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� ,K .�-: - . <br /> � �, � . : , _ , .;.z __ <br /> �(�.�-+�,. ' G c - `} r ' c's �` r�c ' �.F `Ee -acwt — <br /> --Y c,�. ' - ' . �' ' . . `' _ — . <br /> 4� .s i� �."_' � s.��.- _ _ ... <br /> . . . . <br /> � . . .. ' <br /> .'__ i ..� .a-.. -� ,_ ...' ` <br /> -- �.:.._.. ..�._ � i ...... _.... <br /> __' .0 ' "'� .' . a . . . .. . . ' < < .. .' _' _ <br /> ' S" <br /> __ : . . � . ' � _ . � . . . .� c � <br /> ��- _ . "c.. � . ` ' . . • .� ' � ' . . ' , c�� . � � 4� . . _ • _ <br /> _�:r�._,._ -- --�``---. _ -. _ - � _ . _ � -.. _ T =�.��ji�SUQ�� �- - ��` .. � �-. - : . � �.�- _- ,_ <br /> � <br /> , � . . � . . , .FliRr-3.t�e-2 � � . <br /> , ' ` � �` Ifrwabctoeue�is�tLacomrersiouoptIon,rri►iutfirsimeet«rtaiacoadit�aa�s-`f��st�onaitio�sanat�a�c�)Im�st -< � <br /> � ��gi�eWeNoueHoldernoticeahatlwanttQ�osa:tnlantheCoi►versianDat�Imystnatbeindefaaltundertbe3.+bteo�tthe . <br /> � Sa�arirY t�'�by$da���Ytbe i�te i�`otii�1�usc pay tbtNate Hvkkr a co�vasboa fee'af[T.S ; <br /> _ � •.� . - �at�c1�('iv)I must sign and gire dte Not�Hoidtr any doa�meqts tbe`Note Hotd�r , <br /> �� raquities M effect the convers��on. , , ` . ` . ` _ ` � � <br /> — —� .r �_.__ . �.._ � .� - _ _ .: . . - - _� - � - __ . . ._ .. <br /> � � � B)C�otF�taltHs� ._ `. :_ .. . , ' , <br /> - -- � My ncov.fixed imet+est rnte vin'jt ba cqual to the Federal National Mortgage Associati�n's requiFed net yidd � — <br /> � as of a date and tiu�fe of da�specit`iod by tihe Note Holdet for(i)if the original cerm of this Note is greater tHan I� <br /> � . yea�s,38-yeac t�xed faEe�covered!�Y a�Pticabla 6Q-d�y manilatflry dekvcry�oa�eaita�ets,pias fve= • <br /> . . eighths of ane pene�ent�ge Point(0:625°k,}.�ounded�w the n�rest orie-eighth of ane peioatta�e point(O.1ZSS6�or <br /> ' - � Cu)if ttie�origin�t term of.t6is Nota is l5 yesis or kss. f5-ye3r-ftxed rate martgages ca�vec+ed bji agplisabk 64day <br /> aa�ndatory delivery cocnmstmeats.Plus five-eigbtl�s ofone pertentage p�iat (9.6ZS�k).rounded to the neares4 . . . <br /> - ane�sightb of oae per+centage point(8:125°�fv).(f this reqaired net yield canno�be determined because Ehe appli- : _ <br /> -_ cable c+ommitments ate,oat availabte,the Note HoWe{will deternrine¢rest rate by usi�g comparabte' <br /> _ — � informarioa.M_y I�pTER�RA E YILL�NEYE�8E G�R�IER�TH N 10?50PExCEHT. D � - - -_� <br /> - _ 4���,i71[ _ . �— <br />_ •� - . . � • � �=�'.�-- - <br />_- � tCj Ne�r Y�Sa�t�st�d EffecNre D�tc � � � . -,-—--- <br /> - -- � If I�hqose to euercise�he Conversion Option. the Note Hotder.will deurmine the amount of t�c monthty ��� <br /> �-y:�. <br />- paymen�tfwt woald be snfft�ient to tLe u d 1 I aw cted to ovwe on tha ConversiQn Date in ���-_-- <br /> �y � �� � <br />� �full on;tLe maturity date at my new f�xad iriterest rate in substantially equa!payments.The resnit af tlsis calca- ���.: <br /> � � tation will be the Aea aaiwnt of my monthiy paymenG Heginning with'my firsL monthly payment after the ;--�1-_. <br /> . Conversion Date.I w71 pay the nea+amount as my month1Y PaYment until the Matarity.d�ce. s y <br /> `� —-- -- -- - -�-� _ <br /> - - - ,.�_..-- -- - • � - � ; <br /> C.TRANSFER OF THE PKOPERTY OB A BENEPICIAI.INTERFST IN BORI�WEB . � �:.,-r�- <br /> 2. Until Borrovrer e�[er+cises tbe Conversiun Option under the conditions stated in Section B of this Adjust- � -'-�-'��``'x�` <br /> :r:_ .� <br /> - ' ati]e Rate Ride�Unifom�Govcnant 17 of tl�e Sea�rity Mstrument is amended to read as fottows: � "'`''�:: <br /> G • ( _ <br /> --_ � 11�sastier dtbe Ptopat�r ar s�Hendicial Lterest in Boreo� all orany part of the Property or any interest � �::'�`� <br /> - � in it is sold or tranefetr+ed(or if a 6enefi�ial interest in Bonowe�is sold ur uans�'erred the Borrower is nat a' � <br /> ?~ natnial person)wit}iout Lender's prior written cansent.Lerider may,at its option.require immediate payment in ���, <br /> :.T * _ fWl of all sums sewnd 6y this Security lnstrume�t. However,this option shsll not be exercised by i.ender if . _"' __I_ <br /> ' � exet�eise is pmhibiud by federal law:as of tAe dafe af t6is Security Instrument: Lender also shall not execcise this � ,:�m6. <br /> -'f �'��., option'if:(a)Borrower causes to be submitted to l.endei imforaration�.ertder to evaleate the i�'te�ded "" T . <br /> ` rti-•;�.. x x-.E„�,,t::. <br /> •�;,;;�.; � � transferee�as if a aew loan were being made to the transferee:and(b)l.ender reasonably determines that Lend- <br />� �.K.