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<br /> t-- �;,::_Yr_, p;�ynu�utN at�y na I�rn�)��r ha rec�uir�d,at llte uptii�n uf ln�tti�l��s,If mu�i�t���14{n;arui��covern�c(ln tho omour�t an�l t'ur Ih:�per�
<br /> ;�'�: 3` --`? !h«t Ix�Hlar cciiuir�nl pruvidcil l,y un i�i��urr t�ppruv�d by l.cn�lcr i!fZntn hc�v�t�irs nvullut�lc uud!w ohtuiac►1. tlurm�vcr ehull puy --- -
<br /> =�.:t_ _y -.
<br /> i- _:;.-_::.
<br /> �. - Il�r.pr�nd�nna��cquirc,l tu i��nlntn{m m��igoF;c fnsuruiuo in cffi�ct.nr tu pc�,vldc n lass rescfvc. ►mtil lhc rc��ul�ti�t�ent ��r mu 8c�c -
<br /> s:�j - -' Inti�u'u�a�p cndn lu nr�•ordnmx� wlth uny �vrh�cn��grcrnt��nt Ifc:twern li�xr���v�ir nnd In.�ini��r ur a�pplici�blc latv, -- —
<br /> �"` .`. .. 9. I�w��;.�ctl+a��. le:ndcr ur It�:uljcn�u�uy �n��ko rcu�unnl�l�e rult�iux►q?�n und inspc�:Nuas i►f tha{'ru�x;uy, I.�ndcr nhuil givo __-_
<br /> :;�.:" •` , I{i�rnnvrr n�►t�ac�ut th�tlma ui'ur piiur ta un inxpcctinn y��r.4lfyintt�ehun.iltic rui�xu fur thc ins�xctli►u. ""
<br /> °-�-;� - 1(�. Cattr��;iitnattan. 7'hc pracre+iy u�Hny� iiwucd cir 6tulm far dutrt���tan� dl��u�!ur c+,�i�+cy��cntlal. In cu�mecli��n �vlth any �"..,,,,,:,�;�;�,�-
<br /> _ � ��ti��:twmac,tl�n t?r tnl�cr tn4in;; ��f Nny�:;h af tli� PrupertY.ur far ranv��yun4a in lic��i�t'cuntlr�u���ian. uro harcby usylgncd ur►d � _ _
<br /> :. - `� hh�di Ix�pni�i tu L,ancict. �� -
<br />-_.'_;"- In qin�vont uf i►towl tnking��f'thc Nruperty,tl��praccr.dy rhnll b�up��lii�.i tu 1hc,r•umy scrurcd hy this 5ccurity instn�mcnE� � ri
<br /> �µ whuthue or nnt �hnn ciuu, with nny uxccsy pi�id to Bur�'���vcr. In ih� cvunt ��f u puniid tuking af�hc Nrupurty in �vhlch iho fiiir � '� .� ���
<br /> �; innek�t vidm� uP tha Prapc�ly immcdintcty t�eti,ro thc uikin� Ir cqunl ta ��r�n�utcr than �hc iimuunt��i'Ihu sum� scrurcd by thi9 _ �j �� ��__
<br /> ��ti_ � "
<br /> �,�;� Sccurity lnstn�mGnt immcdlntcly baf'urc ihc takinB,unlcsy�larrawur an�l I.�n�lcr uihcrwise ogr��c in writbi��, tho sunts sccurcd by +�.T
<br /> -- thiN Secu�ity Im;U�uincnt �hidl ba reduced by tho iimount uf tlw ��racr.edr multipliul E�y tho fulluwinkl frucUun: (u) the totul �� ,,�,,,�.�,-
<br /> mm�unt nf tha wums sccurcJ inmudintcly bcfarc thc ti�kin�3. Qividc�l by (b) thc ti�ir mzukct vadue at'Ihu Property Immcdintcly .
