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<br /> � actcNOw�eoaM��� TC1 D�ED t�F 1'RUSi ;; ��: �_ --�•
<br /> � - Tho underalgned"Trustar"c�s IdentlHed In Iha follt►wing Oond of Tn�at,whethar ono 4�r more,u�idoretond 1hAt ih�dooumant ; _
<br /> •Ay;,-
<br /> ;-, thay aro about to oxeouto Is�Daed of Trust And nM a mari0n9o,and that the power of selo provld�d for In 1he De�ed a4'Cruet i
<br /> ' pravldee substanllaliy dNiorunt rlphlfl and odllpetlan8lc►th�Borrowora tlian a mortgaga In the evont o4 a defaul!or breanh o} ;
<br /> '"' obllgatlon undor tho Qoed af Truet�Inaludln4,but n�t IlmNad ta,the Ban�flolary's rlght ta have tho Proporty Idertlfipd In iha � .
<br /> � 4ollpwing Daod ot Ttuot aold by thp Trut�tfle wlihaut nny Judlolal pronaodlnp. Truetor reprosonte and watranto that thle ;. , . .
<br /> Aoknowledqmont tvas oxeautad hy thttm bE�fara tha exooutlon o}tho Qaed of Truet herctafter set}a►th. �
<br /> ,_�, '; . �'��Y��r� ' ; . ._ . � `: .
<br /> � , . � .,; Leslie G. Woad�a�rd '
<br /> ` ll! .G�C.Ja.o�-e�,(..ltw� �t: .. .
<br /> . , . .ti?; rene �w;�rc� ' . •
<br /> .. ��';� . . �
<br /> . . �. :�.`:�'' H�AAE €Q�DOTIP I.INE DEEO �F TRN�ST , ,
<br /> .. >;��::.
<br /> �l ���.-. .,. [i.�'�;S . �,
<br /> `:;:�,�,:;t. ',`,':`::�;:� _�19�1.__,bet�nreon_].,e31.iE_..G►..ylnntluta.��--�- '�'`'� . � ' .
<br /> �,�.;;:`.`}'.;,;�_ ��:•;;:::�, THIS TRUSI'DEED made thls�b-dAy of_,Iun�. an ' -II
<br /> ' ` �'` ���''� Irene T. Wo��dwaxd 2115 Sherwaod Road Is ,;
<br /> . •, � T_ .,._herelnafter oall "Trustor", whose malling address la_ �,d � N� �
<br /> 1�4 N. Wheeler Grand YalanA �c... , ,'�
<br />' ' � ' ��a�, , Attorney at Law, whoae mallln{� addesa Is�... � ' •'�'��';�"� '•
<br /> .�:.�
<br />� � ae"Truatee";�ncl Home Fa dera l Sav in g a an d L o an Assoafotlon of Qrantl Island,whose malll�p addrooe 19 221 South l.00uet, � �='°�`,,�`��k,
<br /> 1'�;`' P.O.Box 1009,Qrand Island, Nebraska�8802, as"Banellolary". � _ ':;,:�;�
<br /> '� For valuable canalderatlon,Trustor Irrevooably graMo, tranafora,conveys end Aasipna to Trustee, In truat,with power o1 � .:: ;�.°
<br /> eale,Qor the benefli and seaurlty of BeneQiclary under and subJeot to the terms and condltlons o!thla Deed ot Truet,tho toilow• i . �;:,;; f .
<br /> Ing desorlbad proporiy loaated In� 1 i�a 1 1 C o u n tv ,N e b ra ska,to wlt: >,...:,; �
<br /> �
<br /> �,�.,�
<br /> , . .
<br /> .. . . , , .. .
<br /> _ _._ __, _ —---- '._ _s �
<br /> •. �;•:;'i.
<br /> l,ot 'h�elve (12) in Bishop He3ghts Second Suhdivision to HAIl County, NebrASka, , ,
<br /> - --� _ -
<br /> �. ..--- -.....__�..-_�_
<br /> __�_—� -
<br /> . >:, :
<br /> � : .
<br /> .` . ,
<br /> ,: .
