__' .. .'_. . . ..,.. ._ .. .. .. . �.. '���.. . .- .�1. . . � ��. � . � ... »r . . . . 1�: - - . . . _.— _. ..F..�.- —
<br /> • . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ' , i\`\` � . . i- � . . � �,��'� - € --.
<br /> . �� rr- -
<br /> ys�r.-w�w�.._. . ._ . _ . . ' . � �i�"Di._-_- --
<br />.. 1' ' . - �-i _`.
<br /> � k ��� �.044n� -_ :
<br />_ ;: _ �__-r
<br />` �{�,� � --: - - �. p��y�mnt oP 1'rinclpul�Intcrest und L��tc i'hurpc. p„r�u�vcr,h�+U pay when ditc iite pri�►cip:►1 ui,un�l intcrcyt v�r. - - _
<br /> ' d�o�kbt cvi�lcnccd hy tha N��tc und lato churbcr due undcr thc N„tc, ��-`;"���
<br /> Z. Mlu��ihiy puymcnts nf'luncs,inrurimcc i►ntl Q)Ihc�ChnrE;cs, Norr�nvcr�h��ll Include ln�iirh munthly pc�ymcnb . -..
<br /> ;, " tagcihcr with thc principal und intcre.t �tv sc1 i'orth in thc N��t�� ��nd uny luto ch��rgc�,mt in.r•Inllntcnl ul nny U�l laxc.r ctnd , ...
<br /> •,— -- - ypccinl usses,mcnty luvi.:d u►'tu b..Wvicd��gulnst thC f'r��perty,lh)Ieusehnid pnyntr�th ur ground rcnts on Ihe 1'�'u�xny,and _._ -
<br /> . --�- - (�)premiums far insuruncu rcqe►in:d by Ponigr��ph 4. -- - - -��--�-, ---= °
<br /> .,. �;ich momhly instnllment ti�r (temv (u►, lb)iuttl (c? ahpl) equul onc•�wrli'th ��9'tlic unnuul nnxx�nts, oy r�+ih��n��hly �` - -
<br /> . .__ .
<br /> : csUntivai by l.endcr, plus +�n limount +ufuclui�t tu u►ulul.�li� .�n attdltton:tt �atanc: nf nat mare th;m one•sixtn nf th;, � �� •
<br /> . csUntnlcti nninunis. Thc fuii imnuad i►ntdt►►tt f��� cnch item sltiaU h:; accumtdatrd !,y l,ender within�� pt[io�l ending onc �. . _ _ _ _-
<br /> �. mnnth bcfurc an item wuuld hea�mc delinqucnt. I.cndcr shull huld the unmunts coltcctcd in truwt to pny items(a),lb1 und ,�
<br /> • : � (c)boforo thcy bca�mc delinqucnt. .
<br /> � If at uny tlmc thr toti�l of thc puyments hcid by Londcr tur items (a�), (b) und (c).together wi�h ihc futurc monthly
<br /> • • � payments for+uch itoms pnyi�hle t�� 1.���a�� ����� c�� ihc duc dmeti M' .r•uch itumti, uxceeds hy mi�rc �ha►o unc•sixih Ihe
<br /> ' esdmuted umaunt uf p�iymentx rcquired to pny.uch Itctna whcn due,a�nd if pi+yments on Ihe Notc i�rc curccnt,th�n Lender
<br /> shidl cithcr refund the excess ovcr anc-tiixtl�ut thc ustimatcd piryments��r credit �hc cxccx�;ovcr cmc-sixth of'ihc cstimi�ted
<br /> paymcnts to tiuhscqucnt paymcnts hy Hcirrc�wcr,at Ihc apdon ut'Hnrr��wcr. li'thc uuul of thc paymcnts mudc by H��rr��wrr ^
<br /> � for Uem(�►?,lh),or(c)iti insufficirni t�pny�he item�vhen dur,then Sorrmvcr sh:dl puy ta l.ender uny amnunt necessury t��
<br />' ' , mnke up the dc(icicncy un o�tx�ti�re thc dutr the item bccomcs duo, •
<br /> As u.r•ed in thi�Security Instnimeri�,"Srcn iary"meuns the Secreiury of N��u.ing i►nd Urb�m pevrlupment��r his or her
<br /> ' desiFnca In nny�•enr in whlch thc Lcnd�r must p.�y a mi�rt�;i�gc insurunc�premium t��thc Sccretary,eurh monthly piiymcnt
<br /> � shall idso include either: li) un inrtullntrnt af thr a►nnuul munguge insunuirc premium to hc paid hy l.ender to thc
<br /> Secretnry, or(ii) n manthly chiu•ye in�teiid ��f u mor��uge insur�ince premium if Ihis Securiry Intitnrment is hcld hy ihe �
<br /> Sccmt;iry. �uch monthly instnllmcnt��f thc mrrt►:iigc insurancc premium shui!br in un amount tiufficicnt to:�ccumul;nc thc • , ,
<br /> � full nnnuul mortguge intiur:mre premium a ith l.endcr unc ntonth prior to Ihc diUc ihe full imnuul mortgiige imt�r;mrc I
<br /> pmmiuro is duo to thc Sccrc�ury;ur iP ihls Srrurity lnstnmicn�is hcld hy thc Sccrctary,ciich monthly churgc shall bc in un � �
<br /> umount cyual to onc-twulilh M'onc-hnlf percrnt ut�hc uutstunding prinapul balanco duc an thc Notc. � � �,;
<br /> Ii�arrower teaden to l.rnder the Qiil pa�ymem��f nll tiums securcd hy this 5ecurity Insaumeni, Rl1ry'pWCi�:icc��unt � � .