<br /> '��� , h�furc thu takin�, Any balance shall hc pidd tu Qi�rrowor. In the cvent��f a partlid tl►king �iti thc Pr�perty in which thc fa�r . �
<br /> ' mi�rkat vuluu of tho Propony immedintcly bcfurc the tukin� Is tc�s thw�thc unu�unt��f'tho sunn sccurcd Inmicdiutcly bcfnro thc ,.�,+,.t�,,
<br /> t�kin�, unlass Barmwcr i►nd l.+:ndcr��thcr�viso agrcu in writln�or unlcss upplicublc Inw oth�rwlsc pr�wi�icti, thu procccds shall , � �,=
<br /> , � ba npplied ta thU sun�.ti ticcurcd by this Sccnrity InsuZimUnt whcU�cr i�r n�it thc sums arc then duc. • _�. -r,
<br /> , If tha PmpaMy iw nbandoncd by aormwcr,or if,+dlcr n��ticc t�y l.�:ndcr to S��rra�vcr thut thc condcmnor uffcry ta malce an _;,. 4�
<br /> f` uwurd or settic A claim for dnmuges, f�ai•rnwor i'nilw to respond ta�.�nder within 30 duys uRcr the dtue the natice is given, �+r.+;r�*s
<br /> ,; .. #����`'�4.
<br /> l,en�lar is t�uthorized to collect and npply tho pr�ceeds,ut its optinn,cither to restcua�don ar repuir af tho Property��r t��the sums 1 �
<br /> securcd by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt,whether ar not thcn duc. � ;��
<br />� • Unlocs l.ender and ��.�rn�ever othenvisc uge�:c in �w•iting, uny i�pplicaUun ot'prucceds to principui shull not uxtcnd or , '� �:-
<br /> ,. pustpan�tho duu d�rto of thc nwnthly pnymonts roticcnxi a•in purngrnphs 1 und 2 ar chungc thc umc�unt��f such payments. !.�•;. � �,.
<br /> �'rr�i..
<br /> 11.Aormwcr Not ktctr�+icd:l��rbetio'ance liy Gender Not a��uivc�. Bxtonsiu�of tho timc f�r paymcnt ar moclifiet►tion I �,;,,.
<br /> I,'.,.. ;. . ,, . :.�1���
<br /> ' af runorti7.�tion of thc suuis sccured►•y this Sccuriry instrumcnt gr.inted by I..endcr t��uny succcss��r in intcretit uf B��rra���cr shall ,. ;....
<br /> . qot oparutc io rclense the liiibility af thc original Bormwcr or Hnr+•u���cr's xuccessor.r•in intcrest. Lendcr shall not bc r���uired m i, '_ . . T
<br /> � � cammanco procecdinys:�guinst t►n� su�YC,r•sor in intcrest�r refuse tu extend timc fi�r puyment or athcnvisc m��dify umanizat3an �
<br /> ' of tha sums securecl Uy d�is Security lnstrumcnt by rcuson oP :u��� demand mude by thc oribini�l 8orro��•cr ��r Barrowcr's ��._;
<br /> � � successorti in intcrctit. Any farheAranrc hp i.endcr in excrrising an}• right ar remedy shaU not Nc t� �vuivcr of'��r prcclttdc thc #
<br /> • � � axercisc uf i�ny right ur remedy. Thc ra�vcnants und ugrecmems of this . ��
<br /> � `'`' 12, S�cces.sorq i�nd As.9i�ns Bound; Jobi nnd 5c�•crul Lii�b9lity; Casl�nc�. .•� q�
<br /> - �.���`'` ��� Sccurit y Instniment tihall hind und benefit ehe �urccssurs and a�signs nf l.ender und Borru���er. suhjcct tu tho p►'ovisions c�t , ,;'.
