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—� n. . _ <br /> ,:� - <br /> .-�` - -- <br /> < <br /> . _ <br /> �.. . <br /> . � <br /> -. . � �� . <br /> . . : . <br /> . n. �....- .._.r�.._,_ :. . --- -- - - - <br /> . <br /> � <br /> _ y�. .. '� 4��,� <br /> _ - � <br /> . . -. . _. .. . . '. "" "' " ' <br /> � _ i ` .�" .,_" _'. ...._.-"'��. � — <br /> L <br /> _ '�..--�.1 � �..:�� ` � a< _ .__ � .. - . - � - - - - 4 � .�. �`_ _.. .._ . . ..- ' -� -. a• ` _ <br /> - -:Y.-ec-i6��t . . . � . '� �. � c. - �- . . . . . . <br /> : � . . ` '�� . '- 't � • ` . ' . . � ' � �. � • ��f ��t. _. ; � � <br /> . . � ` E ` t . � • � . <br /> � �iy1pC�8�iNhlCfi�EC i�CfC7i�Cd W 1� Z,�t C�D$C W4.�O�SiiCh�Y� ��x�P�GNEt�D �- '. <br /> . ����p�y il1 qq�mlgp��wder B��Note`au�tbis Sec�ity�aitN�s��W�,�d��tY . . <br /> < < � `- ii:F��. ��eoder�y oo��ect fas aod��ges wti�ocized i�y the S�aarY- . , � . - . ` ; `i... � <br /> !E"�r�ow�ds�oc�codaatio�otD�i�t- L�� � m�ecuseaf def�dis. - <br /> � -- - �� ��Yr���c limimd by negal�uiaac� � . � �. _- - Pa�� -: . - - -- <br /> �u <br /> _ , �q�np� mfall of atl sums se�edby+tb#s Secarity'I�e�" . <br /> (ij Horepv�ei�eb�by�u-�mg m pry in fuII aay mmthlY��9�bY��Y�P�' <br /> .. w aroa Yhe dne daoe of tbe next moml�IY PsY�•!� . <br /> � � . •(�Hdt�ar defaulta by fa�ng,far a penod dFtE�nty day�,to perfcxm any other abligaaoas c�oatained m tfis <br /> _ � ° (6)s.�'wNl�o�t_�c.r�t app�+ovsl, t�shan,�remuaea by►�ppue�i�►ana wim the pr;oF app�a�►a1 of the , <br /> � - : ��y.*'e4�'��P�Y�w fuII of aA the smns�ned fry,tt�s 9ecurity�Instrmrtqdt i� <br /> C}Ail or prt of tl�ePropdcyr.or a beaeficisl�in a.uust awm�g aU ar pstt uf the aold br <br /> o8�dvise ttansY�rod(o�er- t�an bY devise or desaent)by tbe Bamov�rer,aad - ` , . <br /> �� ru'�'�'I�e p�p�ty is nat oc�bd by the p�mct�seror g�aata ss tns ot her pt�pal�eside�xe,or die pmeb�ser <br /> ° or g,ntntoe does sb,.occopy dte Prop�rty bat his or�t�r c�t has not boa� appnvod in aocacdanoe <br /> . nequinements i�f tbe <br /> - (c)1Vo Wsiver. ff cu�armsqrkes�wouid Permit I.euder to reqni�fimnediate payment in faB,t�u i�a�der • . <br /> � <br /> -- , dasnot tequitie snch paypaa�ts,Laidetdoes not waive its rigl�with�espeet��w sa�quet�t eve°�1'amt I.eodes'� <br /> -_ . . . td)Re�oa�atHtJD Se�ebr� ta maaq�re�ta�s bY S�et�►. <br />_ _ � rigHts, i�t the rase af�t defaW�,to re�uicz immcAiate paym�t u�fuli and foteclose�f nat paid..'Itis <br />=-- • 5 o c i a i t y l n s m�m e n t d o e s n o t m A h o t i a�aocekr�on�foraeiosme•if mt�e m�e d BY e�egulenms of d�e 5eaaary. <br />_- (e)�art�e Nat tasaeed. Bormwer agas tbat ahould this SecuritY L�dr�d tbe rw�e secu�diaeby nnt <br /> - � 6e eligibleE for inq�ce uoder tbe Nadonal Housir�g Act vvitt�in . . �!� <br /> d�e has�eof,�.adet may,at iis option and ndtwithstandin8 a�►YthinB�n Patagraph 9,�qui�e immediate paYmenl in <br /> fnA of all sums secuc+ed b�t���i Ity Insaumea� '�wriuen staumem of aqy aushmiud aga�t of the Sametary <br />:-- , ����m . . - fr+um�he date 6ereaf.decliaiag to iasuc�this-SaAaty- <br /> . Iasuwnent aad the aate secured tberetsy.shall�be deemed camclusive praof of sucb inelip'b�"lity: Notwid►stm�ing <br />- . the finegoing.ihis aption may na be exercised by Lender w}ien tLe uasvailability of visqrancQ+s soleiy due to _ <br /> � ::�#1:�. I..EI�C�'S fAl1UJIC t0 tCiAlt 8 tlfOf�$8$C 111SUf8IK'C plCtRlWYI W[�1C SCCfCtBTS/. �' <br /> ""�=�'_ � ' 1Q �� Horrowcr has a agdt to be relnstated if Lender 6as required irmnediatc paymem in fuU becanse �`- <br /> of Barrower�s failure w pay an amount due under the•Note or tlris Secvrity Instrumen� 7bis right applies even aft�c =-- <br /> '�,�..