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'� . :..� <br /> � ` . o�iew�or.�ir�ittii�dtaiit�t'aCl�t ,i�ierpi�ie_�wieeiij`iea-�a��.a�iriiX 'al�w� , <br /> �. i�6e�i�l��sed� • ` . . .. � e <br /> �wr r.+nc2ot:i�!ai�:aE i�i�a,P�Y�.P�'����.•'�°��:t�e,s��w�ea�►��.a.te� ` . ° � <br /> < - ie�is���wi�ellierar�ntWid��r�,�1i;aR�esiP�dla�aaio�et .to�E'�ot'�cpttii�l�ioie�c�dr� �It: .--� . �,- <br /> , .`. belo�e ttia�'s e+qr�a a pe�r����w�s .' <br /> ��iri tIMC Lir�i�ri�et�►il�e cf�e Aio�ty�rii�e�el�r. <br /> ' see�e�b�c.��ies S�amt�r Le�_iiwoe�!��1�__d_�!a�ar�esc Sarm�eiad�teder a�airif�e. ia_�.° , <br /> -�e.�s aoased hjr-�es Sa�3�ie�aec xi�be�edre�d.L9�..1iie�i�c ni��ie � -z <br /> L9. ���_�.!�- �!M[_ -- `�..,-.-:- <br /> • �a�oc (s)�e tot�sa�n�d tbe s�eas�ecw�i�e�iM�e19�t�e tai�l•���Y�ttie br�Mdoet vahe a�ie '` �, <br /> � pkopeit�r�be�one�itie FatiA�. 'Ittry bBaitoe�!tre pid tQ Haimw�er. i�dre s+n�r af s�eiai`t+iu��€`.lGt ' � ; . <br /> pkqp.pb�q r��e fa�s�dxt va`e bf.t�e 1�Eoperty` bE�'ame tbe tatiej is�less�..d�e aan�af tie s�ss , <br /> �c�aed ia�edi+�ety�efaioe�t�..�Int.���.o�6envfae.ap�ee ib��xa�_air.�esf,ipPi�cibta�ta`�r-. .. _ �. . <br /> :. � �yi�t��l�pro��rp�b�eap�►t�tcrd�esra�-secMed�bsrds�3ea�ityipoua�w�ar�an�-iba��s-aie� ��:--. <br /> .. r .�1lRd�e. a.. � �. . : . . . . r . . . . �. ' � <br /> . . �1k�O�Cltga�IM�O�b�I.�.O[if+�Cl�hi;E���dlib��l�rC��lti�'` ,• . <br /> it�KlEvE f C���5.�OMlCf�f b l�OQd b�.tl�!'r�Itl1�IR�f��;1�C Q�1MC AOIIC�I�prO. ,. . <br /> j.lO�t tf�10f1�0d i0�OC1��jt�gOG�f,�1�S aQ�•E�t W IlSEOf�Op n[IE�If O�1�R PIO�lIiY a.i01�' <br /> iMRiO�Od�t.�li$C����QOO[1tiladYR � ' � . � <br /> U�1.lIIaCf��4Q�MCf OIbC�Y�St�$�OC IR�►�►�4f�OCCl�S b Q[�C�3�110[CXi�Q <br /> pOffpO�1��G'�<C OEt�1C lllO�Qi��'�1C�.'flOd iQ m�I��2 aF�fbC�OIQINK O�fdC�1�. . . <br /> . ��. �RN�e!Nrt Sddd's Fi�ila�a�e s��11i�t s 9f�aiwlr F.aUe�loe Of 16e Lole fCi p�ynlylt.Q . <br /> ' mod�x�ort d aa�artis�tion d tbe se�secaced by t�s Sa�rit��ana�t�aed b�r 1.e�d�w a�C s000essar�iebesE • <br /> � af Hnmo�vFr slul!eat.apes�e to sekss�t6e li�'uY�tbe aagbd Bon�nMrer,o�Hoao�er's�o�ss�ia i�Maest.l.eoder � <br /> �!Aot bt i�eqnieed In ca��pt���ry�in int�est or�fiise ts e:�md time!cs pay�ai[•or.' �. . <br /> odiavi�e mod'dy a�a�tiz�oinn dt6e su��aved t�t tba Seauzigr I�cupoeat by ieisaa of aay deaaod u�e 6g.t6e cii�ia�i <br /> � Bamowa a Bmvwrer9 sacoessors ia i�. A�Y�bY�m��6�Y�ar�eaiedy alaU sa be a 4 <br /> � Mraiwerdapxhdet6etxencised�nytl�tarmnedy. • ' . � <br /> _ . Lt S�oee�s a�i A�fps aww�:J�i�t a!