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<br /> � Amoun!of h'irNt lnatnlmont 8.�-��+�.Q.R-- Amount of Other l�etnlmonte$�rJQ��---- I.
<br /> Totnl of Pc►ymonta 8-��OQ�-QQ [�iret Inetalmant fluo I)nW...All U��--�141-� �
<br /> Numbur uf Monthly Inatalmente_�Q—. Finnl Inntnlmant Duo Dntu�-r 1� ,189.C. �
<br /> THI9 llEED OI"1'RU67', nndo thle 10 �Y a ��--^ ' 1A�L� I �
<br /> � uocw�� Vernan F�. Rempe a�1nc `�or�s�.�tem�e;�f us an an wTfe , _- , i
<br /> whoeo muiling nddrose ie _,�.z��.�-.�L"�1111C.—laC.d ��ls�-► NE 68803 __ � ; ,
<br /> �e�►.�,Aco�, John M._Cunninqham - — � ;
<br /> �vhoao mailing nddroea is —��K.-.�-��5�—�+-�-?��0 Grand I$�.�]d NF 68E3U2 � i ,
<br /> as 9Yuntco, nnd NanveAt Finnnclnl Nobrnekfl, Inc., �vhoso mniling nddroes in 2319 N. Webb Rd. _ ;
<br /> P.O. Box 1373 Grand Island N� 68802 , na aenoQcia�y,
<br /> WITNESSETH,7tuntore ho�uby irrovacftbly,grant,bnrgtiin, eoll, nnd canvoy to Truetee in t�ust, with power of enlo, tho following da •
<br /> ecribod propertv in f���.� . County, Nebraeka:
<br /> Lot 4 and the Southerly 20 feet of Lot 5, in Block 6, in �el-Air Addition,
<br /> to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. '
<br /> I- -_- - -- _
<br /> Togother�vith tenemants,heredltflmente, nnd�ppurteniinces thereunto Gelonging or in +inywise apportuininR nnd tho rents, iseues and
<br />' rmflta thn�enC _
<br />� i Thle convoynnco ia intended fnr ehu purpoio of eecuring the pa}•mont w Beneficiary oP Tn�ek+rA pr�miesory noto of ovon date in the -
<br /> nmount etotad nbovo oe"Totnl of Pnymanta". Snid"Totnl of Ptiyment.v"ia �opayc�blo in the number of monthly inetulmonte etpted abovo.
<br /> Tho nmount af'tho inetalmont pnymente duv on enid loan ix stntecl c�bove.Tho Q�f�t aad Qnwl inetnlment duo dntee on enid loaa n�e atated
<br />` atavu. Pnymont muy ho mndo in ndvnnce in any nmount nt nry timc. Dofnult in making any paymont ehall,ni tho BaneRciery's option
<br /> nnd wlthout natico or domund,rende�the ontiro unpnid bnlnnco of anid loan at once due and pnynble,Iesa any required robnte of chnr�os.
<br /> , To protect tho socurity of thie 1)eed oP T�uet,Truetor cavenante nnd:�Frcea:
<br /> 1. 'M koop tlie propeny ►n �;cwc1 conditian nnd repuir; to permit no wnsto the+reof; to comploto nny building, etructure ar improvement
<br /> being 6uilt ar nhout to be built thercan; to ror.toro prumptly uny bu�ldin�,structure or imprmemPnt thorean which mny be damaged or
<br /> destroyed;and to comply with oll ImvN,ardlnnnces,�egulotione,cavonunte,couditions�nd restriction9 nlTectinF the proporty.
<br /> 2.To pay boforo delinQuant nll luwful taxes flnd nese:+smenty upon tho property;to keep the praporty f'ree and clenr oP ell othor charRos,
<br /> Uone ar encumb�nnces impnirinti tho necurity of thiR t)ned of Trust.
<br /> 9. To keop all 6uildings naw or horeafter urected on ehe proporty deacribed herein continuoualy inHUred ngainet loss by Pi�e or athor
<br /> � haz�rds in nn nmount nat loya lhnn tha tatal deht secured hy thix I)eed of Truet. All policies xhnll bo held by ehe SenuQcinry, nnd be
<br /> in auch compnniea nv the RonoQcinry mny upprovv nnd have la9s pnytllll@��HL t0 L}If H@il0I�C1A�y ne ite intereet me►y appear end thon
<br /> to tho 9'niato�.Tho nmount collectod undor any ineurn�co policy may tw applied upon nny indebtedness heroby Aecured in auch ordor ne
<br /> tho Bonoflclury ehall dotormino. Sucli i�pplication by the Honellciary ehnll not cnuso dixcant�nuanco af nny proceed{n�R to foreclone thie
<br /> Deod aP Truxt or cure o�waive nny deTault or notice uf defnuh or invnlidato any nct done pu�9unnt to such notico.In tho ovent of foreclosure.
<br /> � aU rights aPtho Truxtor in insw•nnce palia�es ehon�o Corce Nhollyose tatho purchn4er nt the forcclosu�o enlv.
<br /> _� A. To obtain tho written coneont of Aenoi7clnry UePo�e ve11�n��c�In�eymg or otherwiae traneforrin�the proporty or nny part.therenf ond
<br />`�;; any such enlv,conveyance or tri�nefer withouX the 1leneiiein�y'�wntten c�nsvnt xh�ill cunetiwte n dePault uador tho terms hereof.
<br /> ., �`' '
<br /> �; G.To dofend nny netion or proceeding purporttog tci ulFauttJ�b sacurity horenf or the nghte or powe�A uf Aeneficiury or'f nietee.
<br /> .� 6. Should Tn�stor fnil to pny when due any �:�xe�, usyenamente, �neurimce prem�ums,lieny, encumhrnnces or other chnrgea ngamet tho
<br /> propc+rty horoinabove deacnbed, Henefic�an• ma�• pc��' the yame, nnd the :imuunt +o pn�d. wnh inter�wt nl the rutr wrl furth lu the note
<br /> '� aecured hemby,xhall bo ndded to nnd hec��mi�:i pnrt��i thf�d��ht yccur�•d in th�y I)eed nf'i'ru4t as perm�tted by Inw.
<br /> ��
<br /> •�' 1. In tho evont nny pnrt�on ��f the propc•rt�� i� takcn ur dnm+�{�rd in nn cminent dom:un proceedm�;. thc entire amnunt nf the award
<br /> !. or auch poruon thoreuP uq muy hr neceyynr}• tn fullc y�t�Qfy the nhhguUon xecured hrreh}•, yhell he pn�d to Fienefic�nry ta he npphed to
<br /> i �nld ob�i}!nl�nn
<br /> l'
<br /> �b� 2. By accoptin�pnyment of any yum aecured herehy nftor ttv duu dnto, Honeficiary doea not wn��•e itc r�ght to require prompt payment
<br /> ii' whon dua of ell other sumx xo secured or to declnrc defuult for ftulure tn yn pt�y-
<br /> � 3. The Truateu ehnll rewnvcy nll nr any pnrt of thc prnprrtv covcred hy thiy Ueed of Truet to thc peryon ent�tled thereta, on wr�tten
<br /> j request of tho Tnletor nnd the Beoeficinrp, or upun ynt�yfnctinn nf the nhhgnhon ercured und wr�tton r��quest for reronveyance mnde hy
<br /> ;. tha BonollciE�ry or the perxon enUUcd thi�retu
<br /> ' �93 C91 lNE)
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