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'_ <br /> C. •. -Q { <br /> - '� ^ ` �:1 • �. - <br /> .-.� .. ° _.._ .. €.'c � . �_ ... <br /> - '.. . � _ - - P` - � - <br /> .F,. _a��, :-�, - t.._.. �. 3s <br /> ,. . <br /> -� � , M1 , F ' . . <br /> ._.� < < . . ` ( _ _ . <br /> . � . - - .. .,, .r -'.�.' - ' -'-m `- - <br /> _ "...."" ...F''"'. _ , . . „ . <br /> � � � � . � � _ c.. _� ' ` � �,' . _� . . ` <br /> —. �.' _'—__C,.�� ' ' r . • . ."c '. _ .i_.� _ . . __ . • _ ._ � . _ _ . �- _ C .. ` , . _ <br /> �i ( ..` -_ ; _ - (. , . . < , ` . . � ��� • t- '_ � ( . �� .���._ ` . . <br /> • i1i�Pnopwly is ao tdo�l�r dwir�p�e.i�w�ihaN��ap�.m pa aols anif a�O�lule d�tloa.3o�appy aN�h ProoNd�, , <br /> dW�Iin��ira'n sll ao�b arb exoe�s t bY R in co�ectiort�ritl�such'Proc�d�,upoR an1►4��Md��� . <br /> ` Hw��bf►�nd in wctt otder a�.t��aisy de�er+n�ns,or 1�aDO�Y a11�h Prcceeds.aff�sucA deductlon�.b 1f�nNor�lotr d�► <br /> - PFop�t�IWionWChcondibTatsasLentlprms!►dl�ermiee./�rtYaPpl�a�oiProcaedsbind�bddrwwatw��t�ocMndorp0�fon� , <br /> ' ' �dw d�M of anY P�Y��undK ttte Np�a curo anf/dat�uR thereunder or hsreunder.Argl un�y�p�d tund�NWI�W P�.b <br /> - = T� . � ' , � ; • <br /> _ <br /> _ - - " =�.���esh:lsidw�lP�#�.�ot��veat�Detauit�areur�de�otlisayactl:W�tor.tpMPrq�Md�� _ ,.. <br /> Coe�Melc�d vfii�ch mrl�Faihf aiNcfa L,�ndert tn0ers�t in�e Property.Lerrder may in(bown discntion.but wilhoe�tai�fi0aiior►b�o <br /> �o.an0 wfdlad noHcs a a eN�ane u0�►Tivams am�wtthout relee�sin9 Tn�or tronranYa6ii� aag ad whteb Tn�lat Aa <br /> i : aprNCt but�ils to do�nd na►y abo do any oB�er act 8 dsems�scea�ary►to pralect ths sscuriq►l�erep!Tre�slor�Mli.imnwdiM�y . <br /> upon dwiqtMb►erMa�3►te�xte�.p�t to te�dsr aii costs and eupsnsea ina�rred anQ�auns e�cpendsd bf�s��►in�ann�cffort wM� <br /> 1MC��dKp1f��(M�d�ta'going ri�hb.�wHA Mlerasttlierecriatthqdebutt ra1�prarid�d intlrPtolR.'�hicb�I�N 01� <br /> -��=° ad�Md b Nf�tnd�6Mdnrs tec�fed��Y•tender�alt�ot,incur any tiat�.iry�eCauae o1�arrylhirry it!m!/do a oenit b�db° ,� . <br /> ��- iiWrra�stlMwii.Tru�tor�tatt 3aeP��P�lt in car�plt�a�vith alt applicabN fa+r�adinanc�s snd n�Yon� . . <br />,,.`��' tNiqn�tD indua�i hy�i�ns ar�nvh+Dnmer�tal ptotectlort(a4pectivel�l reterted t0 t�ecNn as°ErtrifonrlNnfat liNt�"�.TN�1�►NMM <br /> -�� _•: kMp�FropMyh'eefrOt11�11subslanCesdeerrledtob�hasardousortOx[CUndMatty,Envira�rtia�atLOwa(coll�iv�f�'r�da <br />`'=�` IMtNn af"llatlfd0u��Mf7fis"}.truswr twnby warrarns ara r�tm co�enae►9w�t 4�searsno t�mrdous M�Y�iMI1�an a <br /> ,� undK�aP�apa��Y•Trustorhereb!