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,... .i.< <. : .� . .. . � 5. . , � . .- . -.. ,a . t�.. <br /> ----_.-_��. .=�7°S�` � � -,.- t - � � - . , c 4... � � _ ' .. i ( . ' . . _ ., . . -.-.� . � � � _ � r�.^`.`_- <br /> '_ ' _ , .. . ,. � � � . . . .� •.� � �'�� ' <br /> .. . � � `v . , t - ` ' .� < i� c . r t.--:�. . �` �. . ' <br /> ' � . ' 2 . � � ' . . _ . .-�, . -... . . . <br /> . . . a . . . .. c <br /> . �r � ,. ,-. _ <br /> �� „ . .__ .. . .__._.._. _---- -- _....s <br /> �, . <br /> . <br /> � ,._. � <br /> . �, 'li��iioec�r�w��ic�r�+e�iiiceiiir�l"�t1�ilwrMl��i�e[�w� <br /> � a�e�{+d�iclt yii�c il��ea�rfil!�iie]� ��mv�a 47�»wri�Yi��o�e�set�d�Mi�. .�� ` C � ` . <br /> '. Les�erl�efMie�.aifia�osrera�e�s�e�bc[l.i�/ska�i�i��it�i�acs+ri�oe�_�i.T. � � .< : � � <br /> . : . llyi�sa�qelo�ic"ssai�ae�i�raiFil�ilE�it� sd�Yr�rl�i��i�liriiidr�ieit�p�eMeirt �qi�_-�-.-.. �� <br /> .•i��rei�qitmid��e�ds'siaiia�+w���reiier�a�ieei.Bar�io�!v�i�i�jp+��s�sat�oi� . . <br /> : . af��e�Faii�!a�ewal.iuoo�, �i it e�eet af 1ai�.Da�o�sa�ir#�pi+ne��t wo6eeab re irsarob caner s! --_- -- <br /> _— . � �•.,1�sie�laaie��t�c�rtfQEdles#ac[aii� , ... . . , . .��--- . �'" ` <br /> - lie�!!a!l��es� �-==- -- —.,- . <br /> � 1Tiieatlretle�rar��ereile�i��peesir�wrieif�.�i�warae�roa�aicir`l�ti.a�iie�ip�oradci�eir�ie�wri _ _ � . <br /> .iir Rapat�; `f ir��ir is eoow.MCal��e�ic a.a ItaiR�sarriijr s.nt iese.ei �*e _` <br /> ` �io�ar��ot e�ao�o�i�a�r ieac�ie a�t�t�teo�ty wo�ia br ie i�ra�a� i�� <br /> . . : ap�`r�d�l�ie s�s secwe�tr�i is�e c r i�r.Z l W r e i i t. � �i� ioi iea.d��af e�sss 1�� I� . -- . <br /> . . .Soaa�er a4rdar�'•-ardoer�aoea�al�eririi`s�30 iys.a-a�oyicr�t-t�e�ies-i�E'#.i�ra�qasa�aer-�s-;_. ,-:_.:. .._ <br /> `�aaea�l d sw1ES�c1i�i�Le�i�s aq iaaia�t ie�e p��ono� l�es�'!IM�!!�t��po�dt b�e�ilir ar�e�e <br /> � �tPYo�eet�r�rtuprysri�c�e�edi'►iiaSee�Ie���wielieTar�oeia�d�e. 7ire�4da�-�e�oe��rl6e�wirs` • � ' <br /> " ir�oir+e's�re�. ', . ' . . _ • . . <br /> � Ua�es Isder sd Ba[to�a aie�sioe s�ea a w��i6 ae!►appliatiad�cf�pACdeAs to pi�i�W�o�t�d Q <br /> " pa�a��ied�e dia so�Y�►ps�rraa nfaaed n i pr�pic 1 ad Z ae ei�r�e 1ie so�t of ie p�C. lf <br /> . rder p�r�pi�iic hnpatSra aaliRd M I.eadQ.Hoav�a'8 d�it ta ary ns�aece paGciRs ad Proa.,e�iewYi� . <br /> feC�d�1i��e�lO i�e PEopety pC1Cr b�e sq�isifios s1�fII pas b I.o�b�e e�ot d 16�ft�s�c�ed b�r liis Sec�oly , - - <br /> ' ,�, �1�a�i� ll�ire�e ai haipclis a�1ic 1'rs�tf;"M�w�r'!c �i� A!lteMi� . <br /> �. ia�idrli�Banowsr�ao�iy.a�.a�d we Itie�4c�e4tY as Bcaawesl��c�p�1:eadi�ac�t wiliw su�d�s alia' ' . <br /> ie rzoc�cte af¢is 5ac�itg I�aeat ad a7oB�co�a�e