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. 06%21/99 MON 13:25 FAX 704 679 4500 EQUIFIRST [�007 <br /> 99 106 � 86 <br /> that any removal or other reraediation df uly Ha�ardous Sub�tance Affecting the Praperty is nccessary, Boaower shall <br /> prompdy take all necessary remadia]xctions in accordancc with Enviranmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Subst�ncos"are those subst�nces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmenttll Law ond the following substances: ga�ollne, kcrasene, othcr Flammable or toxie pcUOleum producta, toxie <br /> pesdcidts and herbicides.volt�tile�o)vents,materials can�ining a�bc�tito5 or form�ldehyde,and radioactivc materials. Aa used <br /> in this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law"means federal laws nnd]aws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> relate to health,safcty or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENAN'TS.Borrower ru►d Lender further covenant and agrce ds follows: <br /> 2x. Acceleration; Remedies, Lender shall give notice tc, l3orrower prior to acceteration following Borrnwer's <br /> broach oF any covenunt or sgreement in this Security tnstrument(hut not priur ta acceleration under para�;raph !7 <br /> uNese appiicable law provides otherwisc).The notfcc shall specify: (a) the defa�lt; (b) tho acdon required to cure the <br /> detault; (c)a �ate,not less thxn 30 days frum tlte date the notice js given to�iorrower,by wh�ch tl�e defuult must be <br /> eured;and(d) rhat failure tq cure the default on or before ihe date speeEf'ied in the notiee may result rn acceleradon of <br /> the sums secured by Wis Security Ynstrurnent and�;ale oP the property.The notice shail further inform.Borrower of the <br /> right to reinstate aCter Acceleration and the riglit to bring a rnurt sction to assert the non-existetiee of a default or auy <br /> other defense oF Bor�rower to acceleration and sale.If th� default is not curccY un ar bePore the date speciCed in the <br /> notice, Lender dt its optton m0.}+ require irnmedfxi�puyment ftt Cull of all sums secured by this Security Ynstrument <br /> without furthvr�letnand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable Iaw.Lender <br /> shall b�entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursufng the remedies p�ovided fn this paragraph 21,including,but <br /> nat limited to,reasoneble attorneys'Pees and costs of title evidenc�e, <br /> If the power of sale ts i�voked,Trustee sUall record a notice of default in each county in whpch any part of the <br /> Property is locate��nd shall mail copies of such nodee�n the munner prc�c�ibed by applir.abte taw to Bor�ower end to <br /> the other persons prescribed by app[ICable law. AYt�r the time requi�ed by applicubio law, xrustee shall giWe pvblic <br /> notice of sele to the persons and tn tlie manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,wlthaut demand on Borrower, <br /> shull sell the Property at public auction to the l�ighest bidder at the time And pYace and under the terms desi�tated� <br /> the notfce pt'sale in one or more parcels and in ahy order Truste�deteruiines.Trustee may pcu�ipone sale of all or any <br /> parcet of the Property by public announcemeat at the time and place af any previpu�ly sel�eduled sa[e.Lender or its <br /> designee m�y purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shull deiiver to the p►irchaser Trustce's deed conveyin�the <br /> �'ruperty.The recitale in the'�Yustce's deed sl�all l�e prima facie eWidencc of the trukh of the statements made therein. <br /> Trustee shali apply the proceeds of the sale in the fallowfng urder:(a)to all cosfs and expenses of axercising the power <br /> of ssl�,an�d the sale,includin�the�yment of the Trustee'�Fees actuslly incurred,not to excecd % of <br /> khe Principal arnouut oT the note at the time of the declaration ot'default,and reasanable attarneys' fees as permxtted <br /> by law;(b)to ull sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)any excess to the person or persons legr�lly entitled <br /> to!t. <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of nll sums securcd by this Securicy insti�ument, Lender shall requwt Trustee to <br /> reconvey [he Properry and shall surrencler this 5ecurity Tnstivmant and alI notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> Instrument ta'�rustce. Trustee bhall reconvey the Property without warranty aiid without charge to the person or persons <br /> leg�l2y entitled to iG Such perspn or persons sha)1 pay any rccordation eosts. <br /> 23. Substitute Trustee. Ler,der,at its opdon,may from timc to time remove Trustee aad appoint a succeasor Wstea to <br /> any Trustee appointed hercunder by an instrument recqrded in the cc�unty in which this 5ecurity Inbtrument la rccorded. <br /> Without conveyanec of the Property, tho sueecs�or trustee shall succecd ca all the title, power and duties eonfe�red upon <br /> Trustee herein and by app�icsble 1aw, <br /> 24• �equest for Nottces. Borrower requcsts that copias of khe nodcc:s of default and sale be sent to �orrower's <br /> address which is the Froptrty�ddress. <br /> (Pa�,�rGufX ppk�,�) <br />
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