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<br /> 4. A�ndditionn) aecurity,Trueto�homby givu�to nnd cnnfure u{xm flonoQclnry tho ripht,pawor ond nuthorlry,during thn contiounnco `
<br /> of thoso Truste to collect tho ronte, lesues nnd profltn of enld pro{wrty, rceorving unto'1'ru�tor tho right,prlar to any dofaul! hy'I�uator ! ,
<br /> in pnymont of nny inde6tednesa secured horeby or fn purfarmnnco of ony n�reomont harounder, to collnct and rotuin auch rante, IPAUCH � �
<br /> nnd profita ae thoy bccoma duo ond pnynbla. Upon nny attch dofi�ult, Aono(lcinry mny nt nny timo �vithout notico,oithar In paroon, by I
<br /> ngont,or�y�rccoive�to tw nppolnted by n court,imd without r�gnrd to eho ndequocy of nny hecuriLy for tho indebtednass horaby eecurod, ` •
<br /> unt�r� upan and tako pasaosalon of enid pro�erty or nny pn�t thuroaf, in hie own nnme xuu I'or or othoewiao colltit euch ra�te, losuce und `
<br /> prollts,Inciuding thosu piiet d�w nnd unpnid,und opply tho anmo upan ony indahtrdnose aecured here6y,i�nd in niuh onfor ne Aoneflcioryr �
<br /> mny daWrmino.Tho untoelnn upon�nd tnkinp posseselon of'enld proporty,tl�o collection of euch mnte,iseuce and pruQ�v ond tl�o appUcnNon
<br /> lhomaPon nfaresnld,shall not curo or wnive uny deP�idt or nottco of dofnult horoundu�or Invnlldnte an,v tict dono pureuant to auch notiw. �
<br /> �
<br /> 6.[Jpon dofnult by Trustor 1n tho paymvnt of ony indobtodncas eccurod horoby or in tho performonco of ony t��crment contai►acd horoin, I
<br /> nll aume necured hnreby ehnll immedietely becomo duo and payublo at tho option of the Bonoliciury.In euch event nnd upon��•ritten requoet
<br /> oP Hunolleiary,'I4unteo ehnll sell tho ttvat propc+rty, in ncco�dnnw �vlth tho Nebrnsk�Trust Deale Act, at public tiuction to tho hipheat �
<br /> biddor. Any pon+on exmpt'Itusteo mny bid nt Truetoo'a enlfl. 'Itueteo ehnll npplv the proccede of tho ynlo fls follo��s: 1U to the oxpr.neo
<br /> oP tho enlo,including a�e:�onnble'Prvateo'e Cao;l2)to tho obllpntian necured by this Uced oP 7Yust;l9�the aurplus,if�m,�hall be di�tributed ,
<br /> ' to tha porsone onNtled thomto. " '
<br /> 8. 7Yuateo nhall delivor to the purchaso�uL tho enle ite daod, without wnr�anty, which ehcill concey to the punhaser tAe intoTest in ,
<br /> the proporty which'I4ustor hed or had tho powor to convoy nt the timn of fiia executian oP thie lleed of'IYust,flnd such na ho mny hove �
<br /> t�cquired thoroe►fter. 'Ihisteed deed ahull �ecito thn (ncte ehawfng that ehe sflle �r•ns conducted in complit�nce ��ieh edl tho requiromonta
<br /> of luw ond of thie Deed oP 7Yust,which recital ehall bo prfmn Pncio avidonce of euch compllanco nnd conclusi�•e evidenco thoreoi in favor
<br /> af'bon4 ftdo purchneore and oncumbrnncorx for valuo. .
