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I�iM�s� tf�e tare�o#u�ic rdmbd�p��Sea�tity bettnment as We��.�. � ` ` ',: <br /> ua <br /> � ` � �O�O�Ift�t7QY@dAAT[B�t$ara�rrt it 4�KC�lly seised t�E�B�e a.t�le l�er�6q a�rey�ed�sd bis tlie;�t b�y�t aid• �:. � <br /> c�o�y d�t�rcperty ird�it t�e�epK[Y is t�ec�aba4d.e�'fOr�c�mb�o�o€�t�4a��t�isd 3�L_ , '�, t <br /> dde�d�alty�d�titk to tbe t9ppaRY i�aint all ct��d dm�od.b�bjat to an9�of�eon�d• • `. ` <br /> • �S��1��il�Gl,+T,�c�mbL�es�di'orm ca�rn�p�f+bs�t�t aa�#n�t�-�a�iicm aovaa�ts�lieoited' <br /> _ - -_'- '`v�qtiaac�iryj�oalac�o�s�mitoentsee�ty-��B�LPt'�3�- -- .. ;. ° -. -. _, _ . = t__ .. ._. .. <br /> � Od�@}ANTS.8on�aad I�eader oa�rr�e�auda�ee as�'o1To� � <br /> . ���i�Iri�elr!ari��h�s���,��,ptdanpti�,pry��r�en�ue lie � `. <br /> priac�i of aiod in�st aa Bie'ddi�evide�C�6B bq tl�Nate�any p�epayaient aed�tch�es dne wd��tbe Nc�s. . ... . . . <br /> - �.-�ir�trt'l�ses�Liwn�e�5u6jecF�to��pp�ira6i�law;a�t-so��oan�vai��tby lreada4-�84�/ ..��Wy1-.p��X-b ° � • � <br /> �, �I�QPe.t�C l��'�ID�IC�WII�f�CNO�.l11k1�ibC�DtCIiQM��1�IU..sill/11�`�+Wldt��f0[:li��.�'1Zi� ` .. <br /> ` a.a��id,m.y rdea priociry.ora i6a secvri►y Lnnwr,eac ar a Heu an t��ropaty;tro)�e�!l►1�1�.l+N� <br /> � or ar�onnd�ats an.the P�npe�ty,if sny:t�.�.Y�Y�.a pcopecty i�wnwoe Q�riort�; (d�]►��►�����'��� <br />� , J�►y+(e)Y�Y�8'��Pi'��jf art}G�nd(�aaY�.P�Y��'��to�000niao�� <br /> .t�e'pto+ripoa�a�p�igc�pb 8,it�litlu of dle Prymet�t`of��P��-���ai�e catled"Esc�v Le�' ' <br /> �' `;,eoder�9, �t a�►S►time,cuilect and hoid Punds�n��mo�t mt w t�tceed'd�e a��ounr a knder fos a-fod�ralty� _ <br /> ��ted;�nrtE�¢1o�n t�y':eqaQe far Bamwer's esc.�mw aoonant undei'tbe faleral Real Tsetate Seulcmeet Pmcedtres Act of <br /> �374 iS�dldd�fnDRl I�IDC tO.tpOC. t2�.$.C• $�OR'�l d dClj.f°�pA�js W11CSS�IEt.l�vlt tlyt�I�Eb tQ E�IG�WIdi '� . <br /> ' �ets a Iesser�ap�ouK.If co, I�ender�myr time,oollect ard Uald�Fm�ds#n_an amotmt mt to e�ccxed the ks4er�eoueK.. <br /> . i�nder m�Y�C thc�dom�-Qf Fueds due on ttie bosis of cument d�ts aa�ra�oa�blie esti�tlres;trf e�aidit�am oE fi�pne, : . <br /> . • Fec�av Items ec etbecwae itt aaadsncb v�itii�pplicabk ltw. . . . <br /> � � �1be F�un�s alall 6e hetd in ap i�tidUion wha�c deposits ane•ihsar�ed by a federal agency. ir�uu�o�lity. a aitrtp <br /> � (aiduding Leuckr.if t.ader is`sutA a»ins�duk�n)or in smy Fakaal Home Lom Badc_Lender st�ll apQly the Fmids W pay tLe <br /> Fset�na It�ea�.I.ender maY not clw�ge Borcower for holdin8�ad+�lYmB tlies Funds,amwaAy aoalyzin8 the�semw�ccount.or <br /> • yeaifyirig[6e'Fscrnw Ttans.�sn'Cess Lcndes pa�s�omower iatere�st on t1�Fo�is'�d appHc�k hw permits i�eedar to eo�ke�ch • <br /> a cfiarge.Howeva.Lender maY reqnine Bonoarer to pay.a onc�time charae for an indepcndent real estau ta�c nporting servioe <br /> usod by LeAder in aonnaxion whh this Wan,.nntess applicabte law prov�es wherwisa Untess An agroameac �a mad�ar <br /> •apptipbte iaw roquites interest to be.patd.I.errfer slz�ll not be requicedto pay Borrower aay uuerest or eamings on the Fw�ds. <br /> Ba�mawer aad Lrender�uay agnee in writing.howevcr,tha�interest shall be p�id on the Furds.I.end�z rhail givb to 9orrower, <br /> � �vithont.chuge,an annWl adcottating of tTie Flads,sbawing crodits and debits to tlia Fnads and tpe purpose for wl�ch e�ch <br /> deblt w the Funds was ti�ade.7'he Fwds are ptedged ag additional security far all sa�secural by this Sa;�dry Tns�cutne�u. <br /> � lf the Fw�ds held by I.ender c�c�eod tlie ainouats permitted to be heW by applicable Iaw.I.ender sha11 accoant ta Borrawa <br /> Wr tbe