►�eestol�emaitYandhol�harmlessLender,itsdlractors.cificers.emptoyeeaandapN�b.and <br /> Iiny waca�tors b LM�der's interest.from and aQsirist any and aiI clsirt�s.demases,tossas artd fiabilides arlsM�in oonn�CQOn wi� <br /> tIN p��Nncs.w0.ditpose�ar tra��pOA qf aay Hazardaus Mat�eriafs on.under.from or about ths Properry.TH�FOfiE�Ci01N3 <br /> - WAARIIN,TIESANDQEPFiE8ENT11TiCN:f,J�N�TAUSTOR'SOSUtiATIONSPtJR9UANtTQTHEfOREt3WNC�MiDBu1NITY.BHA�J- • <br /> "'` _ SUFMVE AECONVEYIWCE OF TMS 0�06 YRU3T. � <br />-- _-�����-- 10. AsNaw�M d R�nM.Tntstor hereby aaaiyns to Lsader tf�rems.ttsues am!R�+of ths P�opsrlfl:P���t trusb� <br /> _, ��� �shall;u�fil thf occurrenep ol an Eront oi Default hereunder.have the dpht m coltect and rafain aucN rorns.issues and D����'Y - <br /> , ;a ,.�;.. . O�com�dus�nd PaYabte.UPon the occurrence oi an Event of DefaulR lender may.either in peraon or b1l eps�+�wiTh cr witbcu! �, --`_ <br />--r• _:...�.�*f:--.•. :' britf�in�a�ryl acNon a P��Q�i�►R a by a receivel appointed by a court and without reqard to the adepuecy of&a secu�ity.ertM► _ . <br />- ' 4.'t... ' . '� _._ <br /> , ; , , , ` .,;, • upon artd takq poaseielon af the Property,orany paR its own name or in the name o!the Trustee,artd Qo any acts whfch it - <br /> .+. i.:.:.. - � d�ems neceseary ordesirabte to P�eaerve tbevalue,marketabtfiry or rentabfUty of the ProPe�►.or anY Pert thereot or inmrosttberdn. �`°��.. <br /> incre�e�tha In�ametherehom or Pio�ectehe aecnritxfioreM and.wtu►-0r without taking Pcssesstcn ot the Propery►.eua tor o. . �.""'._�=y.: <br /> ------ ` � • . � • ori�erwtea cot�eot Me rer�.iasuea and profits MerBof,including tho�e Past due and unpaid.and appty ttee aeme.less co�s and : "�:,;�;�--- <br /> , . ri� <br />-' - expenses of operation and cotlection induding atWmeys feea,upon any indebtedneas secured hereby,atl in auch orderas Lsnder c ,�,�.`,� <br /> e �-�;� �. - <br />- ' , •msy detens�ins The eMerinp upon and takiag pnasession ot the Property,the coUectlon ot such renta.iasues and proNts and th1� _, _ _ <br /> � �• � , • � appiication thereot as atoreaaidr sha0 rtot cure or waire arry detault or rtoUce of default hereunder ov invattdate any act Oone in . :?_ <br /> _ ' . ' . .��. , responss to such defautt or pur8uantto such notice of detautt artd,rtotwtthstanding tlte continuartce in poaseasian ot the RropArl�r or ' � a'� <br /> � � tha copecNon,recaipt and applicatlon Of renta,issues or profltts.and Trustee and Lender shalf be eMiUea to ex�rcise every ripht � •---:� <br /> s. . <br /> . � . � provid'ed tor in arry of the Loan i�suuments or by taw upon occu►rence of any Event oi Oeiault,Inctudtng withcut limitation the�ht , t`.�;'�_"' <br /> ' ' � • ' W exerciss the powrer o!aale.Further,Lender's rights an d remedies unde�thts p ara graph ahali be cumulative with,and ia no way a • � <br /> � • limil�tion on,LeriQefs�i�db and remedies under eny assi9nment of t�artd rems recorded agabntthe Property.Lender.trustae : ��_��_� <br /> . � • -� � � ' and t�e receirer ahail be Qabte to account onty tor those reRts acamliy�eeeivea. - <br /> --..= . - �.:r-=-= 11. Ewnls oi O�fauM.The foliowing sdatl constiMe an Evem ot Oetault urtder this Oeed ot Trust <br /> ..