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' <br /> " � ��ec�on�eins6lv�nl�tadnii[i�e.w�qfdtilt�yb�ayfil��t�blsasfhe�f��ornr0olrif�ipM�ttotrilb�li�td: ° . <br /> _- .crsd�oraorappiyior�caisent�dthssppoinbn�olanceivbr.ortruqqetori�a�asubMM�iiNp�tcf'sud�pnp6�ty.a <br /> - :sud�areceere►wtcuslea�stEbe�pp6jnM�andehsNnatb�di�ch�sdwAhin9�irlj►f�l����a � � ` <br /> - . -- � . ._ • .r. - . ' . .. . . . � . _ • � .. .. � .ti ,_ . <br /> �e�wwn'torexqaitionor�ct�nient« ain,��arpro�ssst�sNdsi�sdori:wsaap�k�MallorarhrpwtoaorinM�wt . <br /> . i�suchpnope�►.o►ae�riud�rise�in+rorviag�i�e�ry►da�ns�Saaaubaentereaa�i�RTrnstorwtiicnsh�ll��aooroea�,en <br /> � ortanch�ropert�otptxlioettheraoforin��s�che�cec�o�.�orsie�rp�ae�or�#isact °= <br /> •� ; ieteassQ.borwN4�1Jed�ed��fr�.���f►��)�sAs�Its ernry ale�r a` . <br /> . . < . <br /> '__. ..SG��4=_ ' .. . - C �.•"`!'i`r"'�r'?�����NOY{/��'a��a��^�^��'^'`_ . <br />-r. � i f i�11k�{!�1'iy� <br />-- � ut�argrbs�b�p�/1t�orofNeriawlbrfiptsiietotdeb�o�sst�alTbsinstihilydd�tcra�Ttu�loro�se��ar�lor_ ,` , <br />_ . '�°'� = Nereofs�xtitlna�tutsc�a�i�suci+pa�jrahaUbsconaenledtoorshaNnabed�sfeawilF�naUcyrt6o�d�rsd�arwch � . <br /> ,��s ' insti4�ion:.or . � • � . . ' . � . . � ' , ' . <br />- - . •�-�x- . . : �. . � . _ <br /> �_.;-_s _ � t�l.Truator or a�s�c�asor in internst ai Truatb�.+rotur�r�y or ipvWar�dly ahoutd seil.wicR��fl.�sb►. <br /> ��:�:,_;�-�_�` t�n�rractbaell.lestswNhopllonQOpu�haae.a�bteas�disposeof.Cft�t�etitechaacteroruseO�:oFturlhe�enc4anber. .. <br /> . � . � <br />°�/, . ,=�,1•_.�:�"'__ :.: .�;- `� sucbD�A�Y,oranYDarttt�reo�aamirueresttherei�4orttanyeaidpartksshaifbsdivesfedoftiMebwclf�aipropeny . <br /> ,�,�: 5 ._ .- o!an�►P�tt�ereo�.or any int�r�ist either votuntarily or invotur�ity.or H titleb such prope�lSt6�wbjecle�b any�ierr or , . <br /> ' .==�:�a.--.':��`�'. � ct�arge v�oluMtiuity a�r invotuat�oriiy.cor�rectual a staWbry,withoul the written conaent d 8eneficia�y being 6rst had <br />.<. -.. �;a„ ' `'. t. OI�R6fI„df ' , � ' ' - <br />. , �`£• .'� . "^��!,.' , .(b�1fTrus�isaparb�e�shiPartdthe#nterestotaqeneratpaMette�mir►ates.isassi�nedal�fderreid.aisdiminish�d� . <br /> --- � •�"`.�` • ' � � insnynetpbCRorHTnistorjsacurporationandamajcriryotthevotin�corporabsbcktslranskned.soldoraasialed.�if � <br /> , {:� _�. ,�': :x �:`; the Trusfor is a T�ust�e of a fruat and there ia a chartqe ot at�y of the ger�ial intecest ot 1hs hus�cr . -- <br /> . ` - � . � i)Tn�atorahall.withauttheconseMOiB�neficia�l.c�eateorco�aenttotheeatabtishmentofadishictwhichhastaxing ��� <br /> --• . ' --- : -ppyrers. : -� - - - -• - - - �' = - <br /> . . .. ACCELERATION UPON OEFAULT.ADDITIONAL REM�IE&In�fhe eveM ot any default hereunder.Benet'icia�► ' .� - <br />� .. .. � tts option;. � . ' : <br /> ; : .: . . '.. ....:...... ...:.... . _ ' ' � <br /> _ - . � � . (a)Terminate additi�anal advances,i�amr,to be made unde4 or pursuaM t�the Promissory[Vo�e or any building loan ���`, �. � � <br /> . . ' . `, a9reemenfi or . , . , ` . .. . -= <br /> � '. � � • . <br /> . . . - : . , , .