<br /> � �; . . . _
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<br /> .. -�
<br /> - -- •-=---- --
<br /> _ ... —: -------- - -
<br />. --- - _ _ - -� T -
<br /> `��;: � _�_.
<br /> a_ .-� . - _ . � �_ - - --_- - � _ ; - . � � ,r -`.�.io���� . --_
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<br /> �s:.H..�ei.ir_�s.t�.e�.oe. Hd�r e�t toeeP t�e�!�pn+!vmu no�.�s a.�'aeaea a�if�e�",
<br /> - 'ppp�y i��-�iert lo�b�r fin,hataeds inctaded witAi�s t6F ceim•atend�ed oovet�r�'�d an�ud�ec i�wnd�.Ire1r�l�i
<br /> fac wfiiCh i,eader�eqair�i�aooe.'1�[s,i�t:anca sml!Ee m�int�iood�in tbe amoua��cid fa tAe period�F ,
<br /> �tYt t�e�dcr mqai�.�. TAe ins+uaow curkr Pcuv+dins tlie inwr�oa stail bz cboteu by Hoau�reF wb1�a�'S�PP�'°P� . .
<br /> �rbiclt�M11.aot be u�ra�on�b�Y�'i�1�. ff HormMa fails to�wvet�a described above.Lender oa�Y,at Ix�det's �
<br /> � ` aptioo.uUtaio ao'l�a�to P���r���f�ia the Prope�ty in sccocd�oce w�th p�{t�pb�. Y
<br /> . . �d renewais�t 6c aooeptabie-to Lender-eid_saati incWde s►st�odaea meicy�e ctau:e.Leoder
<br /> _. _ Aii i�u�ocz poi�s _.
<br /> ttiill lqtve ibe ri�kt to hold t6e policia�od tt�nwals.If I.ender�o4uires.�er s6�11 pmmptl9 i►�!e w L�eader�Il teoapq o�! .
<br /> - � p�id p�aaiva�aed taiei�at notioe�.In t6F ereat a�bus,Haaower stMll give pcotapt mti�e tq tLe i�curaa�ce sarriet�ad.liader.
<br /> LNdar:may mJce proof of toss if unt mtl�proaAptlY bY Bo�w�• �
<br /> Udas I.e�er aod AarsoMa ctliawise apoe ia w�tia�S,inst►isnoc pr000eds sh�l!lx applied w reqo�tio�t or�t o€tUe
<br /> P��e�tY d�myed;if tbc re�x�tiaa or�ic is a00000icalty.fe�►1e aod.Lesder'a sera�riry is iwt lessemd.Uthe t�sco�atiQa or
<br /> re�p�r is aot..e�0000micalty fes�'bk or I�ende.r's soc�ritg would be iessened,tlie iawraace p�ooeods sdall be�pptiod.to,tAe sam�
<br /> secated by dus Savrjty►Iautument..whet6er or�wt t6en dut,witb any eucas piw#w.Bormwer.,If.Borrowex�b�ndc�s tbe
<br /> - Fmpaty,or does not�nswer witbin 30.days a mtiae.from Lx�der that the iasuraa��e c�crier 6as offend to settk a ct�im,.the!!_..
<br /> Leoder mry cdlect the i�P�- �O��Y.!���'to repaic oc�estonc tbe Propetty.tx to poy saa�os:
<br /> sowrod by tfiis Sa�si�Y I�me�,w�a mt tl�¢�.7'be 30�ds►y perjod wiA begin vYhen tLe notioe is giYC�.
<br /> LTniess I,cadyr�ad Bor�ower ai�eiwise agroe in writing, any application of procads w Pa�iP�l s�l��ot:��4°r,.
<br /> pc�tpooe t6e,du�daLe af tht a�p,p�h1Y PeY���'efemd to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or change the amg�uK of.d�p�Ympit3} If -
<br /> � ander pu�rq�21 d�e Pm��t�is aa�uited by I.ender.Bomuwer's ciglK w anY iaswaa�se P'oUcies�d Pi°°o°ds r�Wt�g�u
<br /> -- -_-= _--����+�q�eri3!.�r:�uthe aaP►isition s6di p�ss w I�ender m tbe extent of the su�saund by this Sauriry In�uma�t
<br /> le�medis�te�Y P�ipE.w the acqqis�.uon.
<br /> fk Oce�liwr�;�ratio�.M�e�oe s�Pt+ata�o�ot 1Me Ptspert�:Bors+awes's Lo�r Appliaitio�:I.e�se�d�.
