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<br /> E . < . � � ' ' — ._
<br /> , . f L;4; . _. .
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<br /> _:�.:- -' - F : - :. � � .. . ; � . ___ . _ g�,,:.._1844�`� - � ��
<br /> - �z
<br /> � " � aa�v ar�e�a�a aeded oo tbe pcapa�er.�a au��arts,+�PFQ�•ad � .
<br /> - - '/�0(�f'H�it'iYIiK:�i111t'r■p�or� � .� ��� ���,o,�,�� � � , .
<br /> � 16clrna�ow o�Le�e�Ae��PR P1°F'Q►Y• � � . �
<br /> �wt�m�t.Ali ot�tla�is�efareQ to in this Sea�itY I�m�t a�tbe'Rnpe�t3►•' - -
<br /> . BORROWBR C�OYBNANTS tbtt�is lawfultlf aei�d of tSe est�oe henebY aoa�ey��od 6n t6e ri�jc to ga�t aod '
<br /> �pr,�y�p�o��ty ad tYt the PoopdnY is aaea�awabaad:e�oeP�for eac�6r�ces of caoocd.Bor�es��aad ririlt
<br /> ` defad iGaaaltY d�e tple te►dre P�ope�ty�Wo��11 elaiou aad da�ods.subjax w auy�
<br /> - . �TH/S$EC[IftCl'1l 3NSPA���s amfam ooveaonts fpr,a�ioaal nse�d aon-uniform covenants with limite0
<br /> _.
<br /> -- - - . - -
<br /> . v�riKia�ts bg�ur�d�j°°
<br /> w ooa�iditc:uoifo�sa�rihi ia��►� �P��Y' .
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNAlNTS.Ba�mwer aod I�ender�Late C1�s. Bo�wtr sh�l!pn�mptlY PrY �� t6e
<br /> l.P���A'�4r a�i INta�eatt�7� �y��es dae unckr t6c Note. '
<br /> p�i�ipd of�od jataeyt uo t6e debt avWeaood by the Nate aod anY P�Y�
<br /> �.b�is.t�r Ta�es ari trra�oe.�t m�PPlx+�bi�law or to a wzitten w�i�ra by i�nder,Bormv�rec sl�li pry w
<br /> i�der aa tbe dry�oat1�1J P�Y�ape dae�athe Note,uonl tLe IVate is p�id ia fu14 z sum t(�)������-
<br /> .ad aaameats�rbic�a�'att�+°P�Y ovec tbis SecutitY ImRnuo�t as a tiea on the PrupeKY+
<br /> - or amuod teats on t!�Pnope�iy,if�ny;(c)Y�Y�°C P�Y iawtanoe p�miums+(d)YearlY flootl ingucauce p�#iwmb
<br /> _- if a�:(e)Ye�tY m�ti���P��iF�►y:�od t�any s�ms QaYabte by BamaWer to Lender,ia a000cdanEe�th — _
<br /> - ��,;��p�grapb 8,.in ikn of the payment of m�rtg�e iasuraoce Pe�ai�.Tliese iLaia ane called F�ccuvr ltems. --
<br /> -__ — I.aader�qty.�aay tim,e.cotlaK�d Aold Funds in-an amoant aW w cxceed tha m�ximum.amonra a leader for a fedec�ily
<br />-- te�te4.�.�9l�!!:�Y �W�foc Bormwer's acrow acconnt uoder tLe fede�al.Real E�tate Seulement Pmce�ns Act of
<br /> 1974 s a�a�ial fram time w time.`12 U.S.C_Section 2601 et s�q. t"RFSPA"1=v,nless aoother law that applies ta tbe Bunds
<br /> �a kste�ama�at:1f ao,I.atder�M►,at�oy time,colfece and IaW Fads in ao amount uot w exead the ksser�ouot.