� ., • (a) Faiture to pay arry insfatimei►t cl prirtclpa!or intere$t ot any other sum secured hereby when due: , , • <br /> • ` �' . ' (b) A breach of or defau(t under eny provision contained tn the Note.this DeeQ of Trust,any of the loan InstrumeMa,or any , . <br /> other ilen or encumbrence upon the Properry; • <br />�.,:�_ : _ - _ ,.._ __ . � (o) A writ of execuUon or attachment or any simitar process shall ba entered against Trustor which sAail become a tien on , _• . <br /> . , �- tha Property or any poRfon thereol or interest thereirl; <br /> � • � (d) There shal!be t�led by or against Trustor or Borrawer an action under any pres,ant ar tuture teQeral,stat9 or ather <br /> � �,�� staWte,faw or regutatl0n relating to bank►upicy,imsotvency or ather reltet tor debtors;or there ahall be appointed any hustee, l �. <br /> ': ` ' - teCeiver or HquiCator ot Trustor or 8or�nwer or of ali cr any part ot the Properry,or the rents,issues or proflta thereot,or Tiustor � � , <br /> ,� ` ' or BoROwer shait make any general assignment for the benefit ot creditors; Ia � <br /> . _ _ . . ._ (e) The sate,transfer,tease,assignment,conveyance cr furthet encumbrance o1 a11 or any paR of or any interest in the � F <br /> �� . : _ . P�operty,efther votuntarily or invotunmriiy, without the express written cortsent of Lender, provided�that T►ustof shail be ; <br /> permitted t0 execute a tease Ot the Properry that does not contain an oprion to purchase and the term ot whlch does oot exceed � <br /> ' - ' one year, � � ' . <br /> ' . ' (Q Abartdonment of ttte PropeAy:�or � ' <br /> .. - , (p) H Truatorie not an individual,the issuartce,sate,transter,assignment conveyance or encumb►ance ot more ihaa a totat <br /> � � � M�.—percent of lif a corporationj its issueQ and outstanding stock or(it a partnership)e total of�A..—percent of " �:� - " � <br /> � � � paAne►ahip iMerests during the pe►iod th�s Deed of Trust remeins a iien on the P�opeRy. ' <br /> ' '. • � t 2. pwn�di�s;AeeN�aBon Upoa the eveM o1 any Event of Detautt Lender may,without nodce except as�equired by <br /> � � 4w,declate all irtdebtednesa aecured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte . <br /> ,4 � , wiMout any presentmenf,tlemand,protest or notice o1 any kind.Thereatier LenCer may: . . . <br /> � � � (a) Cemand that Trustee exerclae the POWER Of SALE granted here►n,and T�ustee shaN therea4ter cause Trustor'9 <br /> ' r. � tntereat in!he PropeAy to be sotd artd the proceeds to be distributed,al!in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Oee08 . . . . <br /> ,i( - : ' . ' • � Ac; ' .