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, 06/�1/99 MON 1�:24 FAX 704 679 4500 EAUIFIRST �j006 <br /> s9 1os � ss <br /> �.3. Loan G'�urgcs. If the loan secu►•ed by this Security Tnsuument is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum loan <br /> char�es,and that law is finally inlerpreted s�that the intCrc:,t or odiar loan charge.�cpllected or to be eollected 1n eonnoctlon <br /> with rhe loan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any�ucli laan c:hur�a shsll be reduccd hy the amount neces�ary to redure <br /> the ehtir�e to the permitted limit;and (b)any sums�Irettdy collee�cd fiem B�rrower which e�ceeded pemiittc;d limits will be <br /> icfunded to Borrower.L�nder�nay choatie to mak�:this��efund hy redncing the principal owed under t6e NoLe or by making a <br /> direct paymc;nt to Borrower. If s refund reducc;;principal, the��ducdon will be trc�ted as a partial prepayment witrwut any <br /> prepaym�nt chau'gt under d�e Note, <br /> 1.4. Notiee�. Aity notice to Borrower provided for in this Security �nsttvment sl�all be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first e1a5s maI!unlewti applicablc law requuc:ti use of anather mathod.The notic.�c shall be directed to the Property <br /> Addrecs or any othez�addres513orrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notiee ta Lender shall be givcn by,f�rst eia55 mall <br /> tc►Lend�r'ti address ytaced herein or, any other address Lcnder d�signates by no�ice to Borrower. Any notice prc�vided for in <br /> this Sec'uIty�trument sha11 be deemad to have bcen�iven to Bnn•ower c�r Lender whe.n given a.}provided in this parxgraph. <br /> 15. Covemuxg L:�w; Sevembility. This Security instrument shall be governed by federal luw and thc 1aw of thc <br /> jurisciiction,in which the Property is loc:,ted.xn thc cve��t that any provision or clause of Szcurity[nsCrum�nt or d�Note <br /> oontlicts with applicabla law,such eont7ict shrill rtot affect olhcr provisions of this Seeurity lnstrument or thc Note which can <br /> be given efi"c:ct withou� the conflieting provisian. To thi3 cnd the prc�vi.,ions of tt,is Securicy instrument and the Note are <br /> declared to Ue sever3t,le. <br /> i�►. Borrower's Copy, Borro�uvcr shall be�ivcn�ne cunfc�rmed copy of.the Note and of thi�Security insh�ument. <br /> Z7. �'��ter n�the propert9 or a Beneficisl Interest in 13or�wer. If all ar any Part of thc Pro�rty nr any Intznst <br /> in it is sold or transferrad (or if a benefici�l intere�t in l�om,wer is solc�or transferred and Barrower is not ;�natural persoi�) <br /> without Lenders prior writ�en consen�,Lender may,at its optinn, require.immediate pdymeui in full of till Sums secured by <br /> th�6 SeCUrily Tllgtn111iCnt. HOWCVCr, this option xhall,not tx:exercised by Lender iF exercise is prohibited by federallaw as of <br /> the date of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> � Tf Lender exen:ius tl�is option, J.,ender Fhall give liorrower notice of acceleratiUn.The notice shtlll pro�ide a periad of <br /> not less th:+n 30 dvyti from the dxce che nouce is delivercd or muted withio which Borrawar muat pay all sums seeurcd by this <br /> Security Instrumen� If 13orrower fails ln pay [hcst sums prior to the expirad.on of this pe��iod, Lender may invok� �ny <br /> remedies pc:rmxtted by this Security Instrumenc wi�hout further nQtice or demand on Borrowar. <br /> 18- Borrower's Ra�ht tu Reiastate. if. Botrower meetS Cc:rtatin COtI(litions, Borrower sh�ll have the ri�t to hava <br /> enYoreernent of thiti Security lnstrument discontinucxi at a��y timc prlor to chc earliar�f: (a)5 dayti (or sueh other period as <br /> �pplicable law may specify for rcinstatemcnt) before sale of the T'ropezty purs„ant to any power of tiale conG�ined in this <br /> Security Tnsttvrnenr, or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security ln�trument. ThOSe COriditipn6 St8 tbt�t BOICOWer: <br /> (a) paYs Lendcr all surns which then would be due undar thi� Security Irzstrument and the Noto as if na accelcration h�d <br /> oceurred;(b)curc.c any default of any other covenanta o��a�reements;(c)p�ys all expensas ineurred in enforeing thia Seeurity <br /> ��ument� including, but not limi�cd to, reasunable attorn�ys' fees; and (d) takati such aeuon as L,znder may r�acanably <br /> require to assare that the lien of this Security lnstnarnent,i.ender'Y rights in the Property s�nd Borrowcfs obligaticm to pay the <br /> sums secured by chis Securiry lnstrument shelt continuc unchanged. Upon rein5tatemenl by Borrower, this S�curity <br /> 7nstrument and tha ubligations sec;ured hereby shall rcm�in fully nffcctive as if no accelerdrion hAd occurred.Howaver, tbiy <br /> righeto reinstate st�ll not app]y in the ease of acceler�,�tion under p�ra;raph 17. <br /> 19. Sale oP Note; Change of Laan Servieer. The Noce or a pxrcixi interc:.�t iu the Nnt� (togethcr with this Secui7ty <br /> ln�h�umant) may be sold one or mor+c ames without prior notica to Bo�row�. A sale may resvlt in a changc in the enti[y <br /> (tfltown��the "�.oan Sarvic�r")thai collects monthly n�yment� due undar l:he.Note and khis Security Insuvment, Therc xlso <br /> may be one or more ehdnges of th�Loan Servic�r unralaced to n salc of, tllc Note. Tf ther�i.y a cliange of the I,oan Se�rvicar, <br /> Bo�row�r will be given written nptice of thc change in accoi�lanee with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The noGee <br /> wlll state the name und address of the new��Scrvicer and the address to whieh payment�ahould be made.The notice will <br /> ti150 COriGtin aRy�[11c.7 inf0!•mation requlred by applical,lc law. <br /> �0. Hszardous Substances. ]3orrower s2�]I not cause or. pernut the preseace,use,dispo�al,storage,or relea�e of any <br /> Hdaardou,i SubstanceR on or in the�roperty. Rorrower shall not do, nor �llow anyonc else to dn, anything affecting the <br /> prop¢rty that is in vio,(pt�on of any L�avironmontsl Law,!'he p��edlitg two sentenc�;.�,shall not apply to the presence,use,ar <br /> storage on the Property of amall qu�ntiHes of Hxzardaus Substances that are gencrnl)y rxognized to be xppropriatc to norm�l <br /> re,idential u�es and to maintenancc o.f the Property. <br /> �orrower shall promptly �ive Lender wr,itten notica of any investig�uon,clAim,derr�and,lawsu�t or other action by any <br /> governmentai or rcgulatory agency or private parcy involving the Propzrty �nd Any Ha�.udous Substanee nr Envlronmental <br /> Law of whlch Borrower ha�actuAl knowIedge.!i'8o�rower]r.�ms,or is notified by a�.y governmental or regulatary authority, <br /> {Page S of 6 paFes) <br />