<br /> - - Lender maY atiaWe�e�of Fuads dtie on the 6asis af cnrcmt d�ts�nd nasoo�ble estimaAs of expmdiares of fupu� - -- _T
<br /> ��,�.;- Bscrow Iwas.or d6env�e in aooad�noe witlr�PPii��WC Iuw. i��Y or eadty
<br />= � 'IUe Fuads a� ik hetd in aa institutioa whose deposits.a� iawrod by st federal.aSeacY+ +
<br /> `.;�,� Ltnder,if Lender is sucb an iastiwtion)or in any Foderal Home I.aan Banic.I�ender s6a1}apply ti�e Funds to pzy tLe _
<br /> r��� 1 m the Fuuds.aonuallY�Y�B the escrow accaunt,or
<br /> . - �'Sriuw ttt�Lader u�ay�wt cha�Se Bocrowe:fot holdin8�aPP Y S. _ _
<br /> � verifying titiee Escrow Items,aniess L�ender psys Borrower inte�est on fl�e Fuads and appiic�bk taw pemnits l.ender tu-maicFSw�e. �-.�
<br /> _ s d�rSe.Howaver,l,ender m�Y mlwre Borrowes to pay a one-time�lwiSe far aa independen�real e�at�tax reportin8 serv�e .._ -
<br /> 1c l�w covides otlienvise. Unless an t is msde or ���--==
<br /> � �- psed by Imder in conaoc.t�tion with tdis taan. unl�ss aPP� P ��0 �-'�r
<br /> ,: . q�plipble iaar�eqnins inte�st to be ptid,Leodet shali nat be neqnined to pay Borrower any iate�est or eatnings on tbe Fu�ds. �<<;
<br /> Barrower and Lender any ag��e ia�a�rEcing,however.tl�t in�shall be paid on the Funds.Lender sltatl give to Boa+�v�et, �_�
<br /> widwWt chu8e,an aamai aax�uatinjg mf the Fands�showing cmdlts sod debiu to the Funds and the purpose for whicb e�ch �-__
<br /> debit to.tbc Fnnds was made.Ttje Faads a¢e�tedge�as additional security,for aU s�uas securcd by this Soeurity Instrum�
<br /> _ �} tu be lield licabk iaw,Lender shall sccount to Hamnarer �
<br /> If�e.T'runds beid.lry I.emkr e�roaed tbe a�mou�ts prnniued. bY aPP — --
<br /> for the eu�F�ncis ia xcotdance wrth tt�e requiiemeats of app�+bte taw.If the atrount of die Fuads held by Lender�any --- .�<-�-
<br /> . .. time is not s�fficia�E fo p�y the Escraw Items when due.i.ender may so notify Borrowet in wnuqg,ard,�a sach case Bomawer r.�:�,- _
<br /> , g� , s b a U p�y w Lender�he.�narnt nocessarY to m11ce ap the deficjency. Borrower shall malce up the def.rae,acy in na more tban . _- __.
<br /> " tweive montlily p�yrne�,at I.ender's.sole discretion. �"=�•r. �-
<br /> 4��,. Upon payment in full of all surns secure�by tl�is Security Instnunent, t,endec sbali prompcly iefun�l to Borrowes any :�. � ; �
<br /> S
<br /> Fq��(�y�de�.It,under paragtapb 21,i.ender shall acquire Qr sell the PrnpettY.l.endei.Prior to the acquisition or sale , _-
<br /> ot tt�e PropedY.sha11 aPPIy any Faads[�eld hy Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against t6e sums se�ured bY - � . :w
<br /> 4r- this SecarftY Insuument. .
<br /> nts mceived b Lcnder under s -
<br /> 3.�PP��at Ps}naent�:Unless appiscabl�taw provides o�Itetwisc,ai!Payme Y P�g� - .
<br /> � 1.and Z sh�ll be applied:first.ta anY prepayment cF�arges due un�er t1�e Nute:second,m amounts payable uader paragraph 2; . -
<br /> ' third,co i�erest due:fourth,to princi�at du�;and last.co aay tace charges due uader the.Nnte. _
<br /> � y`F �.C�:1.iqr�.Bo�rower s�!pay a11 taues.as.sesstn�ts.charges. fines and impositions amibotablc to the PtopenY . ' ,'"�-;=
<br /> ' '�:� which may atWin priodey over this Seassity Instrument, and tissehold paymcnts or grauad ren�a, if any. Borrower shall pay - - -
<br /> . �,' '� t1�obligat�ioas in the nwnner pmvided in paragraph 2,ar if not p�id in th�t mzcu�er,Bonower shall pay them on time directly • _
<br /> � to the pc�son owed p�yme�►t.Barrawe;sha11 Promptly fumish`to LenJer atl n�es of amounta to bc paid under thia paregr�ph. '�_�:�
<br /> �ri
<br /> - ' If Bomower m�ices tl�se WYmen�s dire�ly,Borrawer shall promptiy fumish co i.ender reeeipts evidencing the ylyments. -
<br />_ . _ Boaower st�ll promptly disctr�cge any lien which has priarity over tl�i9 Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrccs in , .
<br /> '.. '.? writing to the psYment of the obligatioe sccured by the lien in a manner avicep�te to Lender;(b)aontests in good fatth the lien - _
<br /> by. or dcfends against enforcernent,of thc lien in. tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion oper�te ta preveat the
<br /> ' - enforcement of the lien;or(c)savr�.w from thc holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lendcr subordinating the Iien to .. .
<br /> •eme
<br /> th1$S�udty Instrumenl. lf Lendes detcrmincs that any part of the Property is Su6jccl to a licn which may attain priority over
<br /> �:' this Security�nstcumcnt,Lender may&ive BanoKCr s nollce id�:tifyina the lien. Boaawer sha11 satisfy the liea nr take oae ot _ _. --
<br /> ' mom of the sctioqs set fotth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> . FO(T BOYA !/�Q �.
<br /> �; Va�2 0l B ` . '
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