_�- __ -- —,4�{ - -_ . - _ --�.. ' -.- � __.— . _ - .-...
<br /> �::�;�`':``.,__ ___ � ' `. _ - _..-.--. ..�.=___.s_.��..._ai:F_..,_. _ - _
<br /> .� . . .. -<l.'..�-_ . - . �._...��� �_ � . " ..
<br /> __�_�� t . . : - � � � �. : --� . . - -- _ Y g�.�•.iu4�s� .�= . �-
<br /> - ,� - . � . . �
<br /> ` _, , ' -. L tii.eot.t�rj.ctw,�t�ae..i i[.ak e�i.r� �aorm�►a�p�,rl�aue aK pr�dp�of.,�aa i�a�a... . ` .
<br /> d�e debt eride�ed b7►tba Nc�e�ad L1e tl��es dae un3er the�- � � ,
<br /> � ' L MwiY!Ml�+��►���i Ofis�ir�e�. Ba�owes sb�U iociude iu ack moe�tY p�Y�*
<br /> � aed iniaest a�sa.fath in'the Nae aod auy 1�1e shr�.o�tattmeoe cf any ta)t�es�d
<br /> � ��p�q�ma�ts�a b be kvied apin�t tbe Avpeety.(b)leasd�oid P��°r�'�0d�m ttie PYOpat�►.�
<br /> � (3 p�i�as far�tr�Nired bY P�r+&t�ph 4. af th��i apa�q4�.ac t�aioo�Y
<br /> ,E���1�t far i�ans�a?.te)�(e���a°e'tvrelflh
<br /> . �ed by l,ender.p�us aQ�oouot a�dficieet b aninnin�sdditioml i�laocc of noc mue dnn auasi�of tbe
<br /> � mo����an�oem�wauW lxc000e ddioqa�. I.e��s�ll i�o1d so�o�ts w�i��P�t�)�� ,
<br /> � (c)befae d�ey booiome d d i o q u a�t- ` ' ��hy I.enda for i (a).(b�aod(c), with dre fupa�e monddY
<br /> t ff�t any mne d�e toral of tbe p�� EF� x���aaa-3ixtb tbe
<br /> � piYmeats fa such�iems p�Ya61a to priar to,the.due.d+�i��4�such ilems, oo tlx Nac are c�at.dim La�da ,
<br /> e,senwed aowuot.af p�,y�neq4s necpr�ced t°paY s�lt�ag when duF�nd if�
<br /> rner oao-sixtb of the ea�n�wed P�Yments or ibo e�ice.ss wer onasixth of tlre stimatod
<br />_ . smU eahes neto�,��a te�S��hy�wa�at the opao�t of Botmws� If!he wt�t of the psyments msde bY Banower
<br /> - . �'��(,��c�tc)is ta�'icieat m p.y the it�w6en aue.a�an Bomower slwu psy to teaaer my amowu a«xss.ry►w , • �. ""_
<br />__ — imara uFt�d an or 6afae t6e date she ium 6�dne. of Ha�sing a�-Uib�n Qevelopment o�his or her
<br /> — . As iA this Sa�ity Ia�unent.�S�Y meaos the����t�e Sa�netary,each monthlY P�Y��
<br /> dosisnee, rn aay yar in which tbe l.ender must p�y moitgag um to 6e I.ader�o the
<br /> s� alao iaclude eithet: (i}�a inst�liment of the annual mat8age insormce pnmi. ��Y .
<br />--- Secneary,a C�)����of a mortg,�ge ins�uanoe pc�em�nm if this Sea�riry I�a�a��s�1.�Y� .
<br /> . g�ci,montlay�taume�u of tbe���P��be in an amounc s�ci�€�o ac�mamtue the
<br /> m
<br /> �' msse�e�ssxk��e»xx�th pnos.to:the c9alte t4e fuU amoat_ _ �osur�nce
<br /> � .eacl�montATY�tie.in�
<br /> �� - _ --:��i u'�t� P� -- —
<br /> _ ' , pe�o►iam is due to tl�e Sacntary:or if tlas Security I�is held by;the Sa:t�ary :•
<br /> ai�p�mt alwl to a�twelfih of aio-h�if Pement of the a�m$Pcia.yPal b�lu�CF du�acthe Note. -
<br /> - �•If Aormwer tende�s to Lender tba fuU paYment of a1t sams secuted by.this Secura�`b�suummt.Bamwet�s accamt
<br /> ° siia�l be creditod whh the bat�aoe rem�ining for all instalTarents for itsms(a�Zb)an3�c)and any mat8a�ge inswrance , � .