<br /> . � shull bu creditcd with Ihe bal.ince remidning tor ull Instullment� for items (a). (b) ;uid (c) und uny m�mgagG insur;mro I � .�
<br /> prernium in,tallment thtu Lender ha�mri bc�:ome ohligutcd to piry to the Secret:�ry,and l.�nder shiill pn�mptty nfund:my �
<br /> excesti funds ta Einrmwer. Immediately priur tu i►f'oreclosure,ule��f'the f'rop�rty or it�ar�uisition by l.ender, Borr���verS • ,
<br /> ucco�mt shull be crcditcd with uny balunce rrm�iining Yor all intitullmrnts f��r itcros(u),ih►+ind(cL � ,..;;
<br />� �. A� IlciUioo uP Pnyments. All pa}•mcnt�undcr Piirugruphs 1 and 2 shidl hc applic►1 hy l.endcr ati fnllo���s: I ''
<br /> . 'hIR IS �,Io the mortgiigv intiu�anre premium tc,hc puid hy l.endcr tu thc Sccrutnry or ti��hc munthlp churge hy ihe ;•;��,.
<br /> Secretur intiteud i�f the munthly mungu�,c imurnnce premium: i .
<br /> SF�CU ),tu nny tnxcs,.pc��i;d ii��cy�menl�.Icusrliuld paymm�ty�,r�round ront�.:uid t'irc,floud a�nd t�thcr har.urd ! �� ..
<br /> insuruncc premiumz,as requimd: '
<br /> ' THIRD,tu interrtit duc unctcr thc N��te: ' :
<br /> � OU ,to a�mc�nixa�iun uP thc principal��t'thc Natc: i
<br /> f�l F{,to liitc chnrges due undor thc Nutc. . `
<br /> _——,--_- _- i� rir�,{�'..-jnd ant!:lih:.=r l:ax.:es!ln:ur�stce. fit�rree�rec,hu!!in�urr,��I im�rovrmenis un thr F'roprnv,whetheti•n��w .
<br /> in existence ur sub��quentiy �rected, uguin�t a�ny huzurds, ca�uultirs,and«,ntingenrir�, mrlu�ling fire, t��r which Lender - - - ---- -
<br /> requires iasurunca This insuriuice xhull h� maintnined in thc:un��unts und for ihe periods that I.ender requires. Honower
<br /> shnll uls�i insurc.dl impruvomcnts on the 1'r�,perty,whclhcr nrnv in uxistrn�r ur.ubsequently rrerted,a��aimt li�s�hy tluods
<br /> ... . � �� • . �. �. • � .► ....., � •.
<br /> . ._ � -- -- -- J lP��1C CXtCilt Itit�tlltcal��y il�c accici�ii'x�. r��� iii�i.i.iOC���id�� ��::::t^'i�:.::7..:::':...�..lR:'.`::t�+.(�rn�r�1 hv 1�•nder. Thc in�uruncr
<br /> policie� und nny renewi►Is shull be hcld hy i.rndcr �md �hall in�lud� lu,. payi►hlc rlauscs in ta�•or ��f, itnd in n Fonn :
<br /> . I ucceptublc tc�,t.undcr.
