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,r w.,_ . ..< <. ...-. .. .._. .. . . ...."' _'_,'_ '.. . _.. - .._. _...._ _.-. . 'r ._. . .. T- .. r . <br /> ,.. —�i� _ � .. - - ' — , . a •. .' '-- - .:'.: ..�� .r:�:.. . . <br /> I :�6c'�_�__ . _` '�`� v . _.. t c ' • ` <. O .� � .._..< �\• �. _ �, c ���� . .e ..' <br /> � , �... ` - . �� 2 . �� . . , <br /> ' �'!��!►!��6e neq�i�ed.�t L�ia..if:ld�vMil����C�+i�e�:e.:��lo�i��d�l - <br /> , <br /> .. . ' �lwt iead�s reqt�irtrs��o�r�ded`67,�+r! �� at b�rir���iaa�+e. �� - F <br /> f�er ��� <br /> . . . a�iiiwis ,. 1�+ <br /> �p�e�ius���eqatedt� . ..aat�e . � . � � , ,. <br /> �d' . <br /> , i� . ....... _ <br /> ' ' �wuasoe Nds iu a000id�soe i�ixiean9 wr�a��P'aioeo4 bd�"e°8iaeawet�nd�;ender Qr aP4iicabie ltw. . � " _ . � . <br /> uK r <br /> . _ ��.Y����.��.y.��e.:o����aa�e�;o�ot��r�cr t�+�+r,�n`� . <br /> Bioe,ro�e nodoe at t�ame o1Ftx pria a ae nrpe�on�peocqiq rea�an�ble eaae�tta tb�io�e�oo. � : � < . , <br /> ` �_,tf.�C��.'f`6��ooeeds o[aay s�vied ar cL�fa�dam�es;a�+�ct ar eomeq.e�dtiat,in.oomeaioa rvdh�}► ° � .;. <br /> - -- �oo�emeo�t'u�s su��er�.���t pct�f�R+n�ec4y�ci�or sniaveyapoe lri l'ien�f eood�cn.-�ee:h�ei�t-�r+�d ad-.- - <br /> � , �Wl 6e pri�to Isadet. . ` . ` � < ` • . : <br /> ' � Ia th�eveat of i toW t�ioiu�of tl�pivpatjt•�P'��`�!u be appl'ied to t6e sa�"sa��otl�by�is Sa�j►i�+, <br /> � �vi�dr ac aoE tl�i dne;�h any e�ess�id m�artorvtt.Ip tl�e aaot�a peti�t.t�c�of tht Pmpatlr in w�r.tbe fair <br /> ' t a�1r4[vai�e-of dm Pnop�ct�.i�aoe�rdy 6ttar 1lr��t�eq�ni b a�;ae�Me��n 6ie fmamt of 1he��s selc�ned l�tl� . <br /> `5eaait�►I�ip�at ia�a�ed�tdY befae t6e tai��,�nt�Basn�er aed Is�Lr�i�e�pe�m�rro�;tbe�ms ieciu�ed 6p, <br /> � dut Secqr�tjt I�an�'s6all 6e iaiuiaed.b!►dre amouot of trie�°°°°ds ndt�i�d by d�e folio�iir"n��5naion: (s)!Le tod � <br /> t : �oo�c of.d�e s���a3►.eefa�e t�e�im,a,dmao¢b�►m)aie rs�m.eker,r�Wa cif,be.r�tcy i�ea�ar - <br /> befaoe tbe ql�g. Ai�y bdaaoe s1aU 6e prid to Har�ower.iQ d�e eveot of�p�l tatiog of Wc�vpaty in wrbich�e 6ir ' <br /> '�St vaMe bf t6t ProQe�ty imm�e�dy Irefee�t6s'�a kp4 tlwi t4e amo�t d Wt aoaae4�eae�ed imnie�i�dy 6efdf:tbe . <br /> 4 �tiiva�.nnk,�Botmwer�d��eader dl�rnrise a�tee in�a anle�applicaMe hw�athac�a provida.tlrc p�ocaeds�Tt . <br /> be applied to d�e so�sacvied by tT�Searity I�tnmamt whe�er or aot die sm�aro tLea doe. � . . . <br /> . tf the Pcopa�tg is a6�ndoaed by Hanowu.a if.aftei aatiae by La�kr to Boaov�er tWt d�e 000de�our ogas 10 mtYe�s ; . <br />=- �ud or saule a claim_for d�.Borto�rer t�7s to ttspond ta I�eader w�un 30 Qsys sfier�e d�tt die natioe is St�s,<. a <br /> Ieader is�boti=ed W ooUact aad sppl�the pmoeeds,at its op�ion.sit�er to np�owtion or iepir of th Pnppetiy er 1u t6e s� - <br /> . s4cand bY d�s S�ritl►�MbetLes a not then du� , ' � - � '� � � � <br /> '` Udess Lader aad�a otbeiwise agaee in�.anY.�P'P���of P�'�s� P�PV s6�l1-aot exmid ot_ � <br /> =z •postpom'tbe due date of the maadily paynie�s nfdreA w in pua�rsphs I aod 2 ivi dierae tBe amoont ot prymmts. <br />� ll.Eon�ower Nd Rdaeed;Far6earaooe By I.eader Nat s Watvet.F�of tbe time for pa�mtint ot modi�pitian . <br /> _ �af smoeti�don af tbt�ms aecvn�bY���F�E��Y����!►.suoaacos ia iatete�o�Borouwas�lt-- -- - <br /> . not opaate w aelease tbt Iiabltity of tbe origutal Bonuwer or BomavYer's sucassors in�tenst.I�a�der�not 6e�to <br /> - o�enoe proaedings a�iast any suooessor in intecest or�se to-raue�time for p�ymau or otbarwise mod�ify aabctiz�tioe <br /> =Y of.tbe smns se�wed by•tlris Socurity Iiistnmtent by mason of atty demaad»�adaby tbe original Sonower or Bo�owds � <br /> suoeessots in irteresG My forbearanoe by iader in exen�Ssing any right vs remedy sbalt not be�waiver of or proctude the . � <br /> __ _ exercise oF a�r right or iemedy. � <br /> - l2.SYOOes�ors atd Ass� Eamd:Jaid aad Sava�l IJa60fty;�o�a 1Ue oovetnats Aad�of tbis <br /> Socurity Insuumpu sbatlt bind and beueht tbe suoaesso�s aad usiSas of I.ender and Bomawer, sabjxt m t6e pmv�sioas of <br />-�: pa�agraph 17. Bbrrower's cavan�nts and agroarnents shali be joiat and sevaral. Aay Boam�vu w!w co-signs this 5ecurity <br /> . .,�, Ins�oma�t but does na exeaue the Nou:(a)is oo-sigaing ttas Socvrity lnur�ment rnily w mortgage.