���•y� � . <br /> �',�,�.��,r es's security will not be impaired by the loan assumption and that the risk of a breabh of any covenant or <br /> - � • ��,�;-.Z� :;:.•. agroement in this Security Insuument is acceptable to Lender. . ; <br /> �:�� .-.:_. : , � � <br /> '`�'-�.�- 1b the extend permitted by applicstble law.Lcnder may charge a reasonable fee as a coadition to Lender's . <br /> �,_. consent to the loun assamption. i.ender atso may`require thc cransferee to sign an assumption agreement that is <br /> " �� �;:��,_ acceptable to Lender und that obligates the transferee to keep all the promises and a�reemcnts ms�de in the Note <br /> �Y�"�" and in this Secucity Instn►ment:Boaower wili continue ta be obligated under the Ncfte and this Security lnstru- � = <br /> , _`�'''�=-��_: nxnt unless tender reteases Barrower in writing. . ' � `'. . � <br /> ,.�;<:::;.=� �^ . <br /> � `'� '�::` 1fLender eaercises the option to require immediate pnyment in full.Lender shatl give Horrower natice of .. <br /> • .:�.. '�:., •:� . <br /> -- �� � acceleration.The notice shall ptavide a periad of not tess than 30 days from thr date tfie natice is delivered or <br /> ' `�ti;:�=L:;: `� • maited within which Bonower must pay all sums srcured by this Security lnstrument.�If Bonower fails to pay �:_: , <br /> .;;�;=�,�..' these sums prior to the expiration of this periad.Lender may invake any remedics�permitted by this 5ecucity � ..�: <br /> � '- �' . Instrument without fut�her notice ar demand on Bormwer. �� : ��'�'-� <br /> - .•<:�e.r::rt'. <br /> � <br /> :� �►.f.'.`;'' 2. If Borrower exercises thc Conversion Option under tbc eanditiaas stated in Section B of this Adjustable <br /> ., "``�-_��'-='<' Rate Rider.the amendetent of Uniform Covemant l7 of�he Security lnstrament contained in Sectian C 1 above � ' .� <br /> •*!��" . _ shall then ceuse to bc in effect. and the pravisions of Uniform Covenant 17 nf the Security Instrument shall <br /> . M�,:;��.,;;;� �, inst�ad6eineffect.asfoltows: , - ---.:._ . <br />+ , � . <br />� ` � � ' 7ranster ottl�e Property or a Beaeticlallnterest in Borrrnrer.lf alt ar pny part of the Property or any interetit � ��' �~ . <br /> + j�'t��`T''�''' in it is sald or transferred(or if a beneficiul interest in Barrower is sotd or tr�nsferred and Batrower is.nat a <br /> ,�.t.;;:-�:;:.: <br /> �� •��..��,:,� nutural person)without Lender's prior written consent.Lendcr its option.require immediate payrinent in . . . <br />- ' .:�:°�`��.. fall of aU s�mssecured by tbis 5ecurity ln5trument. Itowevcr.this option shalt not be caercised,l�y Lender if i-: --.,:, <br /> '`'�°''= : exet�cise is probibited by federal law as of the date of this Seturity instrument. t' � <br /> � If Lender exereists this option,Lender shnl i�ive Barr�wer notice of ncceleristion. The natice shAll provide • j, ' , ,�� <br /> - - a period of not less th�n 30 days from the d�te the notice is delivered or maited within which Borrower must pny ! <br />- =� all sums secured by this 5ecurity lnsttument.lf Aorr�wer fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of this � � . <br /> � �-- period.Lender may lnvoke uny remedies perrnitted by ihis Security Instrumeet without further notice or demand �__ ___ ' <br /> . � on Borrower. " . . <br /> ow <br />�+ __ � BY 5IaN1NG BELOW.Bonower nccepts urtd agrses to the terms urtd cavenants contai ' this Adjustuble � .. _ <br /> _= Rate Rider. � . <br />-- � , � . .y . , �.. ' . <br /> -%a. ................ ........ ... ea ............. .......... ................ a�� � . <br /> ..,. .... :. . <br /> _ . Borro�rs DO AS J RBO �x�� �' � � <br /> . <br /> .., <br /> -=.. • . • - <br /> --.—__ ..__......... .. .. . - - <br /> ._ — -- -- � --. . _ ... .-- - - _ - . ... ..-- --- -- - - _ - - — ---= - <br /> _;. • . ... .�5C8�) ..... . ...... .. ....................... 8�( . ' . <br /> .�SC r� <br /> . ........................ ....... ..... eorrurer �Honoare . . • <br />_ HAl1ETTL P REDIlAp .. <br /> - ' . . - . �an.�tuuu�c,��•2�rr��,,. �.� .. <br />