�Sere'al i�6�t�:C�. Tt�e coven�nts aod ag�oeroenrs o€t6is <br />__: ' Imutm�nt alall bind�ucf heafit tbe successais aid assigre of l..ender�d Borm�.subject tn die pmYs+aas af <br />_ . �4�Y <br /> pa�api�17.-8oriowa�s coveha�s s�ad ag�emems�s�tt be,pfit�td sevaa�Atry�w�td��6is 5�nr+�► ,. <br /> - � .� In�aakut butdoes aa exerirte the Note: (a)is co-siB�►8��S'.��Y��,8��ad coavry dnt <br /> __ , .soQ+o�ror's iatetest in t�r Ropacy w�dea a+�rerms of dris ser�iny�m�er� (S)is not p��Y�a��o�►k�� <br /> = � sacoted�y�S Se�ity�k�(�)�d�at I.eader aad a�sy adrcr Bortawermay agnx ta�fy,faebe�r - <br />--_ or maloe aay�o�a witb�oo We rcm�s of this Savriry Insuu�t�ent ot the Note arid�oat drat Bormwet�. • ' <br /> ": �. . , ' ' , . <br /> _ry:� 13� Ur C�ar� tf t6e�aa�i sec�ed by this Savmy J�eiu is sub,ject to a law which sets�cunum Io�R � <br /> cl�u�es.aod tMt taw is fm�lly inperp�etod so cbat the intenst or other lout charges rnllected or to be c�ollecte�in rom�ocdon <br /> w�itb the Win e�coeed t6e pennitted Timits.�en: f�any sueh ban cbaege sball 6e ntluced by t6e amotmt nax.�.sary W natL� <br /> -- tbe c6uge to tbe pennitoed tmd�and tb)anY�ms atcesdy rnllected fmm Borrovra w1�Ict��zoeeded pemiitted hmits we�!bt <br /> -- nefisided tio�oRUVVn_i.ender m�y chaase to make this refund by teducing dte principal owed tu�ier tbe Nate ar by maTcmg a . <br /> �WY��to Bom�wer. Jf a nfuM coduces pripcipal.the reduction w716e m�ted as a paKial pnpayment witbow aay <br /> -� P�P�Y�ct�rge ander the Nae. • <br /> 14. Notias. My notice w Bomower pravided for in this Securiry Instrumrnt shall 6e given by delirering it or by <br /> . , m�ing it by fust class ma7 wtless applicable{aw reyui�use of anotber npethod.The rtotice shait be dic�xtad to d�e Ftvpe�ty <br /> , • ,Add�ess or m►y ather address Borrower designates by�rotice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shatl be given by first ctass <br /> m+il to Lender's addtess stated hetein or any otber address L��er designates by twtice w$orrower. Any notia provided fa <br /> in this Securiry?nstrumer�t deemed ta have been given w Borrower or Lender when given as providod ln shis <br /> _- �ereisa I.s�r;Serar9Mlity. TAis Security`Msuument shall be govemed by federal law 3nd the law of the � ' <br /> - _�=:g�. ,; jurisd�etia�n in which the Property is tarated. In the event ttwu any provi�ior►ot ctanse of dris See�aity Msutm�nt or tfx Note <br /> •--• .