- (b)L�ctare arty s�rm aecured hereby�mmed�tety due artd payaMe and!he sama shall lhere upon beeome due an0 �-,. . :. . ._ _ <br /> _ . . . - <br /> ' � - .-.-:--:-- ' payable without any presenlment.demanQ Protest or notice of any ktnQ or F - <br /> .-- - ...' _. ` . . _ . � `,.:_::-__._ <br /> � (c)At any time,with or witttout notice,eitheF i� ageM.or by receiver to be appointed by tRa Court without <br /> � , regarQ to!he adequacy ot any secu�iry tor the Indebtedness secu�ed hereby,ente�upon and take po�on o!such f <br /> �- propertyQranypaRtteereof,maka.cancei,enforceormodiiytease�obtainandsjecttenants,8etor.moaiyrent�inibown I.. . : <br /> �: � ' nameaueorotherwlsecoftecttherente.income,issuesandprofitsthereo�includingtho�epastdusandunpai�andapply ; <br /> �.� � the aame.tess casb and expe�ses o!qperation.inctuding reasonable a�tomey's tees.upon Any indebtednesa secured <br /> ��, ' ' ' hereby and in suCh order as 8eneficiary may determine:ar�d except tor sucb appfi(�ton.BemeRciary shall not be tiebte to � <br /> :'�° ' . � anypersoRiorihecoifectionornoncoite�donofanyrents,income,issuesorprotitstorthelaiturotoassertarenforcsarryof � . .. <br /> . .. .... _ .. � the foregoing�ights,rtc►ahall Berteflciary bycharged with any oNhe dutiesand obitgationa of a mortga�ee in posseaaio�. ,;, �_ : . <br /> ,' • � � The entering upon andtaktng possession of sucb property.the collecNono!$uch renta,income,issueaQr profitta,the doing � <br /> � � ' .' o!other acis herein authotlzed,artd the appitcation thereof as atoresaid.shati not Cu►e or weive eny Qefauit oi nonce oi . •� � <br /> � ' detauft hereunder or i�vatidate any act done pursuaM to such notice;or ' � ' <br /> , . . . . .. <br />_... �:. - �_• _,�_ __ . _ _ _ .. � td)Causetobetiledonrecord.awrittenaoticeofdetaullandelectiontosetisuchproperty.Atterthelapsaofauchtlme � <br /> �?► � as then may be required tiy law toltowing�ecordation ot auch notice of defaut�and naNce o!aab havl�g been given aa ; � � � <br /> - � - • requiredbytaw,TrustatewtthoutdemandonTrustorshaQseQsuchproperiy,eitf►eraaawhofeorinaepa►alepa►c.ets;,andin � ��� <br /> . ' auch order as itor Beneticiary may determfneat publlc auction to the highest bidder.TheTruatee may postporte the aale of ' <br /> � . � .. � : a(10��ny poAion ot such propelty by pubtic announcement at the dme ot sale.and trom tlmp!o time Wereatter.may � <br /> � , , . i poatporte the sale by public announcement at the time and place�xed by the preceedirt�ppa�onement Truatee shall • <br /> , � � .. � ; de8ver to such purchaser Its deed conveying the property so sotd.without any covenant or wananiy.expreas or impNed. � <br /> - � . � ' TherecitalinsuohdeedofanymaKersotfactorotherwiseshatlbeconctuaivep�oofofthetruthlulneatheraotAnyperaon. ,, � � , <br /> , . - �. inctuding Truator,T�ustee or Berteficiary.may purchase at sai0 sale.Trustee may alao aep at�ny auch�afe and as a p8rt ' <br /> • ' �. thereol.any ahares ot carporate atock aecuring the obligatton secured hereby.and Trustor wahres demend.and notice of <br /> �,: � . auch aale.