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Y— r <br /> ,�,.- . ct .�.• _-�- �°�' r � ' �-f- � �.-�.—.�.. , ,= �: <br /> - - � <br /> , -_ <br /> , <br /> < < < =:= <br /> 't„t < < � - .. - M�IM11riTrrrr� _ .. . `.t� - <br /> -«.�>. .. __. '- ...`�- �` . . ` ` �L ` . . � . . _ , � __ _ _.._.._ -- ._. <br /> ,--_�—�.. .. - .r� - -� .. " ' _ ' ' ' . c�-_ ' .t. '- -. ��' _. .. :r, 1 _ �' �`� ' . ' �' ' <br /> ���-`• fh�c�lwiruiNM�qlM�+r���tp �ft��M.P!'o�i�io!n�fl�in oa'A�i��,td��a"�ire a!�d� ° <br /> ... <br /> • = ��drratb�NCh1Me���}�iii�tary�aoe�iat��i�ror�ppav�t�ur�otf�l�ai��idac�on.inoo�e�ciat , <br /> ' :M�n+ril�arw�tRN�N�1hN�tr�d�r:wltich�ro�ddhtwlh��IfiC�tot�in��Mre■Mtroflwof�hM�Mt�M��or '° . <br /> � tbspi�opi�t���b�CttlwrM�.araimp�ktr�pthep�onatnlwpstde�e�'rwYtor8�di7atfhlM•�RpM�DR.. : <br /> ` mat�eexo�r�diipo�ia�or�ew�n�6��binler�tinanYsydts�»ora�t!�b►ia��a�'pr��qcrri�g <br /> - thecaunder� . . _ . � < < , '. _ . : < ..` <br /> - oun�.�s���tn�,��ts�a+edut�ssa�aa�.u«,�ari�ae.snwti.aa�r�.aso�hrq► ` <br /> �-- - ` tns��o�satldis#?eedal�tand�heTcuaeasl�lnatbsliab�erocapRlvi�p�r�o�a�du�_ ._ <br /> ��: ' . and ot�lions as a��p�cal[y sst ioM Nerein.�i�no imp�Nsd�ovenrMS or oai�ions sh�M b�b��oMd.uQon e�s � <br /> �:= Truste�Ib►ooproaHhis�d dTitiit�halt r+equiro?ru�lssbez�e�xfor�tc i�am�otolNerwi�sin�aif�nci�t� <br /> ol�lioa�nl�e�cipnmaosaan�ricfil�deNesr�eramder,orin�sexan�aeaa���sr�qhbapo�wbr�ffit�lrnsre ` <br /> - _ .. � y�o�to►bNia�in0�ttl�r�pa��tots�chifx�otad�qual�i��d�tyap�ESU��CO�iiab�ihisnot�wotrby . <br /> = a�nd a i�tc)Tn�sw may ca�WE ww�counse!d ib awn cliob�tng aa�1�adrice asuch ca�ns�t�l�ialt�ed <br />-"=_��' � coR+pa�.�an�ap�re�l.cuonhl��aspictotany�iont�oen«wt�.redgr��,nd.►i��ooatl�lnana�n � <br /> , -�-t reli�otlha�(d}TruMNsMNnoEbi�at�to�airysctiqnlstanbyiEittpooAfWhse�na�aMbhib�IN�!!dbf►itbi� <br /> u.:�: �---' s aulhOrixed o►w�tl�in 1hs dNiC��slio[I or tqhls al�pa�rora cortlsrrod`elpoli it#�t thi�O�ed M Tnist , ` . . - <br /> -'� � r��>�" , � . :� ,. � • . � " c. � . <br /> T/i. :L -��="" TRlI31'�E'S FEE&Truslor axpesN�►�1s and s�reas b p�t�d d�e all t�t.�s snd expens�s d 1t�s � . <br />:�� -==r=�... :r: � <br /> i,. . �. -.�_. ;'=-�- OesdMTna4�inlhee+�eMots�leby�erTr�sleeotwch�operg►.thsTtuetea'scast��andtee��rHch< ` <br /> -. .=".1`{` _ tess ahaM tK1t sxoses!�500 00'pbs�d 19i d the amoSmt aecurod IIKOb'y ant!ra►�ni�g unp�id. , , . - <br /> � - � - - SU86TITUTIOMOETFit�STE�ThatBe�iarylt�y.tromtimeb�m0.bl11natrun�MMwriqrg,su6�fi�AssNioOONOrar' , _ <br /> � �`:-: -- �-� ,-j .su�c�ois b sn�Truabe AenMd t�rois a acAn�tteroundar.r�thidt ir�ram�n��nctAsd and �CWwwl�d�sA bll� - <br /> iyu�:r--.. �:�_,. .� ` ' eeneRc�u�rsna necarded mu,sptffcs am.naaerorae�dsaa�scou�r a countkswr�en.sucn aov«t�riss�ai.�ea. <br /> `�-`-�.: �`.:� ahdtbsooadusiveD�oofotproprnub�itudondauchtruaiesaT�uafee�who�nitwit�wutoorneyarralFamfisTru�les � � - <br /> - , i-' - , p,edeoeascx�auCCeed b dl.Ns litle�esb�ba�M0.P�artd duties. ' � � � ___ <br /> _ ' � .:.