<br /> In Ihc evcnt af'li�ss, l�iirruwrr shall �ivc l.rndcr intnudiatc niflirc by mail. L�nder nu►y mukc pn�of ut'loti� if not
<br /> mudc protnpUy by Horri���•rr. Fiuch in,urancc cumpany runrcrncd i�hcrchy uuthnriicd:�nd dircctcd�a m;ikc paymcnt fi�r
<br /> , such lass dircctly to Lcndcr,instcud ui'to Horrawcr and tu(.�n�trr.juinUy. AU ur+�ny pun��1�Ihc insuruncc procceds may bc
<br /> applicd hy Lendcr.ut it�uptiun,rithcr lii)to thc rcductiun i�f�he indchudnctis undcr�hc N��te und thi.Secunty Instrumcnt.
<br /> ; j first tc�any dclin:�ucnt iunuunts upplird in �hc ��r�1cr in Par.iira��h 3. and then �u prep:rynunt af principaL ��r thl tu thc
<br /> restoru�i�m c�r rcpmr of the damn�;ed pr��perty. A�iy uppliratiun i,t thc pr�,rrcd+t��thr principal.haU nrn cxtend i�r pustpunc
<br /> the due dute ol'thc m��nthly paymentti wh�ch;�rr rct'erred lu in Para�:rnph�,or rhiin�;c�hc:unuunt i,i'auch puyments, An).
<br /> - exeetis insuriincc pn�creds u��cr;m umount requirrd tu pay iill „u�titand�ng �ndchtcdncs, under the Nuro und this Srcurity
<br /> � Instrumcnt shnll bc paid ti�thc untity I�gally cntitled thcrctu.
<br /> � In thc cvent of forcclo�ure ut'thiti Sccurity Im�nuncn� ur uthrr tran.i�r ot�tiQ� �i��hr Nmprny thut cxtingui.hex the
<br /> � indebtedness,nll righL ti�lr and intcretit ut'Hurr��wer in and tu intiurance r�,liric� in tiuce+hi►U pa.s t��the purchi��er.
<br /> � S, Occupuncy, Presorvudon. `tuintenunce u�d N�uterli�m uf the Propert�•; Horr��wer's l.oun ��ppUcuUua:
<br /> l.easeholds. H��rro�ver tihall urcupy. etiiahlish. and utic thr Nroperty a. Hurru�ver'ti princip:d resiacnre within .�rt�• d:►y�
<br /> � ,�f'ter lhe execution ul'thi+ ticrurity In.trununt and,hall r�,minuc t��„rrupy U�c Yr�,pcn�•u, Horru�vur'ti p1'In�lpal residencc
<br /> fbr ut Icust unc ycar.iiter thr dutr uf arcupuncy. unlcti�ihr tiecrrlan deternunc�thir n��uirrment will cau.r�uidu�hardship
<br /> = fur Born�wur, ar unlc�ti exlrnuatinti rircuni.tancu, rris� �vh�rh arc h�}ond Hurn,�vcr'� runtrul. Horn�wcr ,hall n��tify
<br /> ILenden of any extenuu�ing rircumstunce,. R�•rru��er,hall n��l cummit ��a,t. �,r drtitru}•, dumu�r i�r tiuhtitantially rhun�:e
<br /> = thc F'roperty nr all��w thc Pmprrty ti��Ir�criaratr, r�;t,��n:+hk arar and irar exrr�,t�d. l.rndr�ma�•imprrt 1hr F'ruprrly it'thc
<br /> -' I Property is v�icunt ur lihanduncd ur�hc li�an i. iii ilrl,uill. Lcnder ma� takr rr;��uniihle acliun t�,pm�rct und pr�.rn•r,uch
<br /> �`• � vacunt ar abanduncd f'n,{,rriy. H�,rru��rr �hall al�n hr in dcl:�ull il'�H„rruwcr. durin� thr I��;in ;ippliratiun prures., �;avc
<br /> �;j � mutc�ially Gd+� ur iirircwatc inil,nnati�m nr `t.ucmrnh t�, I.rnd�r �ur fnilyd t„ �,mvidr l.rndcr wi�h any matrriul
<br /> • infurmittionl in comicc�iun «•ilh Ihc I��an rvidcnrrd hy ihr N„1�, in�lu�iint. hut nut limited la, rrpre.rni;iuom runrcrning
<br /> Qon•owcr:�xcupuncy oT thc I'ri�perty a.a prinrip:il ro�idrncc. !I thi.5erurilg Imlrumm�l i.nn a ka.�huld.Bi�rroH•cr tihall
<br /> comply�vith�hc pr��vi�inn���f thc Icii,r. If Hurru��rr;�rquirr. I�r UII�• to thr I'rupcny.thr Iratirhold a»�i fee litic ,h:►Il ni�l
<br /> bc mcrgcd unlc,s I.rndcr ugrce,tu ihr mertrr in�vriting.
