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s:kl'1: '4 '.'.f. . F °-- <br /> •` .`y -:� . - ._.. <br /> t <br /> : <br /> �r�.�� . � -. <br /> - � .,[� .. . —_ <br /> �. . •n . h <br /> - ' e 1 <br /> ,,.., <br /> . . . <br /> �� . . �.: -......� ' ' . . _..... _ . . � -• ---- -.. .. .. .- - - -- ._. ..... . ._ <br /> ��d- '6 ` . . - . - . t ' , , c ° � .: . � .. t:"c . , �o�` � _ <br /> _--�-.:�Sr�r�:et:� • . _ o�cl. , F--- . . _ r. .. . . ' • __ ' -•c � .. � � , - <br /> � - _<` ` `t`_. ,�� ,.. ._ _ ..: _ ., i _.�... . ,C � ` _(` _ _ . . .. �� � . . . ... ,_ <br /> .. .3.iii�i r�e�!L�i�aiel:�loti�r.ititlf Ioeap�'tiM1p�e�es�so�w exieti�qt:i�pis ewe��a�i� �' , <br /> ` ` F_:. .rtnpaEt�ie&�ie�t ion bjr°�1�h ipclde�ri?�hi��.�aa•aumded c�e"�d aaji,adwr�rsaii::�i�'r�ii� . � , .- <br /> ,Booda ar flpa�ioe;��hicli l,eader teQ�oia n�enoot.�Cris ins�naat�e�Il be a�ed ia t��roai�s iad foc eie p�oii . . <br /> -'�t��esder�mq�tes.T�t�cartier`pro'�idie�tLt�nwiaooe'a�li be cba6ai by Baio�w�er`��I.�essder's�p�vletl. <br /> . ,.r�ic�a�t�be iim�o�bly=�ritt�k�.`If Bon�vei�s ta�oavd#��'�d abova:£ea�mig;i�t L�ei's�' ; ,�� <br /> ' optipl�,abt�ia caGVa�t�o pnatect Le�da's r�6hs�uu tbe'A+up¢tp in aDao�a�`p�p�T- ' ' ` `, � `� .- <br /> ` !1��nawacae po�aF aad rare�ntf sh�lf�l�e seodptwble to��er-aod s6�i!��teda*�most�c�,�,e�lix. �. �_ <br /> , - �if��iig�t�#�d ti�p�a��ae�'s.If�Yaqui��ir�edraTpdi�9�v�eias#�3ei aff ieo�ipes a�- .= < ;: <br /> - Pod Pa�i�c md tt�t mtiaes.IQ de c�t oflasit,Haio�r�di Pv�'P'�P�tao�s to tb���raaod L� .: °� - <br /> . ` Iar�a mry n�te p�oof of ioss if aat�idc p�comgtly 1�Hono�rer ' - . ., . . ° . , ° • <br /> U�ieas Le�der ao�Boau�a otbawise�ee in w�rit�,imaiaooe pmceeds sintt be�pplied w rator�fjori"cr nep�i�irF 1Ti� :`. ._ <br /> ' � Ptnp�ly�if ffia t�star�,tupror te�r iseo�no�Wy�p�ib�e anrt�'s�y is nat laxn�e�If��por��r`. � ..... <br /> � n�ic�iiot eoonomiptiy fa�s�ble or LendeE':axaity�vould i�e�ened;tl�e i�tr�ot�e p�oae�ds�If be applTed tb�e,�as. <br /> eecv�ed.hy tbis.S4cutity I�umaK;.�be4hex or�ot dka doe�whh any eu�ts pdd�Hot�,a+i�:,If Bonuwer ab�rlcis�fa! . . <br /> � P�npa�ty.,or do�3 not a�stver�rit6in 30 d�ys s mtice fmm I.ader t6�t drc in�oce ca�iiec.l�}s affaed to xtde s cL�t+:tLes <br /> : , I�dx m�;y oollat dje b�oe pt�ooeas. �da_mry use tbe p�oaeds �npdr or�e tl�e I�vpat�►cc to pry�et ` _ ° <br /> � ,aec�eed by thit Soaurity I�dtaimwt.�vl�ar or not d��e.1'fie 30�day paiod�will 6egin�tbe nqtioe is aivee. � . <br /> �UNess I�eadeF atd Bona�eu otbav�ri�e agree m ariEiag, ag►appliWtioa of pioaads to p�l ahati not euoenit+� <br /> '. .po�t6e due d�fe of the mo�tqiy p�y�mlt4 nefasad w id prrnpaphs I aod 2 or cdo�e the�momt af t6e.prymmts. ff <br /> a�er p�i�aph 21 me P�op�ey is aoqaired by`I.eoder,Barro�vet's*igM to sbY���F��P���s� - <br /> d�e to tl�e F�opeitypiurtu t6e a�paraa�a shall'pass to La�der ta•the.ezoait oE ifie s�sec�t!ry iWs Se�iCj►�t . <br /> �Y Prior w die�cqnai[iooi- ` , <br /> � • i.Oee�,l�err�ti�M�iiile�oe atl Y�t��of t6e Aapa`ty;HoQOw�e�s�.o�A�itqiti�4areMiir. ; <br /> Bamw�a s6�li axupy,pnblish.amd nse t6e Fmpe�ty�s Borroxer•s�ria3pat tddmx w�ia si�y days�ter tba q�ecptioa d <br /> t6is Saviity L�meart and stmll on�noe w na�py 1he Ptope�ty as 8ormwer's pnacip�t iesWmoe far at kast one yar�ttber �. <br /> . tbe date of aoa�parrcy,nalesa Lendcr ad�wise ag�ees in writing,which eonsart shall uot 6e prtrr.�o�bly�rith6dd,pr mtess , � <br />__ ... � <br />_= e�anr�ing cit�noes c.