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c . i <br /> —l�' v c' '. F` c. _ - i' t.`. ' `- - `(� - ' . : - _'�.- , . (a' • E: ' � ' '- +� . <(_ � '. <br /> . . .�. <br /> ..- �y '. <br /> . � . <br /> ��` <br /> •i�� <br /> � <br /> ' _ .��Yll�i�`iMe i�:�o�rac��aWiba�s i�l[ ����•` <br /> � - - . .. �_ _._.... .. . -.G. - - - - - -- - ._..�... - - <br /> ` ���qr iwerll�'�e p�t o���a�1�erg►:� .. ;.. . . _ �.�. � oo'�!wd ir�r �°�'���.: . <br /> . . iMo ie. . . <br /> �. io�me�t,AA�of�¢'ocr�oie��i ufe�ra�oo ie d�is 5earity L limea�t s dre'Pmp�tY•` `' � ' . . ` <br /> � .. �OOV£[!i1�lNl'3 drt Bureio�+ar Js,iwiliri��vff#Lb�o���yie 1ki�!dq�►.'�'Aay�ed a�t 1ps!�e�t b:�at�� <br /> c�. �. �,Yi.��y,�yE���y�.iar!^'��7�• '��/�y.� f"'„�l'�Alf.i7R7BR�aLi��.�e����. ?`.` �. � <br /> ��.��WG��i��7���{���.%e^-�;7^����'_��. � ' <br /> . _.. . ._ .. _ . . . . . _""__ <br /> ; " '.. <br /> .�. • c .� ���_;����_������ __ __- <br /> Y�l�t�G�.b�r`j�tp11D�G�IC i BI�CO[n1'lOC011ly i�f[IW�t CO�iO��1 Q�IiY• t ,. , c � , � <br /> `' C�0�VE11TprlT$.HorIln�Yrf�aed t.lendE!COYd�r�t.�d�eE��idbMS: ` � . , . <br /> �.. '.. L llyaieaR d Pki�l aMf Llle!e� 1�iie�t�i�a/e.C'�EK��<��P�4�3!_P!Y..._ ..__�� ` � ._�.. <br /> . pripC�l of�d irre�e�t ae We+�trjdaio�edb,�r tbel�tot�e ad any pe�rment�I�tF.C�s doe . - -- - - <br /> . wMa <br /> , ., __ . ... ._...__. ..- �---- - -- --��- <br /> wder tie Nwe �.<. ` <br /> - � 2.P�it irir T�.�i I�r��to.aPP��1�w►o�to�::�.�i►aive�r�r-��eader,�irinw+es�P�Y���'- � <br /> I�der an�e day aoonthly,giymdus a�ie dee aedei A�e 1�oti�uot�t6e Note is p�t ia f�1(,i smpa("Fi�ds")for��a)S^d!�Y� <br /> ' ' a�d a��fiidt mfy.�ddrxprioritq�uaca t1�Sen.tity 4�ss r Gea:ae�e P�pa'ty:(b1�pr17►ka�ioW pgase�i <br /> • orgcoand iaits fln tbe Fc�cperty,if say�(e�Ycd9 LaxaM'�bt pnopaty m�aooep�;(dj YddY fload��� . <br /> � �#+nY:t�)Y�Y�.inwranoe p�das,aS iu�,omd(t�+4SF�s Psy�bk by 8ott'ua�eir W.I.en�tes+in socad�aCe w�illit . <br /> �'P����P�Ph 8,in lid►of tbe�sgmaat of mortgage�e�..'mese`itp�s aie calkd'Fsaiu�Ieemi.'. .- <br /> I.ader im►Y,at aay tyoe.colfect and boW Pnads in art�t not to ex�xod�e muimua�amoubt a kada.ior a fadaaU� <br /> �, - nd�tad mo�tg�e loaa miy neqt�ra far Horro9ver's escm�►aceuuat unde�tLe bedaal Re�!F.tip�te Settkmet�[Roeadiitat Act`of <br /> . t474 ss anarded fi�t�e tn t�e,t2 U.S.C.Se�xioa 26t?I u�eq{"xTSPA'}.unk�anofAa 1aW that�ppliaic to tfie,� <br /> � `se�.•a lesset�ammt. �#se, Isod�map.�t any'ti�ne.oolied soa hold Fonds in aa afd�ottat tbt m exceed the ta��rt. <br /> I,eoder may esamate the�Of FuMs due en the b�sis of�t dats aid t�pua�le�.of p�padihurs af fua�ee �� ` <br />�av Ita�oc etheciri�in acoa�d�e with applie�bk law. . � - � � <br /> . '1bE Fw�ds shtll be heW in An insdtution whose`d�uie insanod by t fodaal s�aK.7►• ir�ttuna�WxY+.a��Y <br /> . rQCludin8 l.ender.if I.eoder is such pn institupon)ar in au�r Federal Home l.qm B�nt.I.ender shAll apply tbe Fwds W pty tDe <br /> _ . - - Pscm�r Item�..I�dermay�occhuge Bormaec for boWing aad t�plyin�tl�Fuads,�maUY�Y�B tl�e ascroM A000�uit,or_. __. <br />_ . verifyieg the Fscrow Itans.unkss I�end�pays Borrower Intuat-on tbe Fuads aad aQplic�bte hw permits Lajder to wl�e ao�r <br /> s c1�ge-Howava,isnder�may�qaine Bormwer'tn pay a orx�-time chuge for an lndeppdea�t ral eat�oe ax r�Ctina senrioc <br /> - used Dy 1.eMer in oomsaxion with thPs laen. �mless applica6le law pmvtdes atlxrwise. Udkas an agteeo�ent is made or <br /> - applicable taw c+equir+es interat to be paid,�ler sl�all not t:e re�mncd to pay Borcower aay intaiest or eamirigs on ttx PanQs. <br /> Homnwer and Lender may agroe in writing, howevet.t6at intec�st shall be paid oa d�e Fw�ds.Lender is�alt give ta�wei. <br /> wid�oat d�ar8e, mn annual a�ccounting of�he Funds. stawi�credifs aqd.debits w the Fuids�d tbe�parpose for wt�ich akh � <br /> debit to the Fwxic was made.The Fmids are pledgod ag.additioNal sewrtry for�II surt�s secund by this 9ecurity L�stnement. �. . <br />:..