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' • <br /> yUf����d���b��ldl fite�7o i�.r a�t a�ti ��i��'�at�ei�:T� .. <br /> _ . _ r1�1�die`e�t ta�wtld liepo��ia ad raoeavais.�i+ea�ec�egin�ea.�ri�a s�.�pra�ap@9�to��a�da'al)�oei�is`of `. <br /> P�P'�'�a�t reee�rr f�oere�.U 16e eMeut of.1o�;�orr�er s6�11 aive�ioe�t�otioe ta t��nancle caeiietaNd I.en�et. �. � <br /> , �!t�idEr 11�I�Jtl�QlOOf Of�i 1�90�1G�{�C�y�I$Oil�lt. � ' ` . ` ` • L ' <br /> , . ZIlIES�Zri'Ol�i�BOf[O'IMlt 0�[iY�tt��CC ip�YIIdAg•IYY�iOCC�IOOOEdi�i�ll 6Q�1110d iA I�Of�fO�0[1�1i�{`C . <br /> , ' �O�C1f��as I�dYlt�plOf��IdR ai F Is�OOAbA�1�C��R�E[48��S•AOL jE�10��1�C��f - <br /> t�t��i�O[Obpi�O��fC�f1�E Ot T+C��s lbLaillLS/�dY��G�.1�C�II�C�L����'10{RE� `. ,. <br /> lOCNtl��j►1�It��l�►'dMfY�,iY�O,��tlt thpl�C:�Yll�l�C1[CC�B�.i0'�Qlf�ylEG��OlR�l1��� ` <br /> plq�E![y Of l�O�i riOE�1Y���/S i 11tl�lC+C'�1Cf�T,Ell�d't�I thE 11�f�CE C�1'1!!Wi O(�Yti�fOpTC i C�O.1�Qf <br /> ' � I,aiAer ur�9-aolfe�ct d�e aewtanoe p�noeeds.-I.a�dcc mRy ose.tAie ptocae�ds to repir ar-t+atait t�e Piope�tY.� �.WY� <br /> � • �naed bq+6isS�arity I�It�nt.�v6etbcr or�a�an aue.The 3o�ty pa;ara«nfi 6eg�n«�hsen u,e no�ce isgiven. . • <br /> , `•�dds i:n�der sid�ower o�vi�e s�ee ia writip�; mmY�M���Praxe+h io pr�p�i st�t�not e�ad dr , <br /> Pa�tpone 1�dre d�ot t6e inond,t�t pay�rienrs teferndl to�in P�rs�.1 apd 2 or ch�e 1be aenm�t ot 16e plyme�ls>�t <br /> � nader pa�ph�l tl�e Pmpe�t�►is aoquir�d'6y��du&urowar's right to�r ihsrtt�oca po�icies aud p�nc�eed��it�finm <br /> � ddmige w 16e Rnpaty prior w the aoqaisi[ian a�U p�ss to L,ender to the eatent of tbe swns�eduea t�y ffi's Sec�rity I�t�m�tt , . <br /> •�ty-pr�Or�w a�e.aoqai�tion. . . , .. . <br /> , ��7.�►���cde�at tie Pt+e�rg�;B�rrwwe�s I,�A}�iiesl�lw�Leareidi., �. <br /> Bortower a1W1 a�cuPy.e�pML�h,sed we tbe�Pmpettx as Bortrnver's pr�acipd nsiclea�e wlt6in s�tY d�qs ai�the e�ecatiaa of , <br /> this Secarjty Imtr�tamt md shall`cantinue ta accupy�du Propetty as Bormwer's pcencipvl nsideoct for at kae�t aae � <br /> � t6e date ofooat�.y.unk�s i,ender o�herwise Y��i <br />. _ . - . ag�ees i,►wfip,�g.whidi�►�ac�11'not be mnc�soa�bty vvithheW.v�aalacs--. <br /> , e�iag ci��eamsts�r�x.c exist whieh are 6eyord Bon�awer's cantrof. Borrower shaJl�noc desuoy.d�ga or im�mir the <br /> - Prnperty,a11oM the Property to deud�otatc,�or c�It waste on the'Propatty:Borrower shall be in def�tt if aay forPeitnre` <br /> � actioa ar ptnoeeding,adxther�ivll or begnn that in I,enJcr's good faith judgment catld t+aah ia farfeidnre bf tbe <br /> Pmperty or�otLerwise materially impair tl�e lidn creatod hy tdis 5a�uriry Iastrument or tiader's security iraeres�.Borrowar raay <br /> am sacb a defarlt�ad neiint�te.aa provided in p�ragrap�h f8.bY czu�in8 tfie aaion m praxed'mg to 6e dismissett with�iutntg <br /> Bmt, in Lender's good;f�ith dotanmumaoa, Pracludes forfeiwn of tbe Born�ver's�in tbc Pmperty or adier,m�terpd <br /> ` ia�wint�a�t of Wc lien created by this Security Inst�meat or l.ender's sa�ucity inierest. Borrower shall atso be in def�lt if <br /> � ��•�s_�����,8A�n�erialty faEse�or in�ccutate infom�aan or Statements to Imder•(or fa�at � <br /> to ptovide Lender with'suty m�terial information)in cora�ection with thz luan evidenced by the Nota,incletding,bat tpt timitqd <br /> ia.