enrise.saae hi writii�.�au�inoe�s s�q�lE 1��ta ti?Aor�b_q,: te�i_._ _ _:_. <br /> br af t1�e.. <br /> .Pnopet�ty dta�ed.i�tba n4t�tioo or tepair is booao�r fa�t aad I`ader'a�xvdty is mt kasmpd:.U�e teataAiae or �. < <br /> '�ir i��not 000nomieally fe�sUie c►r L4nder'��eatri�►would bt 1�sseaed,d!e irw�noe sbaU be applied�o�he somi . <br /> � �ed Iry.t6is�e�vrity Ii�tc�mt.�ar:or uot tl�ea.dae..�vi�aany�oeas pind W��.�If�Banio�ret fif�odoac ti� . <br /> dots not�rer w(thin 36�ays s�tice fram Isader that tb�i�aaoe c�rnia l�u offGaed tn seWe a c'faim,tLpt ' <br /> ` ` I,enda m�r coltoct We�moe prncc+eds. t.mder a�ut�tde to t�air or t�est6ne the�opetty br ta pay stu� . . <br /> . � secured by thia Sawrity In�umene,wLettKror uoc�fea du�e.'F6e 3�periad vvi116egin wl�m tbe mtioa�s airm.� . .. - <br />— Udess La�der and Hotm�er otl�ecwise�gree in writing.�nY aPPli�oa of pr0000ds to prineipid sb�ll uot eictead oc _ � <br /> � postpone tbe due daoe of the moot6ly payo�.nfetted td"ul p�i�s 1.swd 2 a�d�aage tha u�n4aat of the payme�ts.;Yf . <br /> � �'• nader parsar�ph.21 the P�+cpe�ty is aoqoRM by t.a�da!Boimwer's�igbt M airy insurmoe policias aed pip000dy rdWtip�f�Om- • <br /> ` `d�ge to�e PmPertY ped�ar to t$e soq�drsitioa�afl�s to I�e�ider to tbe exle�t.of tbee swm sewiod by dna Secarity b�t ._F . <br /> .i�d�ly prios w d�a scquisitioa. <br /> . ` 'i.Oe�pee9.�,M�i�oe aed Pratatlon ot tk Piopa�t�;Bor�re�'s I.ow i�l�piip�tioo;La�eYli: � _. <br /> = Bouowec sbatt uaa�py,est�blisb.and use the Pioperty as Bomnwa's ptiociptl�cula�ce witina sixty days aRer tLe exea�ioa of. <br /> _ . t6is Saauity Instma�ent atd shall rnntic�ue w occopy the Pru�paty as Barmwer's piincipat t+asideQCe fat at le�t aae yar aRer` <br /> - !be da�e oioocnpency.�3�ender othawise agroes in�writmg,which consent•sb�ll mc 6e mu+�Wy witl�hekl.or w�las- <br /> eite�ting arcmnstanas efcist w6idf at�e 6eyoM Bornawer's oontrol. Bormwer shall-oot destmy: danmge or impair tbe <br /> - Propa�tg. alIow t�e Property w deteriorate.or comrmt waste on tt�e�bperty.Bomawer st�all be in defauft if aay forfelttm ' . <br /> - � �ction or proe�ediag,whdi�er clv�or begun Wat in Lender's good fa�h j�t oould sosWt in forfeiw�e Of the, <br /> `�'` Property or otherwisc materially impair the lien cseatod by this Secority Ins�eat or I.endec's setvrity i�.Bornower may <br /> ;; cure such a defanit and r+einstate,a's pnnvided in patag�aph 18�by caasing the acuon or pruceodIng to be dismissod wIth a ruling . <br /> . Lender's good faith daem►i�mtioa, ptixludes fotfadue of thc Borrower's iM�in the Propeity or atba'mfKerl�l <br />_ , irop�at of tbe lien cnated by this Socur�ty Inmuaient or LeMer's sewrity imorcst. Borrower shaq also be iA defauh if <br /> � Bortower,during the tom�application praoess.gave uraterially false ar inaocurate infaaratioa or s�oem�ts to i.eMer(or failed <br /> ' w provide lender with any material infora�ation)in oom�ection with tRe loan evidenced by the Note.isicluding.but not litnitad <br />_ w:representations rnnoerning Borrower's aocupancy of the Pruperty as a principsl residenoe.If this Security InstnmKm is on s <br /> `. . .����� leasehotd. Borrower shall comply with all the pmvisions of tha tease. If Borrower aoquims fee tide to the Property. the ' <br /> - •:�;;��r._ leas�hold and the fec tide shatl not merge unless l.ender agrees to thc merger in writing. ` . • <br /> ' �:'''-;;.:::�,.:.:.'