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t . _ . o [ '`_--_ <br /> ' < _ <br /> � _,. '..�� .:w.' . � . .. C ' .. 4'"_- <br /> . � .. <br /> � - ..< � �. .. <br /> . _. �.. .. _......._ �..�:. "_- '"`__ ` __ <br /> ,L `-'<� • , p . . . � � � c , ' .. . � _ .. <br /> . ,'Q, .. L;�+ . •` � .a . •. . ..Sa . e -` �!' � c . cb _ .. . <br /> .�—_"` ,�1 "`� ' "' T,� _ " "" ' _. ' . ' c � - � .a. . .._. _ . .. . . _ � _ j. ` .. _. <br /> �..:-sa�iia.$a�. ` � ` ` ,� ' c, i } . ., .,r . , . a < �- , . . '• _ _ . <br /> � . .[�_`�1 q- ' ` �t � l�k+e�t ai l.�le Cir� Bar�o�er a1rU pay�irea doe�tie.prLe�d`_��`�4 ' ��_. <br /> ` tl�ilebt�v#dt�d b�T ��ed t�ech�efes dre�adas tbe NnliE. • . . , . , <, <br /> . � �-l�w�il�ry�y�ers�i7luter�Lr�aret aw�OlUe�t'lMr�ei.'�ono+�ar�inc�dr ie adr�r�1�p�P�, � . � <br /> . . �wrid�t6e pria�pd and ielec�at�s sd`�th'�oo dte Nale a�d aay l�e clMr�,an punYe�dtt oi+Mry►Es)t�oces ad . , _ <br /> � s�ec�i�tr.'kviod ar a�idvied�t6e A+cpe�tY,N7 k�+e�oldpaYseats vr�!o�ad reas br d�e A�opat�,�1 . <br /> � - - (�,P������4: - � � - - <br /> ` . Eac�iuoio�hty i�a�mea�fx i�alns ta�(b}'�od�c)tb�tt eqod ooe�t�af�e-�wai tmoumts:�i�i! < <br /> � �s�1e�iry I,,eader, an�aiount��iamt�u maioqm at add'auoeat t�Loc�of eat ma�d�aoo-�a[d�' . <br /> . �1im�fed amouots. �fnU i�nsr��mouot for at�i�em afiaU•l�e aacamubMed try t.eader.�ril�iu�z paiod�Oi�6 a�e . . <br /> m o�I►b C f o e r a n i�e m w�aaW beoome d d i n q o a�t. �er ai�ll 6old tbe amoot�ts�dlede�io uast 1a pay i�us(a�,(b)aed . <br /> . �«�����paymaK:t�id E�r l.ender fcr iie�s{a�,(b�an�(c� . wM416a�i�oi�iiodl�r .. . . <br /> � payma�ta�or soc�t�paysbk to Lrrides p�ia�Qo the dut d�ea of,su�6 i�: by�e d�n areyi�lr t�t , , <br /> . o�ed amounc af paymeats i�equited ta�� pty sacha��dn��ad it'p�an fbe I�a1e�re_a�!�.�l�eader _ e <br /> - • sb�II eithar tduod�e'esoess ova aeo-sI�th of the ea�ted p�rmam a c�edit dre es�a+o+na aaa-tbph af ttiF� • � <br /> prym���P�Y�b3►�•aE the aptiap of Bnrrorer Jf t�e mdl oE ie pyniem,�ode by��v�er� <br />� �or ifem(i�Eb�.ar(c)is�ipit�aPsY�ieem wrbea due:@ieo$orc�er sMD pry to Lalda'�ay amoiot peC�y Ro , <br /> . make np 1�e defickn�.y m a bdroce the d�te t6e.item beoomes dqe. � . . <br /> - � ' As used in this Sop�riry Imuomeot."5ac�et�Y"tne�t tbe:Sxr�taY of�aod U�Deirelopo�a�t�dr 6}s br I�ai <br /> ---- � , desip�ee. Tn�,yar in vYfuc��e Iader maat paty a mo�tga�e a�anr�oe premium w tbe Sa�a�ry,aicb ma�lY P�Y� <br /> --- . �ri�1so mctnde eid�: C�� �a�f�e aa�! mortgagc ua�cn�nee�iani�im�u be wW 1tY.La�da to tbc , <br /> -_-__ ` Seaet�►,ar(ii}a oiomhlY cb�ge�ad�of a�i�nxaoe P�'emimn if tlm Skcunty Imo�uind�t is beJd by 16e . <br /> -- � .Secnquyt. Fich maridd��of tbe mo�tga�e i�noe�aiuem ah�D be ia aa aiaou�t�td�ieie�to ao�wl�le tbe <br /> u <br /> = full aonwt mn�gage u�u►axe pamumn with l�s�ndar ane mond� prior to$ie dat�'�e fiitl moual matg�e i�taa�ae � . <br /> - p�p�inn is due to the Searetsry;.ar if dus lnsutnnsnt is beld b�r tbe Sec�epiry,eacli nnooi6ly ci�e abtD 6e ia�n, . <br /> n <br /> - � s�moot aluat w uae-twdflh of ooe-rialf�t�o the owstaading priocip�l bdanoe doe on the lYota, , � <br /> :: �:, ` , If Bonuwer tepde�s�o L,e�xfer the fullpayment of all snms sacutM by lhis Saurity�stiumait.BonE►wa�acc�au , <br /> -- stWU bc credibed with tbe balanoe n�aintoa- fos all i�sll�ats for items(a).(b)ind(a)aod�r mo�gage� - <br /> --- - peetnian��ent thtt l.ender has oot became abli�ed w payto�Scccetary,.aud l.euder s1p�A p�bmpdy t�efardaay ' - <br /> ,- ;" exoess fiu�ds to�ormwec I�nmediately priar W a fanclosta�e sale of the Ptuperty or sts acqttiaitim by l.ender.Hoaawerr'a . <br /> - aocoant a6�ll be ciodioed vvith any 6a�ance iemainia�for all inatatlirronts far items ta?,(b)aad(c� . <br /> 3.'A dPl��mea�. All pa�mr,nts mder P�graph.g I tpd 2 shall 6��applied isy I.eaier a�foliows: <br /> - �.��. ° to the�aantgage insurana prenuam to be paid by L,ender w the Sec�dary or w tbe manhtY charge b3►tbe • <br /> - � �-•-�r.' �d of 1he moathly mortgage in�an�ae pr�mum: <br /> ��,waay taxes.speeiat ac�ne�s.leasehold�paymaiu or ground�ents.aad fm.flaod and odler Mz�cd <br /> _ � ' i�nct�qm�d; • . <br />- . --°�„h;.