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' < ' . <br /> � ` � � . c` �� ` < . <br /> � i � � • � . ... . c u c, c. . � ��� _ .r . ` . <br /> �1�1Y�a/�oas�o�eWoiM. . . , �_ . - < . <br /> _ — - {a�eieero..rlldtNl.rr.a.�F�ae�Fonathatkaa�aoar�amadi�ndpmort�ot�arthssurtasec,�nebpr�ts . <br /> - -- DeeA,dTrust�rsM�dbYLendarburyswxestorirRi�afBorrawa�haltnQtopsrale4orete��s.trtanyrtw�rnr.lhsli�6�tjl , <br /> .dtla a�inld 8arowr�t and Borro�ww's successors in inlero�st L`end�►�h'tII not bs�equirod tDCOnun�aa p[caedtn�sa�k� . <br /> c • w�l►iucdqororr+NitesbaiaendtlmatorpsymentoROl�erwissmodiN�n�ondtMtunasskuadbf►�hlsD�sd'�[Ta�t <br /> - - - - . � i�re�aon d�ty qsm�nd�s mad"s by►tFe a�hiae�t Baro�er and 8orrowsr's auccaao:s irt in�x+�st -_ __ ,. _ <br /> ___ - ro�t�.oa.r.l�s.w�a►oue�c�g tha uab��h m any o�s pec�,�te ror me�rt�t a anr ab�a�n.r+�n . <br /> �' ' ` memfonsd:�ndw�it6a�aAec��plMiiereacMr�Ofthi�0esdotTnistuponanitP����E'��f►notfh0�torOtenbtOt� � <br /> ;`. • . < r+ete��edassecurly►brlhetuitam�ourtafallu�Wld�bli�tions.tendermay.irom#metotlm�andwithouinollce($�Mpryl <br />=-=�;,` •�t�e�amem.a�raar�a�raa�s+�s�anra�►�.c����►�,a�q«�o..rc+hnwas . <br />-'�;�.� w nconw�r a as roi�esed or f«�nroyed at anyr��ne ae�s opl�a�r:p+acM.,pordoe or,w a u+.Bropert�r. <br /> :.� (h�1Yoe'�rok�ss any o6�er or aQdidawt aecurity ta arry ob�n beroin a�eatlon�Q.a ivll m�ke�at otl�r _ <br /> �_--.�— ---- . - arrrt�nents witl�debtors tn refatfo��e�neto. . <br /> �.-;-- --_�� � (c)FaDMmno�by LMd�r llot s�+�IAr•MY tarbearencs by Lender M exercis�ng any�ipht or ron►adY he�wnd�r.or <br /> '�"t..* ' Whetwi�s ai[otQed,by aPPltcabb law.thall not be a weive►01 or preCt�de the exer�i�e nf anf►sttch r(pht a rsmedy.Tite . <br /> -- DtaCUtsrnent ot irlsurence orthe paym�entof fexes or other liens or charpes by F.endec 6hap rtot be a waive�of Lende�s riyhtLD . <br /> aCCelereb tl1s ma4triry of 1he indebledt�ess seCUred by ihis Oeed of TtWt <br />-�'-� (d}�ltepwo�and At�i�I�a�.toi�aad swwai Li�b�'.C+Oltona.The eovenants a�0 aqreeirN�s tterei[►eon- - -- <br /> ,� 1 in to,1hQ�speCtive successo►s snd atsi�n�ot Lendet and Trwtor.Ni -- <br /> tainee abaQ ar�and the rtphb <br /> ca��ena�ts and apreements W T d aave►ql.The caPtiona snd headings M ths parapraphs W Mis Deed d ___ <br /> - � Tnnt are tar Calrenbncs oniy to irroerp►8t ot defir�the proviaiorts hOr+eOf. --== <br /> (e)R��wtfor!loMeM.The estlhatacopyofanynotieeafdefa�Ith�eunderanQacopyotany�iodce � �-�__ <br /> - ' - . oi s�te her�under bs mai�d to eacA pany to fhis t�?eed of Trisst at the sdd�sa set tortb above in tlie manner pre�bed b!I � _ <br /> appliable Isw.Except t4�'any other notles teqnired under apptic�Ybfe law te be�iven in artodrer manner.any�ofice ptovided �� _- <br /> - •- foHn 16is Ossd ofTruat ahal!be yhren by maitin�aucf�nodce by certlRed mail addressed to the ethe►Pacsies.atthe addreas sat .';-�,.- <br /> • :."'�:y. '�- foNi abave.Any eodce provided for tn thia Deed W Tnrat ahatl be ef(ecUve upon mailing in the manner de�pna6ed tmreia H � _ - - - <br /> � :: #::. � - -- <br /> �.:�`�".-��:�..� �. � T�is moro than orte pe�aon.nodce sent to the address 8et fortb above shatl be notice to all auch persona. - <br /> ,�. .•. Y -�.._.;:� . <br />: _ _ . ' - . ' (n hMp�etlon.L.ender maY_make or cause to be made reasona6le entries upon an0 tnspecHans ot the Prop�ty.provided '. .Y� <br /> -- - =- �T'.-'� � thst LenQer�hal1 glve Trusror�otice prfcr to any such inspeaiton speciryJng reasor�abte cause theretar��Rendefa � <br /> . . .`" � � �." f interost in the Properry. � � � - , ' - <br />' ; ' • _ (�)�.Upon payment ot alt sums secured by this DeeO oiT►usL isrtder shatl requestTrusteeto recnnvey ttte . _ <br /> ' _ ' Property and ahatl auirenper thia Deed ot Trust and at!notes evfdertcirtg irtdebUedness aecured bYthis Oeed clTrustto T�usoee - . <br /> . � Trustee shall recemrey tt�e Property without warrat�ty and without charge to the petson or persons legaliy erttltled thereto. - <br /> . . .