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. ,� ,,\= i 1-;� �i �4 �-�.. .\'�,: ai,.,i� i . I��y1�1,�:•ti�\:1%.:1:_ �. •'� .i � ':bR�;.. ... . . .. . .. . \ . --r' .. <br /> �. .. � ,� r'r' . .. ; '1', � <br /> � , ` .�5��. � ..���I�i 1 �.i.:. ' . . . . .4. `` <br /> -• - . . . . �� d,[��' <br /> . .l , <br /> _......-•--- - . .__ � ._ , :.ri_ <br /> ����' �d��"�� ' � : ,. �. _ <br /> -� notlfloatlon to Truatae and ppnollnlary.ln tho ovont any polloy horaundor lo nM rn�t�wod an or b�slare Nlioan(16)daye prlar tc� � , � <br /> Ito oxplratlon dato,Truetoo ar �onollalAry may proowo fluah IneurAnoe In saaa�dnnao wlth Iha provlAlonn of I�nra�raph i. � � , <br /> Truator ehc�ll rtollvor to Qo�oflolary Ihe orlpinAl pollnloe of Inc�urenna and rent�wN� tl�oraaf or ao(�ioa of aunh pollales nnd <br /> . • ronownle thornot. Fnlluro tn furnloh suoh Ineuranoo by Truelor,or renawala �e rpqulrod horoundar, ahnll, nl Iho option af � � - <br /> �eneftolnry,oaneiUuto A clotuAlt,All uneAmod pramlums aro haraby Aoolpnad to Troutoo n�nddltbnal aocurity,nnd n oal�and . <br />� �� conveyande af 1he Properry by tha Trustea ohall apc�rato lo convoy to Ihe p�►o�a�or ihA TruAt�r'n IntArnnl ln and ta nll pnUGlan �__. - - ��- '. <br /> • � of in�urance upon the Truet Praperty. ; � - <br /> --_:..-.--. R,TAt1r11�BfI��AN�fpMiw_TIIIA/A�NF1N1)�►9V BI)IA11DR OII(�Rt1HflIRI flPiiAA9R�9R��IYVtM/�A�YYI�Aq�Nl�I ACNII�et.�•�qw�.tr��,th° �-•---•� -.--.—.^----^--- <br /> • Proporty bafora dpllnquonoy and wlll dollvor to 8flnoflalary caploa ot r000lpto ohavulnp payrnant al auah InMOa nnd apoclol t ; <br /> - . aeepsamente. � <br /> , , • 8.Addltlonsl Llsne.Truetar ehall maka all paymonto of Intorosl and prinul�al,flnd paymonte of nny uthar almrtioa,foos,nnd � <br /> c�xpaneos contraotod to ba pAld ta any oxlstinp Ilon holdeiA or prlpr bont�llalflrloa undor any prior hoad ot Tr��nt,Alorlpapo o� '. , <br /> ather seourlty nproomont, b8}OfQ fhQ dA1a 1h0y Q�0 d011f1t�U0i11 Q�d l0 pAy�fly Q1h0�UIfl1111 WhIQh �OOpA�UILOfl Ih0 BOOUfNy i ��• <br /> , grAM�d harAln. � <br /> �"'��i' 7.Pmteatto�ol8snnilnlmry'e 3ecurity.Should Truotor}all fo mflko any p�ymc�nt,frlll tt�dr�nny aal ao horaln provldod or If ` � � <br /> .. , i ��:,,.`,• <br /> . , any actlon c+r procoeding lo oommvnaed whloh mc�torlally atfaota Bonatlalnry'o Intomnt In tha Proporty, Ino►udlnp, bul nol , <br /> . ' � • Ilmitod ta,eminent dom�in, I�s�lvonoy,orrangomonto or pr0000dlnflo Invalvinp n b�nlarupt ar dooacfant,Ihon Donollolnry or ; <br />-�`�'���,�.'�:•'.,. T�ueteo,but wlthout abiiflatl�n to do ao,and withaut natice 1a or domflnd upan Truotor,Anc1 wlfhoul rolonalnp Truator from any I <br /> olblgatlan hereunder,may maka or do tha eama,and m�y pay,purohfloo,oonl�at or comproml8o any onnumbranco,ah[�rpo ar <br /> : ''�••`:v,,;�;i���. Ilen,whloh In the Judgmont ot eNhvr appoara to affeat�Ald Propetty;In exerololn4 eny suoh powaie,tho 9enoflalary or Truateo <br /> �,.;.. � , may Incu�a Ilablllty t�nd oxpond whafovdr amounts„Inoludlnp olobu►�emento af reASOnablp attornoy's faos,whlah In tholr ab� <br /> ' aoluta dlsoratlon may bo neoaseary. In tho event that Trustar ah�ll lall ta p►aaurp Inouranoe, fall to pAy laxes and epealAl ' . `��'� <br /> assessments ar fall to make ony peymente to exlsllnp or prlor Ilon haldoro or banflllalarles,tha 8ene11olary mey proaure euch " ��'��- ' <br /> � Inaurance and maho auoh pAymenta.All sume Inourred or expendad by BenetlolAry or Truatoe In aaoordAnos wllh tht+provl• ` `c;'; •.; <br /> • • slona af the peed of Trust are aoau�ed horeby and,wllhaui demand,ahall bo ImmedlAtoly duv and pflyablo by Truslor nnd ehpll "'"�`""' <br /> ,,.:., <br /> bear Interest a1 the rate provlded ior advanoas under tho Loen Aflreament; provlded, howovor, that al tho optlon ot tho � . <br /> Beneflolary or Trustea,suoh sume may be added to the prinalpal balance o}any Indebtedneae epou►ad horeby and ahall boc+r <br /> . the samo Interest as suoh Indebtedneae and ehall be payable ratably over the romalning lorm thoreof. • � <br /> 8.A�slpnmsM ot Rsnts.Bene}tolary ahall have the rlght,power and authorlty duNng tho oontlnunnao af Ihis DAOd of Trust to ?;�.:;�'; <br /> • aalleot the renta, Isaues end proftta of the Properly and ot any personal qroperty IocatQd thareon wlth or wlihout taklnfl ' <br /> posaesalon of the Proparty affacted hereby,and Truator hereby absolutely and uncondltlonally osol{�ns Etll ouoh ront9,188UQ9 '�� <br /> and prollts to 8eneflolary. Benetlolary, however, hereby aonsente to the Trueto►'s colleotlon and rotoMlon of ouch ron4s, , ,,:,, <br /> lasues and prollta as thoy aao►ua and become payabto�o long ae 1'rustor Is not,at suoh tlmo,In dofault wNh roapoot to pny •• <br /> � mont of any Indebtodneas seoured hereby or In the perlormanoe of any agroemant horeundor. Upon any euoh default, ' <br /> ' Beneflolary may at any tlme,eNher In perean,hy apent or by a�ecelver to be appolnted by a aourt,wNhaut nailan end wlthout <br />_ - _.--- ssgsr�!t+�the edeqssaQy c!any seczr!!Y tor lt�e Indebteclneea l�ereby eee�te�+.(�}Qr�ler����n Ar�d���n eoasoRAlnn nl�ho ProQer. . - _--- - <br /> _ ,_ , <br /> �. ..., . :. . . . _. <br /> , ty or any part thereof and In Ito own namo sue for or otherwise oolleot suah ranto,leauos And proflls, Inoludlnp thoso paet duo <br />. � and unpald,and apply the same, loso coata and oxpensea of ope►fltlan and oallaotlon, Inaludln4 raasanablo attorney fees, <br /> upon ony Indebtodnesa aeoured horeby and In auch order oa BonallalAry mt�y dolermino;(b)perform 9uoh aols of repalr ar pro• <br /> ' - " I@011Otl a8 fT1ay�8 f18C888flry Of p�Op9t to COn90fV8 tt10 Yaiu9 oi fin9�tppt�try;jpj i9aB9 Itt9 aflma Pr any pdrQ noroa�ioi ouun roir - - -° <br /> . tal term and upon euoh conditlona ae 11s Judgment may dlCtata.Unlese Truotar and Qeneflola�y agrue othorwlat�In�urltinfl,nny <br /> �ppllaatlon of rente,lasues or profNs to any indebtedness securpd hereby shAll not oxtond or pastponc�tho duo dato ol tho In• <br /> stellment payments as provlded in tha Loan Agreemenl,and Ihe appllcatlon lhereof ae�toresald ehell not walvo or auro nny <br /> default or natice o1 de}ault hereundar or Invalldate any act done pureuant to auch nptico.Trustor also aselpns to Senoficla►y, <br /> as lurther aeourity tor ihe per}ormence o} thv obllflt�tions seoured heroby, all prppald rente and all monles whlch may havo - <br /> been ar may I�oreallor be doposited wllh sald Tru&tor by any leasoe of tho Property, to seaure thu pAymenl ol any rent,nnd <br /> upon defaull In the perforamnce of any of tha provlslana heroot, Trustor pgroas to dollvor ;�uch ronta And dpposite to tho <br /> Bonellciary. Dellvery o1 wrltlen notice o1 Bonelfloary's exerolae of the right9 grantod horaln to any tonant accupyln� eald <br /> premlaes ahall be au111alent to requl�a sald tenanl to pay sald rent to th� Beneflclary untll further notico, <br /> 9.Candsmnetlon,lf tltle to eny part of tho Property ehall bo taken In condemnatlon proceedingo,by rl�ht of pminont domal� <br /> � ot slmllar aotlon,or ahall be aoid under throat of oondemnatlon,all ewerde,damages and procoede ero heieby�ealpned and , <br /> � ahall be pald to Benellolary who ehall apply auoh award,damagea and praceeda to the aums apcurod by Iho Dead of Truat, <br /> with the exaesa, If any, paid to tho T�ustar. <br /> � � 10. Future Advencea.The Loan Agrcaemont provldes for advancey trom time to Ilmo ta Trustor by Benollclary ae pravldod <br /> � thereln.In addNlon,upan requeat of Truator, Benellalary,at Beneficlary's optlan,prlar to reaonveyanco of tho Proporty to Iho <br />' Truator,may make Addltlonal future advances to the Trustor.9uoh tuture advancea,wNh Interest lhereon,ehall ba eaoui�ed by <br /> thls Qeed of Trust whon evldonced by p�omissory notes statln�that sald notes aro eocured hereby; provlded that HI no tlmo <br />' ' shall tho aecured prinolpal and 9ulure Advancea,not Including sums advanced to protoot tho aecurlty,oxcoed ono hundrf�d por• <br />-=; , oent(100%)of the ariglnal principal amounta secured heieby. <br /> , � 11. Remedles Cumuletive. All remedles p�ovlded in thls Deed ot Trust are distlncl and cumulativo la any othor rlphl �r <br />- remedy under this Daed o}Trust or aifarded by law or oqulty,and may bo oxorclsod concurroMly,indept�ndontly or succoeslvo� <br /> IV. . <br />^ , � 12.Acc�lsr�tlon;Rsmedlea;Sale.A deft�uN shall exlst In the event o1: <br /> (A) Any frAUd or misrepreaentatlon by the Trustor In cannoctlan wlth tha Iine a}arndN which thle Deod ol Trust securos; <br /> �.• ... �S) Any!a1lura on tha pitrt af thC Trastar ta mcet the repayment term� tn raspact ta!he Loan Agresmen!and any nlhar at!• <br /> - vances under thls Deed of Trust hergby secured; and, <br /> (C) Any action by the Trustor prohlblted by the terms ot the Loan Agreemont or ihla Deed o1 Trust or any fallure o11he Truetor <br /> : to act as requlred by 1he Loan Agreement or thla�eed ot Trust,eAOh ot whloh Trustor hereby agreae have an advnrae pf• <br /> � feCt on tho Beneiiclary's aocu�lty for the Ilne ot credlt ostablished and the rlghts ot the 6enoticlary In such soaurlty, <br /> ' and upon the happonlnp o}any such event of defauN, Beneficlary may declaro all sums socured horoby Immodialoly duo nnd <br /> payable by dellvery tu 7rustee o1 written declaretlon of default.The Trustoo ahall havo thp powar ol sala a}tha Propnrty,and il <br /> Beneficlary deslree the Prpperty to be Suld, It shall deposit with Trustoo this Qeod of irust antl all p►oml��ary notnn and <br /> documents evldencing oxpenditures Secured hereby and shall deliver to Truetao ti wrllton nollco ol tiotault and n�nctian tn <br /> cause the PrnFerty to be sold,and the Trustee in turn shall prepare a notice in the larm r�qulrad by law,whlch shall bn cluly III <br /> ed for record by Truatee. <br /> (A) After the lapse o1 auch time as may be requfred by law following tho recordatlon o1 sald notico of default,and notica al <br /> defauit and notice o}sale having heen�iven as roqulred by law,Trustee,wlthout damnnd on Trustor,�hall soll th�Propar• <br /> � ty on the date and at the timo and place designAted In eald notice o}sale,at public auctlon to tho hlgheet blUdor,th�pur• <br /> ' '. chase prlce payable In lawlul money of the United Statos at the tlmo of sale.Tho porean conductinp tho sale rnay,f�r nny <br /> •.�j cause he deems expedlent,postpone the sale lrom time to tlme untll It shell bo completed and,In avory suCh Ceeo,nolica . <br /> ,�.� Hr�ois���oo� � <br /> c <br /> r <br />