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�--+E e. �� , 2 . c{t � , <br /> — � � �y���. ` _ j.. t . - . - - . t o � -- <br /> �. , � R 9� <br /> i2 C.�.• <br /> —`.���.- _`Y�iC'- ..5.Ir` L� . ___._: __C .—__ 'r_`� ,�___ ..—r—_—� .—_ <br /> -. ' ' � .:� . � . e` ' . . . . ( c ' • . ... � . ,c L . . ` ` ,. L� . ( C <br /> ,�. —La�� _ _. .. ._. . .. _ .•_ .E� ' ♦ {_ —:. � ,�'t_ _ . < . . � � . . ' �... � � � . <br /> - < ' .�, c . �' � � � ' C l. , <br /> ` , ` a. .. . .� . ' .� . . . C���`* C' . . <br /> , � • � ��.�P�OO�f��0!�if���i�OR.�'[d11��i 11M�Q��tR�'O�f7R 1�IG�Rli�r�'�f�! <br /> • � �d�ill ��OE O[����►����.��.�C������.�`1'�IC� • .. <br /> T�'!dR l+pQl�+�!UMI�IlOG��t�1�00C��tl�II�EQOd fn�O S!!!0���Of �Ct10��Iit l�ta1�L'�'tOqlXl� , <br /> , ��1�O 11�10�1l11pfOV�m QA.tbC�OQ�I'[���fhElbQ UfiN�l�GI{SOQIOQ�1!�I1�OQt1Cfl�,y CrOC���. 1.1�. L . <br /> 1���IOO��O�CQ�D�Itt�OQl�fOd�f�ICS0�1+C�Anf�l�IbCC�lYtEdNi�'Eh00A1�l;t�(OYO��j'�t""`'•` `. � <br /> . . , T6e iaw�aooe potictea�auT raeewais a�U bc Ldd b�r Leader�st�l induda Mes ptyable clauxs iin favar d.a�d m <br /> = aiata�t s�p�te�u. -.�,arde�' . -t .- � � -- - - _ - _ < ; - -- � . -- � - - - <br /> - In t8e�nent d�Borrraawa aMtt=iv�I�eades inn�aotica�y au7.I:eacler.miy indoe paa`i ci taes if not ` <br /> �P�P�F M Boim��i�x�nx oumpm�oonoane�is I�by wtbori�aad�rect�d to tn�te p���t . . <br /> __.� � tac a�d►laws di�ecdy to I.endes:imuad u��o Bofmwa m�l ia l�ender joirtty.A11 or s�qr pa�d t1�e im�aoepf+ocbeas <br /> � . nty be�ppit�l.b!'��akr.rti�b op�Aiadi.etitlrcr�►)t�dre iqdo�paEaat�e i�e3aees u�der tbe i�o�ne aa�d t1�Securit�r . .. <br /> I�mn�ea;�et to ao�r ddiaqueat mat�sspplied ia t8caede:is pa�pspi�3.snd then t�propa�xaat at peiacip� <br /> � tb)td tbb i+wlaratioa a��ic at the�d Pl�s�pecb-An7 spple�tian aE`t�w p�+naee�'to tbe pri�cipll ahdl iwt . <br /> � eaoeid or poetpo�ttbe due dst+sot�be aiantbi�P��aeats which at+e�da:ed to In p�rayspi►�or ci�e tbe amauat d . � <br /> s�pa�Aai axe�s i�oe gc'�eas o,�aa unouas requina�o Fay au o�a�i�de6��s�nd�tLe , <br /> ; 11To�eaadt�Secuiiq�nmt6�tlbapridtotbee�tit9te�Ilartitkdt�Oo . , ' � <br /> -_ In t1�eveut o[foe+ecloeursot this Sacurity t�vena�t or Qtlr�t�nelaottitle to t1�e Plropatp tt�at e�a�rshs tbe . <br /> --_ - �i�ebtadoe�,allri�ht.titka6diuLac+eetai8oa�rnaiaaadtoit�oucanoapoti�esimioerxahsUp�stothep�x+c1� r;. <br /> -" S.