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� i � , . .- --�.�...T.; , � �::�- �.,, <br /> } _ - < < . c �. . , � c�, . : , . <br /> � . - - -`- - - - - - — . _ - _� _: . _ _ �.`� .._ _� . . ��• . <br /> ' t,`�a}�ee�iits aa�r aQ3ao�eiE bc ie�:it!Le dpeioa of�eade�i��pel�e.�be ooMdr�f�.die��o�t�iu4 ie pe�rrilt - .- <br /> ` . .dfie tsmar �eqeii�a).�erNiie�-6�"�iuwrer�pg�nred b�!Ir�dec#�-be��aee�a�va'f�iead is ab�ieed.`11ono�+ei�Mi pipr � _ � <br /> � t�ie preasiuqe�.�Yed to�ia nMOe�mwr�noe iq d�ar�pioriae�io�s reie�e,-mb'1 ttit nq�meut for�oi�• ' <br /> ' _ �s�t mds'ia aoo�onhex�aby��1�t bet�eea Boao�er�od I�:oder a���i�abie Lw: � . � <br /> �� - =�1.Io�ee1N■e.t.tnder ae its a�t m��s�oo�61e�aottiesapoa aed iaepactioes�of tbd Pmpnty.L�aida siill�re. <br /> . `Botmw!a mtroe at�e ta�e a�as prior b a�in�e�ia�spocidy���amDia cai�s's far We i�peetian. ' � <br /> � 3�Cawr�esr�H�.TLe pcoo�eds at'apy s�d a daaa foi d�es.dittct ot�c�oro�eq�tf Ia�000no�tioa.�bt�. <br /> . .3ating�sfa4y�t�af tLe-Aopayr;oc fat o�a�Ct it�lieu of coed�mt�n.a��by�;� —<:.-. <br /> � �I!6e pid Eo�Sade�• . . ' . • <br /> br the eraoro��mqA takiq of d�e Pr+upatyrr d�e p�ooebds ahiii he�ppliad to tpe ao�tecutedlgr t�s So�faqtv�t, �� <br /> � �f�her or not tUea due.�v�th�ny esoesr pid to Born�ex.ia the eveat at a prti�t�img of die Pnnpe�ty iu which the f�ir� . . <br /> . inatioet vitoe of t6e Finpc+ty io�ped'e�tdj►btfaK die-�niong is ax�aalio ac�tMn t�e�aaou�o�the�sums�by-�t�. �- �--� <br /> ' � ��Sea,tritp Imtn�mentunn�edatdy bet�e�die i�ing,tmless Baioweet mt i�nd�dlia�i�e spet in ov�st6g,t6e�mc sa�ad by <: <br /> �, t6is SavritX Im�auee��II be iedacad by the�urt of�e pa�eds�1tlpliad b�r 16c foilo�vil�8 fisctian:hr)�� <br /> - rnioodit of tbe soms ae�e�ia�med�tdy Lefone tbe hio'ng,d'ivided iy(6)tBe bis merka vaioe of d�e Pibpeity immedNtdy . <br /> befae't1�e nidn�. AnY bdsnae a1nU'6e p�id io Bbrmw�x. In�he eveot o�a pcti�l alciva�t5e Fmpacty in�rLicb the bir , <br /> � . ae�[ioet v�lne af die��dedittet�t b�nc tb� k�s th�w d�e�mount oi`tbe sa�taatted immedi�tdg befa��he � , <br /> takina,nnl�ss Bamo+Yrr aoal.eoder�e agiee in�or nnl�ss�pp�able hw otberari�e�pmvldas,8ie ptoceeds sMU .�� <br /> `� .� be�ppHed to t6e aon�s��d bY this Seauity►Iqsu�mwt�vh�or aot tbr�sums m thw da�e. . . � . . <br /> . if tbe Ftopdty���bamdorted�bq Borcawer,or.i���ia,�otia bq Leader ta Bona�ver da�t tl�onpdam�oc bffas w m�ke'� .. � . <br /> s�acti ac settte a cWm�ot dam�es„B4�wer.f�s to�spond tn i.emec withiti 30 d�ys aRer the�te the nntioF ia giv4n. ., ` <br /> Ltnder is auhoriae8.w ooDect md apply tbc its o�tioci.eitber w restontion or�ir of tLe Peuyperty a to tbe auma ` <br /> recamcd hY t6is Saaoritp In�vmaK,whetha ur not tbeb:due. r . - ' <br /> Unkss t.eader� Bbrcrnver c�ha�a8� u► ��8+�Y�PP�kyiEbn of p�+noeeds to priaciprt s1aU not estmd or <br /> postpone the dae date of t6e m��t61y prymdrts tefined w in�1 aad 2,ar change ihe amount of soch p�aymen�.., <br /> 1!.Baea�ra�Nat�de�ed;Forbausnoe By I,ader Nat a Wafie�r.Er�eosioa of the time for p�ay�oau or modifi�tion <br />- _ � -of amo�on otlbe s�is sa�rodby t6is Seauity I�uaxat g�ucad by L��der ia aay sua�.ssor in inteKSt olHomo�er at�1i ' ' <br /> _ uot opecpte w release the liabi�ity of tl�ee orig'mAI Bomewer or Bomower's snoeasozs in inte�st.L,ender sball iequind to <br /> _ �P�B���i►s000rssor in i�or cefpse to actmd time far paymwt or at6e�wisa modify amoc��bn . <br />-= of the s�seaced by tdis Savrity Ia�dmnem by �oa of mpy demaad m�de by t6e origiaal Homuwer rn Harnwa's <br /> ' 12..Sacae�ora snd A�igns Band;Jaiot md Sevenl Ids6iHty:Co�ons. The coven�nts aM�gro�a�s of this <br />- SearitY lastnm�ept shall bind and beaefit ths suooesso�s and assigns of L.eqder and Borrower.subjecx to the prov�sio�n of . . <br /> . � p�asa�ph l7. Borcower's aove�uts�d agraements sLal) ba joint a� several. My Bor4�ower who a�o�sigas