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<br /> 'lUt�tt�tee is 'COt.I�US FEQERHL SAilItr6S 8111�F': .. ` -
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<br /> ' TAe bmefici�uY ss: �.CAI.Ui'6US FEDERAL. SAVIN6S BANK ` . . . � .�
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<br /> ,. � e�ag wider d�c lsvrs q�;�:: I�6RASK�►
<br /> . - -. �����1371 26TH AVENE�.,--. . . _ . . . .
<br /> ��:s�:�'!�,�kQi��� � � . .
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<br /> � ' • ("l.ender")..&I�o,wa[awesLcridertheDdncipal3umof
<br /> T�enty-Nine Thousand Six Hurdred Fifty and No/100:-�------ --------____ �
<br /> Doll�n(u.S.S , 29.650.00 )• - �
<br /> This debt is evWenced by Barrower's notedatod the same date as this Securlty Instrument.("Note").which provid.es for
<br /> - monthly psiyments.with the futl debt,if not paidearlter.dueand p�yabieon Au9��t 1. 2021 '
<br /> This Secudty Instrument securcs to Lender:ta)the repayment of the debt evi¢�nsed by tha Note,with inteiest,and all
<br /> rmewals.eatrnsionsand mudi�cations:(b)the payment of ail other sums,wiii�interat,advanced underparagraph 6 to
<br /> potat tbe security of ttw 5eaairy,Jmdwnent;aod(c)d�e��fa�n�e o�Borrower's coverr�s�at�ear�,For tLi� '
<br /> p�poro,Horto�r imevoc�DiY E�tid ooaveys.to Tn�atee�ia wst,�tls�paRec of sAie,che foliovrin�dacribed puPatY
<br /> � 6RMQ ISLAlID.��i01t.L CqPub�Y. iVfBRASi(A.
<br /> . . �
<br /> whichhulheadq��ssof, 2020 NORTH HOWARa GFtpt�IQ. JSLAtdD
<br /> crt
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<br /> Nebn�ira. 68803 . l•�proper�yAddres.s;'},�� •
<br /> � . ir.inr�t � �
<br /> TUGETHER,W ITH all the improvemenu now ar hereafter erected on the property.and all easements.sights,
<br /> appurtenances.r�4s�rnyatdes.mineral.oii and g�s righis and prnfits.water rights and stock and alt fixtura now or �
<br /> he�c�after a part it_,Q},e.prapeny.All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this5ecuritg Instrument.All ot
<br /> the foregoing is referred tn in thi.s 5ecudty Instrument as the"Propeny."
<br /> HOItROWER COVENANfS thrt Bortower is lawflilly aeiaad of the wwe herebY caweYad aed hn tbe dEhe w gaet �
<br />-_ ___ : ��,y tl�e f�ropeity�tFat-Ebe-�apQty-is time��rudere4,�t'ar�s�t�t�eoosct Hosrc++err.+E wa�tads- . -
<br /> aid wiU detad geeeralty Wo titk to tbe Aropert}�-ag�iµst aU_cl�ims and de�mnds.sublec�to aay e�of reoord.
<br /> . � �,�+ '
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