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' � � . � ' � � _ :_—. <br /> _ . . _ . : _. , =- � � _ = - • - <br /> t <br /> .� . � _ . . ., _ _- <br /> - ° ` � (�! Dela�it.I�,nde�msy,--e�oe�t ag limited by re�utstions i��ed by the Secretary in.�ci�x of pym�t • � � -- <br /> = ddwNs.tequtea iu�aie�ate psynreat in tui!�ait�aeiaa+ed bg dus Seducity Insanm�t i� �" <br /> �� Gl.��r ddsulrs by fs�7iu�fi paY ia fult aay moat�ty paYmart teqvired by tfiis 3eauity Iastrurneat 4`''`°=-=- <br /> _ . �n�r w ar dli fbe`dpe da0e ottbe r�tt ta�tY P�ri+��.� . . . ` . ` . �==---. — <br /> ° . -' ` (u?�deLutt3 by fa�in�.fadr a paibd of tlnstq days,t+o paiornA�a�►otixr obli�atic�ns oontained ia � � �-�' _` <br /> - . .�s�m►r��. - , - . . �:.=��_- <br /> �',: � (b)salc w'•ihopt Ci�edit appso.r�1.t�r sM1L if petn,i�Led lsyy spp��r anat.vith tbe pcia�r appr+o�rat ` �g"'-.�`.= <br />- -� �� . ' , ottl�e�Y.�e+eisnme�soepsqmeatiafull�alls�nnssecw�d3sythisSpauitylas�rumaati� , �".�`"�'�`,- <br /> �=, ` (i)A11 or qR of tAe Property.or a b�eCcisl iAte�est ia�t trust o�rn�t�a11 or prt of tbe Ptoperty,is sold or� `";�',,�...,.�6 <br /> ��� <br /> � — - otbet�rise�errat(oderU�an bp deviae ar desoeat)bY the�ae+n�ret,ard - - - -._ <br /> '= ` (ii��The Pr+upercy is twt oc�upied by the p►�cf�set or�ta as lus ar ber Pci�x.YP�t t+�id�t�a�.or�the � :�:���s` <br /> `k - " � �txc1�or�antae does su oocupy tb�Pt+ope�tq bui bis�ur i�er cre�it hss uot beea sp�peaved ia aocordssce ��: •-�'�- <br /> -�r, <br /> � < whb the requiramep�s of tbe S�ect+etirq. , ` � • t`�- <br /> --�Q' . , . , . � ' . � , ' ,'G __ <br /> " • (a)No Wsiv�er.N wrc�u�tanoes aocur tbat�va�id pa�nit Lender m raryire imme�u payment iq iuil�but . .�'.� .- <br /> • Lendrr does�wt�q�ire snch pyrrteat0.t�ender dom aot Raive ira ri�ts�ith reappet to aubeequent�va�. - _ . _-- <br /> ' _ -_�;.;a� - � . . . �:� <br /> �'`' Y`�. ,>„;'�-� � (d)ltesvlstioas ot HUD Secretar� Ia many cit+cwns�t+e�ulatiot�iss��ad by tlse Sectetary�vill limit T � . <br /> - - -. ;�r,�.-;--< � - —bendet"s ri���n ti�e wee of pagment de�iWbs .' .� p�i nr in}!ats�toe+eetoeaif uotp�i� — 'F .�-- �= <br /> - '�=.,�f:,.,.�,- n . .:- <br /> . ,. - , . Tbis See�uitq I�trumeut does not autMtize acoeletation ot fot+xtastm if not pern�itted bp tegWations of the i <br /> . ����.� - � �' � . . _ ` , - . � E ` � <br /> w`�' : <br /> ,�}r_. � ��: <br /> � �.:,..:: • <br /> . _ _:���,r; : _. '�� (ej Mortpte Not Ias�ned. Bo�roNer�Ycees thst shauld tbis$ocini iuswmeat aad the Nau soc�ned �• � :� <br /> ' `'x.:.- t6ee+eby nat be eli�ibte tor itmtus�x�e tuder the Nattonal Hot�eing Act x�itbi»b0 dsys fmm the dste Aereof � .. ` . r= <br /> -r �= Lender iria q,at i�o p d o n a�d notMi t h s t m d i a g a n y t h i a�i a p u�p h 9,t+e q u i r e i m m o d i a t a p y m e�►t i a f u l l o f s l l ( : <br /> , _��%=,;:� ':' sums secimed by this Sectu'itq Inatrument A written staten►eat oi aay wtbotized a�ens of the Sxt+ehry dated y°. � <br /> ` ._ <br /> � subeequent to 6Q dsys irom the date her�eo[ declini to ia�e tbis Sac�ui Iastrummt aad tLe Note �. <br /> ::,"•_...s`:':�': . • n� tY pecured � _ <br /> . �_ _:,.. t�rebY,sbaU be damed annclueive piooi oi such iueli�'biTitq.Not�riths�diag the tore�oiag�th�s optiaa ma YY. <br /> _, •,�=`'. - _ '. ' not be eaeroised bq I.ei�phen tl�e�mv�'}abi'�ity oi�ve is a�otely due w 1.ender's failure to remit i `� - <br /> r aote! �-'-= � <br /> �. . . mort�e iusu�ance premium to the SecreWy. ' �' . <br /> . � . <br /> - ` ' ' !0 Reiaststement BomnWer has a�right ta be t+einstsLod ii Lender hes teqtared immediate psyment in full f . . <br /> . - • . . bxause of Borro�er's[siture to pay an amount due uader tAe Nou or this Securitq Instru�tient.Tbis right spplies even � . ..: ;.