� 7.Ptotectloa af I.endePs Rights in the Property.If Bonawer fails w peiForm the cove�mais and ag�ats containai in <br /> this Se�vrity Insuumen� or there is a legal proce'eding thA1 may significantly aife�t Lcnder's rights in the Property(such as a' <br /> - � ,`��, proce�ding in bankruptcy.probate. for condemrtation or forfeiture or ta enfarce taws or regulations). tt�en l�eader may do atd <br />!` *�` ,�;,t_ : � `•� PaY for whaU.wer is i�sary to protect the value of the Praperty and l.ender's right,s in the Pmperty..ixnder's actiot�s may <br />-' � •'�='�� ''� include m an Som� r�ecured b a lien .which hati r[ori over this Securi Instnunent.appea�ring in court, paying <br /> ' ��r.•'•- . . PaY S Y • Y P� tY tY <br /> :: � ''`".. �� ' reac�mable attameyc'fees and emering on thc Property to makc repairs.Althaugh l.eader may take action ander lhis parag� ' <br />:� � -_ � ° ?.l�endcr dac.c not havc to�do iso. ' �. <br /> -- F�r` ' �* • � My amaun�s disbur.r•ecf by Le�xier undcr this pamgraph 7 sha0 bc�a�me additionaf debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> � �'-'`°; ' Security instrument. Unleis Bdrrower arid L.ender agree t�other term.ti af paymem.these amaunts shall bear interest from the � <br /> �'`��`�"rY�� date of disbursement at the IYate rate a�xl shall be pa req g <br /> ��..;:.. . • ' payublc. with intcretit. u n notire fram L�eMer to Barrower ucs�tin <br /> _�r.. • payment. <br />- '-� } .� -�- 8.MoctgaRe Ingurttnce.If Lender required mortgagc in.wrsu�ce as a condiiton of m�ing the Ioan secured by this S�nrity <br /> -•. ,.._.v,,,u ' � � Instrumen�Borrower s1m11 pay the premiumw reyuired to maintain the martgs�gc incurancc in effoct. If. for any reason,-the <br /> - . � mmt�e iasurance wverage required by Lende� ar cp.�ce.c to be in ef'feet.Barrower.shatl pay ehe pnemiums required w — <br /> -. abtafn wverage substantially equivalent to the mort�e incurance previously in a cost substantialty equivatent to the = <br /> �' • ��� ^ ' � �� st ia Borrower ot'the mort e insurance reviousl in effect. from an altemate mart a e insurer a roval l.ender. lf <br /> , ,. . � Sa8 P Y s s PP bY <br /> i.. ;' !!"`'" � � "'"`• - - substamially equivalem mortgage insurance cc�vcragc is nat availablc.Bnrrawcr shall Qay to l.ender cach month a�surim i�qual to = <br /> k• � .• • one-twelfth of the yeurly mortgage insunmce premium heing paid by&�rmwrr when thr in,r•u�ume caverase lap�ed or ceaged to <br />- be in effect.I.ender wili uccept.use And retain these payments:i.v �In!.s rcycrvc in lieu nf martgage iacurnnce. Lass reserve • �. <br />� . � . � �- ' . � Fam 3028 9/90 <br /> . ; . . <br /> - :-�- � - �— °- P�0 3 of 6 . - <br /> • •.�{ � • �.-. <br /> .�. <br /> _.•. <br /> ' . <br /> •. y_ .' <br /> �. _.. .' <br /> . , , <br /> , , <br /> - - , <br /> .,.. .y. ... _.�.....-........_�,,._-•-- -- - ...,_._ - --------'--._... _»._-'- -- - <br /> __ . . _. . . - .� - <br /> . ^..... �... . ._...... _�'I . <br /> -- <br /> • ,. . <br /> .. , . . , , . „ <br /> _.., _. -- - __ ._..-- - - _-----. ........... .. .----- -- ------ --- ------. ._ . _ - --- <br /> �r ��h ' � , i ^#�-• . ' . � . <br />, _f __"'_—_— �.h - ' . _ . � .. -ti}Yy.r��V-a_ ._ -... - .�.�. - _ '_., i. -..._. <br /> ���_t �w:t.�L:~ i� . . _ . ' . __ .. _ . I. . . . � . ' r . _._..—'. .' . �_. •. _ . .. . _ _ • ._ . . . ,. , <br /> j�Y.�Zj ��r,•�'+�i!tCJ: . - ..'. ' ._ . .. • :'"". � ,... � . ,. _—_. � � "" . • _' ... .—___ <br /> _ • ` - j�: -}- .�' •• . .. • • .. .. . � •• . . . . tI . � . . . ,.. �� • , . . r _ � . . 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