�fist wldch arc bryoa! Banowds oornml. Hmrower shall aot d�uoY, da�c.or ia�par tbe <br /> ' Piape,�ty,altow die Fmpecty w daeriorate. or c�t waste a�tbe Propeity. Borrowa�BaU be in defsulc if aay fafduae , <br /> , ' sctinn or pmoeeding,f wbether civil�ar 6egun t6at ia,l.erde�s good faith j�oo�W result ia forfeiwn of tbe <br /> PropenY ar a�e�v�ns�u�Uerial1Y i�pair the{ien creatod 6y dds Soturity In�ar I�.ender's sa:urity.intecest.Bono�ver m�y <br /> _ . am st�b a defanit aqd sej�e,aa pr+ovided ia p�ageaph I8,bY cansing the action or pt0000ding to be dismissad wlth a tuting <br /> _ �t6at. in L�ender's good faith determination, Procludes forftitnne of the Botmwtr's inter�st in the Avpaty oir athdr adtec�l <br /> � impairaient of dn liea an�ated by tbis Security iusa�wnmt rn L�ender's secarity inte�st. Basmwer s1wU aTso be in ddsdt if <br />-� Hmmwer.during the laon apptication pmcess.gavo nm[srially false or imoa,rate information or rtataaa�s w I,ender(oc failed <br /> to pmvide I,ender rvith any matesial infom�ion)in cannection with the loan evideiiced by the Nate.finclnding.Mit nof ILuited . <br /> - to.�voacetrang Bozra�wer's o�cup�nc.y of the Property as a principai residenoe.If Ntis.Sa�riay I�Cnimit�t is�on a ' <br /> ='f leasahold. Bormwer shall comply with all tGe provisions of the lease. If Borrawer acqnlrcs fee dtte to tbe �c�operty. tbe <br /> _ Ir,�sehold md the fee ritte sdall not mrerge anless Le�er ag�es to the merger in writing. , <br /> �.Pratecdon ot Lendn's Riahts ta tbe Pmpee�ty.ff Bomawer fails to perform the�venants�nd agnepnents wawinod in <br /> �`"``y this Savr�ty Inrtn►men�,or there is a 1ega1 proceoding that may siptificantly aft'act I.endet's rights in the P�uperty(such as a <br /> pr�nc�+eding in baNcruptcy.pm6ate.for coMemnatian or forfeium or ta enfome taws ar ngulations).thrn l.ender may do aod <br />':�: paY for whatcver is necac.sary to protect the valuc of the Propeity and Lender's rights irt the Property. lrender's actions mdy <br /> . in�ltide yaying any sumc secured by e Hen which has priority over th�s SecaritY I�mamen� appprin8 �+�• P�� <br /> , = � L,��:�= nasonabfe attvmeys'fees ard entering on tde ProQerty to make repairs.Although Lender may take sctioa w�der this p�ragraph - <br /> �'•�^���� 7.Lender does na have to do so. . <br /> �� ' ��`•:����' My amounts disbwsed by Lertder under this parasreph 7 shal�boc�me additional debt of Bocrower secuted by this <br /> .T,r.''Y; ' Securiry Instrumcat. Unles�Borrower and l.cnder agrce to ather term�af payment.these amounts shall bear intenst from the <br /> _-��-�� dau of dis6nrsemem at the Note tate and shaQ be payabte. with interest. upon twtioe from l�nder w Borrower reqnestieg . <br /> . �: �.,•..� ��. <br /> -e;,...,.��'�= . <br />- '"�:��;=•`- � &Mortg�ge Inwranoe.'lf l.ender requited mortgage insurance a�o corniition of making the Ioan securad by thls Socvrity = <br /> ��`�' `' � L�umen�Borrower sda11 psy the pmmtums required to malntain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for airy reason. the - <br /> r...,. _ <br /> ������� �8 �9 � bY P� pay the premiums required to� � <br /> .'- �_,,:�, mottgage insurance cov e mred Lender ta . or ceases to be.iheffect.&mower chall - <br /> ,,�':� . � obtain coverage substahtially equivalent to the moagage insurance previously in a cast sub.�tantially equivalent to the _ <br /> - ' cost w 8ornower of the mortgage insuramce previously in effect, fiom an altcrnate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. If - <br /> �.q�''�"�.y • .'• ' S1�fsiall�iell ufveleAl moR = <br />-- -���`-,.• ": . Y eq gage 9nsurance coverage is not available.Horrower shatl pay to Lender each month a sum equal w , _ <br /> , a::f 4.r y . orte-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insuren�:e premium beiag paid by 8orrower when the incursnoo covcrage tapsod or ceased w� _ <br /> :;�:;;::�,� be in efTect.Lender will accept.use and retain these paymentg as� a loti.v reserve in lieu of mangage insura�a. Loss rcserve <br />