<br /> ':�� ,� _-r. pprn�rnpt�i j7. �ornw:.r's �sYen�nts un�! agr�sn�4nu s h z il l b e ia i n t a n d s e v c rn l. A n y B u r r a���r r w h�� c�-�i�n, this Securiry -- -
<br /> ' • Instn►mant but dacx not cxccutc thc Nutc: (►►1 is a�-sibn�ng thi� Security Instrumcnt oniy ta mortgugc, grimt and convey thtd :
<br /> Hoir��wcr's interest in thc Property undcr thc tcetns��f'this Securit}�Imtrument; (b)iti not personuUy ubligutcd u�pi+y tho sum� ,
<br /> . ______._ ,�a�h�rh��c�curi�v Instrument:und lc)usrees thi�t L�;nder und uny nthcr B��rrowcr may+�firce ta cxtend,mudify, farhear or ;
<br /> __ _.. _ __ . � Y , _ __�.. ..,. _......�.�_... _
<br /> -' mi�ke i►ny accommudutiuns �vith rebard tn the terms ui'this Sccu�it Tnstrumem or tn� ivoie wiih��ui ii�ac ^nor�:��.:�.....n,�n=• r _ a.
<br /> 13. l.onn Chiu�cw� lf the I��tm �ccured hy�this Security Instnimcnt i+ tiuhlert to u luw which scts muximum loun charges,
<br /> i�nd thut Inw is finallY intcrprctcd�a th��l thc intcrcht ur��thrr Inun churgcs c��llectcd ur t��bc collcrtcd in c�mncctiun with �hc �
<br /> � . laun cxcca1 ihc permiucd limits, thcn; (ul uny�uch I��un churgc +huU hc redurcd hy thc i►m��un� ncress;�ry to rcducc �hc chur�c
<br /> to thu porn�iued limit; and (h) any�ums alrcud��ruUected f�um Burru�ver whirh exrecdcd perniiue�l limits will hc ret'undrd ta !
<br />-' Borrower. I.ender muy chuoso tn make this reiund hy rcducing the princip.�l uwcd �u�der the N��te ur hy muking u direct �
<br />- pnyntent to Horrawcr. 11 ii rcf'und nduc�+ principa�. thc rcductiun will he �r���ucd ati u partiul prepay��unt without any �
<br />_. pmpi�ymont churbc undcr thc Notc. ; .
<br /> � lA.NoNees. Any noticc to Bi�rruwer pruvided f��r in thiti 5ecurity lnstrument shall he given by delivering it i�r hy muiling l
<br /> � . it by first cl��ss mail unless applicable luw requires use of unuther methi�d. The noticc shull be directcd to the Pmperty Address i
<br />- or uny othcr s+ddresti eorrowcr dcsignxtcs t+y nuticc a� l.endor. Any noti�c ta lAndcr shall he given by tirst cluss mail ta ,
<br /> - Landar's uddress stuted heroin or any other uddresz I.ender desi�natey by notice to B�umwcr, Any notice pr��vided for in this
<br /> I
<br /> � Security Instrument xhall bc deemcd to huve bcen gi�rr►to B��rroa•er ur Lendcr when given:�s prrnided in this pnragraph. �
<br /> 15. Caverning Luw; Sevcrnbi�it��. Thi�Scrurit�' Instrumcnt xhull bc govcrncd by fcdcrul luw and thc luw ui'thc
<br /> ,jurlsdiction in�vhich the Propen�� is lorated. ln Ih:e�•�nt thut :tm• provision ur clausc ut'thfi� Security Instrument ar the Note �
<br />—' • canflicts with upplicable law. such crnt�ict shall ne�t uffect ather provisi�mti��i'this 5crurity lnstrununt ar the Nate which can be
<br />°• Sivcn effect without thc conflicting provisi�m. T��this rnd ihc pruvision+��f Ihi�Scrurit�� Instrumcnt und the Note arc declared i
<br /> = to hc scvcrublc. I
<br /> = 16,Borrawer'ti Gopy.Burro��cr�hall hc gi�•en anu runfurnicd�upy i�l'thc Ni�tc and uf this Scrurity Instrument.
<br /> � Form 302a �J!'JO �
<br /> P.,�o n o�o ! .
<br /> .,_....c'::-.:—. .—� �
<br /> 1
<br /> .�I .
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