<br /> ��, 6. Lhur�;es to Horru«er imd 1'rntection al'I.ender's lti�ht,in the Propert�. Hurrmvrr.hall pay all g�•�crnmrntal
<br /> - or mu�iiripal�hiirgcs, fine�at�d im�xs;ilicul�th:tit arc nut inrlu�i�d in Y:tr:i,raph _'. 4iorr,,••rr�hall pay �hr�r uhhga�iun�un
<br /> � time �lircctly ti� Ihc entity «•hich iy ����cd th� �ayn�rn�. I(L�ilurr tn p:��• �vould .�d��rr,rl�• :�I1'rrl I.�nder', int�re,t in [hr
<br /> i'ropeny,upon Lendcr'ti request Nurru��ir,hall rrumptly Iurni,h li,l.cmlei�rrcrirt,��•iJenrin�thr�c pa�•mr�uti.
<br /> � If' Bc,rro�vrr fail. t�� makc the.c pa�mrnh ur ihr puymrniti r�qiurr�l h�• 1':ir:�tir:iph '. �,r f;iih �u prrfurm any uthcr
<br /> ;i. covenums:ind i�grccmrnts conlained in thi.Serurity In�lnunrnt.ur Ih�rr f�;i I�•�:al prarccdine th:u may�ignifiranU��affe�t
<br /> '` Lendcr'ti righl� in Ihc Yroprny lsuch ati u pnxrrdin�: in hanl.ruptry, fur rundrmnali�,n ur tu rnti,rrr I;+�►•. ur rc�ulati��n,l.
<br /> ' then Lender may du c�nd p;ry whutevrr iti�urc..ary tu prutrrl �hr�•ulur ul th�1'n,prrty:md Lendi�r'ti ri�hh in the Pruprrly.
<br /> includin�;payment of taxeti.hat.ard in�urance and othrr itenn mcnti��nc�1 in I';ira�raph_'.
<br /> : Any amount+di.huncd hy l.endcr undcr thi� P:ir:iEri�ph �hall h�cumc:m addfliun;il �I�M ut RuRC,��rr and hr,rrtu•c�i
<br /> , hy this ticcuriry lnti�n�mcn�. '1'hr�r amounh sh:�n n�;�r ��u�r�,� r«,�„�n<<I;qr��f dl�hur�i'nunl. :u thr N��tr r:n�•, and :u ihr
<br /> ; option uf Lrnder.�h+ill ho immcdi:ucly duc and F�;iy:ihlc.
<br /> 7. Cundcmnutlun. 'fhc pn,rrrd���f:iny a�eard ur claim tor damaLr,.dirrct��r ron.r��uentril. in runncrtiun«�ith:ui>
<br /> , c�mdcmnatiun ur othcr takinE uf'any pa�n uf thr Prnprrty.��r ti�r cunvey.inrc in ��I�irc ut�undrmn;ili„n.:irr hrrehy :u,i�.nc�i
<br /> i a�id,hnll hc paid to Lcndcr�o thc oxtrn�ut'ihc full amount uT thc in�icMcdnr.. thai rrmain.unpaid undrr thr Nntr�m�l ihi.
<br /> � ticcurity Inytrumcnt. l.cndcr tihall upply.uch pnxrrd.�o thr rrductiun uf thr in�irhtrdnr,ti undrr ihr Nulr and thi,tirrurit�
<br /> In�irument. first to �iny �Iclinqucnl amuw�ts applird in ihe urder pru�•idrd in I'ara�raph ?. .u�d ihen u� prcp;i}•mcm ul
<br /> , printipal. Any applicatiun uf �hc prcuccdr tc� Ihr prinripal ,hall nul cxl•�n�i „r �,u�Ipunr ihr dur dalc ut thr mi�nlhl�
<br /> � ,p�,cr;��1�!p�,er,�
<br /> � +
<br /> 1
<br /> � _
<br />