tdis Seeurity <br /> -- --- -- I�t but Aoes aot execute tbe 1Vote: (a)ls ao�s�gr�iag tf�s Sea��ity Iasaumaet oNy to moagaga.gtaat and oo�►vay t�t <br /> Bormwer's interest in the Property uader the terms of this Security lnsauafea�(b)is aot pasonally obligatal w puy tl�e sunt� <br />- saa�nd by tbis Securtry Inswa�ent:and(c)agrees that Lender and aay aher Borrower may agree w exteld,modify.forbtar or <br /> �"�_ . make a�ry ac�omewdations with regard to the.terms of this Securiry Insaument or the Note without that Borrower's consern. <br /> 13.Loan Chatges.If the loan secured by thls Security Instramem is subjoct w a law which sets maximum loan charges. _ <br /> and that finally imerpretod so iMat the interest or aher loan charges collectod or to be ooltectat in eortnoction with the <br />-- loaa exoeod the permiaW limits.then;(a)any such loan charge shall be reduood by tlie amount noce.s.cary to r�edua the charge <br />- w tbt peimiuKed limit�and(b)aay snms almady oollected fran Bormwer which exoaded perm[tted limits will be refimded W — <br />. :�r:; Horrower..Lender may choose to maice this refnnd by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by ma�Ing a direct R� <br /> _ , `'T payment ta Bamawer. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be trestod as a partial Prepayment without any <br /> _ -�''' °�:-; pr�epayment charge underthe Note. � � <br />-� `t.�� :���; �; 14.Notkea Any notice W Borrower provided for in this Socurity Instn�rnent shall�be given by dellverir►g it or by ma�ling � <br /> ,. . ��:_'_.. it by first ctass mail unless applicable lew reqaires use of anott�er mqhod.The notice shall be dlrected w the Property Address '= <br /> �� . <br /> �?�.�:..:.•;;;=f:�� or any other addms.g Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shaU be given by first class mail to �'' <br /> .:�`�.;:f�% Lender's addres�stated herein or any other add�s Lxnder designates by aotice to Borrvwer. Airy notics providad for in this <br /> "--;���_�� Se�vdty Listrument shall be deemod to have been given to Borrawer or Lender when given as pmvided in this paragraph.. <br /> - -= � 1S.Covernl�; Seven6illty. 71�is Sa:urity Instrument shall be govemod by federat law and the law of the <br /> ._`.��''i: nr�sdiction in which the pr �s located. In the evem that <br /> j operty' airy provision or clause of this Security Insttument or the Nate <br /> . .•� coMicts arith applicable law.sucA conflict shalt ttot aftett other provisions of this Security lnstmment or the Note which can be <br /> ' �''�� given effect without the conflicting provislon. To this end the provislons of this Security Instrwnent and the Note are declarod <br /> :,�;'���u w be severabte. . , <br /> '���'`•`'"-�"� 16.8oeawer's Copy.Botrower shall be given one confom�ed copy af the Note and of this Secudty lnstament, <br /> ��c;.r�;���:. � . . <br /> .: :�3�-�'�;_ , Foan 30� 8/!0 <br /> 4,1�. . Pa�e e of 6 <br /> 'o/t �.$'J,... , <br /> :ki ' • <br /> _ , . � <br /> C <br /> ' — _ __ _- __. .._ _. <br /> ... .u,ry�... . .. .. - � ' " ' �1..� _ <br /> a�.�u�.ss- ...r-�---._.'_._��,_. .,. . . ,r -- , .. , _ _ . <br /> .i;�- �+r:`�{`�.. .�. � ......' ;�. . _,. .. <br /> — ____-=;�r' . -.. . ...- � -- � � �- '. .--- • , ,- -: _.. .. . . ��:::�'+'R'IY, . .. . C+�!�?i-.:.�rz:_�. <br /> -.r^...7., <br /> �ir'a7�'. ' -_.:__. -:._�-.. ... _ __ ~�i�.� - _ _: . ... _ . . _._. . -M -.F..a-._.m:s,..a...:.r.w.s....-__.:..-..,ti.«,....."'.�..-'"_'". ._ . <br /> . ._ .. __ �...; <br /> . . <br /> � �,�1.. f . ., . . . , . . <br /> -� _ -___...-� .� . � „ ,: , . ' � • <br /> . . _: ' _ _ . . . . . . .. .... . . . _ . . __ . . . <br />,--,- __ _ .'a ., . _ . . . , . - . . _ . _ <br />-f�i i�:s•i.'�'c,.._:, . . . . . . . � . . � • . <br /> . • <br /> . .,� . . <br /> �-a- �...,;.• . <br />...� . . - ..- .' 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