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� `� � ` � --= <br /> � ar . � - . ' - 4 � .�,_;,-.-- <br /> � .� � ' � ' . �. � w: <br /> � , . , <br /> _. . :`..F:�R_:�:a.:. ` . . _ ..}. —'- _ _ = -.. _ . . . __���..-_ <br /> -- - � .'c� .. . - ' _, . . . � � c a � ���^ - � ,c � . , <br /> .Y� s.' _ . _. . . _ .` . ` . . . .- - .. "•.' - . ' - ` ' .-��. . , . <br /> � � � L t7.Traii�[_t�e � ae a�eQei��it�e�efr.if alt cr aay p�et n��e Pinpe�t�r ac aqr irieeer`is ie ��:. <br /> is aid orthosE�te�ed(ar if�i�in Boao�es is�oW a rr�rderebd spd Hq�aaw�Cr' tpt a a�huatpepo�)Mid�urt . <br /> `� . L�er`s pt�wTittea coa�ent. I�der mry. st ib�+pp6pn���ne '�ed'i�e prymmt in f�o�`aU s� seairo�1i�►� � � r <br /> ' Security Instiuosmit.A�rwswer,�this optipo sL�U not b�eaca�cisld by I!ender if e:,e�cise is p�oh�by'fede�al lsrv as of t6e d�1e <br /> � , o t t h i s i�.s�ses t'�i�aptibs�Leoder atia�!!���1 va8on+�w�a�of aoaeltraflo�s.T6o nd�ata6a11 pc�nride s pqiod og�ioE �- . <br /> IlSS t�mr30 day5 fiom t11C dure tt�G DGt�a i9 sldivEfCd os nmilEd rldtbin i�hich$otmwer�tst pQjr�II sums SGCtuEd by tLi�� <br /> Seatrh�y I�utnqn.If Bor�owu fa'7s ta t�se su�nFcwi�w t6e c.�pitat�of tLis paiod,t�ehder mry im�aloc a�y� ; <br /> ,p�mii�ed by►fhis sea rittg Iastn,c�mE_�5�ber m��.d��au�iauQrer._ � � ._ - -- <br /> !�. D�ee�uw�'s Iti�M to� If Bamawei.meets oaKa�o oaedi� Bonowp' slu�ll havo tbc risht w hivt <br /> enfancement�of this SeatriCy'i�uma�ij'i.�'nued�t sny time piioi to 8ie ptlier o� (a)i dsys{ar sadt atBer perio�sot , <br /> ' �p�61e 1a�'�Y spoeifY f4r�).befoie sale of t'dt�apa�tY P���Y P�a af sate ca�ined in tLis <br /> Sep�*ity Ira�uaa�t;�or tb�pidY of a j�d�t eafo�+cing tbi�Seauity I�cumeat.T6ose cuoditions an th�8orrawsr:(s)lt�7ts <br /> , �' Ladaa al�sams vrhie�thda wouW ba due nmar tbis 5ecauity L�ua�eait�ad t4e A1ate aa�J•na sooda�ioe 6ad ooa�rrod:(i�) -� � <br /> carrs aay defaWc of sury a�her ua��rs or rgfew�ent+;fe}psys alt�u�wmod ia eofoc�ing tliis I�t, <br /> • incWdina,but nat limited to,m�mble xtom�ys'fes�aad(d)nl�es suc�acY�p as I.ander maq teasoo�rly ' fo asame . <br /> ° . tb�t dre lim of dus 3ecurity I�uamea[.Ijadet's-ris6ts ia tbe Firopeciy sa¢Bomowu's 'oui'igation to pry tbe§�s�by.• <br /> ' tlris 5ewrity 'I�suun�au st�ll eo�t n�bd. Upon ieiactatemeat�6y �omnwa. this Saaustq Ira�umeat�and d�e • <br /> o�s seaubd baeby st�ll�n fiiliy ef�'ec�ve a4 if no aooeler�6ad aornrred.Howeva.Wis rigbt w itins�e�atl� <br /> ` � m��aQp1Y in tl�e cu�bf socdaratia►amder p�gr�h 1'7. ,. , <br />--_ , ' U. Sde ot Natr C6�a�s ot I�au Servioer. The Kote or a putial inte�t ia d�e Nate(toga�ier with this Saurity <br /> __ ' � Iradrameat)maY b¢soW one or ma�e dars witbow[psior noace w Bormwu.A sale o1sY nsWt ia a�aage in$ie emity(Bmwa <br /> aS���.�E[Y[CCl°)f�13t OOulCtS 1nODt�li3t��IC iIOdCC t�NOtE�[�SS�ty�QSIt1t�E0[.