<br /> � �n incMlim'nt(�[_I.C!ldCf 11A.41W1�C Oblt$AIE(1.L0�3j���1C SECICiB��a�d Le�ideC s11311 P��PVY n���..
<br /> : a
<br /> '- , - - -- -ex�cess fwtds to Borrower. Immod'�ateiy pria to a forectosvie sale of tTie�topaty or its�qaisirion H3►Leader•Sorco �. _.. _
<br /> ,: � accouot sh�U be cndited with u►y i�alance remainiag for alt insr�Ihi�s�for items(a).(b)and(c). _
<br /> � . 3.App(iwtio�otP�ymnta.All paymenis under Pa�agcapbs i and 2 shall be appliat 6y Lender ac follows: .
<br /> ` F1B�.to d�e mortgage ic�urance pnntium to 1►e pazd tsY L'ec�der to the SecretacY oe w the manthly chuga by,tGe
<br /> j' "�- uutead af the monthly mortg,�ge insuiu�ce pcemnun; ..
<br /> • �;��w any tAxes.spocial asse�ments,leasehold pay�s�ts or ground rents.and fire,flaod�d other h�zard
<br /> ..= . �nsur�urce pnemiums,asroquired; . . . .
<br />- �jgQ,to intetesi due atider the Not�
<br />_- gZ(�gQ�,ta ama�t'vatia�of the princ�pa�aithe Na� ; .
<br /> � �,to lue chsa�es due w�der tbe Note
<br /> ' a FirG Fbod�ad tMtier�rd Iuauranca Barrawer shall insun aU imprazeaments an the PropertY.whether aow
<br /> r in esistence oe s��q uently erected,against any haiards.casuatties,ar,d condngencies.inetuding fu�e,for which Lender !
<br />. . i�;' nquins ins�c�ce. T6is insurance shali 6e mainta�ncd in the amounts ard for the periods that Lender requires. Borca�wer
<br /> � s1u�11 also ingrus all improvements on the Property.whether naw in exis:,.`-noe or subsequently erecte,d,against loss by ftoods , �^-
<br /> " j v to.the exteet s�eqttited bY the Socretary. All insurance shall be curied with companies approved by Lender. 'Rte ussurartce ' �
<br /> and in a fom�
<br /> policies and any renewats shaU be held by Lender and shall Include loss payable clauses in favar of, r.
<br /> • ��to,Lender.
<br /> event of loss.Bartower shall give l.cnder immediate notice by mail. Lender may make P�oof of loss If nat �::
<br /> �p�!P�Y bY��w�. ��h iasarance company concemed is[xmby authonzed and dimeted to make payment for �:,_
<br /> � such Was dua�1Y to l.eader.instead of to Horrower and ta Lender jointly. All or any pa�t of the insurarice pmceeds maY 1�e
<br /> - �pp lied Iry Le�xter,at its option,citl�er(a)w the reduction of the indebtedness under the Nate and this Securiry lnsdunnent, �-_-=,
<br /> • fust to nny delinqurnt amounts applied in the orcter in Paragraph 3.and then to prepayment of principal,or(b)to the �-:
<br /> _ nsta�tion or ie�aur of the damaged pcoperty. My applieation of the proceeds to the prineipal shali not e�ctend ar past{�one
<br /> the due ctate nf the monthly paymenu which are referred to in Paragaph 2,or cha:�°the antount of such payment9. MY
<br />- ';, ..�.. excess insnrance proceeds over an amaunt rec�uited to pay afl ou�standing mdebt�ess ander thc Noie and th�s Sec�siry
<br /> Instrument shall be paid to the entiry legally er:tli>ullhereto.
<br />°'�;r� . In tho event of foreclosure of this Secnrity lnsu�ent or other te�..t':�.`er of tit�tp the Propercy that extinguishes the . _-
<br /> - iadebtcdness,a11 dght,titte and interest of Boirower in acut to insurancc policies in fcxce shall pags to the purchaser.
