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_is��� L � � � _ - <br /> � F' o' '_. <br /> � r. <br /> j 4• 4r,'#�i__ <br /> � . ._ � <br /> .- • . . � :.r" . -.< < -_ -_" <br /> ���. (' 4< �! . . ' . � Ri ; . . . ( .. , ' ���, _'_ __ ' _ _...._ -. [ `_ . <br /> .. �. <br /> ' . .. i . ' -' - • . �� _ . <br /> � <br /> - .�- . <br /> . . .. i. �'. # '�' � _ < . <br /> �"=j ..r'_�._`- �r. �< < . . .t� . ' � ' . �_ `u F.� �`` <e <br /> (c'� , T C 4 � ' .. . r cC . _ __ t.. `t[. �` . _ . . .(LC, �•` � ��• r����< ._'(.. ,. -'` �t.- y ; .. <br /> � c �pe'eod��r�C��ar�aq�. �'rc�a�or�r��f�e�c iit�cipar,bjr Ba�r�b}e��L�ie�r� < < <br /> ap�[a,rat�6ir]��il aot be ao�ciroo�bty wi161Ae1� ff Baaw�c faik tA aasmraia ca��+as,�e darn'bed al�a►�.�,e�der M�1,'+� . • <br /> r ����jjpCD�CbRp�C=�g1ij�.S�d1e �tioCOld1�0EM1di��Rip�T,. ' . . <br /> �. ���j} b��x�'�E i�Tude t� a�i�d�.i:ei�r <br /> 3�1111�#oCC��RI�aurL�llF� 4 � ♦ <br /> . �6a11 I�av�e dn ri�t�o ha�t6c poiicita and�rirab. .ff Im�r iec��es,Bc��tr�n�a.�6th pom�ptty!�ve�b �a�der all tooeips: , . . <br /> s • n��tl p�an�s�nd uadpes. In d�e av�a�t.of lors;Ba!?�.�a�e;r at�I give PrcmP�Aotict to We�a�oe aRier ad <br /> nd <br /> �- =#�eade.� Le�deta�y p�oo��€�ssif�otmid��romptt�-b9t8omo�na � :. � �' ,- �. :.t_: :-.-_ �-:- - :_ : - <br /> ' ° Uniess I.eader ahd Ha�ower otLaw�se a�oc�iu�rtltin�.io`sm�oe Roc�Qeds a�il be�ppliod w rea�orstion or npart��� , � <br /> � tLe�PtopeltY d�ma�ed.if ttia�estari6oa ot tep�ir is,wmo�caII�fe�e aod`i:a�derb seauitl►is;not iestevod. B'd�e . � <br /> . .restg�tioa cr�e�ir t"s not eoaoomidllyE.fa�IC at LeMer'�secmty would be iaaeno�,We iASaraooe proueedc a6alt be <br /> apptied oo�the m��ted by dtis Secmntjr-Imtt�m�nt.��fielh�r pr not thea due,�vit6�ny exeess�pid to garowei.If' <br /> �� Bor[c�r abliodo�s tbe fl�ape+ty,ar does�pt�arot�ar.�ri�er�B c4ys a nolpe f�i�eader tiat-tLe-i�caone-ea�rie�ha'� , <br /> o�ened�set0e s e1�im.t�m I.eadrr aia;r a�Dect tbe n�aoce pooee�s. i.aidec m�e�e die�peoceeds tp�Qc�elro�e. '. . . <br /> . ttie Plap�t�ar�o pry sm�s seaucedby dns Secmity,.tiui�aataat.wl�or�t dmdue. '!'be 30bsy prriod.viU besin rrbee <br /> , . .tLGioioticei4givm. . . ` . <br /> � tlNess I.alddr wd Ro��ver ot6erwise sg�Oe in wri�»g,�nY�of pcoveeds w pir�l shaU not extend ar <br /> . - � postppne the due d�c e€tbe montbiq patyma�ts iefemed w i�p�sgq►Iss i md 2 or dw�e dra amaiat of tbG pa�ya�irta..If <br /> under garagrapb 21 tlre Plnpaty is aoqt�i�ed by La�►ier.BoYCU�vet�s ngM to sry�polic�aod pioQeeds��ilhn� . <br /> _- • from�to the Ptoperty p�mr to tbe ac�isitiort sba0 pass w Irader to tb�exiatt o�tbe sums�ec�ed by t6is Sa�ity -• . <br /> 1�ima�e�y p�;c�ra�e�cquis►�on. : � • � . . <br /> °- i� -oocap.ic�, Pr�erraHas,Ma�ta�oe�a.a rralcctio. ot tre Yra�art�; soma�sr'�Lor.Appi�io�: <br /> - I.ea�. Bort�r sh�lt occopy,as�bl'��!use the PYape�tp as Boaowr.r&prmc�pd re.sid�x wid�in suny d`rys�er . <br /> -- t4e e�acaod�m af�is Se�mtiay�nt.�!sh�H oo�tinue Uu orcup�tbe Ptupeity as BamoAet�grin�i,exida�oe fa at _ . . <br /> � �feast ar.Yeu.