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„._::� �.�,;C �, � � . .�r . —�� .. » _ _ <br /> -, --- .--._. - <br /> , , • '� � ... .� � - - <br /> ., - . t ' 1�1. . ' . Y._' l__,f_ ' ` _ � __ . , _ .._. <br />.. __.... - ...r.-__. _. .._ _ . - .__... .. ” .' .- . . . '_"'"_"__ ' ' '_ — <br /> ,. .- '1' . ` T" <"__""' -. !. ° _ <br /> . . .� <br /> .:.. .. • <br /> ...... ..,7.:: ` , . . . . .. .. ...J . . _ __'.._.' ---_ <br /> . . . . _�..- ,-- - - -----��� ----=;_i:�� ��='-=- <br /> � ___._�_W. . - - - . -- -__ -- <br /> . . <br /> �:..�..w --. . . .... ...�..����_ . .__.. _. ....... _....�,:�.:.�_.....�.�,�_.-.-���_ _.__ ..____.��..,..W_ _ _ _ =-:_ __ _ <br />`. :.. . �1�� �. U4��� <br />,� �t . . <br /> � '��}-,� 17.'1'���nsfer oP thn Rim�te�r0y�:r N Iit�neQelHl Autcrc�l!n Iflo�•�v�w�e,li'uU ur nn (�aN��F tito 1'cuperly ue�uty Intc�-csl in It <br /> 5�-�,_�.. - - <br /> ._,�,_j�� . = is svld nr trnnsfcrrcd(nr iF a ix�neficiul fntc�rvl ln Hnrr��w�re in n�+id ur 1►�unnf����tid und �urr�►wcr in�u�1 n utilu��al�w�KUnl�llh��ut <br /> °Y�..,_;,,:�- : � I.cndcr'x prl���' �VI'IllCil CoDSCIN, l,cndrr iui�y. nt Ith �ipU�►n, req��i�v i�nm�di��w �n+yu��n1 lu liill �►f nll numv i:ccurc�l I�y I�do -- <br /> r_��= ::��:� Sccority Instnimcnt. Ha�vovcr, (IIIX 11pUU1)NN1lI)IlU��)4 l'714�CItiCII I1y (�CIIIICP II l'%l'1"i1'I9p IH�/f11I1�I1IIGI I1y(l'1ICfl1I III\V 11Y 11I'�hS di�to <br /> cif this 5ccurity lnstnu►icnt. <br /> �;� ,`':�„ It l�ndcr oxcrciscy thiw t�ptiun, txndcr ahall glvc NunY►�vcr naticc ut'urccicn�Unn. 'IY�c nodco tihnll prnvido�i pctiixl nf tts�t � <br />-�.;-;. __ lass Uim� 30 days from thc dutc thc n��ticc is d�Nvcmd or muilc� within which l�orrowor must puy nll eumy xccun:tl ny thts <br /> � � S�cudty iiistnancat. If Barmwcr Pulle tu puy th�s�eunt�priur to tii4 cxpleutlun uP thly periu�,Ltindur u►uy Invvko imy remc�Ua4 __ _ <br /> .. --- <br /> � � � � pern�Utcd Uy lhlx Sccurily lnstn�mcnt with�►ut i'u�ihc�nutico ur dcmund un[i�ie���wcr. - - <br /> - � 18. Florrowcr'e Riqht to Rcittvtutr. if 8��rnawcr uicctti rc�iuin cunditluos, i�urr���vcr niudl i�►wo th� eiaht to, hnv� � - . ..._...__. <br /> _ _-::�'� <br /> r � - . enfnrcem�nt af thls Secudty Instrument disrontinucd ut uny 11me �+rior ta the estier t►t': !�!5 dnys�n*s��?•h ��in��r{�.. . � -' -- <br /> �- .n;w 1�4 � <br /> �'��' , • iippHcnhlo law uiay specify fur rolnstiUCmcnU bofuro snlo ui' tho Property pu�unm tu uny puwcr nf snlo contaiincd in thiy = <br /> Sccurit Instn�ntcnl;ar(b)cnt of t� ud mcnt enforcin this 5ccurit Instrumcnt. 