�ant and eomry rb�t, <br /> ,. . <br /> _. ,�� . <br /> ,;.,�.:.,�+ • Borraaer's interrst in the PrupeAy undcr the te�of this Security Iasmunent: (b)is not petsa�ally obligatod w pay tbe� <br /> .':k ,,,����'�'�::':� sa,ured by this Savrity Iustnunent:a�d tc)agrees tt�at Lender and atty ather Borrower may agroe W e�uend,modifY,forbe�s br ' <br /> _ .i;3=;�-�. _ ,-=�, . make atty a000mmodatians aith regard w�terms of ttris 5ecurity Insqument or the Note witlaut tbat Borrower's ooasent. , . <br /> `''""" C�gts.If the loan socttted by this Security Lutrume�s is snb}ect to a law which se.tss ma�ianim losn charges, <br />_ "�����`-;."-;.'' aad that taw is f n�Ity intecpreted so d�at d�e imecest m other toan drerges coltected or w be oolta�d in ooanoetion with qie <br /> :�_"r.��;,1 c�;. <br /> r.-,.:. . . . toan e�ed the pertruual 1'mdts.then:(a)aSi�y such toan charge shall be ceduced 6y,the amour�t nooessary w�oduae tbe edarge <br /> .�. .. <br /> ' s nl`` - ' w the�ermiue�i limit;ard(b)any sucns already eollerted from Barrower which exceeded pemuuod limits will be nefundod w <br /> r, ' :s����;`:�'',.° . <br /> � ..,-.,. flormwer. Lender rtmy choose to make this refund bY reducing the principal owod uader the Note or by making a dinct _ <br /> . ��--_--.,�.' ."`;.�.` payme�rt to Borrower. tf a refund reduces principat. ihc reduction wil) be treated as a partial prepayment w�hoat aay` _ <br /> : - prepayment charge urdar the Nate. . - <br /> - . , --iti:• . 14.Natioes.Any natice to Bor�ower prov�ded for in this Socurity Insttument shafl be given by delivering it or by mailing _ <br /> ' � � � it by first class mall untess apQlipble!aw requires use of another method.The notIce shall be directed to the Pnopaty.Addnss = <br /> ��„ .,'� ' • � or a� other address Borrawer designates by notice ro I.ender. Any notice to [.ender'sha11 be siven by first clacv mail to _. <br /> '``�`'V=` Lender•s address stated henein or any othcr address 4mder designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice provided far in this <br /> �` , ,. Securl la�trnmcmt sha116e deemed tn have been ven to Horrawer or�der when iven a� rovided in tlris , . <br /> . .a . ;: '.-., ty � 8 P A�'�• _ <br /> � �k }� �. � ls.Govera Law; SeveeabiH This 5ecurity lnstrument shall be c�venxd b foderg! law atd the faw of the - <br /> �.�,�. : . M!t �Y• s Y � �. <br /> �='' - jnrisdlction in which•thc Property is located. In the event tlmt any provisian or clause of this Securiry lnsttumetrt or tl�e Note _ <br /> . %'�`••�'��'' ..__... oonflicta with appl�cable law.wech vontlict shall nat afPect nther provisions of this 5ecuriry lnstnunent or the Note which can be ,. _ <br /> - � given efYoct without the coMictins provision.To this end the provisfons of this Security lnsttument tud the Ivote are doclared <br /> - � � �� . � w be severable. , - <br /> - � 16.Boreawe�a Copy.Barrower shall be given one rnnforn�ed oopy of the Notc and of this Secutiry insttumem. <br /> � •� ` � . � • Fam 302A 8/90 <br /> _ � • �d'. .; ' . <br /> . . r,qeaore <br /> -- - - :...�. ., - • , - <br /> . ,. <br /> _ :-s-= . <br /> {�: - , <br />,. . ... <br /> . . <br />_ � --- -•°-- -- -- --- . _ . . .. - - -• --- - <br /> -� _ - --- - - ---...._ - -�-- --- <br /> .. .. .�;, ..�: _ ,- . . , . <br /> . <br /> . . . , . _. , . <br /> ..s •,.. ... �' . ., . � . . . , . <br /> -:.; " '.r- *-- • --- .-•—• •-- ----------------- --- - ---._ .. ._ ---------- - ------ - - _. ._ .. __ _ _. <br /> =j'• '.r • w_ _ _. _ .. . .. 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