(Beneficiary at its op�on may atso forectose on such shares by independen!pledps sate,ana Trustor waives <br /> _ � � . demand ot notice ot such aate)Atter deducdng aN cost$.fees and expenaes ot Truatee,artd otthisfrusR including cost of . � <br /> __._: � . _ eviQence o!tiNe ln connectlon with sucb,sale.Truatee sha11 tirst appty the proceede of sab to the payment of all sums � ; <br /> ��". � ` , � expertde0 under the te►ma hereof.not then repaid,with accrued inierest at the rate then payabte under the nate or ootes , <br /> `-�" �' � ' secured hereby,�[nd thert to payment of atl othe�sums secured hereby,and itthereaiter them be any proceeda remaining, " <br /> , � . �• distribute them to the person o�peraons tegaliy er�Ntted thereto. � . <br /> . ,� . . ; . , . . <br /> . � , - .- -- - = T N thls Deed otTruat orany nate secured hereby provldestor arry charge br prepaYment ot�ny lndebtedrteas aecured � ' . <br /> � • ` � hereby.Truatoryteeatopaysaidcharge.itanydfsaidinaebtednessehallbepaidpriorbthematuritydatethereotstated � <br /> �►�-; ' � ". - ;'� in e81d note or fhia DeeQ of Trust.even if and notwithstanding Trustor si�all have deiauited in paymeMthereof.or in � � <br /> ;.-,-.._�. . ...� , � perlormenceotsnyaQteemerrthereunder�artdBeneticiarybyreasonthereot.ahatlfiavedselaradallsumsaecuredheretry <br /> - - - ----;----.-. . -.. immedialefyr0ueand payable � . <br /> � �° , SCHEOULEOFLEASES:Withinten�t0)dayeatterdemand.TrustorshalliumishtoTrusteeorBeneNdaryaacliedule. <br /> .� � ' certiNedbyTn�ator,aettirptoAhaUteasesolauchprcperry.includlrtg.ineachcaae,thsnanieofthstenaMaoroecuparns.a , <br /> deacriprticn cf 1he space ocaupied by auch tenaM artd accupant,!he rentai paya0b fOr WCh spaCe ana suCh other � <br /> ` f. . :..� ��_ � .�� • 1nlonnatio�aad dooun�s wltb respeat ta such kaaes and L�a�cies as 1be Trusf4e a.�Y�!r reQuesf. � - � <br /> s= ,� - - - - - -._ _. - - . - - ..._ _. __ _ _ . , ,� _. .. .. - - _ . - -- _---� ---- <br /> � : , � � . COVE(�IANTSaF TRU$TOR WITH AE3PECT TO lEASES:Witttuuttf te Orlor wrilten consent of Trustes or Be�eilcisry. <br /> f�� �'�' � T�ator shall�o�direcfryt or indirectly.wlth reapect to any teaae ot apace in auch propeAy,whMher such ksss is not or <br /> �� . " : . :�-�.% : �t�ereKMrMexi�isnc�l�I��P���►YProP��dlacouMaadvancsps�memdrw�ttlbreundK:�tr)cancet . <br /> .�. . � a tenninaM fhe same.a'accept an�l canoeilaUon�termirta�on or aurcender thereof.p�'Oa�if any aveM�accur whtch . <br /> •:; : . , Wduiden�itlathetas�eetherau�dertoterminateoroancelthesame:(o�amendormodi�ltlref�neaastora�ucetheterm <br /> :. . M . ,._ , . , . � .. <br />