'Phosc condiuons urc thnt tinrrawcr:(a)puys —"6 -- - - -- <br /> �� . Y �Y � 6 A Y r� -__ <br /> ; , l.cndcr all sums�vhich then would bc duc undcr this Sccuriry Inrtcumcnt nnd tho Notu nw iP m�ncccicn�Non husl uccurrcd; (b) �* ��_ _ __ <br /> � ' curos imy dcfitult uf uny athcr cavcnunt� ur ug�rcmcnt,r•; (c> pi►ys nll cx}xnxcy incurrcd in cnfarcinb this 5ccurity instn�ment, i �#. <br /> '' including, but nnt limitc:�1 t��, �����„��nio��a�ri»y.� fcc.r•; iind (d) ti�kcs such uctinn ns irendcr nuiy rcasunably rcquin:ta ussurc '��' <br /> ��� thnt d�e Iien of tMai Security Instrument, l.ender's rights in thc Properiy nnd Qarrower's obli ndnn tu puy tho sums sccurcd by � �;�,�'�r=__=- <br /> ��. . <br /> '� � this Security lnst�ument shidl cuntinua unchimgc�l. Upon rcinstiUctnent by 13orr�nvrr, t is Secunty instn+inc��t mid the '��:;,.:��'.;�;�Y_,,,��,f, 'i ''. <br />. � .� al�ligiUions secured hereby shnll remain iUlly etfecdve i+s if no u�tielerati��n hud occur►•ed. Huwcver. this right t��rcinstate xhall �"'''��1�4��•::.� <br /> '':i';`�:k;�: ��'`�� �. <br /> � . • not lipply in tho ci�.ec oF ucccleruHun undar pt�ragruph 17. � ;,;���,,F,,y�qy�,,,,,,� <br /> , . . 19. Snle af Note; Chnnge oP !.�►nn Serviccr. Thc Notc ar a� p:utii�l intorest in tho Ne�tc (togcthc� �vith this 5ecurity ., . . . �-„ �,.,; <br /> a.� Instrument)muy be suld one or nwro Nmes withuut priar no�icc to Aorruwer. A sule nury r�sult in a�chnn�o in thu entity(kna���n �;,:�,;�`.;, " �R���:�'+ <br /> , • ' as the "l.�nn Sorviccr")thiit collects manihly paymcnts dua undcr thc N�itc imd thir Sccurity Intitrumcnt. Thcrc,ils��muy bu o�u �:r�;`� ' �'�'-°•'� <br /> . ar moro chunges af tho I.oun Scrviccr unrclutcd to ii sidc of tho Nrnc. IP thcrc is i►chi�ngc oi'thc l.�mn Scn�iccr. Rurr�,wcr will bc "`''' <br /> , _ givcn�vriUcn naNcc of thc chansc In accordnnco with purngruph 14 uhovc imd uppliciiblc liiw.Tho n��ticc will xtatc thc nxmc and ` �� <br /> �a;�;:- <br /> • ' udd�ess of thc ncw Lnan Scrviccr und tho iuldress tc� which puymcnts should hc m�dc. Thc nnticc �vill i�lso c�mtuin any othcx :`���;,,� <br /> .. . i n fo r r n t i t i�m r�:q u i rc d b y u p p l l c a b l c I n w. � � ��,`���� <br /> � " 20. Huz�rdaus Substnnces. Borrawcr ::hnll nat cuuse ��r permlt tho prescnco, use, dls�i�snl. storugc, ur rcl��se uf anv ,.� ,�; .�:�.__ <br />` ,, _;��c:`;`:S ,` : Ha•rardaus Substunces on or in thc Pro ert Barro�vcr shidl nut do, nor ullow un onc clsc w do, :tnything nffccNn� Ihc � �',:•':�' <br /> ,�.. , P Y• Y b . •,�•;�-. <br />