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Y . : s� _ <br /> � f`._. . �c . ...k . ._ ..e L.____� . � c� '-`� � - .' <br /> ��.�.-,1 � - �.1it�,�- � .. i `._ - _�. ..._. _ ¢ . . l-( c - - � e. _. . _: _ c_.. __ � _. . 4 � ...��- � _ ` � ` ,. ... _ ,` `( , <br /> `Y � ' —`< `V l. R4 . l .,.-.`� ' • ` .y • `, t .,` �` ' , . .�� .0 � .j • ... _ L . . _ ; .(Cc <br /> . 4 � . ��� � `� <br /> .�.�Y�IIC�i�C'[C��W M1�( ��.a!����Of SIIC�1�l�IQ1�5. �j/Qptii RO��i W!�� <br /> ' ` ` ��te��CI����YlldEt 1bt NfJk��S$C[7Cll�F�5��C�id�E!!�[� • . <br /> '`� Fee., t.eaaq m�y aoi�e«toa�oa a�s�o�ned by t�e se�y . . . <br /> � l�Gr�i�_ _ �ic��fDeM. • � � � � <br /> -- , _--- ��}�I��it� Irader mty,�exoepc u�msed�►a�u�a�is�ed b�►the Sa�enry ia ffie c��p�X�_�. ' <br /> • ' �qu3�e i�mine�Oe Payn�ent irt tWl of aif amns�eca�ea by dris Se�uuy Ias�ameut ik . . <br /> . (s)Boa�w+a detaul�s by fuT�w �a fult a►y mcr+d4ty 1�Y��dY�`�Y�w�� , <br /> w or on tbe dne dabe�ti�ne�t�yPa�yc�b�,or , � . . <br /> ' Ctt'�Bormww detaults by fa�ir�g,fat:pnicw of it�tty dsys.ta pertorm�ad�er obti�raat��d n�this _ _ . <br /> • . • (b) �Gdit A�ptmaL I�des sball.if petmiRed by apptic�ble�r#w aed with ihe p�appvvaf of the , <br /> ' . �Soae�cy.roqmMe 6ame�aoe PaYmetit ia fulEof all8�e s�as sbcucsd DY�is Saan3tY I�um�t i� < ' <br /> , C}All or p�t.d the.f�opaty,4r s he+iefic�ai in�aest ia:m�st o�nuo�al!cr pa�t af t6e soW a . , <br /> � . atbeiwise umsfenrd taher than by devise a daoa�t)6y tbe�er,smd ' <br /> ` ' fu)Tbe Ftope�ay is rat accupied by the ppc�or�tee�as In3 ur her priacipal tesidonc�or d�c p� < <br /> � , .or granoe doe+� so oocbpy ttrc`�tppcty buj,ttis or bar c�nd'n T�s not $eett appruved ic! a000�da�oe � <br /> , ' witb d�e�oqauranaia af d�e:Se�tary_ <br /> - '. (e)No WL�ve� If�oan�r that vrauld peirnit I.e�der tP ro9uue u�ed'�e WY��fa11,bu L�eader . <br /> - doea not iequae sucbpay�u�t�,T.eiwler does noEw�ive its ngWs vritb nspa.K ta su6sequet�eveats. . <br /> -_ (��otA1lD Sa�t+eMr� 9• 1ri aianY ci�a��g�il�tim.s iswed bY dre Seae�iY vtn�i timit l.eaderls .� � <br />- --— , Sa�u ty�qo�iautha+ze�' a�aaa�lefenUn'�n ot forxtos�e�'tf�pemoiutd by ��gal�ims�the S�a�ty ' . <br /> __ , (e)Morf�e Not Iwr�bd.�BOmaw�r aS�s th�c sbouW tbis Security Ia��tbe nae�ecw�e�tLeteb�►aot <br /> -_ . lit eGg�'ble far in9mypioe anddr diE NatIatal Ho�sing Act with6i fmm Ihe <br /> .-� � date Lecearf.I.arder its opt�ard u�itdstanding anything in Paragaph 4,i+aWit�e inunediate P�aYment in • . <br />'.`� full of all smns sec�ned b�tl�s�ty Insuwarn� A iwriue�t statemeot of any authorizod agmt of tbe$a�y . <br /> _- _ .. AateQsuDsaryeatm fmmthadatehereof,dee�ingtoiasucreltitSeanity -. � <br /> '�s � Insuumeat and tbe note socuced thaeby.shaU be deemed cwnciusive proof of sacb ineTig�'bility. Piotari�ding . <br /> the faregoing.this option may nat be exer�i.sed by Lender wben dse umava�7ab�lity of inscrca�e is sokly due w ' . <br /> - '��' l.ender'�fa��u+e to�ea�it a axutgage Insuraz�cc piemiiim w the Secretary. . � <br /> �y'��'� 10: Re�StemenA Hortvwer has a rigM to 6e r+einstated'd l.eader has required immediau payment it►fi�Q trecat�se <br />- of Bonnwer�s failurc to pay an amount dne undet the•Note or t6is SRCUriry Inswmet�t. This right.appties evm afoer , <br />- faieclosure}rNOein�s are instituud. 