�ions aoncenung 9orrowePs ocacpancy of die Aroperty as s principal resid�noe.Jf this SoauIty Instrument is on a <br /> leasehold, Bornrwer shall �ompty wtth all. the provisiohs of the tease. If Borrower acqtares fec title w t6e Pnnperty, tLe <br /> , Ie�sehoW and the fec dde shait ndt merge unless I.ender agras w the merger in wrlting. <br /> 7.PnMeclloa ot t.esder's Ri�fits in the Property.If Borroarer faits to perform thc covenants aud agnaments oontained ii► — <br /> tt�s Seeurity Incuumeat.or tf�ere is a 1ega1 proceed'mg that may significandy affeet L�ender's rights in the Property(sueh s�s a <br /> pmceeding in 6anlc�uptry,pmb�atte,fQr conckmnation ar forfeimre or w enforce laws or ngutations).then I:ender may do and _ <br />. pry for whatever ia noa�ry to prote�t �he value of the Proporty and Lcnder's rightx in the Property. Lendar's actions inay � <br /> inciude ptying atry s�ns seariad by a licn which has priority over this 5ccurity lnsirument: appearing in cautt. paying <br /> rasonablc attoraeys'fecs and entering on thc Propeny w make repairs.Ahhaugh Lender may�take aaion nr�der this p�ph = <br /> . 7,Lender does not have to do sa. . — <br /> . My aa�aiats disbursod by Lender under this paragwph 7 shall 6ecame addltiana} debt of Borrower saaired by this — <br /> Secur�ty Itt�Wment.Unlcss Bonawer and Lencler agree ta other terms of payment.these amopms sha1F bear interist fram the �- <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate artd shatl be pqyabte. arith inter�t. upon aotice from Lender w Borrawer requesting - <br /> P�•� . ' ' — <br /> • � &MoAa,sje ia�snoe.If L.ender rrquired mortgage insnrance as a conditian af maicing the loan soairod by this 3a�rity e�. <br /> Instntment, Horrawer sfwll paY the'premiums requ'red to maintaia the mortgage ir�sarance in efiect. If. for am+ ieason. the ' °- <br /> mortgage ingurancc coverage raquirod by l.ender tapses ar ceu.sec to be in effecE.Bnrr6wcr shall pay the praniwns requir�ed tp -- <br /> obtain wverage substantialiy cquivatent to the mortgage insurnnce previously ii�effect.�t a cost substantially equivutent to the • <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranoe previaasly 9n effcd. from su�altemate mortgage insurer approved by Let�der. If <br /> subswntially eqnivalent mortgage lnsurance roverage ls not avaiiabtc.Borrower shall p�y to Lender c�ch moMh a snm equal to <br /> ' one�twelfth of the yearly mortgage insu�prcmium being paid by�Borrower when the�enoe eovcrage lapsad or cesse�to <br /> be in cffcd.I.endet wiU acCept,vse atd tetaln these payments m a lass rescrve in licu of mongage•insurance. Lass reserve �- <br /> . �� <br /> , ' . Pmn 3o2a 8/00 • .�� <br /> vqsaore <br /> �� <br /> � �. <br /> -- _ - — �,�,a�,..,L-='G«�+..i::�:s:�Yi::o:..-�- <br /> - � _ �_ s�."".r ' _ _'� , . . �... . . . <br /> _— _�sT�:. _ • . • :h:.T�C�:^'Fs 4..�:};ct�`"- t '�' , : '�� . . <br /> cy. <br /> , — �• . .- °_ . _--�'�_T —_. - . . ���.� . ._–�-------'.'--�--•���.:= <br /> � .��y � - ., ' - . .. �, .. . . L ,�J; _ <br /> . <br /> ._ '_.. i..'. _� . ... . _ .. ' . . . . .:, .:.� � .. ' ' _ , . . . . . ' . ' <br /> .:-- - . . . . . . . . � .. <br /> ..�,..��r.::T.'.�. �. . , . . . <br /> ....o.,.�-..�1'"'�''�'�`•''�j � - --- - --- `--- �-- --- _ _ . �;�;,,.�:u�,;-'- ----- - - --- �--- -- - <br /> ---_ _--�-'��'r�r:x.>_:_. _�� s,�: . ..' . . ' ' . •7..�..::�_�,.�:�::�:,�` .-- • . . , , ` . . <br /> _ ��J''FY. + , . . . . Fy z J,1 1'. . . . . . <br /> —_ _ .�_ ] � . •.� ": .� • .. 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