�11E[E 8�50 IDiit�lC Ol�.' ` . <br /> -- ' or mone chaages of'the Ldan Senricer nnc�ed w a aWe of d�e Note.If d�ec+e is a cbaage o�t1�t I.ow Saviaer,Uorrower w�t be <br /> —° given wriva�i»pce of tije cbu�ge in accordanca ait6 p�aph t4 abnve and app�te law.The maoe v�n'II state tDe i�ame a�d <br /> addt+as of tbe ne�v�,o�u Setvicer aad We add�ss ta vohich p�aymeots�be m�de.The�poti�e will als�co�in a�ry atl�er <br /> -- �rogairod b�y applkz�ble law: - <br /> -- � 20 Br�aMoNS 5�6eqsoes.Bamnwer sball not cwse or pennit d�e prcsenoe,�rse.disposa�, swc�8e.oc nete�se of aay <br /> �� Haza�dous�on ar in tbe Pmperty. Bomawes sha[i not do. nor aUow artyose else to do, amrthing affectiag the , <br />':� Pmperty ili�t is b�violuion 4�'any Envim�eatal Iaw.The P�$two aea�te�xxs s6a11 swtapply to t�e�resenoe, use,ot <br /> �� __sror�gc oa the�roperty of,small quandties of Hasa�+dous SdbstaAOes tt�at a�S�IY�8�t�vd ta_be appropr�ate tQ narma� --- <br /> �` • risideatia!uses aM to maiAtsnanoe Qf the Property_ <br />" Barmwer sball P��Y 8rve I.ender wnaen aotioe of any imatigation,ala�ia,dea�M,lawrsnit or otGeic xtion hY ac►Y <br /> , , govenpnental or regulasory agency or private party involving the Propeity atd atry Aaiac�dats Substanoe or Fmiro�entat Law _ , <br />-_ - of arhich Horrower bas acn�af tatowtedge.If Bom�wMer leams,or is t�atified bY�Y S�'�����Y��� <br /> - aay nmov�!ar ofher�+aaediation of a��r Hazardws Snbstaac+e affectiag dte Pnupeny is aaee�y.Bortower shaU take <br />==__ all neoessary r�medial actiuns in aocordana vrith Emimamental Iaw. <br /> -_ AS 1iSOd ti1 t}IIS�I8�1 ZO, "HBZ�dl5 Sq�tOC.4" 8tt t�IUSC SI1�Sf8pG�.4�IJIOd AS tOx1C O!�OOS�Ifyl <br /> _� Eavimnmeatal Law and the foAowing substaiices: gasoline. kerosene. other flmnmable or Waic petrole�un prad�cts. toaic <br /> ::;,: pesticldes aod�erbicides.'volatile solvents,materials cantaining asbestos or forroaldehytk,atd tadioactive materials.As usad in <br /> �-�_ �.::� this pa�agraph 20. "Environnkntai Iaw"�eans federal laws and laws of ttk jurisdiaion where ttu Pmperry is tocatal chat <br /> _r. , . .� .':�'' nelate to healsh,�ot emrir�mattal proteaioa. ' ' t <br /> -- ^� ``: NON-IJNI�� COYENANTS.Bormwer and Lender futther covenant and as follows: � <br />- `• ,�'� '��;',�;, ��' {•. Zl.Aooeleradoa;Remedk4.I.ender slwll gire notke to Bornuwer pebr �foDo�vtng Bosrows�s be+each <br /> _ ��?, .?�,:r ., � i.•,� oi nny ooveaant ar� in tWs Security Instn�ment (but not prlor w pooderation oAda� ptr�plt 17 ank� �_ <br /> �,.;^�;j{,, ._•.;.. �i �--.:-- <br /> - :r:��:,..:.-.. :_ app{kable I�w p+uvida otberwlse).The riatkx sdap specity: ta)the defaWt;tb}tl�e actioa nequirod to'cure tbe defaWt; � -�- <br /> ..�..,. .f�::,i' �z^��: <br /> •.��r'�-�;�,:•-. (c)a d Ate.aot less t h an 30 days t 1 r om the date t 1�e noti�e is giren to Borro�rer,by wUich t6e ddaalt must be caeed;su�d . �}=�-��a- <br /> _ .:. (d)tl�t failure to ca�+e tLe detautt on or 6dore the date specttkd in t6e noti�e may nRUk in aeoel�ttou ot tt�smas ���. � <br /> � _=�,�: saurtd by this Security Imtroment pnd sak ut Ne Property.The noeloe sbWl fiuther Wtorro Bonawer ot tLe tigM to� '� -_- <br /> . ` �-�..:''�-�'�?' reiastate sdter i�oodeeation aud the right W bring�court acNon to assert the non�enoe ot a ddault or airy ot6er " . ,,�-_ <br /> . � ' =�; ,,j. �- de�erite of Bo��earver to aooderatbn and sale.i!the delaWt is rat cured on or betor+e the date specitkd In tLe noNoe. . �,:-'•'_` <br /> �.