1b�e the Sec�uuy Insuamen� Bonower shari under m a Iwnp sum a I l ` <br /> _ amouais toqtcired to bring Hormwer�accoune cument the extcat they aze obtigations of Bonower�ndet tbis . <br /> y:•,. - � SecuritY Iasd�m�eni,fo�eclosurc casts and neasanable aext customary attomeys'fees and eapenses pmperiy associated with <br /> . ., ,.t:_ ;:, . the foroclosme piocoed'n�g. iTpon re;�ement by sorrower,etus sa�uity I�mone�a�he ob3igaacx,s,tltac it sawes <br /> � �c.�,?�::'.- sdall remaia ia effcet as�f l.ender had not rec�nired immediate payment in full. Howeva.Lender is nat raluind to permh , _ <br /> �`��� rcinstaumem if: (i)Lender has aceepted remstatement after the commerxxmeat of foitclosute proccedings with�n two � <br /> _ � ,l:i.�:."JL''y��� �K _ . . <br /> �.:�:-':::.. , .: years indnedistely preading the commeacement of a current foreclosuce pioceeding. (ii? n:�nstatement aill preelude -��_- <br />- ,��..,-�:, • , fonxlosiu�e an diffenent graunds in the future.or(iii)reinstatement will adversely affect the priotiry of tht lien created by ------_ <br /> `��`.��; .` this S�uity Instrlurtent. ' .4-�_-: <br /> � - .,. �� ..�;_�-. <br /> ,�,� • • . '' Il. Borrower Not Refeased; Forbears�ance b� Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the dme of payment or ��•�^`�u: � <br /> 'c°1'!`�=°c:' =tf;<' modifrcation of artiortization of tlae sums secured by this Securiry Inctrumem granted by Lender w aay saccessor ie imeiest :���;= <br /> �.== - <br />- f �';� Qf Born+wer shall not operatc to relcase the liability of the arigina!Borrower or Borrower's successor m intet�est. Lcnder <br /> �"'�'�' `'`''+� shall not be mquired to commence prac�eedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or = <br /> ,t:s�..,.:.•. . ', <br /> � _... . : _.. <br /> -�;.. ... . .. , ,� dhetwist modify amor�za�an of the sums s�ed hy this Security lr�suument by mason of any demand the -�,.`-�;�-,� <br /> � origiaal Borrower or Botrowcr's successors in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall � � �-� <br /> . .� rmt tre a waiver of or prerlude the exercisc of any right ar remedy. �_ : ' <br />- - ' • 12. Snc�ors and A�igns$ound:Joint�nd Several Liabllitys Co-Siy�e�. The covenant.q and ageements of , . _ <br /> . - �s' this Securiry Instntment shal!bind and benefit the succeswrs and av.cigas af l.ender aad Bouower.subject�o the pmvisions <br /> •� � - of Phragraph 9.b. Borrower:s covenants and agreements sha0 be joint and sever�l. Any Barrowet who co-s�gns ihis - <br /> ::s;, '� ' •. .5. Savdty inslmmeM but docw not executr the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mo»ga$e.g�n t and ', <br /> ' �� � • convey that Bormvrer's imcrc�in the Praperty under the terms of ihis Serurity tasirumen�(b)i.ti not perso�lly obliEated to • • <br /> '��-��- � ` pay tbe sums secured by this Security Instrument;and Ic►agrees that Ixnderand any other Borrower may agrce to eatend. : �= :�_ <br /> - �`'-"'J�-� modify.forbe�or muke any accvmmodatiom with regard to the terms of this$ecurity lr�.ctrumert or the Note without that " <br /> .°. Horrower's consent. . . <br /> �:'��;�:� �4� 13..Notioea. Any natiee to Horrowec provided fur in thi.Security lnstrumenl.hall be given by dellvering it or by <br /> mailing h by first'class mail unless applicable law rcquireti use af another methcxl. '!'hr naice shatf be directed to the ' <br /> - ;,;.�.- ' Pmperty Address or any ather addres.