b aoc��p�1ic Ptopatg.s B'onv�4+er�pa�rerid�o�for� ' <br /> ' • leat ae �aher�ie d�e of oonprcy. �L.eaies aiec�ri�e apse� ia rritis. wL'ri aore� ip�ot�k <br /> �i4rasc�i�r wridie�,ar a1e�¢es�i�aie�oa emi wiiel�aa 6eYad BonoMa�c�d. Baaiomet aW aot {�: .. <br /> ' des�evr.d�w�g'ar aps ie Pia�peity.a0oir ie�pa4ty e delaiari�e:ar co�it�s�te a��e Plop�t' �arl�wes ttif <br /> � be 6i ddaalt it any for�atiioa�p�ooee�.�cirl ar� 6e�8pt m I�eaderit Eoob f�i@i j�t <br /> aoold iesalt in tafei[re of 8it Pivpeity as oierrise m�t1y anpair die Gat eir,�ed by dris Secsiqr�t a, <br /> , ' -f�:B�qi�E�v�aml�y�es�h�defa�t�dteas�le.a�p�widadirp�'iptrlS.bxausie�Aeaet�o�r -_ - <br /> ' a pcunea5oa m 6e�issed�b a n��nt.fn IRMer'i�Sood fai�h de.tenmmtia�,palades farfeit�e of d�e Bamwer3s � . <br /> �o tbe Ptapaity ar o1Ler m�t�l�pom�mmt a�tbe 6m aaea by t�s secaity�SLruofenc or 1.endert�sea�ty: . <br /> i�ett. Banower�II a�o be In def�h if Bonv�� �e b�apphcatjao�ooess. g�tre m�lernIIy faise a . <br /> noocar�e�aa or�to Leoda(or fa7N�praride Lraides writl�ary m�e�i i�famxnai►)in�omec�ioo�vidt <br /> t6e km evide�ed by tbe Nat�iecl�. 6at aat f�ed•m.�ooAaa�B Banowss's ooc�p�y d 1be <br /> Prapdty ss:pincip�i ye9daiae. B dus Sawity b�amiat is m a kssdiold.Boao�ra s6ill camply�rHh al!the pori9aas : <br /> of @�e lease. If Boao�soqaQes fet tide w ibe Pkoperiy.tbe IezselaW ad tbe fae trtk sh�l1 not a�erge ualess Lenda s�es <br /> yo�be a�e�g[inirritieE. . . . <br /> , • 7. 'lrMecfi�t I�s�er's xislls i�.He lYAert�. If Bwtawror fa�7s w pedcsm tet oore�m�ts sea a�nama�s . <br /> = aaYaieed'in tbis Seeariry L�nmsa�,or thene is a kga!p�oceedm8��Y��Y a�tea I�ender�rig6cs m t6e <br />_ Rtdpetty(such as a pooeedatg en ba�futgxcy.pobatq for oondnmation ot forfeito�e or t+o p�faoe isws a trcgol�tiaos�tbm . <br /> l.eo�t may do�d pay fa wh�er is nooess�r to p�otact the vatue of the Ropeny aod Leader�s rigMs m the P1�opeity. <br /> = Lmder•s acports may iaclode paymg any smac sa�ea Isy a uen wlrid,uas prionay ova m;s sawriry rn�c�and�t.�pari� � <br /> in oour�p�ayn�g reasonabie auomcys foes and eaa:r�ng on tbe Ptopaty w make�epaus.Altharg6 Lesda may tate aarm <br /> nMer this paragraph 7.l.eMer does not bave w do w <br /> - Any anawts d"sb�used by l.a�der und�er this '�sh�U beeome ad�n1 debt of Hatcwer socoted try dris <br /> � Sa�rity 6uumnmt. Unkss Baaavrts and I.enderag�other utms of payment.d�se sqaotu�ts sidl be�mm�t ftom tbe <br /> dyue of disearsemna az the Nae tate and s6�A be paya6k witb iaunst:upon no[ice fr+am l.ender to Bonqwer rie4��8 <br />_ pal'rncal. • <br /> S. �le�f;,�e Iera� U l.eader ceqaued iaa�tgage�s�sce as a