�ftdr tbe d�te of o�a�rwy. tmlacs Leader atheiwise sg�ees m writing. w'ldch c�anseot a�all aot be <br /> �wma�somMy withheW.a.t�ss eutad�g�n�s exnt which uie be�rad Bamwa,ts oaaml. HoRO�a iLaU oat <br /> _- � destroy.d�prpige ot imptir d�Ptuperty,a1Bow the to deteriora%uc co�aimait waste oa tbe Plroper�ty Ba�o�rersh�ll <br />- - be in default if a�r€o�feidue a�cuon a pcaoading.p�civ7 ot 6egur�that in LeMeirl�good faltb ju�gmeat <br />- _- , oa�ld nsuh ia forfemm of t6e Prope�ty or athe�wise inauri�lly irimpair the liet►createA`bY tUis Saauigr Iastrwneat a : — <br />�q- . . . . <br /> ' -t.enderTS socurity wte�sk Bamwer�ay�ure such a dataahaad ieinstsne,�piovid�in paagraptr t$,bY�tbe aeno�t -. _ <br /> or ps�oeooding w be dismissod witb a cui'mg d� l,eada$gaod faith deoe�mfnation,pRClodes fd�fieIture�of the BarowFi's ' <br /> . inte�st in tde PtivQaty or othu materia!impainnent of the Iim crrated 6y Uris Soattity L�tnur�t oc l,ender's aecuriry < , <br /> - incenst. Borrnwer Al�ail also be in default if Borrowa.�dming the loen a�pTication pmcess.gavt mauristUY�f�se or <br />- - inaccucate inf�on or stau�nmts to l..eoder(ur fa�ed w pruvide Lender witl�auy rnaurial infor�atTon)in c�aoai6n witb • <br />-- t6e ta� evidenced by the Noc�iaebid'mg,but rmt limiced to. nepreseatations conceming BorrnwePs ocetrponey of tbe <br /> `��.` of�yease BIf�er uices fee title��Instrumeat is oa a 1eas�ebold.Bon+nwer shal!��y�unless 1�agrees ' <br /> �9 �Y,�teagehoW and the fa title shaU not <br />-_� to tbe nitr�er in writin$. . . <br /> '`:` , - 7. Prohctbs d L.a�da�'s.RiaMs ia tbe Property. •if-Bormwer faits to peA'oem ihe�oven�nta�nd agraema� -• <br /> �, - ; contained in this Seauriry�in�ument,or then is a tegal Prnceedin8 that may significantly affoct I,enderk �m the <br /> . _. •:- .,�.: - Pcoperty(snch as a prooxding in�pecy.Probau•for condemnation or forfeiaue or w enforce 1aw$or negataaons).d�en <br /> _ - �' ' Lender may do mid pay for whatever is mcessary w_protect the value of the Ptoperty'and lxnder's righis ia tbe A'nperty. <br /> - ,`:,s:��.,<< . � ;,':.,; Le�derk actions may include paying.a�ry sams saured by a lien wtrich has priority aver t6is Security Instrument.aPP�rtS <br /> in court.paying rrasonable auomeys'fees and entering on ehe Ptoperty to make npairs.Although[xnder may talce aqion -- <br />_ ,;...*�;�;°.,.';:�:.�s+;� under,this parsgraph 7'.1.end�'dces not have W do so. ' ' ' �.=--- <br /> _ �'���;• My mmounts dis6ursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bocome add'�ional debt of Bormwer secured by tbu -�---- <br /> ; ,.�__. ..:�; Security Instrumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree tEo other tenns of paymem.these amowns shalt bear interest from ihe ���r__. <br /> Sc <br /> .��-_�:. .�: , date of d'icbur.sement at the Note rate and shall be able.witb interest,apon notice fmm Lender to Botrowe� uestin <br /> �:�_ ---. . PaY te9 S �';"_�. <br /> :r-� � � PaY��MoR�pge tesnranea tf Lender required mottgage iasurance ax a con�of malcing the laaa secu�ed by this -_`:'�"- <br />_ - - ' . .'