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_}� _ . G . . `� .,. � - - . J..��:�_ <br /> -�� <`4���`��` - �. _ • • ' •-- _ , �:s c . � �. <br /> e <br /> x. c' y�__ <br /> �:: < .'. . . .. <br /> __- .. ... _ . . . ; � . .. �-b _ _ . _. <br /> _"-i�:..:. -.i:,"'v ' `"_'" " �, .. . ' " _ _." ' ' ' '_.vS� . ._ <br /> ;a�... :� _...._. . � '"." <br /> _ . <br /> ' f'..': " '. .`'� "' '� "�""'" . <br /> _�u v < c . . . � . ( c � . � ( � � , t, t . ct <br /> � _ � Z`�,.[ �_ _ , . .t < � . ` _ ` . . � . �!�. . �_ � . . . . - .. F . . ` . .. <br /> .ur�.l- . , � . ` . C L . <br /> ' .• . _.L � ` , ' � ' �v • ` `` �,G` ` ,��7`�� . ' ` . <br /> c . � i �.' � .. � <br /> ° , ` ..�, d pr�,I�te�+eata�d ta�e C6� Basra�wer s�all p4y vvhen due tbe principad o�aod'mta�est an. . . , ,. <br /> 4 �de6t�b!f tbeNote aodla�c c�dn�tmdet t6e 1Vbt� . � ' " ' ` ' <br /> 2- �7 p�J�d73t�e�.Ia�rata sd Od�ee'�.'Bo�mrvei sbaif.mdud�b acfi uio�1YP�Y�• ��' <br /> .yugethaw�t6 tbe p�ac,ipal°�md iptasst as set fa�di ia We Nn1�ad tate i�pWaeat�ta�►(s)tiuce.t`,ar� . -. < <br /> - sp�ec�1�lev�ed or w be leviod tbc Plropaty.tb) � P�Y��6�reats ao We Ae�paty,a6i1' '. <br /> — - , -- . {c}p�fa�u���Yp�'�. . -. � - - �. . _ .. <br /> Eadi,monthlY u�for mms(a), )�nd Cc?�� �of dk'annwt u�s,as�aao�a�bt�► . <br /> - . �ed`i�y I�ende� an a�m sa�ent oa�nai�sm addiribatt bit�oe of not mone tban aac-sixth c�the ' � <br /> - � �amouot�. ��ull a�1�fur esdi ioem§hal!be�oc�mmis�ed iry�.�dar svidmi�r perioa r�'m�ate <br /> �- -- mor�th bdace m itam xraoW b�000�ne delinq5�ere. L,ender sfr�hoki�be�ra ooDxted ja mtct to pay itcros(a�(b)a�d` � . <br /> _ _-_ - . ' (c)�ae��dMC�1�Y���id by I,e�der far ioaa�s(A),@)and fc),togett�er wuh d�c firtme mondily . . <br /> _ _--- - ' � .. p„y,�a#'ar snd,,oaa�s p,y,bk co I.maer pnor w me ane dms of su�`i�ems.eacceeds by mnae t6an a�asniN�me � . � <br /> -= tstim�ed anioBOt�pm�ytaeats.�Oed�opa sucb items e�lm due,and ifp�►y op tbe Nate ane cua�mt:t6au T.a�der <br /> '==� sAsU euLeer iefimd thc acoe�'over o�suclh yaf d�e� a '�cnd t t�excess ovei on-siuh of t6e�od <br /> -_=.'- . m��9�P,aY��hY B�xnawer at ilx optio»�Ba�no�rtr. If the tanl ofthe p�yma�ls ma�i4!�Y�ono�rer <br /> -��= or inm(a) (b�or tc)u msn8"�cimt to pay tho item whdt doe,then Bo�mwei s6alt pry ou La�der eny ania�t n�►w . <br /> < makeupthe deficier�.y on or hefaie the&ma tt�e item b000a�cs due. , <br /> mak <br />_a,�� � Asused'm t6is Secant}►In�unea�"Sa�tetary"�c the Sx�r of Hoa�ing and Urban I]evelapmeat a his ar her. , < <br /> - �8� m ffiY Y��wluch the Lender must pay a a�aigage iasu�anoe prcmtum w tbe Soeretary,.esch m6nddY PY�� . <br /> _ - s�nit dso inciodo enbcr: ti)m� :+�MA�_�^* �tba aampal matga8e uuu�e Pn�um�o b�paid bY I.eader w the : <br />- - Secc�ry,ar(ri�a mmt6ly ct�erge i��ead of a r�o�age�e p�cemiam if this Sxucity i�t is Tietd by tbe 1 <br />_-- Secntary. �Fach�no�hty instatl�nent of tba mo�tgage in�uance pemium shall be in an amouru sut'�ckcd m�smnul�oe ihe . <br /> mo tgage <br /> - futl umual rtwit$s�ge.ia4tit�aace premimn with l.ender onc mantl�pruu to the date the fiil! annwl moctgage �a• <br /> - pnmium iis due to tl�tSe�etzry:or if tEns Sa�uriry L�mem is hekl b�r tbe Sectetary.each monthiy ct�shall be ia art <br /> - .�: amoimt eqnai w one-twelfth of one-haif paoent of tbe attstanding Prin�hPa!�ue due on We Note. <br /> , „�:��:.; <br /> ,=�_ . .�.:s_4. If Borrower terdeis to Lender the fuA pa t of all sums saured by thiQ Saurity Insuumeat.Hormwer�s account -- <br /> �* . . �� ,r�.:;,:. . � �n��c�a,�u���,s�"au� � tc�ce�, ro��c���� �$��� — <br /> '� - �.