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'�ombiqes anffaaa dpveoants Iar aaticoal use�d noi►-�Qfmb�cuva�oofs vS�Ht- ° - <br /> ` - � �ed'v�inia�iyjaris�cxionw000�idi�simdo�msec�iry,'v�cbverm�reaip�[apectg. . , ` ' .� <br /> • U1�ID�RMC30N�NA�1?S.Bnr�rowermdl.edier�a�armtaad �sfdiQws. : �`. `� ' � , <br /> _ � b ApieiAt�Pari�ci�i1 aM!I�le�t;R+e�aJa�e�t�s�d I.t�e G�'� $arnwes s1�i prump8y py w�ba�d�� � <br /> � prmcipat�afaod-ioiddtont�icd�bECndaipodb9�LciVot�ar�myrpoepa�a�ant��d��es�re-uwlad�ei�tele.� • . - <br /> L I�ListK�a�es'silil�rr���in b��navmt�enwuverbyLen�.Bs�mmewershallpiq.rlo , <br /> � I.eader ou d�e daY�Y WY�S i�dup�mder tbe�whl We<Ndt is p�d'w�fuA.a wm t"Fiu�ds'�fo�(s?3"�Y <br /> taxes ind�sse�aots�hiCh iraY��ritY over ffiis Socucity Ima�mr�t�3 a Trte an tbe Pi+npdiy:N)Y�S��'_ .� <br /> paymeqts ar ya�l�ents oa ttie Ftope�ty,if aay; (c)Ywiy b��aM a p�npecly fnsurance premt�(� Y�Y� <br /> - �ndce pcemiu�,dmy;(e)YqrIY mo�tg�ge�suranoe p�miwns,if�r,�a t���r,yau�e by.Bo�nnwer_io _ <br /> a000idmce w;di tbe piuvisioac af paragrapb tiea af U,e pay,nenc�macp�e i�a�nee p�niwas. Thde <br /> ` -`items�e pltad"$sc�ow Iorn�s." L�der s�uy timne,calbce and bold Funds in ai�amount not w e��roo.d tbe m�uh � <br /> � amoimt a lender fa a(ederaUY��8���n4�for Bq�r+owa�s escrow aocoant prder tbe fedeal linl <br /> Eatat�SqtleaKat Rvoed�Aet uf 1974 as at�ded itum tintt to tun�!2 U.3 C$2601 u.seq:("R�SP�►"?.onless�aotha <br />-- Ctw thu applies to the Fwds sets a ksser amo�uu. if so.I.ctKler auY timc-coAoct aod Ldd FmWs in an antou�nat ta <br /> �, exceod tbe lesser mne.�nt. L�nder may cslimate tbe�anoimt of�ads&�e on�tfie b�s oi c9uteat d�ta aod masanabk . � <br /> e��eipmditutes af fadme Eu.�mw Items ar atfielvvise ro ao�oe witd applicabb lsw. •. < <br /> 7be Famds.s�U be beW ia�an i�ata64a whose de�its•m•insutM by a federai ageecy,iasaonKOtality,ac aitiry. <br /> , (incladiag l.mder.�f Iknder is such ao institutian}ar in any Federat flane Loan BauY�. l.ender sh�t!Apply tbe Fimds w pay . . <br /> —' , . tbe Escrow Ita�ns. IreMer may not ciarge Borrower fot hotd'ing.and applyiag the P4nd�arnwally smaIyzing tbe escrow � <br />-:°- . :acc�uat,a verifying the 8scmw Items. unles§�I.ender pays Barower intessst on tbe Fiuxls and applicable law pet�mits • <br /> cca <br />:.� -- t.endeft�trwfa�sach a clr�ag� Ho9vtver.�.xrnder.maty'r++erqqnin�verta�fay a qne=6nn�rMr6e fof�sindepa�det�eieat.- . . <br />-- estate tax repoAing seavioe uscd by Le,nder in connxtion witb tdis tban,uNess applicabte law pnovides otlkt�vise. Unk.c4 an <br /> J.; ag�emeat is made or appticabtc taw�qumes imenst to be paid.l,ender s1q11 nat bc�aquircd w pay Bo�ruwa aig irae�t a <br />_- , pmings wt thE F+md.� Borruwcr and i.ender may agree u►writing,however.thn iateticst shaU be paid on tLe Fimds.�sMer , <br /> ' shall give to Bonuwer,without cliarge,an aanual accounabg of tbe Funds.strowing aedits and debits w the Pwds aad tbe <br /> _ � purpose fa whict►exb debit w tbe Faeds was mad� The FwWs are pledgeA as ad�tianat security for alt swa�secuned�b!' <br /> '--- -- this Security Ittsbun�t. ' <br /> If the Atnds he�by l,ender exoeed the amounts petmittcA w be held by applicabte law. Lender shal!a�xoant w <br /> _ Bamwe for the excess Funds ia accordairx with the raqu`uaneats of applicable law. if the amount of the Funds hetd by <br />_\;� �,, • LdKkr ae any t�me�noe sufficiem W pay tlie Escrow�ttems afien due.Lendec may so notify$ormwer�vvri�ing.aud,in <br />-�, sucb case Bor[owa sdaQ pay w l.encier t6e amount netessary w.mahe up tLe deftciency. Bomawer shal! matce up t6e <br /> _ ,,,,; ,.., def'uiencY fi no more than tarelve momhtY PaY�•at l�endcr's sote discretion. � . . _ <br />_ . �r.�; Upon paymeat in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen�l.endei straJt pmmptly nfiu�d to Bonower a�ry �-_� <br /> • :� � Funds held Ixnder. If.ander h 21.Lepder shal! uire or sell the Pta Lender.priar w tbe acqulsition or .