<br /> 7.Tha power of enlo confarred Ey thla need oP T�utit le nat an oxclueivo remedy;BeneQcia�y moy cnueo this 1)eed of Trust to ba foreclosed
<br /> na a mortgngo. �
<br /> 8. In the event of the denth, incapncity, citanhllity or reAlgnntion of'il�ustee. Beneticiary may nppolpt in writing a euccossor tntateo, ,
<br /> und upon tho recording of auch nppointmant in tho mortrnau recorda of the count�in which thie�oed of Truat le�ecarded,tho euccesaor
<br /> trusteo ahnll bu cested with ttll powcre of tho originol uuetoo.Tho trustee ia not ubli�ed to naNfy noy pnrty horoto of ponding enlv undor
<br /> nny othor Aeed oP Tn�et or oP nny nction or proceedi�g in which Trustor,1`ru9tee or Ronoliclnry ehall bo n party unleae nuch i�ction or
<br /> proceeding!s brought by the Trueteo.
<br /> � 9. This Deod of'Pruet opplie9 to, inurc� to thv bunolit of,nod iy bindinF �ot only on tho pnrtice horc�to, hut on thuir lwirrv,devisees,
<br /> '" - lagatet+a, sdministratore, executors, euccaxsore nnd nesigns. `fho torm Botteitcittn• s�nll me:�n E�e holdar an3 aK-aer oP ihs naic dccurcd - - --.-
<br /> hereby,whother or not�flmed ne HonoPtcinry horcin.
<br /> l0. Requoet tor Notice of 1)ePnult or Notice of Snle. It iA rcqueated thnt n copy i�f nny Notice aP I)efoult or Notico of Sulo be mniled to
<br /> vach poreon who is named 1�thie Truet need nt tha mniling iiddrase uf xuch pureun as yet out nboce.
<br /> NOTICE 'i'O CON9UMER: 1. Do not eign thie paper befare you read it. 2. 'You are antitled to A copy
<br />" of this paper. 8. You may prepay the unpaid balanco a!any time without penalty and may 1� entltled
<br /> to reco�ve a ref�end af unearned chAr�ea in aconrdance with la�r.
<br /> Slbyned thie �0 aay or �u�,-- -,:�.n. �s..91_. l
<br /> �
<br /> STATE OF NEBftASKA � x ...I..S.i_i:.�_.'�- _� ..,L�.t,� ta� , .
<br /> : _ i ���—._
<br /> 1 A9.
<br /> ', Ha�1 cou�rT�� � �_�1c�-=�,..a--�
<br /> ,
<br /> � On this �� dny of—��,—_, A.D., 19..9� _, hofore me, the underaiti*ned,a �tatary Public, duly
<br /> commissianed and qualifled for nnd reAidin�; in yaid caunty, pe�eonally cAme Y�CRQ(l_E._Remu��d�4r��J. Rempe,
<br /> ; husband and wife_ co me known t� be the identical parean S— whose name .S_ a1Tixed ta the fnro�oing
<br /> � � inatrument ue Trustor _S_-_----- . a�nd ncknowled�ed the same to be ._-- - the�� — �01-
<br /> untary act and deed.
<br /> • Wltnesa my hand and Notarial Seal thc dE�y and yeiir la. E���N�� ,
<br /> ` My Commission expires the _— 8 - day �p�Y IA�RT50N � '
<br /> 3 �f -------------E�b�c�arx—- , �s 95 . �r o�■��i�r��.t�?s. � - �__. __.n .
<br /> ,; Publlc
<br /> ii --------- . ._. --- - - ------ --------
<br /> r 5TATE OF .----- --- '
<br /> �;,.
<br /> �; Caunty �
<br /> Entered in Numericul lnd�x nnd filed for rrcord in the unice of'the Re�;ietE•r af Deeds of enid county, the
<br /> - ciay uf -- -- -._ .----_ , 28--, at o'clock and .
<br /> .?r 1 I minutes ---- -. - �l. ;�nd dulc r��curdcd �n Ruok uP
<br /> '! � Mortgages pa�;e ---- . —
<br /> � �
<br /> 'S Retiiyter of Deeds
<br /> i
<br /> ' ' 1)eputV
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> ,� �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � �
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