condiuon of matiag the iau�secuced by this _ <br /> Secwity�Bacower�shaJl WY tfie P�aniums requiied w maintain the mwtgage ii�uance in effGet. If,far mry - <br /> msan.tbe matg�ge i�ne�e coven8�ral�i�od 6Y l.ender lapses or ceases w 6e In effect..Borrower slnit pay 11n <br /> pnemunns requind to abain eoven�e su6stantiaUy oquivaknt to tt�e mortgage insurance pnwiously in a cost _ <br /> su6�llY a4ui�!�lent to the cost w Borrower of tbe mos$age ins�e previwsly in effa�,fran an altenrne mortga�e <br /> inumer appmved by LeMer. If substantialJy equiva[ent mo�tgage ins�nynte coverage u na av�'labk.Botmwer sbali psy w <br /> Ler�der exh mornb a sam equal to one-ttivtlRh oi the yeady matgage insurnnce premium bein8 P�tiY Baru�vet wfKn the - <br /> • i�isurance eoverage la�ed or cea.sed w be in effect. t.eeder wi11 ac�ceq:use a�r+ewia thetie pa��f+ent�av a tass reserre in lieu -- <br /> af mortgag�e inwrmcr. t.oss ttservQ.DaYment�rtwy no fonger tAe option o!l� mortgage ins�a�ce = <br /> ' —� cove�gc lin the amourt md for the petiod that Lertdcr crquinw)pr�nvided 6y sin inwrer apptoved by I:endec again becames = <br /> k ���- awrilabk and ia d+fain�d.8ortower�hall pay the premlumv ntp►irrd ta main�ain mart�ge insuraece in eftect.ur to pravide a °, <br /> - locc resen e.umil tde requircmtnt far rna�tg�ge in�wance ends in xc�rd�ce aith any a-ritten ogreertsent between Borrav�rer <br /> '�`�' � and l.ender ar appli�tbtt fsw. = <br /> ���` � 1�l�tis� Lender or;b agent may mat�e rcasonabtr enttie+upon and in�pcctiarts of tttc Ptaperty. l.ender sh�lt -` <br /> .�,: <br />. ' gite Bartawa notice at t6e time of ar prior ta a�in�pectian sprcifying rea�ombte cau�e tor the inspectian. ' � _ <br /> l� C�eweatio�The proceed�of any award ar claim[ar or con�equanial�in comiection with any ► <br />--- • ' Seigte Fa�uty--Farie Nad��dlit ltst L'!�Iii/�M/�iS'I��'ttE�7--tmtam Covaunts � IpaRe 3 y/bpnga! - <br />— � IkiM Nte e�ras Ia�1ic■ <br /> - . fiQ�rC�E't�.i�f�'O/AtpL?lLf131 ' <br />_� • _ <br /> _ _ � - _ . - `�'_.�_._ . . - "K�',�'.._.` <br /> r-"s°_ :-a a�--;=^•'r.��l .:r�. . <br /> _-LI14�. - . . ' ' w`. • _ _ } ., i. . <br /> —� � . <br /> _ • <br /> .. _-_"' '. -. • '_ + <br /> . <br /> ��__� ,.. "�'___��- -:a� �_ �� . <br /> __ _ ' �... � <br /> .� �.�_..� _ <br /> -_��.F.�r-��- �z�- - . . . •�. r.. — . .�"' _ ".* . _- . . . . . -.. _ ..... <br /> ��� � .. , . . .. . . <br /> '..�1. . ' . • . ♦ . ' -. , . .�.11.L .� .. . <br /> .. • . <br /> -' —.-t--"�'_ ' ' . _ . . _. . , _ .. _ _. . .. .' ' _� .. . . . . . .' ' ' ' ' <br /> . • <br /> �.• -��.�:�. . ..' 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