----._` �..�.� -NO WAf11�R BY B�NEFtG1ARY:No wsi�wr b�t Ttust�e oc'8�iciary at sny�tpht unds�this DOOd ot Tn�at sha11�6__ �'�_- <br /> ---� ; .s-;` � ; -;--- ellectivveunleasinwritirp.WaiverbyTrualeearBeneBcisryafanyri�t9rartledtoTrusleeorBeneNciarf/oaderMlsOeedot i.�- <br />- � TrustorofanyP�rovistonotlhisOsedofiTrustas�osnytrans�t�i0noroccurroncessfisllnotbed�smsda�reivpresbany �ra.-.:==.-_ <br /> •�. .. � L _ .. tuturotanssctionoroccurences.9!►accapUn�psfl���f►aamsecuredNerebfrafOerlbduedsle:orbYnmkirpan�► � ���- <br /> cce <br />'�" . , ` PaY��a►P���!YACtoitbeha�otTrustathatTtua�Drvrasobli�a�edhere�tnder.buNailedlamakeotperformor =. _ <br /> , . � ; _ <br /> _ .-. ' �� . } , its�htbre�Ni�SDromDt�PsYmentwl�sndueofal���jsecuadeb��dn�es�s�Dr��P�noe�otl�srads . . <br /> . . , '. ' I required hereunder,or to daclare hereunder.or to dectaro a detault for tatilure ao M pay. _ <br />. . , .. ` i.. . • � . f— <br /> . � � . w�nr�oFSr��ofuNnr�non�s:nme�samees�ence�nairr�uaror�sa��a�onshereanae�:a�am�nee�em ►�" �`: �� ,� <br /> � .. .: . . ; � . . � <br /> :..,-- .__ .. .__..-.-. ----. ..----. pe,,,,n�y gr+aM►.Tarstor wataes aN v►eaer�t or ruwwre stawtsa ot thnil�ot�s v�itn nesveaw anydeb�aarnana a oai�ion � <br /> � . aecured herebll in any action cr proceeding for the purpose of e�orcin�this Truat a any ri�M a remedies her+eunder. � � <br /> ° � INSPECTION AND BUStNESS RECOROS:.Beneflclary at any time du►Ing tha caMinuatbn of this Tn�st may e�and .. • <br /> `�� � -_ _ . . _- inspeCt auch properly at any reasonabte time.Trusto►agrees tfia�.when reques�ed by Beneflciary.T�witt promptly - .- -� -. <br /> ._ . : detivertoBeneilciaryauchcertif[edflrtartcialatatemer�sandproRtandloss�ofa�rcht�rpesan0at:uchlrrlarvats !:.. , �, . <br />_��� � as may 6e required by Beneficiary which will be in toren and conteM preparad aCCOrdin�to the uwal and accep�eble �„ .. • • <br /> ? , a c c o u m i n�p r i n c i p l e s a n d p r a c tl c e s.�w h i c h a t a�e m e n b a h a t l c o v e r t h e f i n a n c i a l o P e r a t i�o n s�e t e�n p t o T r u a�o r b r s u c h , . . <br /> -.� , � � propetly and Tnistor tuNter a�rees when reques�ed Dy Bw�eflciary to pramplty deiiver in writirt�wch tuAher additionat ' � • <br /> � � ... -��. ........ . ... inbrmaUon aa requi�ed by 8eneficiary►elating to any such flnancisl atateQnerits. <br />. r. . 1 _ : ..... .. <br /> J <br /> 1. ... .. . . . .. .. . � . ., <br /> � " �� � REMEDIES:No remedy hereln pravided aha(1 bs excluaive of a�y WheP�emedY he�ein o��ow or herosi�x exlatin�bjl � : �. <br /> � ' � . .� � taw.butah�IlbecumutaUve.E+rerypowero�remedyherebygivenWTrusUeaortoBaneNCiaryatowhkh�otthemmay �; <br /> , • � beotherwiasentitl�ed.maybesxercieediromtimetotlmeandasottenasmaybedeemedexpsdlentbythem�andeitherof ._ <br /> � . . . - - . . �+em may puraue inconalstent�emedies.N 8eneflciary holds any additional aecurlty tor any obli�astton aecured .