�, �. � Secvriry Mstrument.Borrower shal! pay the ptemiuma nquired w maintain the mortgage insuranoe in effect. If.for any _ . <br />, • reasan. the mbrtgage insnrance coverage required by l.ender or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the <br /> . , . � � premiums requlred to obtain crners�ge substwnially equivalent to the mortgase insurnrne pn.wiously in eifect;at a cost • - <br /> �•_ : sub!aantiaUy equivatent tv the¢ost to Boaower uf Ihe mortgage imumrke previoucly in effrct.fiom an alumate mortgage �' -�.' <br /> :�;-=:- <br />- �;a,s.'; .�, .' . insum approved 6y l.etder. If substuntially equivulent mortgage incurance covemge ic nw availabte.Hvtrower chap pay w ,.�a�_- <br /> , � L�ertder each month�sum equal to ane•twelfth of the ye'ady mortgage imurnnce premium beirtg paid by Borrower when the '�ii°�, ` <br />- `��'•- ' insunuxc ieovernge fapved or ceased to 6e in effect. Lendet will uccepE.ese and reWin the�e p:►yment�a4 u la�re!�erve M lieu '���"�_ <br />�- . ";•..• ,: n . af mottgage insuranec: l.acs�,eserve�+ymentc may no tortser be c�equired.ut the option of l�ender.if mwtgage ia�curance � . <br /> _ . '. ,, covcragc(in the nmount and for the period that Lender reyuires)provideA by an insurer apptoved by Lender again becanes . ;, _ <br /> �;, availabte�nd is obmined.Bonower shall pay the premiums required ta maintafo mortg�ge insuranre in effect,or to provide A •• <br /> ' ._ ...-. " . , losw reserve.until the roquirement tor mongage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between 8orrower, . - <br /> .,�;.:.:.. . :, • and I.ender ar applicable iaw. . . • • <br /> . 9 it�apection. Lender or itg s�ggent may maice rea5onabte entrics upon and in.spections pf the Property. Lender shail <br /> � ��.:?:�� :°. • � give Bormwer rwtice at the time of or prior to an inspeetion specifying reaco�rable cause for tt�inspectlon. •� '� ' <br /> "'�,';= , 10 Coedemnatbn. The proceeds of any uward or daim fot damages,direct or connection with any <br /> .,�,� .� - ' <br />_ . SU►sle Fanity—Faaeie MatlETrMdk Nac 1JNli'(11tM ilkS7'RUMLNT••Unifortn Cavrnanb !l!� (P�Rt 3 njA pag�i <br />- ' - "� ' : �. , . txa�ted�hcr Faw�Inc.■ � <br /> . ._ ' ._ 3T'...,:.j�." :; . To QOtr C�ta0DS3D�l3 D 1At 8fi791413f �-'-" � <br /> ' Tu.`�.Tw�G�• r f• . � . • <br /> .fL f:'_ "`-� ' . . <br /> _. . .:.�i,�.� .. [ <br /> . . . <br /> ._ . <br /> .. . ..r ._ <br /> -. :�,.. :_ � <br /> � ��y.C.f. - .__ _" __..� _""... . . _ ' ".-_ _" __ _ ___ _ _ � _...__"...._�__....__.. ' <br /> i.i.�a. . . . .i"�..-__._.__.,__._-. ' . —f • . . ' � i .'r ...•L�i':, '«'^ . .:l•i+ . . ' .. <br /> , ...�._ .J, .."' _ ... .__"' "__' '_""'" _ "_' .... ...._""' ' ""_'__ __"_'_'.. _... . .. . .. .... . _ '_' _ "' __' ""."-__ .__ _.. _ <br /> ,'�� �nW'4"` . ... .. . ` - ' • , . � - ' <br /> ' <br /> .. <br /> a . . . <br /> : �e r.:�'."_' ' ' • " . .. . . . " ' . " " � ' - . <br /> __ !��Y. - . 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