@act�p�y.1'�r�ervstto�.11la�te�s�oe s�u1 Protoc�ior�d tUe Ptoperty;Hotrowds Lo��Appiiattio� ` . ---_- <br /> -� L�o1L�Boerro�rot ah�i1�biith.aod ure tbe.Pro�etty as&i�re�awefs principl e+eaidaw�Rithia su�ty dsys - <br /> -- afar tba eseeueiaa d tms Sa�ueity Iaeonm�ant and dal!oo�atiaue to aoeup�t tbe Hropaty sa Bott�uwet'a prinap�l � � <br /> re�idtMx fa st laat oae yeae aita d�e d�ta ot oowpuK.y,,uNem the Sacra�tary determinXs�his reqoirement wi11 caase : —�=;=s-_ <br /> nndue btt�hip!or Haem�rec,oc w�ees a:tent�ci�esist�fiich ae+a bayad Borm�a's ooun+ol.&�rrni�ra � _ - <br />_ �_ �sha11 s�apty I�4dera.o�snDr osteava�a�cir�.Hoere�ea eb�1! Aot_coan�tt.�sta ot eea�roy.dana�e_oc. �"`�`= <br /> ,�...=.�-��. <br /> subsaapaUy chsn�e ti�e Plnnpergt or aitux tt►e F e r�p e+�t y�o deteriorita�r a e o n�b t e xar a n d tar e�oeptad.L e n d e r msy �-���;: <br /> � inepxt the Pnopecty ii t8e Pfr�erty is vscantar abmdoned or t6e lan ia ia ddault.laader msy�:r�eonabla.actEon , <br />.. . to p+otect and p�erve sucb vsaat or abmdoned P�»pa�ty.Bomawa s1a11 siso ba in ddaWt if Borroxer.durit�thb . � <br /> �',- <br /> ,,�=�._''ti i lo�n appiiation prooesr,�1ve tnateti�ily false ot ia�aCarate it�fotAiation or sqtemelns to Lendet(ot tat"led to provtde" . '_•.:�_�`-`. <br /> - ` Ixtdrr�rit6 aay�taial�atarmation)ia ooneectioir�rtth tha taa�evidenoed 6y the Nou,inclyd'in�,but not tiinited to, `�; � °"" <br /> ' -,,;��.,::n <br /> - � 1= :+eproeenqtioas Conoa�i�Ha=oRe.�a oocupnwy ot tbe Fco jnrtg sa a peiaapal�ideoce Ii thia Secm�ity Iastrmnent is �==�=- <br /> - ;-.,�y�. on s lasel�old.Bar�+o�'er s1�U aomply pith the proviaions oi the twe It Aorrower scqu3res fee titte to tAe Pbopertp,tbe <br /> _ " le�eehcldand fae titleah�ll not ba mee�ed�nleas Lend�t ap+ees to t6e sner�ee ia writtn�. � . ��' <br />- :,.•- . , . . - ;s <br /> 1 ��� •6► �iii =O eOilO�fR � pTO�CC�00 d��1�Of�s � � �[O �O . BO�fWYEf �� �� �� �:ni._�_ <br /> - ,a._. <br /> r�_�;-_ <br />= +..>._..�.::�=�' ' �ovemmentsl�or muni�iQal cl�ar�ea.fines and impaeiuons tbst�re tno�induded ia ��raph 2 Borroxer aha11 pay . � <br /> .�=�:�'-�':° �` tbeee obli tions on tima dir�ecN to the er►ti �r1ucA is o�red tbc etct.U hilure to �rould advereel aKect ' - <br /> � ,... z,., :. . P Y �!►�r PaYra PaY �r Y ' . � - <br /> _ •;-�.�.���:-. . - I.eider's.iatenst in tLe Propertq.vpon I.etdar"s nquest Borm�rver s1n11 ptomptly furnish to Lender raxiprts evideacing �� •. - <br /> ' �..ti� ` ` t1KSeP�Yments. . � • � _",i <br /> .. .;��us � . . , � � . <br /> -- , -�L."