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[�r��� , _ � � . <br /> � . ' � TNE NO?E COKiA�i.R PN04/1�'+IONS AtLA�YftINa FOR Ci1ANGE8 li�!THE M�TEHEST RATE ' `, <br /> � � . AND�N�MO�TN�Y PIIYMENT.THF I�TE L�MlTS THE AYOUi�1�T THE 80RRt„NER:S . ; • <br />_ - � AOJUST�BLE 1NTEAEST RATE CAN�HANGE AT ANY ONE TII�E ANO TH�YAXIMUM ' . ' ` . <br /> �- RATE `THE` BORROWER MUST PAY. THE,NOTE ALSO C��1T�IMS THE • � <br />' - ' • �QP?I0�lT�QCONYERTTHEA�:lUSTABLE RATE�QA FlIEED RATE. . . - - . . <br />-�' AUDITIONAL ad�itio�}to the covenantsagd agreements made i�rthe Security Instrubne.qt. . . . <br /> "- � Borrowe`r aua I.ender fardur eoven�nt and agree as fol laws: . - , ' - <br /> _ � .A.�AD.IUSTABLE 1CATE AND i�IONTHLY PAYMEN3'CHANGES � . ,` . <br /> The Note pr�vides foT an'initial intetest rate of �•�50%a.T,Ae Note provides the cdanges in the adjustable . � <br />_- interest iate and the monthlY foltows: . <br /> . . <br /> ...�, <br /> - - - - . _ , . _ . _ ._ . _ -- . .. . . - - � - - <br /> . , r�_ � . _ <br /> - 4.ADNSTABLE 1NTE1tE.S'1'It�►TE AND MONTHLY PAYM�TIT CHANGES <br /> . . � - (A)Clwn�lbttes ' . , <br /> _ �'��;�;'=��.:,_ The itdjnstable interest rate I will pay�nay change on the first day of ��Y` 19 94 . <br /> - � =`���- • and�n that day every 12th moatb thereafter.Each date on which'my adjustable interest rate could change is <br /> • called a••Change Date." , ' , . • <br /> -."..s.'.'; (B)The Indes' � � - <br /> � '..'�-•° , Beginning with the first Cdange adjustable int�rest rate will be based on an Index.The"Index"is � <br /> '` ' ,'"�=�' •� " the weekly average yield on United States Treasury secariaes adjusted to a constaat mamrity of t year,as made - <br /> • �i. :•�li;r•.�r'-�, . <br /> -'�-�;=:.;?"���,�•��:�� avaIlabte by tite Federal Reserve Hoard.The mast recent lpdex figurc availabte as of tbe date 45 days trefore eacfi = <br />-- ' ';:�` , . Change Date is called the"Current Indea." �• ' v��----- <br /> ,_y____��_ <br /> _ " � �' If the index is no longei available.the Note Hatder wilt choose a new indea that is based upon comparable � --;;,�; <br /> ` . t �-,�'�;�-`; - <br /> . information.The Note Holder will give rr�e natice of this choice. �,_��?f <br /> ' .:.,�-:;.. .� (C)Caleulation of Changes ,.. .. ., - <br /> �'�;_��=�_� '�.;.�;. , Hefore each Change Date.ihe Nate Halder will calculute my new interest rate by adding Z•�Sd � ., � <br />` , '-�,�-� � � � percentage poipts(2•750 �/)to t►�e Curr��t lndex. The Note Holder wil l then cound the result of this addition • : __ <br />�4 .�.-;''°�. - to the nearest one-eighth of otte percentagc point!0.1?5�7�1.Subject to the limits stated in Settion 4(D)below,this . � <br /> . _ . .". � '' �� . rounded amount will be my rtew interest rate until the next Change Date. " ' � T <br /> � " ' ' The IVote Holder will.then determine the amauat of the monthly payment that would be suffcient ta repay � <br /> �� • � � the unpaid principa)tbat 1 am expected to owe at the Cha�ge Date in fall on the Maturity Date at my new interest °:' , -. <br /> , . , • .:. � rute in substantially equal paymentc,The resait of this calculatian will be the new amaunt oi my . . . <br /> . ,:_ �. .. ' tnent. I � �i <br />.. - '��"'- ' (D)Limits on laterest Rate Changes ' • � <br />- ' �'; ._ The interest rate 1 Am reyuired ta pay at the tirst Changc Date will n��t t►e greater than 6.?50 c� �r �ess ! ' � <br /> � � " � • ' than2•750 �/.7'her� adjustable interect r�te will ne�•er be i�reatiecf or decreased on any single Change Date � <br />.