<br /> Barcower ab�tl oaupy,establish,aad osc ti�Pro�en3►as Bormwtr's piinclpal cesidenoe within sixry days after tbe exautiaa of
<br /> this Sacurity I�nt a�d stwll contia�to occupy the FropeKy�s Bomawer's principal res[deace for at lesst ane yar�fta
<br /> _—'' — _'tE1C tlAiC OE�AGt:}{.:i1iS��S�2E����il'tftltl�WblCh CO�SCIIt.5�1 fl0E tin�racnnahl�I{I�(f�UO�CSS_ —
<br /> wct�ng cinaunstances exist whkh ue beyoM Borrower's ooaaol. Borrower shall not'de�tnPY► damage•or impoir the
<br /> Pmpaty.stiow the Pnoperty to deteriar�.as onmmit waste on the Property. Borrowu sdall be in,,4fef�1;,#f any forfeitaue
<br /> sctiun or p�qceediag,whettur civ�7 or criminal.is begun tl�at in Lender's good faith judgmet�t ca�..r,e�tt�in forfeitune oP tUe
<br /> penperty ar otheswise materiallp impair the lien cteated hy this Sxarity In�imment or Ltadet's sewri�r;in�est.Borrower ms�y ,
<br /> cure suc6 a defiwilt and ninstate,as providod in pwixB�18,hy c�using the a�ctiun or proceediag ta be�.di�pu,s,�ed with a tWing
<br /> tA�t, in Lender's good faitb decemunatiou. Precludes forfeiture of the Borrowtr's intecest in tM Prop,e,{tyi:or,otbtr m�teri�l
<br /> itapwirn�ent of tbe„1�e�4�re�ted by this Sa�rieY.Instnunent,or I.endes's security interest. Barcower shqll,�lso be in def�plt if
<br /> Bacsawer.dutin8 tlse to�►app�icatioP.P�a�Save materially falsc m inaccu�a4e infom�tian,4=stueRse�t�,to Lender(ar,�i}"#;q¢_.
<br /> w provkk L,eaf,a.with any materi�l info�tian).in conqoctio�with t1�lo�s►ev'utenced by tha Notw.incjWl��B.but not ti�}.t4¢.;
<br /> -- to.rcPtesentatians corkeming Borrower's occup�y af the Property as a principql residence.lf this Secur�tY��t�����,a
<br /> -=� I�}p�, go�y�r st�ti comply wiih all the p:oviriaac af the lease. Tf Boaower acquires fee titIeito;:jb�;Propetty. ti� _
<br /> � teasehold aad the Pa title shaU na merge unless Lendes agcess to the mcrger in writing.
<br /> --= 9.peotecHoa ai I.esdm's Rigbts tp the Ptopeety.If Borrower fails to perform the covetl�pt�anc},�8reements containea.ai,g,,
<br /> -� this Security�I�nt.or there is a Iega1 proceeding tl�at inay aignificent#�I,affect Lender's tights,in tb4 Prapert5+(such�s a
<br /> _ proceeding ia bank�uptey.prob�te.for wndemnation or forfeiture ar�a,Gnfgrce laws or regul�iqp�),tlten L.ender may do and
<br /> -° PoY for whakver is necessary to protect the value of the Prope�tY an�i 1.ender's righu in the Properiy. l.ender's actions msy
<br /> inclwle payiag amy sumg securod by a liea which has priority over this Secudty Instrun�atn,appeadng le court. payiag
<br /> — rwsonabk atwttl�ys'fees ard enterin$on�1�Propecty to make rep�tirs.Although Le�xter may tak�►accion urder this{�agraph -
<br /> = 7,Lender doGS not have to do so. _
<br /> -_ My aa;vtmts disbussed by l�ender u�er this ParaSraph 7 shaQ become additi�►nal debt of:Borrower s�urod by thus
<br /> Secudty IrnuumeM.Unless Borrower aixi Lender agee to other terms of payment, thesc amaunts shall bear interest fram tLe _
<br /> date of distiMtraement a�the Note rate and shstll be payable,with interest,upon notice fram Lender to Horrower ra�uesting
<br /> . D�Y�� -
<br /> S.M�Iepu�ao�e.tf Lender nequired mnngage ituurance as a candition of maklag tiie Faan secnted by this Sa;utity -
<br /> l�tnmoem.Bomower shall paY the Prem�;4tms requirod to maint�in the mortgage insurance ire effoct. If.foi aity tra�oii. the �
<br /> — mongage inwrance coverage roquir�od by Lender lapses or ceues to be in effect,Horrower shalt pay the pcemiums raryind to =
<br /> -,_� obain sover�ge substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurancc prevlously in effect.at a cost substanti�lly eq�ivalent to the _
<br /> -_�� cost to Boaower of the mortgage insurance previously in effcct.from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender.If �;;
<br /> ..�--.*� substa�ti�lly e,!�lvatent mortgage insuraacc mverage is�not available.Sorcower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to _
<br /> oaatwtlfth ot the yearty moRgagS insnraACe Premium bcing{r�id by Bonower when the insvrance coverage l�psod vr ceasod to =
<br /> - be ln effect.Lender will accept..use and.retain the3e paymerfts as a loss reserv�in„�iGH,pf,mortgage insarance. Loss reserve =
<br /> -= r�eoss !I!0 �-
<br /> — Ppe 3 018
<br /> � �.
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