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' _ '_�__—._. .._ .. ��y.-�,�w__ <br /> �R.^•... <br /> �.a _-- <br /> . �la L7!li[.4�� . <br /> ��� . . , .. ��,�. :1,U440� ��---- ---- _ <br /> , _. : �_ �.� _- <br /> � - �_... p:ryuu:utw, whi4h urc rafcis�d t�i lu 1'�u:�graF�h�. ��r thun�;r thr innuimt ul'su�l► pi►ymen�v, A�tiy exrc.r�p�uccedv uvcr i►n t- = _ <br /> � • nmaw�t re��ulred tu�my nll��utstunding indct�tcdncss undar�he Nutc und this lceurny invtnmumt rhnll ix pnid�u�t�e�ntity - -- <br /> . lc�;nUy entltleii iharota. ± � � -� <br /> . H. Hecw Lritde�niny callccl f'ce�n�id cliurKes authu��ir.ed by thu Sccrctnry. � M =__ , .- <br /> ' • . 9. (.roundy f��r Acceler+�tlnn of Uebt. w=�- <br /> " � (W Itei'uult, l.ondcr maiy,exccpl nti Ifu�itcd hy rct;ulaUu��r i+�ucd hy the Srrntarti in►tie ruy<�ul'peyntent�1efi�oU�:, `� h � _ <br /> _.. ,t, ._. fCt�U{YC It11111tt{IN1�'�1Nyiiit`Ill IIl(LII l)F 11II!:UII!`�tiCt%t1(l'lI I1�t 1I1I4 SCCUIII�I I1151FUfilCTll fI: - _ _ <br /> - =- --- (i)flnrniwtlr�tufuulty h�fuili�t;;ta puy in ful!nny mou�hlv puyntenl nquir�d bv Ihiy Sc4ur�ty Instrument prit�r � _- _Y <br /> a�t�r�n thv duc dnta��f'thc nrx�monthly pnyment,ur E -- -�' ,�_ <br /> :- � ' : (iil Borr��wcr dufault.r•by tuilln�.l��r a�puriod��f thiny dnys, to pnrfiant;►��y uiher uhlibaiic�i�s rtsns;�inrd in titts , --- - - -- ---- - <br /> Sccurity Inti�ru�tiiunl. _ <br /> �. Ibl tiale Without Credll Approvcd. Lendar�hnll,if permitted hy a�ppliruble I��w unct�Yhh thu p�ior npprovi�l��f ihe � , . _ <br /> ` Sccrctary,requin:immadf�itu pi�ymcnt In ilill nl'nll thu sums sccutrd hy ihiy Sccurity Intitnnncnt{i; „ ' <br /> ...+� lil AU or pi�n ��f thu 1'r��perty, ar a henefi�iul interc��t fn u Iru.r•t uwnfn�+ill or pah oF thc F'ropeny, is xnld or . ' . <br /> ° . uthenviso�nm�fcrnd(othcr�hnn hy dcvisc c�r dc�centl by th�I��rn��vor,und ,` <br /> liil'1'hc Pruperty iti nnt cx:cupled hy thc purchuxcr��r prantcc ii+hix un c�r principul residencc,�,r the purchn+er � <br /> � ��r gritntce duex ru uccupy the F'ropeny hu� hir ��r he:� credit hus not bcen appr��ved in �iccordnnce . . . <br /> . with thu requiroments of the Sec�t�i►ry. • • .. <br /> (e)Nc►Walver. If circumstunces��rcur thm would pemiit l.endrr t���rquire immedlutu piryment in full,hut Lender ; , <br /> daos not ra uire such p+�yments,l.cndcr docs not wi��ve its right.with rospect to yubzeNucnt evcnis. <br /> • (d)ReRulut�ons uf HUU Secretnr�t In mi�ny circumstanees regul��Uons istiued hy the Secrrtiuy will(imit Lenderk • <br /> � rights, in thu ct►se of' payment dut'uults, w reyuin� immcdiiue payment in Pull und forcrl��sc �t nat �,aiJ. 