<br /> ' `;;:,;
<br /> � toflether wlth all bulldinga, fixturea, Improvementa and sppurtenannes lhereuMa belonging, N being agreed that all of the �.��?'`��
<br />_x . . , foregoing ehall be herelnafier referred to as the"Property". � �
<br />- �' FOR THE PURPOSE OF 9ECURINQ perfarmanoe of eaoh sgre�ment and covenAnt of Trustor hereln oonta5,000 00�pAY �
<br />-, �:. � ment of the princlpal eum ot Fifteen fhousand and no 100------------------- pollare(a 1 )� :
<br /> as evldenaecl by a Home Federal Home EquNy Laan Agreement bet�voen T►uator and Beneficlary(the"Loan Agreement"), pur•
<br /> auant to whloh Beneflolary wlll advance funds ta Truetor from timo to lime at 1he Intareat ratea and upon the terma provldad •
<br />-:�;•,. thereln,topether wlth any aum or auma of money wlth Interost theroon whlch mey herealter be peld or advanaed under the
<br /> - ' terms of thla Deed of Trust,bolh prinolpal eum and Interasl thoreon being payable according to the terma set forth In the Loan ,
<br /> " . Aflreement,referenae to whloh la hereby made,af thd o111ce of tho Benaficlt�ry in Qrand Island, Nebraeka,or at auah otl�er
<br /> place as Benoflolary may desl�nate In wrlting,
<br /> TRUSTFR ANO BENthIC:IAHY t;;uVE13iHiv'i i�ivD�1GnCi. A;; t'QLLQti^.'9:
<br /> - 1.Wartenly o)THI�.T►ustor Is tawfully selzed of the P��perty;hae good r�gh1 and iawful authorlty to sell and convey the Pro�
<br /> � __._ ._._ ___ _ porty;lhe Properly le free and olear of all Ilens and enaumberances axcept 13ons now ot record;and Truator w101 warranf and de• .•
<br /> - fend the tltle to the Proporty unta tho i ruatee and its succeaeors anti assigns 4orovor agalnst!he clstms af atl perqong• •.
<br /> 2.P�yment of Princlp�)�nd IM�rssl.Truatar shall punctually pay the prtnclpal oi,and Intereat on,all advancea und�r the
<br /> Loan Agreement and wlll qunctually perlorm all agreemento.condNlans and pravlalons ot any other araouNty Inatrument gBven
<br /> In connectlon wlth thls transactlon.
<br /> 3.Pretervatlon end Malntenmce o1 Praperly.Truatvr wlll not commN any waste upon tha P�operty at wlll,at a11 tlmos,maln•
<br /> taln the same In good order and condltlon and wlll make,trom tlme to tlme,all�epAlra,renowals,replACemonta,addltlons and
<br /> Improvementa whlch are reasonably requlred to pravent waste, lmpalrmont,or deterloratlon of eald property.No bullding ar
<br /> �; Improvemont now or hereafter erected upon the Proporty shall bo aNered, removed or demollahod wlthout the prlor wrlttan
<br /> �� conaent of 3eneflalary.
<br /> � A.Iniu��nC�.Trustor,at Ita expense,wlll malnt�ln wlth In�urera approved by Benellclary,Inaurance wlth reapeol to the Im•
<br /> provements and personel praerty conatltuting the Properly apalnat losa by flre, Ilghtning,tornado and other perUa covered by
<br /> atandard extendod coverape endoraement In an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the}ull replacement value
<br /> thoreol,and Inourance agalnst auoh other hazarda and In euoh amount as le cuetomarlly carrled hy ownera and operatare of
<br /> almllar properllea snd ae Beneflclary may requlre lor Ils proteotlon. Trustur wlll comply wlth such other requlremente as
<br /> � Benellolary may from tlme to tlme requeat for the proteotlon by Insurance o1 the Intereat of Ihe raspective partles.All In•
<br /> � surance pollclea malntalned pureuant to thls Doed ol Truet ehall name Trustor and Bene}IClary as Ineureda,as thelr reapectiva
<br /> Intoreats may appear and provlde thet thero ahall bo no cancellotlon or modNloatlon wlthout flftaen(15)daye prlar wrNten �
<br />