`�� � •' I.ender,at tts opelm�,a�ay require immedi�e p�yment in fu0 ot atl sums secured by tl�Secnrtty/astrument vrltbart :. <br /> ..:x..�:t.�,�: :'_ <br /> _ "'_.='.A� furttiee da�nd a�may invoke the power o!sale aad any other�remedtes pern�itted by A�icable law.I:tnder s6aU be .. �, - <br /> .��.�: . . �. ��, , ' er�tttled W oollecl all e x p e n s e s incu rn d in p u t s ui r�g t N e n e m e dies p r ov t d e d in t h i s P�a�r aPh I�.i n c l a d i n g,6 u t n a t t l m i t e d - <br /> lPv:��. — <br /> � �;.�`+�="�'='�': to.r�asona6k attorneys'fees and costs ot tiUe evtdenee, . �.'`,.' <br /> `'';'� U thepower�ot sale is invoked Tncstoe shall reoord s notice ot�ktaalt in eacb cauaty in whkb s�a of the � <br /> ,.?,a��:n'- � � + Y P� ;r�_ <br /> ;�' � P�vpaty is Mcated and�slwll mail rnpies'otsuch notice ih the manner prescrlbed by applkable law ta Hornuwer nud to ..: <br /> : .,1,..�.:: <br /> � �. � . tbe otl�er peisons prescribed by applicalAe taw.ARer the time requined by applicable ls�w,Tnt�tce sbail gire pu6lic aoNce _-- <br /> . . of ask to the aad ln tde ms�nner _ ;-�;' <br /> . _,•, P�� D�ribed by appUcable�law.Teustc�wlthout danand nn Borrower,shall setl - . <br /> . '..',�u'�'r, �. tbe Pt+npnty at publk aucHod to the bfp,hest bidder at the time and place and under the term.g desi�wted ia tbe noNce ot . <br /> �fe ia one o�mo�+e parcels and in any order Trustce determi�.Trustee'may pa5tpone s�le of atl or anypanel ot the , = <br /> F?; .- .;,,. r�: .. �., � �Y 69 Pa61k anrta�ancement at tl�e time and place ot any previoucly scheduled sate. t.ertde�a�its designee�y � �,_ ' <br /> ._ .. pm+c6ise the property at a�sale. .----. - <br /> �:�.; .. <'z .. � . . .. . - <br />:; .;�t�,,=.. .. ' • <br />° -„:.:;;'`. . ._- Fann 302� 8/80 <br /> �,�.' . . � . . � Pagssoe9 ' � ' - - ... -. <br />_ . ;-��?, y . . . .. , <br /> ,f, .l"','yr4 , . • ,. . _ <br /> �; . . . . . <br /> :.i._ � . <br /> °s.,r�,f � � . • , . <br /> �= r.. . ' � ' . <br /> - `� �� ' " . . . . ' ' ' ,--. .. .. . . ...� . "' .. .:�9��j'oTn'.T+=�.._.�r�i'i..� __'�...-. . <br /> _ _ _-_ _" �'' .' <br /> ._ ---.-..�.�.a..:�`_'." _ _ " _ _".___'__ "_'_-.�._ __" ... -_ _-"_____ __'"-_' __. . ....... . . _ .... _..._ __"_•_" .. .....___'_""_"_'__.___' <br /> 3.nT= �r.�:- — . .-.,.' .... . . , 1 ' . _ . � . � ..- - '.� .. . .......... . , . .. .. + ' , _ � <br /> '�i. .x5►..-��_.,._'�.. � � '- -. ' . . � '.. - ` . . . ' . :, , ' : .__ _ <br /> 4 'tf �:i-,• - . _ . '. . , . . : . , _ , . . . • . - _ <br />_;� ,:.i:=�_:j..u'.;. , ' „ . •. .. - i . ' - �. . � � ' . . ' ' . .r .. � .. ' : � . � . <br /> -4� C}� •I.. <br /> -_ � •i�� � ' . . � � . �. . . . � . � ' . . '. . ' . . <br /> -_ � . . . . , • . - • � . . <br /> ... ��� . . . 1. . . �_ _ _ <br /> _�.�_�..�.._��_�_ 'i"'s--� . . _ . _. l_. ' ' - _. _-_- _ -- _ - -_- _ -_ _-__ - - __ _ - __ . _ _... . <br /> _ ' - - -_ . .. . <br /> � r • _ -_-. t' ... - - . - _ __ _- . . <br /> . G Y�- . . . . � . <br /> . yI <br /> -. � � � . ' , . . 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