'I'his � <br /> �� Security In�truinent docti iiot uuth�uizc itrccicriiuon ar t'��rcrlasure if n��t permittcd by irgulations of the Sccretiiry. . ,,;r.�,. <br /> , (e)Marttiafie N��t Insured. Baremvcr ugrre.r•thut shnuld thix Security Instrumcnt amd�hc n.uo�ecurcd thcreby not ; 1` <br /> �'' Uu cligiblc for In.urance undcr th�Ni�ti�mul Hi�using Act within 90 days frc�m Ihc . . �: <br /> ``�''` ' dute hercof,Lcnder mi�y,ut i�s i�ption nnd natwithstundin�i►nything in!'��rngrnph��,require imm��di;�te p;ryment in ;._ ,_ • ; �.�� <br /> ,;1;:;} '. . , <br />. : ,.�,�, . � fuU o1'uU sums xccured hy thix Security Inslrumcnt. A wrltten suucmenl of'nny u�;em oY�he Secrct.�ry S,.,� ' . <br /> �:� 9Q da s f'rom thc datn c�rc��f,decUnin�;to insuro thls Sccurity ;; . �.-:� <br /> �,�.: • � datc�f subscqucm to Y .., <br /> '`�r`. � lnslrument and Ihu note+ecured therehy.tihull be dcemc�l cuncluxive prout ut'such inclit;ibiliry. Natwiths�undinc i •. � <br /> r;.. <br /> '.';�':• • the f'oregai�g. 1hi+option �nny nut l�o exercised hy l.cndcr when�he un�tiva�ilathiliry uf in,urunce Ir salely �iue t�• . , _- <br /> �.;�<, Lender�tiiilure ta remit a mongi►�e inxuri�nce premium u�the Secreti�ry. �'°� " <br /> 10, IZeinstAtement. H��rrawcr hiis a�right ta tx�r�instuted if l.cndcr hus rcquirod immcdintc pnyment in t'ull hcciiusc � �� <br /> Of BQ17qwcr's fi►ilu�c to pay an umnunt duc undcr thc Ncuc or this Sccurity Instrument. This right npplics cvcn nftcr <br /> foreclaxure pruccedinF� ure instituted. 'A� rcinstatc the Sccurily Inxtrument, Ht�rrnwcr shaU tendcr in u lump tium ull . <br /> . umounts rcquired tn hring Ho�Tawcr�ucan�m currrnt imluding,tc�thc cxtcnt U�ey.iru ubli�:ui��m��t'Qarrawcr undcr this <br /> Security Instrument,foreclnsure costs and rcu�i�nuhh and custunu►ry i►ttomey�'tres and expcnse� pn�perly i►ssuci+�tee1 with . � <br /> ` � the fi�reclasurc procceding. Upon reinst;ucment by I3orrcnvcr, �his Security Instrumrnt •md thc��bligiu�rm�hut it�rcurex ' <br /> .. , ' <br /> .. .�. : <br /> -• shall remain in effect u�it'l.ende�hu�l m�t requircd immcdiute puyment in t'ull. tio���rver,l.cnder i�nut nquircd to pertnit � '• : <br /> ' "- --- rrisLsas:.n��:�s if: t�) !_endcr hus acceFtc� r�,ll1til11Ie�l1��lt uftcr thc comnlcncCmct�1 ����t���R`�losute pracccdingx �vilhin two I ' <br /> _ - _ - <br /> veaus immediutel� preceding the commeneement ut' a curre�u fi�recla+urc pruccrding. (ii) reimtatement �vill prcelude `-- <br /> . forcclosurc an diffcrent�;rounds in �hc 1'uturc,ur(iii)rcinstatcmrnt will udvcrsclv i�fi'cct thc pri��riry��P thc licn crc�ucd hy � , . <br /> � . this Security Instrumunt, <br /> � <br /> _:.__.._.-._....