�Bcmawer detiignatew by nmice tn Lrrtdc.K. Any notice to Lender shall be�iven by . ... <br /> - �-+•' � . � ' first class•mail to Lender's address stated hercin rn uny uddre�c Lcndcr dtsign�tes by nnticc to &�rtnwer. Any aotice C� . <br /> ' ��� ' � . ' prov ided tor in this Security lnstrument xhall lx dremcd t��huve hcrn givrn tn 13armw�7 c�r Lender when given as provided - � <br /> . : � _ in thia paragraph._ • <br /> -� � ' ' 14. 4overaity�Law:Severability: Thiti 5ecurity Instrumcnt tilmll hc govemcd by Fedcral I�w und the law of Ihe • . <br /> . , jurisdictian in which thc Propcny i+taratcd. ln thc cvcnt ihat:�ny pmvi�iun ar cl•ru�c af this Secudty lactrument or the E � � _. <br /> -• . • Notc caintlicts with npplirabla tuw..rUch cunllict tihall n�+t s�ff�ct uthcr pruvi.i�mw vf'thi�Sccuri�y In.rtrument��r thc Notc !�-= � � �� <br /> .•_ __ y'�:���.• ' which can be given etfect wilhaul the�onflictin�;provi�i�+n. �i+thi+rnd the prnvitiionr of thit Securisy lnctrument and the <br /> • � ;: � Note are�declared to bc�ev��ru61e. <br /> :�+��-._:`�.'' . � l�Borrower's Copy. Harrowrr,hatl be giv�n utte cnM��rmrd cup�r�f thi�5ecurity lawtrument � ' �. '..- <br /> � '''_;, ',;.' 16. Assignment o�ReoU. Barruwcr um;nrtditiawl ly m�i�nw rn d Ir�fers to l xn d er u l l t he ren�v an d revenues a f t h e �, . . <br /> - -�:`��.:-�_',." Fcdperty. Botrower awhorizes l.�ndcr or Lcndcr's•agentti tn collect thc mnts:ucd revcnuc�:uid hcreby directs e+�rh tenant of t � <br /> ' �: �;;:�:��.• the Ptoperty to paiy the rents to t,cr�dcr or Lender's agents. However,priar tu Lender's noJice tu Borrower of$oaower�► <br /> _ � . bneat,fi of any eovenant or�bmeement ia the Secudty lnstrumrret.Bom�wer stwll cnlfect and receive all rentti arnt revrnuetinf � ::--- <br /> ��� the FnopeAy as trustee far!he bcncfit of Lender artd Bormwer. Thi�asslgnmem uf rcntx constitutrv su�aMwlute us.�ignment 1 <br />-��s�� � ' : aid not an assignment for udditionvl sccurity only. � • . f'� .- - <br /> . :3:;,.-�--'_=- - ![lxrttkr gtves twtice uf bre�.x;h t��H��ra�wer, tu)att rentx raxxived hy 8oru�wrr�wll be hel�f hy Bonowcr:iv tnntee 3- .- :. <br /> =.�.< , .�t�r->:� . for benefit of l,ender nnty,tn be applied ta thc xums uxurcd•by the�curity Instmment:lb)Lende�sh�ill be entitled to .. � _ <br /> � � ':;� aollext and receive afl aP the rent�r uf Ihe Property:and 1c)eu�h tenant oP the�l�prrty sim11 p�y a11 rents due mid unp�aid tn � <br /> "�_4 .���.: l.ender or Lender's agent on Lendcr�wrinen dcmand to t(te tenant. . E • . <br /> - _ ;��t, Botmwer h�nui exert�ted�ny prior assi�m ent uF the rrai�s�nd h�s�nt and will nat prrfutm any�rt th�t wauld �. � <br /> . - prevent I.ender ttom eaercislng its rights under thiv PArstgraph 16. <br /> • Lender shall not 6e requirrd to enter upon.tvke control ot'or muintain the Property befvre or after giving notice oi � ' , � <br /> --. ' b�$arower. Haweye�1.��ar a jvdicis�liy appoi�i�rece,ivet may do�o ut any lime lhete�v u 6r�ch..An�. ,____ . <br /> = —.._......_.. .. . ._ ._ : ... <br /> •. �•applleafian of�enis sT�alCdol cure or waive any'dei'nuTf ur inva?idafe uny utfici n�fit oi remeJ�oFLendc'.�'iTiiv i�s.<i�mment- - <br /> _ • , of nqtts of the Piaperty shult teraiinate when the dcht securcd by ihc Srcurity launtment is pu�d in full. . . . <br /> . • ` , , <br /> � • ' • . . <br /> � ' t <br /> , � . �l'uXe!ij4F'�!4r�! ' � <br />: �, . ' � . . . , . , .� • . . �� . <br />