�nder st�' sefuna any <br /> _ :;.,-_ �-. � .. - p�emiwn msqilaie�st d�at L.eodei i�as not beconne obliga[�d to p�ag ts the Soet+eta�Y,ar� P�Pd3T - __ <br /> f '... � ` • excess funds to Bornower. Imrtxdiately a forectos�ue sate af the Piroperty or�ts aoquisitian hy Lender,Boirower;8 �;�__ <br /> � -<x�;��: ; "- - ropert �� <br /> - ''�•=:i�`:�:F. - •=.� accotmt alrall6e cciedited arith any balaace re�naudng far all i�is for i�(a).tb)m�d(c). - <br /> :.:��;,:. e°°:--- <br /> � 1� � 3 Appikation d A�yments. Aq paytnents tmder Pi�agaphs 1 and 2 s6all!x a�lpfied by i.ender as follows: L, <br /> ;-. ,. ��.w the moctgaSe insurance premium ta be paid by L.euda to the Secretary or to ehe morthlY chaBe bY tLe , <br /> _ - .;= . . . Sec�etary instead of the monthly mortgage insurance p�mium: • �.=--__ <br /> - . i�''•^'. ;• . . �rJ$w any ta�ces.spocia4 asses.m�ents.leasehold payments or gramd rent.�.and f'ire.flood and other h a z a r 8 , `.�.-- <br />.. '�`-;�;'���'� , . • fi,WUance p�Cmiums,asrequired: '"�~_- <br /> ; , .. g�$ inte�est dae under the Note• �=�Y`�-`�� <br /> , ' .'�.r'*f-' ' " � . �Qj,�tn�uf the principat of the Not� - _ <br /> . ��--_ <br /> ': �,to late charges dae undcr tlie Note :�.�"t�. <br /> -.- - '-- '.. ' , a. (�fl�FI00�91�Ol�lll'�I11SqT�lICt. B01f01MLY 5�1RII tllStiiC 8II ttilpfOV�CfIf8,0It t�IC PfOpC7�/s W�1C1�AOW - 'r�S-: <br />- . • :�,"` . . in euistenc�e or subse�umtly erected against a�Y haza�d.�,rasw�lties. and condngencies:including fuc.for which l:ender ,,°� ``}` _ <br /> • - . nqai�es b�.curance. 'i'h's insuranae shafl be maintamed in the amounts and for the periods that Lendcr requires. Borrower ;• . - <br /> • shall aLso insure all improvements an the Raperty.whether now in eaistence or subsequendy erected.aga�nst toss by tloods , �`� <br />- : - � to the extem requi�ei 6y the Saroetary. All insurance shail be carried wilh companies approved by L.ender. The insurai►ce ` _ ��:: <br /> �;.' . peucies aad aay n�r►ewals shall be held by Lender and shall incl u de loss payable clauses in favor of.artd in a form_ . ,.. � :,�. <br /> . ' ' scceptable w.L�mder. ' �=' <br /> =;t, � [n the event of lacs.Bor[awer shail give,:Lender immediate notice by maif. Lender may make pcoof of loss if nat � .'": <br /> . i.; <br />�:.. .. ' . made pmmptly by Borrower. P.ach insurancc company concemed"u hereby autharized and dimcted to make payment frn , . _.., <br /> "<. � . � such loss directly to i.ender.instead of to Horrower and to Lender jointly. ,Aq or any part o,f the insurance proeeeds may be . <br /> _,"' �: �.�� - - . applied by its option.eithcr te)to ihe reductian af the indebiedness under the Naie and this Securitq Insunmen� �-=..._ . <br /> f rst to m�y delinquent amountq applied in the order in Paragraph 3. and then to prepaymen►of principai.or(b>to the <br />;�•�, : : - • --� .. . restoration or repa�r of the damaged propeny: Any application of the.procceds ta the princ�pal tihall not eztend or postpone ' -.� : � . <br /> ,. � `� the due date of the monthly payrrien�c wh�ch are referred to in Rus�gmph chan�e the amwrrt of such payments. Any . <br />'; , � � e�oe�insuraace pracerds over an amount re�►uired ro pay all outstandmg indebtednetiti under the Nate and this Security • <br /> � ' ' I n s tr u t nent shall be paid to the entity legally ent�tled thereto. F '� � . � <br />:�: -,._ . 1n the event of farectosmc af this Setittity Imttument or other tran.fcr of titic to the Properiy that catingnishes the ,' <br />-� .• '.' _ • . indebtedaess.all right.title a�interest af Borrower in and ta insurance pt�liciex ia force ShaQ pas.c to the pnn�haser. � , �_ .. �_ _ ,.� <br />�� .�;'� ' S. Occupsmc�. Preservation, Malntenance and Protection o(the Property: Barrower's Lo�n Applicatioa; � •�+' ; t <br /> .