�a� • confl'tcts vridt applica6lt law,wch conflict shall not affect ather pmvi�innti bf thi�Security lnswment ot the Note which can <br /> ` '����-.'�;�'� be given eitect without the canflicting pruvisian. To thi�ertd thc pra�icianc of thi�Security Msuumertt und the Noce ate <br /> t A:_ ..L-: <br /> ;,-.: .;*r. '� doclared w be r�vrrabte. . _ <br /> - ,,- : lf�. Baeeo�rer's Capy Borrower+twtl De gi�en cme canfarmed copy af the Ne+te:uid of thi�.Security la�crument. <br /> :.. �>.: '.�'-�r' .17. 'Iira�ute�dtMe Ptoperty or a Benetici�l lnten�t 1n Ilorrower. t�all�►r any�wn oi�hS Fmperty��any inure�t in <br /> Y' `\� ��. <br /> �,�,.. . it is sold a ttamfeered lur if n bcaeficial mter�wt in s�►m+aer i.w+W ur tt�rt.fcrrcd:uxl8urtawcr ic no1 u nawr�l ptrwnl <br /> - � . , withtwt[�derb pdor written conrem.Lender ma�.ut it.�+ti•��in imm«liatr p;�ym��nt in Pu11 ut all wm��ecucc�i by <br /> •��i � . this Security Instrument. Ha�►�ever.thi�option.hall nw Ixt c�enived hy LcnJer if exrrcive iv Qa�hibited by fed�r�l law u�af <br /> � - _ the date bt this Security In�trumcn� • . <br /> �`-' `' � lf Leoder exenitiez thi�:upti�n,l.ender.rlull�ive B�+rwuer notice��f urceteration. '1'he notice xhalt{xovide a pt�iad af <br /> � u , <br /> .. � rnot I�wy th•rn 30 d•rya frnm 1he date the rtotire is delirercd or maiir�i a ithin which Bnrrowcr mu�t pay ap wm..!�ecunK!by tfi'r+ . - <br /> � ,`r,�. Security lnstrumen�. IP Bnrrower.fails to p�ry thex �um�pric�r to�the expiration uf thiti periai. L�nder may irivoke any • <br /> ' tert�tdies ptrmitted by this Srcurity lnstrument withaut further rtoti�;e or demartd an Sorrower. <br /> +��j���.�-::°.�' ' t� �rvwer's Rl�ht to Rei�tat� !f Eorirowrr meet.ce�rrin conditionk Borrcnver�hall have the rigtt�to have <br /> =�� =�'� ent"or¢emertt ot this 5ecuriry insttument diu�ntidueJ�s�vny time priar w the earlier af: la►5 days(or such other period m► <br /> :,-:..., •, :. . . <br /> .. ,.-:._.: :;� . <br /> ::_"r�.";o,.;";!-'� ' . • SingkFamilq..PandtMK/CnddielHseC�ltU1t.�11�S7R1;tfE\T-•l'nifamCovenams fl1� Ipngt4aJApuge�► <br /> :.�<�� . <br /> ��•ria: • . • ' <br /> - CC • , , <br /> y..; <br />_ .� . <br /> , . <br /> . �_- _ -. . -- <br /> .. .Y_.._........_._.... .. ..._ .. . _ . <br /> �rx� �.�;�.;;;;�+<_ _ , -�J,�:;�r��� �— '.-- �-- _—- <br /> ��,s`.�- ' . `a-t: - .. . .. , _ ��'°�-- -- •'�� r .���s� "`. <br /> td_ `'-. ---- _ . ., .. . . --._...__,... — ._..» --- ---' -._. . a <br />—- :f'.- : -- _ . , - -. • .- - . _ . _ _ _ . _ , . <br /> �_ � ,��' �``�._ . • . . 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