<br /> 5. OoaipnacK Preservstiun, Mainteantce�Yrotection ot the Property; Bormwe�'a Lo�n Applia�ttoo;
<br /> _ i�oid�, Borrower shall occupy.establish.anci us�a:5e Property as Horrower's principal msidence wilhin s�aty days ,
<br />- aRet the execution of this Securiry tnstrument and�E continue to Qccupy the PropertY ac Borrower�princlpal res�dence
<br /> - for at least ane year after the date of occnpancy.ualess tt:e Secretuy d�:ertnit�es this requirement�iE�causc widue hudship
<br /> � for Boaower.ot unless extenuattng circutastances excst�which are Ueyond Horrower's controC. Boaower shall notify _
<br /> , � " �.enders of any eatenuating circumstances. Bartower sh:il not commit waste or destroy.dama.�dr substantiaAy ohange
<br />_� ' tl�e Pm�e�y ot aliaw the Property to dcteriotate,reasonable wear und teat excepted. �nder may ar.�s�ect the Ptoperty if the
<br /> '• . p�+operiy is vacant or ab�ndoned or the loan is i�dcfault. Lcnder may take rea�:onz?�actio»�.o graect as►d pres.."rre sush
<br /> vacant or abandoned Prc�pertY. Borrower sh����Tso be in dePault if Borrower.dsa:a8 the laan a�pPication process.gave
<br /> mat�tlal{�r false or in3ccurare utfotmation ar slatements to Lender t,qr failed to provide i.erader with any matenal
<br /> _ . into�qnuwt)in cannection with{�1e loan evidenced by the Note.incIudspg,but no�limited to.re�sresentations conceming
<br /> �pwer�occupancy of tl�e Prope»y as upnncipal residence. lf this Security Instrvment is on a teasehotd.Borcower shall �
<br /> co»7�1y with thc prov�sions oi the lease. If Borrawer arquira�fee titte ta the PropcAy.the leasehold s�nnd fee title shall not
<br /> � bo me�ged�tnless Lender ag,nes to the merger in writing.
<br /> i C6u;es to Borrowe�aad Protection of l.ender'x Riahta i�.�he PropertY• BaROwer shall pay all govemrt�ental �
<br /> or mu�ilcipal charges.fines and impasitions thut are nnt inctuded in,P�ragr�pj�2. Buaowcr shall pay thesc obligatlons on
<br /> ' � tirt�e dinecdy to the entUy which is owed the payment. lf fs�iture to pay would adversely affect l.ender's interest in the
<br /> trte
<br />- prop�ttyr,upon Loader's nquest Borrower shall promplly fumish to Lender rcceipts evidenc�n o'hes'pa�ymen���y�
<br /> 1f Bas�wer fiiL~to m�lce these paymenu or the payment�required by Paraguph : P�,
<br /> " covet�nis and sgreements cantained in th�s Security Instrwnent.ar titerc is u legal pr�eed�ng tl�at may gigrofirantiy aifect
<br /> . _ .._� •. _ Lender's rights in the ProQerty(such as�praceeding in bantwptry.for condemnatt�n nr tn enforce laws ar regulations).
<br /> t G e n L e n d e r,m�y d o a t i d p s�y w h a t e v e r i s n e c e s s a r y to protcct the value of the Prnperty and t.ender's rip.lils ln the PraPenY•
<br /> . ' u�cluding psytnent of taxes.haz�rd lnsur�nce and other items mentioned in Pnragrn h 2.
<br /> • pny�ounts disbursed�yy i.endtr w�der this Pgru�raptE shall become su��uorutil8cbt oi 8nnuwer and be secured !
<br /> . � °� by this 5ecurity instrument. Ti�ese amdunts sh�ll be�r mtcrest from thr date of disbursement,vt the Natc rate.and at the
<br /> ts
<br /> ,=J �:� • tlption of Lender,sHall 6e immedl�tely dae aud payable.
<br /> . � � Ca�r/e�atioe. 'fhe proceeds of any award or claim for d�ges.ditect ur canscqueniial.in runt�ection with any
<br /> �' ,or for rnnveyancc In l�e of condcmrwtion.are hereby assigned
<br /> - _..►�=�._ candem�tian or attier taidng of any pact of the Property P
<br /> - _ � '�`°`�,. andsli�ttbe p�iQto i:endertothe extent uf tlt�fulEarnou�rto€it�c is�debteet�essshatcem�ias tln�id�m�tee the Nnte.uad this
<br /> '.>� -- Sacudty lestrymen� l�nder sha11�ppty such proceedc to the redurdon of the indeMedness under ttte Nnte acK1 this 5erutiry E
<br /> . ..r�ir. � lnsuumenb rust tn any dellnquent aznaunts-apQlied in the arder provided in i�ragtnph 3, an�1�hen to prep�yment af :
<br /> � . �� principal, Any appliaadan of thr prareeds tn the princlpal shall not exretKf�n pnstponc the due datc of tt�e tn�nthiy
<br /> , __ - - _ - _ _ _ �.
<br /> • , , '��
<br /> ' . . . - (pa8e2 ujI pugt:l
<br />