�-. :: . • . � • 1.taseLoida Borrower xlwl)c�ecupy.establish.and use the Praperty � Borrower�pnncipal reaidence within sixry days � � <br /> ,. . after the execution of this Security Inctrument and shali coatinue tooccupy thc Prnpecly as�orrmverti principat residence � <br /> ...f.�i " _: .- ._ - for at leact one year aftcr the date af occupancy.unles.c the Secretary determ�nes this rcyuirement will cause undue hardship _ , : <br />- , i for Bortbwer.or unless extenuating citcu�fi�tances exist which arc beyond Bortawcr+ cantml. Borrower xfi�all natify <br /> - .- - � .: - =- l.e n d e r s o f a n y e x t e n u a t i n g c i r c u m.t t a n c e s. B a r r o w c r s h alt n��t cammit wAtite nr deuro y.daina ge or substantiall y change � � . <br /> - '' • � the Plroperty or allow the Propeny to deteriorate.rcasonabte we:u ar�d tear excepted. Lender may inspect the Property if t he ' �t <br /> � °. •` � . Property is vucani or abandoned or the loan is in defttnit. L.endcr may take ma.�nnable uction to pratect and p�serve such ; .� - <br /> :, � � vacant or a6andoned PrapeAy. 8onower sh�ll alu�he in defuult lf Borrowcr.durtng�hc tam appllcntion proceus.guve � „ <br /> � matedally false or inaccurate infortnaticm ar statementx to Lt:nder t�r failed to prnvidc Lender with a�ry matenol � ( <br />�� ��.��� .•�� Wom�ation)in connection with the lau�evidencrd by the Nau. including:but not limited t�.repn�entations conceming � ;' • <br /> . . .:. . ' <br /> _c-�- ,- �: �;� ;�=�:--=- �------ 8ormwer a c�ecupancy of the Property ac apn'ncipa!ras�dence. If thlv 5ecuruy Inwun�ent is on a teasehold,Borruwer shali � <br />- ' . • camply witb the provisions•af the lcase. If Bom�wer a�;yuires fce title to the Prapecty.thr Ie�ehold and.fee title st►all nat � - - . <br /> - be nxrged unless Lender agreey to the meige�1n w»6ng. • � , <br /> '� . •� . 6.C�to Borrower and Prattrfion ot Lender's RiRhts in the Prupprfy. 8orcnwer slwtl pay all�eovemmettwl ( <br /> . .. , ur munlcipat c es.flne�and impositions that ane aot includcd in P�•uagtaph 2.��unower shall pay these abligations�an. • <br /> — +�=�,::';r ••�' -.:. ti�ne dinactly to the entity which is owed thc payment. If faiture to pay�vauld adversely affect Lender's intezest in the j: ___: _: <br /> ` ��'�,;';�.�:.;:�; � pbporty.upon Lender s reques�t Borrower shN1 prpmptly fumish to Lender rcrery�+evideneing these p�ymen�w. E . <br /> _:,R_ , . - If.Bonower fails to mdce tttese paymetus a the payments requfred by Parogroph faiLq to perform sufy other � .. .. <br /> ' =�:.:''�.. T.�. cevp�ams and ageemeats aonwined in this Secudty lnstromen�or�here is a le�al praceeding that may signiflcantty a�fect ; - <br /> __. ' ,. 'r:_",'.• :, •�'� j..l111�1'•T�ff i8 in thc p P«S• t regutations). _ • '; . _ .' . <br /> � �;.,,.�,.• _ gh Property tsuch as a roceeding in Imntw for condemnation or to enfonr aws or <br /> �',"��.'_ _ _ .r��.:.:�_- . <br /> �Y . , ;.;;:;;;.....� . tbca L�ader amy do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the artd Lendert rights in the Property. . .� <br /> - `..i "''`�.' �. ' , ' �1�8 P�Y�t o f t a x e s,h a�a r d i n s u r a a c e a a d m l i e r ttems mentloned in Para�. . . � <br /> ��i� � p�y�m�ouats disbursedby Lender under this pmageph.shall beceme an danal debt of Barrnwer artd be se��umd � ' <br /> � <br /> .. �'rs,:._r P . . <br /> J ..�; � . �.; .' lry this$eCUrity,Iastrmnent 7ltese amounts slmll bear interest frum the date of d}sbursement.ut the Note rate.artd at the � � , <br /> ' , °'" �.�;::� :. aptian of l.ender,shdi be immediately due at:d payabte. ; � <br /> _. . <br /> �� � ; �?-"-''��i 'f.Caedameadoo. TGe pnooeals ot any award or claim tor dama�es.dirert or conncctian with any � i , . <br /> -_ �;L .:.:,,� •,. .- _ _ �or ut6er iai��ot any p�rt oi the Frapest�,ab� �a pkrce at�it�a.�ce.�e ass� - - <br />