�; . If tha F�u�ds beld by I.endec exoeed Ne amauncs permittod held hy appTicable lavr,I:erider shaU aoeaant w 8ormwer <br /> - for tlse exoes4 Ftmds in aocordance with the requinements af applicable law. If the aatount of the�unds held by I,euder at'any <br />--- timt is not sufficic�t to pay the Escrow I►ems when due.L.ender may so�atify Bomower in wrideg.and.In siucb case&muwer � . <br />-- — s6�1!pay W T,ender the att�ount r�x�sary to imlce up ihe deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deflcitncy in ta more tlwtt• <br /> . fwetve monthlY PaYm� l.ender's solc discretion. . <br /> ;5��' `` Upon payrnent in falf of all sums secnred by this Security in�trumeat,ixnder sNap promptly r�furid to Borrawer any <br /> ', FuMs hetd by L.rnder.If,undet paragraph 2 t. L.ender shall acquire ar seq the PropeRy..�.endcr.prior to tl�acquisitivn or safe <br /> of the prnputy.shat!apply any Fw�ds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit egainst the sums sect�nd by <br /> � this Security Iacm�u. ' <br />— 3.Appltcatiou o!P�ymeMs.Unless applicabte law provides atiicrwise.all payments reoeived by L.endet under para�aphs . <br /> .ri. ',�:: 1 and 2`shatl be applied: first,w a�ry prcpayment cbarges du�under the N� amounts pasable nnder paragraph 2: <br /> _ "_7,:-�•--, • third.w interest princtpat dae:and any tate charg�due under the Note. • , <br />'- ,, T�:�!�. , 4.Clauges;Uens.Bormwcr shatl pay all taxes,acsessmcros,ct�rges. fines and impositions attributable to the Prope�ty <br /> • . 'a��'' +� whieh may attain priority aver this Seeurity ln.ctrument, ancf lea�ehold paymentti or ground rents. if any. 8orrawer shall pay <br /> �` ,� , •`'":�'�-�' these obligaEions in the manncr pravided in par.�r.�pb 2.�r if raot paid in that manncr.&�rrrnver sha11 pay them on limc dlrecdy � • <br /> ._�<<,_ti ., <br /> � ��,=-,�-.��� � W the persun owai payment.Borrower shall pramptly famish to Lcndcr all notices of amoums to be paid urtder thi+paragraph. <br /> � " " ' �' •If Horrawer makc�thesc pryments dire�.Kty,Barrawer shall prompNy fumish to Lender receipts cvidcrtciog,tTu paymems. <br /> _ `"��':�`."��; . Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which hay priarity aver this Sorurity lnstrument unless Horrower:(a)agrees in <br />. . �=�%r���` writ�ns ta the puymertt of the abligation securcd by thc Iten in u manner acceptable t�l.ender:Ib)amtests in good faith the tien <br /> �' � " . ' by, or defer.ds against enfarcemem of the lien in, Ie�l pr<xee�fi�gs which in the Lender's opinion ap�rate to pnwem the <br /> z. enforcemenl of the 13en:or(c)serures from the haldcr af 1hc lien an agreement�atisfactory to Lender subordirulting the lien w <br /> �� I`',�p� � � thla Securiry lnstrument. IP l.cndcr detcrmiacs that any part uP the Property ix wbjvc9 to a licn which may attain priority over <br /> ""` . thls Socurity I�trument.l.ender may give Barrower a notice identifying thc licn. Borrawcr tihall�atisf�+the lien at take one or <br /> . �. <br /> �;;,j:••� ��� more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of thr giving af n��ic�. • <br /> ""�� ;:-'. � � Fann 30T8 8ll0 <br /> iy.:'h„-: ,r2: • <br /> ' �';,.;,�.,�•- � . . Fa4eZof6 . - <br /> kt�:. <br /> ..���. , . ' . <br />.. ':.rtain.r � � .. <br /> :..i'j'lq:t <br /> . _ �,..._w. „ <br /> ,.M - <br />� . <br /> .:- <br /> ... . . ,.... .. _ . ......,. ' ' ' _ ' _ __ ._ <br /> . .. ..._,::;'-:: ��L " <br /> .... W-t.`._ . ,. ... ., . c:•..-:: "3.,... �:-�:_�..}�y�757F+ Mi�/lr�p%._-._ <br /> •-. - ,-. . •r... <br /> .._.. . ...0 <br /> -. .. .. . . . . .., , .. ,.. ^ �. , . . . <br /> .�� _sni.�`.4�:�.,'.�.. . . . , , . ' � � _ • ' � . . . .,_ . . . ' <br /> -'�' .�- ,:�.i�':�� - :�_ • , f � _. � �. , ' •` +. ' . . _ . _. . . .. .. �, <br /> = . r .. .,, .. .,.. ,. . . . <br /> _ � . . <br /> . : <br /> .�[�. 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