� _ 1t Borrowet fails to make these pymeAts ot the P�Ymd►ffi�ired bY P��+Pb Z or fiits to partorm aay athes . � s� <br /> ''= � ���- cuva�aud sp+eemd�contained in this Security Ins�ment.or tbere�s le�at pmceedin�th�t may si�aifiicsntly . � �� <br /> _ �;� �,:.r � � , _ <br /> ��"z aKact Len�er'a ri�hta in the P�operty(aucb as a pl+ooeedt�ia l�ntruptcy,tor oo�de�nstion or to enfa�oe taxa or � s <br /> µa.��... 'L <br />_ • ��`:=°�=::� -� :� t�e�ulation9}s tueu Ltndet tnay do and pty�rllstevet i8 ffeoese�ry•W ptottct the vslue ot L�q PfropertY snd 1.endd9 si�ts ' ' - . <br /> �..�_ .='° " � `�' iA the .iactudi ptrs�tsph� . . , <br />_ :.t ,,. �,.. p�Y � �P�Yntent ot Wtp,l�sued it�surauoe and olher iteens mentioned in .: <br />_ �-..,:�;;� � . . <br />- ' ���;�. � - An,y amounts disburcsed by l�ender�mder this pus�rapl�sha11 baaome an additionai debt of Bomoxer and be i � • <br /> ''"« �-�-�r- �_-�=. securod by this Se�wity l�trument.TlKSe smrnmts ehafl bar intenst from the dsu of diabwgement,at the Note rat� f • .f <br /> � . :��".`�.6 .:� ".. andat tbe vption of l.ender.sMU be immediately due aad p�sy:ble , . <br /> I._ � � <br />_ � ..�� � . . , . _ _• • , f: <br />_- ,.,�;,'_�'" -�:,• Z Condmnaatioao.The prnoeeds oi any aMard or ctaim�or dama�„direct or oonsequet►ti� eonnection with . <br />- aay oonden�ution or otlyer tstia�of�ny prt of.the Ptopertq.or ior oonveyanoe in pl�oe oi oortdemnation�ars l�ee+eby '�� <br /> ot er <br /> � ��-�' � aeei�ned and ahall be pid to 1.ender to the eitent oi the full smount ot the indelstednaas tl�st rem�in�unp�id under the � :; ' . �' <br /> -' - . Note aad this Sec�ulty h�edvmen�I,endet sha11 spplq such p�e+nceeds to that+eduction o!the ir�debtedaeas urtder tire Nate � -; .- - - -. <br /> � ;�.•� „�'' and this Sxtuity lnsttument.�rst to any de�inquent amounts applied in she order provided in pta�aph 3.and tl�to ;:: . ... <br /> •,��- �; '� ' � pr+ep�ynnent ot prtnc�pl.Mq applicatian of the praoeeds to the principel shall not eitend ar p�ostpone the due dste oi ' � � � <br />_ �;•�- . - � �� n,ob � !.w a.�• � I...' ' . . <br /> - .'...4�. IMttds ' - <br />-_ -=%e:§w'1��,� � • , • �" _ , . <br /> .�:' � . � .� •� ` ' . <br /> s �_.., �. . . <br /> . . :ri•. , . . - <br /> _ � j <br /> -. -- -.•}.�,��.p- ' � ..� -� _._._,., ... _ c- . .. . _ , . ._...""_' ."'- -. .. - . . .-..-.. : _ 'T.`,�.__ r- _._.'t�.. - • . <br /> . � �..... .,.. . . . <br /> . . .:..•�... � �... � • � . . . _ <br /> -W��•� _ _ _ _ ' ' <br /> '_—__"' � . . . 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