__..... . w� . n...,...., 4 a . v t N wr No u W��1�•�r. Extension ul' Ihe lintc uf P:�ymenl al' � .- -- <br /> . . .•- ——— Z t. �t�ti�rr.�:�� ,.a. ...l.a.,..d: .ar!»nz� b. __nd_. . .! .. -----— <br /> mi�d'Ificauion��f a�moninui�m ul'th�.um�+ecur«I hy thi�Sccut'ity lnxtrument gnmted hy l.entirr tu uny successor in interest ----- - - <br /> � of Borniwer�hull ni�t ��p�riuc ta rrlcasc thr linhilily of the i�riginul Rurrawcr��r Harr��wcr'� tiucccssur m interest. l.cndcr . <br /> shull not be reyuired ta cummencu pruccedin�ti a�uin,t any tiucceti,�u in intercrt ur rell��r tu rxtrnd time i'i�r paytnent or <br />- othcrwi�e modify nmc�niratiun uf �hc ,um. �ecurcd hy lhlti Sccuri�y� In+trumcnt hy rua.nn ui':uty demand mudc hy thc . <br /> uriginiQ 8onawer or B��rruwur�rucces,ora in interust. Any ti�rhear:uur hy l.endcr in�any ritiht or remedy shull <br /> not hc i�wuivcr ot'or prcrludc�hr exrrci+c uf uny ripht i�r r��mr�ly. <br /> � 1Z. �uccessa�.r• und Asrlpn+Huund: Joint and Se�•eral l.iahlUt}�; ('o.tii�;ner.r•. 'Phe r�wennnl�and agreemcnls uf� <br /> tld�Seeurity Instrument yhull hind and hen�fit thu�urce+,ur�nnd a.,ign.uf I.rndcr:w�l k3uiru���r..ubjcct to the prc�vi�innti <br /> � ��i' Purugriiph 9.b. Hurn�wcr'�ravcnants and .��rcemcnt. �hi►II hr,j��int and ticvcral. Any Hnrri�wcr �vha co-tii�;ns this • <br /> • Securit�• Inrtrumcnt hut d�xs nrn�xerute thc Notc: l�U ir ru-+ignin�:�hi�Sccuriry In,trument anly tu m��rtgugc, nnd <br /> convep thlt aorrowcr's intemst in Ihc F'ropeny undcr Ihc tem�y al'thiti ticcurily lu,�rununt:lM i.nut�xrsonully i�bhg.�ud to <br /> • - pi►y thc sum�srcurrd hy�hi� Security ln�irumrnt:und(c 1 agrr«that I.rndrr and an�uthcr Hurmwrr nu�y agrcc ta cxtcnd, <br /> . , modify,fanc�ur ur m.+kc uny :�ccumntod,nion���iIh rc�;ard ti�Ihr trrntti�,1 thi,5rrur�ty In�tn�mrm ur thc Ni�tc wi�hout thul <br /> Borrowcr\cunsenl. <br /> .. lj. Nutices. Any ninicc tu Nurrowrr pri��•ided t'�r in ihi. Sr�urity In�lrum�nt �hall br givrn by dclivcring it ur by <br /> � muiling it by firtit clas. mai) unlcss upplicahlc L•���• mNuir4, u,r ��f anothcr mcth�,d. Thc nnticc tihull hr dircctrd tu Ih� � <br /> Prupeny Address ur uny„thcr ail�ire�. Rorm���rr desi�:natr� h� muirr t�,l.endrr. Any notir� tu Lundcr�hall he�!iven h�• <br /> i�irst cluss nu�il tc� Lcndcr\ uddrr„,tat�d hrrrin ur am• a�ldn,. l.rndrr�fe,i�_n:urti h�• nutirr u� Hurrowrr. Any nu�icc <br />—. • ��rovidcd for in this Sccurity Imirumm��yfltlll hC d�emed tn ha�•r h�•cn gi�•rn ta N��rm��•cr ur l.rnder whcn givcn ati prc,vided <br /> , �n this purugraph. � • <br />,�_ 14. Guvernln{; tie�•e�i�hilit��. l'hi, tirruntc Intilrumrni�hall hr i�,�erned hp I�rdernl laa• and the law ��t thr <br /> _� . juri�diction in �vhich thc Prnpcn�• i, lur;ur�l. In Ihr r�rnt �h:u :in� pnn�itiirn c,r el;iu,r ut thi, S�rurity In,trumcnt ��r thc <br /> - Nutc ronllirt� �vilh upy,li�al,lr I��«�,�urh ri�ntli.