- •'! !}�..:�i�'' h' . . <br /> by more than'Y'W� percemage pointlsf f 2•�)f'r�►m the rate af inter��st t havc heen paying for the precedingJ2 months. �--� ,_ <br /> ��. 0.�50-�/ which iscaned thc"MAximum Rate.". ' � �� ,�' ' <br /> :�,}:•... My interest rnte will ne�rer be gmater tha� . , � <br /> - • (E)EfiecNve I�te of ChaaRes ... - . <br /> _ �,r<.• . _ • My new intetest rate will become effective on each Change Date. 1 wiU pay the amount of my new monthly _ _ _ _ <br /> , �' � � ' , payment beginning an the�rtit monthly payme�t date aftir the Change Date until the amount af my monthly � <br /> ;:�.:�-. � payment chang�aguia . . � � <br />- � � ; � lF1 NoNce dCfanges <br /> � • � � The Note Halder will delivcr�r mait to mc a noticc nf uny chunges in my adjustable interest rate ond the <br /> ���- -';�,_.;�2�.��-. � amoant af my mnnthly payment be(nre the effertive date of any ch�nge. The nntice will include informution .'... . <br /> ;,,�;�;. _ :_ required by law to be�iven me And a1u�the titic vnJ tcicph��rtr number of a person wha�ilt answer anq qaestion � . <br /> '.. .` . , i n�y have re�trding the notice. � � ' . . <br /> + ��`j�i` .:_ } � B.�'I7�INTERFST RA7'E OPTIUIV � } <br /> .,: _ :... , <br /> .. -�..: <br /> ,L�� •r. � The Note provide�for the Borrower'�.option to c�nvcrt from nn adjustu61c intcrest rute wit6 interest rute �``- -� � <br /> . - iintits m a�xed interest rnte.s�►falMws:' • l ��� <br /> . 4A�` ,1�(.,ti..�.v ._ ' ' ' " " ' �� '_'_ <br /> 1 • <br /> �„.-�:- 5:FIXED IN7'EREST RA'I'E CUNV�'RS't(tN tW7'lUN � � <br /> -" �:'=" ,�. <br /> :. •�� ._.��-,, (A)Opt1m to Cmver�ta Ftxed Nate . , ; ' , • <br /> ,., ��.�-. " � <br /> {� .�;� ,_ �,, , 1 have a Canversion Option that f cpn ezcrcise unlesr 1�am in,defnult ar this 5ecti�q 5(A)w�11 not permit � � � <br /> • ,. �' . me to d�so Thee"Canveision Optton"i!+my aption to convcrt thr intcrest rate 1 vm required tn pay by this Note , � <br /> �,��:. from an adjustnble rate with interest ratc llmits to the fueed mte rntcul�ted uncfer 5ecticm S(81 bek�w.: ;. <br /> .. �� . . <br /> .�. __... � -- <br /> ,� �--- ----_ _. . _ . . . .. � - --. <br /> � '� The comersion enn anly tnke place on�i dntels)specif'ieci by thn IVnte i�aidei i�uring the peribit 6eginnln�o» � � � <br />�-�: ° the first Change Oate aiid ending nn the fifth Ch�nge Oate. L�uch dnte on wtrlrh my adjustuble interest r�te ran� � � ' <br />-_ : oomrert to the tKw filced rate is qtled the"Converskm Date." '� . <br /> �,,...� � � IGTEII�ElI�AIMI/L/INff-9i'plhnNy-1tWeTtlll�wyfndafMeL1o1N1�Ilar�qrwa�lFam131N11� . . <br /> �NMFL�GQ�A00 ' • ,�Pucal�4:�am� <br />