---� <br /> ` �~ =h,�.', bY P�S�P �9 P�y. Q<;=,-_-:__ <br /> , ,�. _ ty;",�:-°;;"Y'., ����Ar°pettS'�1 al�� Fut�ds heid by Lender at the time of acquisltion a sale as a credit against the sums ;_.-�.- <br /> i�-e.,.. <br /> :� .: '�.;:;r -'`� <br /> , 3� ApOliatla�d P�ymnts UNess applicabte law provides otherwise.aU payment�neaived�by Lender,under .:..�;:;_:`- <br /> `' �: - . paragraphs l and 2 shaq be anY prepaYment charges due under tNe amounts payable under '-�=;�is:= <br /> {. �r''��� paragtaph 2:ihird.w jnterest due:fourth.w principal due;and last,to any late charges due under t1�e Note. • -�';i3,!�_'. <br /> • � • 4. C h s�e s;Lie�s. Borrower ahall p�y all taaes.assessmenLs. chargec.fincs and impasitions attribulabte to the -��•-�.�- <br /> J L �� whicl� aitap� oriry over this 5e.curity l�sinmutu.artd le�ehold � � .�� <br /> - `_�.��-:�. . �'P�Y �Y �a Pri paYments or grtxtnd rents.ii any. Bomower <br /> ''�°' � shal!Qay these obligations in the manner provided in parugraph 2.or ii'rtot paid in that manner.Horrower shall pay them on <br /> .. . =. s-�.�. :.'�, • . <br />� �"� �tirae�r�octly w the persoa owed payment. Borrower shall pmmpdy fumisli ta l.ender all notfrec o!amounuto be pa�d uader <br /> ;.'"- -."=:`' this paragraph. ii Barrower makes these paymeats drectly.Bortawer�haff pramptly fumish to t.ender recciptg evidencing .. . <br /> • ,�.�: `the�yments. . <br /> '�'��� Borrower shaU rom t di�char e an l�en which iwti arit nvcv thic Serurit In�trument unlccs 8orrdwer:la)a �°� <br /> "���.�e,.'.: � p P�Y 6 Y � p'n Y Y 8� :.��::•:- <br /> . :;�;,=_ �•,. , in writing to the payment of�he nhHgation sccurcd bx thc licn in a maaner accrpablc tu L.ender.(b1 cantestw in gaod tai�h tAe =-•.J;,= <br />- I�en by.a defanda a�ia�enforcemem of the lien in.leg�f proceeding�wfdch in the 4ender:s apinion oQente to prevent the. "'��� •. <br /> 'F's"`� ' '�� entacertirnl ot the lien:or(c)sccurcg ffom thc haWer of the li gn an a grccmcrtt�wti�farto n y to Lcnder subordinatin g the lien <br /> _.- -Y.��j .. ; � � _ <br /> �,�s,_.., to this Socuriry tnstrumcnt. IP l.cndcr dctcrmines M��any paA of Ihc Ploperty is su�ject to a licn whieh may attain priority • , <br /> '•!; � �OVe�'lhis$tCU�ity ItlStrunMfll.Lcnder may givc Boaowcr a natIce idcmifying the licn. Barrawer yhali satisfy the lien or taice <br /> . , ; one or more ot the actions aet Porth abe►ve within IUdayc of tin:giving ot nollce. .- ° <br /> . ,_�,: ;�.'. . , S Hazar�or Pe+uperty InSUrana. Borrower�hall keep the impmvcmen�i now existing or hereafter erected an the _ '. . <br /> '- ' � � ! Ptopetty insured egainst loss by fire.hazards irtcluded within the term"e�tended wvcrage"and eny other hazards.Including <br />-• . ""�'�'` � floods or tlooding:fa which Lender cequlres insurancc. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the ' . <br /> ,� i�,��__..:.� . <br /> '�':,:,-•`- �`;y�• . , � ... <br /> - i'«.3� fl�N Ipagr2o160�+xPS1 <br /> ��i�::�.;.'.f.•�r . . <br /> . +1'r)'.�c1� ' . _ — _— . <br /> - �l'--l• . — ' ' • <br /> ___ . f ... <br /> . .. . <br /> f. <br /> - '���;� - --�-- .- • -- •-- - --- --.. ..-._- _ <br /> .�.�.��_ <br /> _— �=-s T._.»,-�T_�,-__ . ., ... . . <br /> - ;+�,:: .. .. _ . - .- - . �• -�-- . -- '-- - -- i'ak . _ _ . :- - . � -_.._...__ _ <br /> . <br /> -- . ..._ . . <br /> , -- +- ,.. ._. . . • � , • . <br /> , . <br /> 'S�:�:+�� Fs . . .. . <br /> ,— —�y...._.__._ . <br /> ,• <br /> , . ---_r;___.... . .. . .. .�._... _.. . <br /> -:� �fi:�;-' '•� � - . _. '� .._ .. .. . .. . .... . .. . - . ' -- -•- -. •- - . .. ., : ' ,.- . ..': . -' ._ �. . . <br /> .. �:_t.. <br /> .,� .• . .. <br /> -- ` _ . . . <br /> II, e��u s::}:'.:.. 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