� fos�eclosune ptnioeedings are mstiwted. 1b �instace the S e c u r ity (n s n u m e n�B o r rower s h a l l t e n c l e r ia a I w a p s u r n�a i l <br /> ° amwtats rcq�rjred to-brirtg Borrowers acxoum cwrent including.w the extent they are obligatioac of Bomawer under this _ <br /> .�+: . Sa�tuity Insdvment,faoclosure casts and m.a�ona6le and a�stomary attarneys'fees and expenses ProperlY a�sociatod with <br /> .::-'=-°-=-' tbe foteclosure procee�ing. Upon re�nstatement by Barrawer.this Securiry Iasnument mtd tlie obl�gations t6at it secures , <br /> :`t:- ..,`=. . shall�a�am in effect as if Lender had nat rey�ired immcdiate payment in full. However.l.etuler is not required to yetmit • ---�- _ <br /> ` •'�,��-'�''�"-'. ntinstatement if: (i)1.ender has accepted re�actatement after the commenexrnent of foreetasun praceedimgs withm two <br /> :f`�;`*'''..-.. ye�rs immediately preceding the commertcement of a current fomclosure proceeding, C�) reinr.tatement w�l! preciude. , x�r =- <br /> ... '' p� foretlosure on diffecent grounds in the future.or(in)ceinstatement wil!adversety affect the priority of the lien eseated by • '-��'1=- <br /> :�...,,.. �. � . , . . .z�-_ <br /> -r.� � this Savrity Instrument - � .i` <br /> �;,'__�. `� . � 11. H�rower Not Retea9ed; Fbrbearana by Lender Not a N�aive� F�ctension af the dme of paymeat or � - • _ <br /> :�i.�".:;'. � `�:�'-' �todifieation of amortization of the sums secuned by this Securiry Instrument granted by L,ender m any succes.sor m interest - <br /> c�:�•r_•� ��-'..�.-._ - <br />. s�.�, _ . . of Borrower shall irot operate to c�elease the liability af the original Borrower or Bortower's successor�n interest. L,eader - • <br /> '�y.•r- •"�+•f,', shail not be required w commence proccedings aga��t any successor in interest or refase to extcnd time for paymen�or _�%_� <br /> .������:.:., _, , <br /> :,�-..,. ::�-:r:,� otAerw!ise modify amortization of the sums�ecured by thi.c Securiiy Instrument by neason oi any demand a�ad by the . <br /> . original Bomower or Horrower s successors in intem7. Any forbearanoe by I.ender in exercising any rtght or remedy shall :�:�+ � <br /> - :r`�';' , aot be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. - • <br /> • • � - lL Suee�ssoe�s aud Assigns Hound:Jatat aad SeYeral Liability;Co-5lgners. The cavenants and agrecmenls of ... <br /> u <br /> - � ���j� this Security Insuument shaU bind and benefit the succesgan ar�d assigns of Leeuler and Borrower,subject to the provisions > , :' <br /> • � � � ' of Paragraph 9.6. Bomower's coveaan�g and agrecments shall be joint And ceveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this ,' <br />. �= -`` . 9ecurity In.suument btit dces not ezecute the 1Vote: (a)is co-signing this Security Insttument only to�t and . _ - <br /> '= r,-•�':. convey that 8orrower?s interest in the Praperty under the terms of th�s SeCurity Inxtrument:(b)is not personally obligated to , . <br /> '�=ti�. :. pay the sums secured by this 5ecuriry Inswment:and(c)Agrecs that Lcndcr and arry athcr Borrawer may agceE to extend. +. - <br /> =;�� -:�"'. - -- � modify.forbear or make any accammadations with rcgaril tn the tertnx of this Secudry Insmrment ar thc Note withoue thal . . - <br /> �1°` •Hormwer�cans�m� <br /> • ;: ';a�_ '�; � 13. NoNas. My notice tc+Hortawcr provided for in thix Security lnstrument�hall be given by delivering it or by � � - <br /> - , � mailtn g ii�y first clacs mail unless applirable lnw requ�rcs usc of anather mcthexl. The notice shatl be directed'to the . - <br /> � � •Property A di�ss or any other uddres+Borrower designutes by notice to L e n dcr. Any rtotice to L en der s h a l l b e g iven b y __ _ _ <br /> t?