� <br /> ' t z - . (b?Exerci�e any ertd 811 riqhts provided for in any ot ihe Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any EveM of . <br /> � � Oetaui�and ' <br /> ' ,, : � _` ' i (c) Comrhertce 8n 8Cti0n to foreCtose this Deed ot�'ruat as a mortgage,appolnt a receiver.or specilicalty enlorCe any of the �. � <br /> ,y�" - � �� ' ; covenaMS he►eoi. . <br /> ,;_i.. : .. ' . _, Na reme0y harein conterre0 upon or reserved to Trustee o►Lender is tntended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein.In fhe : <br /> , d•� • L,o�n Insbuments oi by taw proWdeO or perm►tted.but each shalt be cumutative,sha►1 be in addition to every other remedy given <br /> � � , ths laan trtsuumef�tf o�now or he�eattei exlst4ng at Iaw or in equity Or by statute.and may be exerciaed cancunenUy. � <br /> indepeneendy o�aucces�wety. ; <br /> ` � 13.T�uNM.the Truatee may�res�yn at any time withcut cau9e.and Lender may at arry time 8nd withput cau5e appoint a : <br /> �,; . _ : . ..:.� . � � , suCCes�Ot ot substlNts Truste0.TrLstes shatl rtot be Uabte:o an pany,inc►udin without limltatlon Lender,Bonower,Trustor or any , <br /> �-: • putchsM►oNhe P�opertq•tOr anqloss or damape unless dueto reckteae or wllitul miscortducL and ahail no!be repulred to fake eny ` <br /> ��ry,•.� . �:�,,,,�'_,.,:�� ' acdon ih eonnsctbn with the entorcement o t thls O e e d o f Trust unteas indemniHed,in.wrlUnp.for atl co�ta.compensaticn or <br /> i, = - `. expenses which mey be aasociated iharewitM.!n aQtlitlon,Tru�tee may became a purcAaaer at any sate M 1he Praperry(�udiGal or . , <br /> = - � � - - nnQarths powe►ot sate Srarfted A�ereia): postpoae the 9ale M atl or any portion_ot the ProPe� provlded by_taw;or sell�e <br /> .`` _ . - --- - Prope�ty as�whob.or In tepe�ate parcel�or tots at Trwtee'a d�acredon. ; <br /> - . � ' .. ,•y' f t./Nt and E�pwMN.ln the event Trustee eelt�the PropeKy by exereise of power of sate.Trustee ahall be entided to apA1y . <br /> "" ''� ' a� s a N p r a c a a d s prst to pa yment af all co�b and exper�sea at exerc�aing power of sate.inoluQirtg all Trustee's tees.and'Lender'a <br /> °"'. , ' .. . • �rtd Trunes'�attom�y's t�es,aetuatty irtcuned to exWrt pennitted by eppliosDte the event Borrower or Trustor exerciaes any . <br /> "i , N�M provldrd by Uw M cure an Event ot ObMu1L Lender ahalt be eriUtle�to recover hom Trustor all costs and.expenaes apuatty <br /> _ ... . <br /> :• � :. inouned as a r�uif ot Yrurio�'s OaMuib inct�dinp vYNhout Ilmttation etl Trusceea and attomeys tee�.to the exfent perm , <br /> , . .' . . ,-. � . <br /> �_ . .. e�a�Wlt�.. __ - - - <br /> � �. � + _ 18. �uiuri�M�ii.Upon�eque3f BtHa�iawer,tendar 1ts aptiamr.matcead�fiti�cnaFend futuraadrra�ses a�.re. -- ------- -_--- <br /> - .•�',�: :. ad+ranCq to 8arower.$u4h advirtces and madvanee�,with iAterestthereon.shatl be secured by this Oeed o}Trust At no Umb aAall <br /> :,�� lfaprincipalamouMoflMirtdebtadrteassecure0bythisOeedo117usf.nntin i msadvartoedtaprotedthesecwityotthia •� � • <br /> �• _ ' .. ' OMd of Tnat,�ce�d tM�OHanal prineipal amount�fated herein,or S jb���•� vrhiChever ia greater. ' ' � . <br /> �.�, -��� . . � . • , <br /> :. _... _ , " � �� -�� b � .. . <br /> .. .. . • . • . . . �� <br />