- --.. ._.;, �_ <br /> � - may enforce tlte asla thereof at Ns opfton�eithe�before.conlemporanaouaty wlth.or atter ths aale is made hereunder and _ - <br /> . -. � on am►delault of�Truato�, BeneHciary its option:oifset againat any indeb�dness aecured ha'ebY.and the � <br /> . . � � � � Beneflclary is hereby authodzed and empawarad at iti optlon.wilhout any obligadon so to do,and w1M�out a1lecHnp 1he <br /> • obtt�a�om hereoL to sppfybward fhe payment of any iedebtedness of the TrwWr ta the BeneNciary.anS►and all sums of . <br /> ` �� - � mone�r ot T�uata which may have�ln its poasession or under ib coMrol.including without Iiml�n�the�eneralit�l of tha . , <br />,.� _, . . . . <br /> , ,� , to�oing arry savings accoun�deposiL inveatmeM ce�iAcate.escrow or truse funds. <br />_�: i. <br /> � • � � LAW APPUCABLE 7hat thia Oeed of.Truat shalt be construed accordin�to the laws of the atate of N��+*-'as�, ' � <br /> t � . � , <br /> ��:� ° ` � iLLE6AUT1f:tn tl�e event that any proviaion or ctause of this Oeed of Truat conlltcb with appNcaSte law.auch conflict <br /> y' � � ' shaUrtotatfectoMerprovlaionsMthisOeedolTruatwhlchcanbegivene(tectwltho�ttheconAictingprovlaion,andt�this , <br /> � = '" ,��- en0 the provlafons ot thia Deed af Truat are dectared to be aeverabte. • • • <br /> �.?z. ;. . . . . • , <br /> _ �;� � GEt�IERALPROV1310N3:(a)ThisOeedofTrustappliesto.i�u�estothebenetltot,andbindsallperHeBherdo.thdtheits. <br /> M° . le�abes.devlaea�►adminiaaato%executo�a.auccesaors and asai�ns.(b)the tenn'.'8e�rottcia�"sha0 meen the ownar <br /> ....��� and fwber(including a ptsd�se)of any note secured hereby:whelher a not eamed as Benelkia�►heroin.(a�Wheraver <br /> .�`�. � �� .. � ths conMxt so requires,the maacutlns�ender inctuQes fhe teminine and rteuler.lhe sinpulu number inclpdes ths pti�raL . • <br /> _ __ .� __ •.._ and vks verss.!d)Caplions and Pa�a9►sph ReaOings usad henin are 1a conwni�nc� not.�p�rt o!U�is . <br /> . _ �- - .: - : s�eemer�artdahall nof Qa ueed in construinp it tt more than on4 peraon is named hereln as Truator.e�ch obllyation o! • __ <br /> _ ...'�:. _ � T�uslor�IlbslhejoiMand�everalobtlga�onofeachauchperaan.Theri�Mso�romedies�rantedhereunder�crbylaw. � <br /> �;, -:-j�, -:- -- . ahatr not bs exct�sive.but shaq bs concurrent and cumulative. . <br /> _ , . , <br /> " � ' ' TRUSTEEJICCEPTStldsTwstwhenthis�eed.dulyexacutedandaCknowledped.ismadsapuWicrecordasprovlded . <br /> "'; �. ' . by law.Truates is nat obli�ated W notity any party be�eto�t pendin�sale under a�.ower Oeed ot Trust or any action or <br /> �. �,' ��`: � pracee�i�g in which Tiu�lcr.8ene�ciary a Trusfeel�hall be a psrfy.unless brought by Truabe. � . <br /> . . . .. . . <br /> ._._. . - <br /> i — _ .. - - -- • . . . ._ . . ... . - . - -- - --. __ .. _ _ . ._ ._ _. __�------- <br /> -; '._ NWtitgaddrasstorrnoHcestoTr�rotor: . � . � � ' ' - . <br /> _, . ':�- . , . <br /> r, ,�-: <br /> � . -.-3:;.�; ' . . . • . . . � , � <br /> - � ' , ' ' ' � . ' - ' ' . <br /> .. ,` �� . . ' � �. � <br /> ', , . . . . . . . . . .. . . . <br />