��.: _. �.. • first ctas.c mail to l.ender's uddress stated herein ar any a�idrexs l.ender designates by nc�ti� to Borrower. My notice : • <br /> ��� � �,.t-•.� p�dcd for in this Security Imtn�ment 4ha11 be decmcd to havc fieen given to H�+rmwer or Lcnder when given ati pmvide�l �- -- <br />. ... �.. ,;' : ' , ni this paragrsph. � <br /> ��_. , , • ;: . 14. Gwerntng Lovr;Severt�biltty. 'fhiv Scrurety In�trumcr�t shall t+c g�+vcmcci hy Fedcral law and the law of the � ,. <br /> . nrisdiction in which the Praperty is locntcd. In the event thae any prnvision or clau�c-of thiti 5ccurity Instrumcnt or tfie f <br /> ���"' � �, �ote cronflkty with applicable law,such conflict stwll ttut uffcrt��th�r praviviany of this S�ti�urity lmtrument ar�he Note E' . •. ' <br /> �.-"�,:.;. ,_ <br /> _ •...�} _ which can bie given effect without the conflicting provi�ion. To thi�end the pn�vi�ions af'this Security Instnunent und the � � <br /> �*.:_: . .:� � Nate are'declared to be reverable. . <br /> '�`•�L::-x�.�, 1S. Norsower't� y.'8orrower shall be given anc canfnrmed copy c+f thiti 5ecurity In�vuumem : ^ , <br /> ^'�``-='��•; t6 Aaslgnment ot nhv. BaROwer uncondiuonally utisi ms:utd tnu�sfen to Lcnder ult the rentw�d nwcnues uf tM; � <br /> `�:,�:'.�::,. � , properiy, Hotrower authorizcs Lcrtdcr ur Lr:ndcr�ugen�y In col�ect thc rrnts and trvcnars:�nd hcrcby directs eswh tertnnt of t <br />_ - ` '^: ,•;.: .the Properry w pay the rents to Lender or Lcnders agcnts. Hnwever.priar.ta Lenderw notice to Borrower of Horrowrr's ; <br /> ' -_� . bnach of any covensnt or agreemeM ln the Serwtity ln�trument.Botruwer shal!col2ert and recejv�all rents and revenuew of � �-.-.''-'---— <br /> ---= the Pnoperty as hustce for the benefit of L'ender and 8orrowcr. This a5si�nment oi rcnt�canstitutca an absnlute ucsignment � . ,, <br /> -,�.� ,,. at�d ttot an assigninent fnt saiditional aecurlty nnly. ' '` . . <br /> �-- • !t 1.egder gives natire of Meach to Bouower: lalall rcnts rcccived by 9urrower Yhall be held lsy.8orrower as trwtrc �_ _ _ <br /> -- "`�'""''� f o r b e n e fl t o f l.e n d e r o n l y.t o be u p p l i e d t a t h e s u m�s e c u r e d b y i h e S e c u ri l y l ns t w n e n t:(6)Lender�hall be entided to ; <br /> ��`� y' •coltect�and teceive nll of the rents of the Prope�ty::�nnd(c)c�ch tctrant af thc Pr�peAy sh•r!1 pay all rents due and unpaid to � <br /> -'�� Lender or Lender�s agent on Leader's writtrn dcmand ia the tcriani. i • <br /> '..�� Borrower has rtat executed any prior utsi�nment of the rent�artd hu�t not und will not pert'arm�Ony act that urould .' . <br />_ :� � pn�,went Lender from exerclsing it�rights andcr thi�Paragraph t6. : <br /> . ,• I.ender shall ttot be teyulred tn enter upan.take control af nr maitn:�in the Propehy before nr after�ivinF notice of ; , <br /> `:�• _ � b�ch to$orsowe�� Haweve�l.snder oc u udicwlly poit�ted receivet mny do sv su su�y Nme there i�u bre�cli. Any . <br /> - .��__ ..._.. . . __. ._ � aP . _.. i—�_-_ <br />_ - -- � - -:appIIea�oti oT rcnfs sTralf eot rUte 6t w5iv�3rty ck-t`sof��r fevafiQar�anyotl�r-righrariemed�r of E.cnder. '�fnsacsisnnenf--- y <br />_ _ . of rents of the Praperty sttutl termltrrsc when the��ccur�d by the 5ecurity lnstrument is{r�id in fu11. .�- ; <br /> • . � <br /> � . . � . <br /> _ . , . , . . , f <br /> � , fpuRe!�f 4 puKral . <br /> -. • � . <br /> _ . ' : � . . . • : � • �_ . <br />