eaoess Fu�s,in aaooNanoe with d�e nquirements of appliwbte law.lf the anwunt of the Funds held by I.ader pt aey <br /> time is nat aufficiant tv�pay•ihe�ow It��as wlien�o,La�er may so notify Bocrowa iis wciting.aad.?n such case Bormwer � <br /> w Irender the sanaunt necessary to make up tl�e deficiency. Borrower shall matice up the deficiencyc in no mon,than <br /> twelve rianthly payments,at I,ender's sole discretion. ' <br /> Upon payment in full of al! sums s0cured by this Se�rity In�men� l.ender shall pmmptty refund w Bomuwc,7 anY <br /> Fwids held by I.ender.If,ut�er pardgraph 21.I.ender shall acquir�e or sell the Property.i.enctcr.Prior to the acquishion or sale <br /> . of the Praperty,shall apply arry Nunds hcld by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums se�cnred by <br /> tbia S�curiry lnsnument. <br /> 3.Applkatbn ot L'�yma�ts.Unless applicable laar provides otherwise.all paymenGti roceived by Lender under garagraphs <br /> � 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.m any prepayment chargcs due wrder the Note; socond,to amouma paYable under puaBraPh�: � <br /> lhird.ta intcrest due; pri�ipal due:and a�ry late charges due uMer thc Notc. , _ <br /> 4.Chae�e�Lkns.$orrower shall pay all taxes.auessments.chargec.fines and imposidons attribqtabte to tde Property = <br /> which may attain prIoriry over tfis Security ImtTUment.and leasefwld paymems ar grauid remts. if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> , these obllgations i�the manner pravided in paragraph 2.or if not�id�n that mann0r. Borrower sha11 pay them an timc directly - <br />� ro the person owad payment. Barrower shafl pramptiy fumish to t.ender ati notices of amaunts ta be paid under this paragraph. <br />� if Bonuwer ma{ces tfiese payments diractly.Borrawer shall pmmptly Pumish to l.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> E Borrower shall promptly dischacge any lien which h�c p'dnrity over this Security lnstrument unless Barrower: (n)agrees in _ <br /> writing to the payment of the oblig�tion secural by 1he lien in a manner aceeQtable to Lender.(b)crnrtests in good faith tfie lien <br />� by. or defends against enforcement�.af'the lien in. tegal prcxxcdings whirb in the 1.Cnder's opinion operate to preveat the <br />; enforcement of the lien;or(c1 secure5 fmm the fiolder af thc licn an agrcxment satisfucto�y to I.ender subordinating the lien to _ <br /> Ithis S�udry Mstru►nent.If Lender detcrminc�that any a►rt of the Propetty i�subjoct ta a tien which muy attain priarity over ' _ <br />, thls 5ecnrity instnnnent.l.cnder may give.Satrnwcr u putice identityinb the lien.Borrower sh�ll cati�fy the lien or take anc ar _ <br /> moro of the actions set forth above wlthin 10 days at'the giving of notice. , _ <br /> �. Fam 3OZ8 11�0 =- <br /> Pga?ot Et • � <br /> L � ' • '- <br /> ---�--�-�--���,��. �.. <br /> _ -.�.�.-._�.-�-....,�.��_`�,� _ , �, � ���_ <br /> - „� �?'x�.� ; � . . :��:.�Y� w�;.'� .,��,- .�.... ::P,:, . , <br /> •1. .-+(' ,Kr�tr.'.�•' -s. <br /> _.r _ _s_ .. --t �.. — — ��,i': <br /> - R A LL_ ; ' _ ..-__.�_ e. I "t.`.-� . � - T� ;i4^.�;-' � . ' � � <br /> -- - , •�c�a L .. . '. . .. - .- -.. x �t�'•Z ... . .' . <br /> .-. � .. ... . : . � • '" .. . . • . . <br /> - --- ----'....' . . . .. , . , i � : <br /> _""-__,'. -�'<+ _ _ ..'. _ _ _____. ' ___ _ • 'a�i� _ . -l. _ __ "". _ _ ___ <br /> _ :• .� <br /> . _ <br /> , <br /> __-—_._�;y � . .. . . . . _ . . <br /> . <br /> ��.�`:�-. K��f w.' ' '� _ � .r . . . <br /> . .. <br /> . <br /> ��'��:�_ �.�'•. . . '• � . . 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