•t ,h.ill n„� :�lic�•� ��th��r ��rrn i.u�m uf thiti tirruril>• In.lrumrnt i,r thc Ni�ir <br /> �;. ' which he tiiven eltec����iih�un �hr rnnfli�•iinc�,r�,v„i�,n. '1��th�•�•rnt thr pr„��.u+n.„1 Ihi,Srcin�it:r In.Irununl and Ih. <br /> ,.r: Notc arc dcrl.�rcJ tu hr,r�•crahlr. <br />� k� I5. Horru«•er's Cup���. Rurru�crr.hafl hr�ivrn��n��untrr�rnd ru},> �,t Ihi.S��rurit� In,irumcnl. <br /> �, 16. Astii�;nment��P Rcntti. Harrr�crr une„nduiun:ilh a.v•_n.:in�l tran.l.r,io Lrnd��r all ihr rrnh and r��enucs ul thc <br /> ` F'r��peny. Nonower uulhi�ri�r,LrnJrr�,r I.rndrr'.a�arnt,in crllcrt thr rrni.;ui�i rrvenur,.in�l heruh� dircet�cuch Ien:mt��f <br /> ., . ihc Yra�xny as p:tV'thc tcnt� tu!.L•�tt1t!'ta' l.t�ititr�� aeetll�. li���i�•���r. �ui��r t�i Lrndir'ti nuurr �u Hurru��rr ut(�urrrn�rr'. <br /> l hreuch of uny cuvrnant ur agrrrntcnt in�hr Serurm lii.u�umrnt, t3urruwrr.h:ill r��llcr�and rrrrnr all rrnl,and rr�•ei�ur,�,t <br /> �he Prupcny a.truti�cc ti�r Ihe Iknclil ut I.rndri•:md liurn,�«•r. 'l�hi�a�.i�nmrnt nt rrn1.r�mrlilutr,:u�.d�,oluir:is,ignntritl <br /> and nul an a,�ipnnunt liir adilitinnal+rrin�it} onl�. <br /> li'Lcndrr�:ivr.nuUcc ul hr�:�rh ti�H��n'u��i�r: I:U:�II trnts r�r��i��d h} H�,nu�«�r,h:ill hn c�ld hv R��rru�vrl';iti Iru,t�c <br /> } i'iu Ixnefit i�l'I.rnd�r unl�•. U�hr applird I��Ihr ,unu �crurr�l h� �hr tirruril� Imlrumrni: lt,� L��ndcr ,hall h� rntitlyd lu <br /> U. • coUcrt and rercivu all uf thr rrm, ul�he I'rup�it�: and �c�rarh�rnam ul�h�� I'ru�,rrt� •hall ��:i� all rrnt,�lur and un{�:ud �u <br /> . l.rndcr�u l.cndar'ti a�:rnl un I.rndrrl��nnrn J.�mand 1��Ihc Irnant. <br /> tlurzowcr ha. ni�t rHrcul�•d an� ��ri�n� :i„i�nm��m ul Ihr rcntti ;md h:�ti n�,t .in�l ��ill n��t �,rrl�nin .m� .�ct Ih:il ��nul.l <br /> . pr�v�•nt Lrn�lcr trum�•�rrrf,in�n,n�:ht,un�lri Uu. I'ara�raph I h. <br /> l.rndcr +hall nul hc ni�uirc�l iu �•mrr up�,n. �.il�r .�,nu�ul �,f ur m:unt.nn�hr Pnq�ri�} hrh,ir nr,it�rr Ln in� n�,urc nl <br /> 1 hreaeh tu H�uru�srr. Hrn�evrr, I.rndor�,� a luihciall) :q��,rnmrJ iecei�rr iii�i} �In ,�, .il .in� unu� ihri�� i. ,i hrra.h. :1n� <br /> � appliraUOn ul r�iUr.hall nul curr nr��•:iivr �my�Irlatd� nr imali�la�r:u» uthrr i i�ht„� i��mr�l� „I 1.rnJri. I hi.a„i�nm.�m <br /> of rrnlr ut Ihc Prupurty,hall Irrnunatr wh.�n Ihr�Irhl,rrurrd h� Ihr tircunt� Intiuuiurnl i.��.u�l m lull <br /> � <br /> � . ���„r�� <„r.l����r��,� <br /> 7 . <br /> � ' � <br /> � . ___. . _ . _ _ . . . . _ ' _. . _ .._. <br />