-"- - - <br /> - � . °, aiter forxlas�ue p�oceediAga are institutod.To reiastau th�Sxurity Instrumen�,BorraMer siWt under in s lur�fp sum • f� , �.� <br /> �. - ,.�.;;. �ll sn�ouats requind to bring BonoMe�'s aocoum cwr�ent iacludin�to tl►e exunt they are obliptiona ot Borroxer . <br /> � b';„-� wtder this Sa�srity Instnsmen�foteclosut+e vosts md rasonsble and customarq sttonteys'fus and . ' <br /> '� - ._ , a�ociated �vitb tbe foi+eclaswe procetding. Upon reinstaten:ent by Borro�er, this Secur;sy I e�ma�it s�ehe � , <br />- - . dbliptiaffi tMt it sewnrs'sha11 nmun in effect as ii Lender had not nquired immediata p�eym�nt in fulf.How�ver, ' -.- .. `.� . . ' <br /> .. � � I.e�Wer is not req�ire�to pesmit rdaatsument it:(i3 Lender has�ocepted reinstateinent aitet the commeaaemont oi ��. � <br /> , ' ', foreclos�tt+e n�s,uithin t�vo yars imma8ately P�'e�alir�g the commenoement oi s current fos+eclasin+e ' ,. '.•.�..� � <br /> �g <br /> , � ' procee�ng "i) ransqtement�rill pnclade fos+eclosuro on different gro�mds in the fwure,or (iii) ttin9tateme�tt will � <br /> _ , -... ; � . advetsely sifectthe priotity of the lien cnated bp this 5ecurity Instrumen� � , . <br /> _ �`�'����`'_ ;. � . 11.Horrower Not Retaaed; Forbesance By Lender Not a �Yaiver. S:tension of the.time of � . _T <br />�. ' P�Yment or <br />-- . mo�tic�tion of smortiution oi the sums sectmd bq this Security Instrumem granted by Lender to any succeseor in � . .� <br /> �x�:� � `•, intenst of Borrower s1a11 aot operste w reteaso the liability of the ori�inal Bon+ower or Barrn�rer's suc�esaor in � . . <br /> � 1- inut�est.l.endee shell not be required W c�oinmenqa proceedings agsinst aay sucoessor in interast or nettt9e to egtend ' <br /> �`-' ' time far ment or other�vise modif amortization of the sums sxured <br /> �; - . , -:- ' P�Y Y by th9s Security Instrument by resson of any . � . <br /> � . d e m�n d m a d e b y.t h e o r i g i n s l 8 o t ro w e t o r B o r r o w e r's s u c c e s s o r a i n in t e r e s t.A ny for b e a r ance by L e n d e r in esercising . � <br /> . � � my ri�ht or ramedy shsll not be a aaiver of or preclude the esercise oi snp right or reniedy. . <br /> ;� � . . . <br /> �� '�. .: �NNIF�atoa� � . <br /> . �'�'�s tnittalo . <br /> .L. � . . � ' ' . . • ' i • . <br /> -- - ,�;�, , � ' t � . i .i `. . . <br /> �,,:' . '. , ' ' . <br /> _ . , ,� <br /> :.i:C:�� . .' - � , -- . �- --. . . • . _ _. - -- . -. ._-.T—._, ___.�__ —. -- � . ' . . <br /> :,. _�t: :• •. -- - - - <br /> ; I -;•�� . . - - :-. - - - ---------�------r.-- ---- -- ------ -- -- ------- -----. - --- — .--- .---- �----- - -•- �--.._-- - � ---.------ <br /> � <br /> F�. <br /> �.�� � '' - .� �.. , . . .� . . . � � � ' _ ' .. <br /> _�,��.: �_'~ ;`y�. t_.. ° . • • - - - . .. . � � ' . -. -- -: �• -, .� --< .: :. . ,' r _ :_ _ � _ �_ <br /> -:1 .,,.4�,.a.r�.. , _ _____ _ _- , . . . • � � . . � . . " � • <br /> � ;�. 's�� . <br /> _ �., ..t. , . . . . .. <br /> -� ��,�-��,° _ � ,. . , : . � . ' • • �,• •, .. ' ' �' : . , ' <br /> ti-: 7t' . _ . . <br /> ' � _ L_. . .� . , . <br /> . � .. •. .. �. . :. <br /> . . <br />. .__ ._ -_ __ _ ___ — -_ - - —_ — _ _ _ — -_ ---� -_ __ <br /> T—- . ��—� . .. _ —.. _—_ __— . _ _ . _ _ . - _ . —_._ _ __. <br /> . . � . . . . . . . <br /> � ' ' . ' ' ' . • � � . -� , . . , . ' . . 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