• _.. . • 7fuaOOr shall pay a11 costa of recordation,ii any. � ; � <br /> �:�c���: � • ' lh)Pwsonat PlaO��+��h A����As additionat secu�iry tor the payment of the Nate.TrusWr horebY praMS - , �- <br /> � ` ts�Qer under the Nebraaka Unifcrm Commercial Code a securHy ir�terest in aIl,and other perao�l property • _ <br /> - ` . ' uaed in connection wlth the roal estate or improvements lo�ated thereon,and not otheNrise Oec►ared or deemed to be a part ot <br /> • � � the reral estate aecure�heretiy.This instrumer�t ahat!be consbued as a Security Agreement under aaid Code,and 1he Lender , •• - <br /> . <br /> ,.. <br /> ' � ahall have alt tAe rigMs and remedies ot a secured party under said CoQe in addition to the righta artd rerrtedies credted under� . , • _ <br /> _.._._ __ . .,,.. . : .__.._.,_ �._„ <br /> . > � and accorded the Lender pursuantto this Ceed of TrusX provlded that Lender's rights and remedies unaer thia paragraph shatl ---�-A� <br /> • - • be cumuladve witfb and in no way a limitation on,Lender's rights and rer►�sedtes under any other securiry agreement signed by � . <br /> . , 8orrower or Trustor. ' ` <br />- . _ � __ _� p) LNns and Encumbranus.Trustor herehy warrants and repreaents that there ls no default urtder tne proviaions oi any . <br /> � - .�.�- -- mortpape,deed ot trust,lease or purcfiase ContraCt describing all or any part of the Property,or other contract.imbumen!or �. .- ,, <br /> or <br />- �� . . � apreemeM constltuting n lien or encumbrance against a1t or any part o1 the Property(cotleeUvety."Liens"►.exisHn�as ot the � . • <br /> � ' .. date o1 this Oeed of Tniat,and that any and�11 exisUng Uens remain unmoditied exeePt es dlsclosed W Lender fn Truatora <br /> - • � wrltten dbctoaure of Itena and encumbrances provided tor herein.Trustor shatl timely peAorm atl of Truatora obtipa�ons, > <br /> ,�; � , ` - � carenarKS,roproaeMattons and warranttes under arry and atl exisiting and tuture Lients,sha11 promptly forwardto Lender copies ! '.. <br /> • • ' of al)nodces Qf detauft sent in connectton with any artd atl existing or future Liens,and shall not without Lendera prtor wdtten � � , , <br />_ � . • - ��' ���� wt�ent In aey manner modity th9 ptavlstons ot or altow any tuture advances under anY existing or future liens. E� ��:- - � . <br /> . �...•- . .. . . ". . (�)Applkstbn d Pa�b.Untess otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereurtder,inctuding wilhout timitatiort I_ ' - . _� <br /> ' paymeMS of principal and lnte�est,insurance proceeds,condemnation proceeds and rents art0 proflts.ahall be applied by ;� <br /> � • � • L.enQer to the amoums due artd owirtg irom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in its sote discretion deems deslrable. � • <br /> (k)SwKabiNty.lf any provlsion ot thls Deed of Trus!conilicts wlth appticabte law or is dec�ared invaNO or otherwiae � , <br /> � � uneMorceabte,suCh ConfliCl or invalldity shall not aNecf the other provlsons of this Deed ot Trust Ot the Note whiCh can be <br /> .: �� , � • �� � �iven eHect without the contlicting provf�ion,and to thia end the provlsions ot this Deed of Trust anC the Note are dectared to be `- -�----� � <br /> . , t��.<,`: .- •- severabte. • ' ' . <br /> . • . (I)Ti�nq.The terms"Trustor"and"Bonower"shall inclu0e both singutar and ptural,and when the Trustor and 8orrower , <br /> � � are fhe aame person(a),tAose term9 as used in this Oeed of Trust ahall be interchartgeabte. . � . � <br /> L � (m)Qor�rnln�Lsw.This Oeed of Trust ahatl be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraaka. � °, <br /> °i. � _ - �_ . � - • Trustot has executed tfiis Oeed of Trus!es ot the date wNtten ahove. . •' , <br /> �-- .. � . Ra�-f- �,�, : . . .. <br /> ti: • ' . ' . � ItObert B. RieEbOiz Trustor � <br /> � � � • , ' . . � ' ' !. . � <br /> � . � . , . .- Rochelle I. Kiebos�i�0' . <br /> _ t , . <br /> �. . _.�:...._..-�------ .- • . <br />- ' � � ' ��1I ' <br />; � , � . . . . ��� . . <br /> ,: <br /> _,. , , <br /> �,.. �,...�. . , _ <br /> -�' .r- - . . _.. .... <br />- �:�:.. - , • � <br />°_ '__ `t `-` .- . :: _ . . . , . , : <br />�- _. j - - • .. • . <br /> •��" � ,� <br /> - :�•. . . <br /> :�' y�=; .'i'.,. �: ",'; .. ' , , <br /> �. �.� - _ . . <br /> _-_. � --- - - -- <br /> r-. .. ...,. . . . . _ --- - - -� - . _ ... _ . . � . . =---_-- <br /> t, . ..�:. . <br /> ,s, . <br /> ( . .,���.--,._� - ,�;t . . . . - • . ; . <br /> .. .-� � . : • ' ` ' <br /> ' ,y,�,:�.�,. , . . : <br /> _. . -... �_,i�..+:R3, " . ' _ ' ' . �� � ' - . <br />...!. �K:i�':��J�:�3; . . ' ' <br />