- THiBQ,to iateast�e under the Notc; . , . - - <br /> • .���;,, . •FQj�$p�,to sunosti�ation of the p�incipal of the Not� � , . <br />:� � ' --���_.� -_` g�,w tau cUarges due�derthe Note. � . <br />= �� � '" d. Firas Flood alad Ot6er H�aM Ipsur7mc� Bmrower sbap insure a11 improvements on the Pmpecty.wbetl�et tww <br />,`.:, � . : �;., :,;':;�.:_• ,: <br /> �� � •- in cxistence or su dy e�ectal.against anY hazards.casualdes.and cantingencies.�CTadinS fue.fa whiob l,ender. <br />--. �r., �. . . :oquires iusurance.�'s�insur�ce shat!be maintairted m the amounts and for the periuds that l.ender nquit�es Bomnwer <br />�:,�� � . ° shall also insure a11 improvemeats o»the Property,whether now in existencc Pr subseque�nly erected.again-et loss by t�oods ' -- <br /> �:.;.. `_ ; .� �. .:� , to•the eatent mqnited by tf�Secretary: All insurancc shaq be canied with companies approved by Lender.. Tfie iacurance __ <br /> ��T J.�: . ,� . polkties and aay renewals shall be held try L.ender and sha11 'mclude loss payab2e clsuses in.favor of,m�d in.a frnm � <br /> � .... � .:� . • �bk w l�cndet. _- <br /> �s � ��a:°'� _-' .:. . � N- - <br /> �� ' >�-;.... . : _.� In the event of toss.Borrower shal!give fxnder immediate notice by mail. lxnder may make proof of toss if not �,;,} _� <br /> �'_"�.` made promptlY bY Bo�rower. Each insuraRCe company conct�ned is hereby authorited and directed 4o make paytrxnt for ��.._�_,_ <br /> �¢: :�r,.`' . • ' such toss dicectly m Lcndcr.instead of to Bortowcr and w Lender joimly. All or any part of the insurartce,proceeds may be .�;;_n=_,- <br /> �pp1ud by l� iu option.either(a)to the ceduction af the inde6tedness under thc Nate and thia Security In.�trument, ;-- <br /> �#.. .. . _ _ . fust to any delLx�uent amounts applied 'm the order in Paragraph 3.and ihen to prepayment of principal.or(b}to the . ;:`., <br /> i'._ � � : � t�t o r a t ion or repa�r o f t f te d a mag e d prope.rty Any applicatian af the p r a c e c ds to the p riru�pal xhal!not estend or postpo�e �' :��?'._ <br /> :�=' � ' u � -- <br /> • • ' <_ . the due date of the monthly payments which are r�femed to in Parngtaph 2,or change the amaum ot such payments. My __ <br /> •� ' ' excess insurance proceed�aver an amount required to p�y all outctanding mdebtedness undet the.Note and ihis Security _ _ <br /> � _ ; ` � Instruaknt shall be paid to the entity tegally entiUeA thercco. _---- <br /> ;:". - • tn the event of fotecla�ure oP this Security lnstrument or ather tramfer of title ta the Praperty that e�ct�nguisftes the 'R=�;� <br /> � ' • indebtedaess.all right.tide und interest af Borrower in and to insurance policics in forec shall pass to the purchaser. - <br /> ti ',`";.�. � -':... ..._ � . S. Oecap�ncy. Preservatian. lNaintenatrce atW ProtectioA of"t6e Property. Borrower's l.aau� Ap�pitcatiQn; . , --- <br /> '�'ti' LeueNoWs. Horrower shall usc the Prapeny ay 6orrowers principal recidence within siaty days <br /> D � . .•i � . <br /> ''� . .�" ' after the exeruiion of this Security lnstrument und�shall continae to accupy the Praperty av Borrowet's principal residence , : <br /> ' � •;,.`� •_ for at least one year after the date af occupancy.unlesy the Secretary determines t6is reqwremem will cause unduc hardship <br /> � • . - - � . for Bomawer. or unless extennatins circafistances exist which arc beyond BotrUwcr�controt. Borrower sfrall notify __.._. <br /> -- � • ;..,, L�nders of any estenuating circumstances. Borrowcr shaU not comm�t wa.tte or desuoy.damage or subctantiapy change • <br /> °� � � the property or allow the Froperty to ifetcriorate,re�conablc wear and tcar exccptcd. l.cnder may incpect the Ptoperty if the , .. <br /> ' . ' . Plroperty is vacant or abandaned or t1��oan is in def'autt. I.ender may take rea.�onable actian to protect and pteserve such , � <br /> � vacant or abandoncd Property. Borrowcr shall alw be in default If Borrower.during thc toan applicativn process,gave <br /> -_��`, • � • • • matedally false or inaccurate infnrtnation ot suttemcnts to l.ender lar faited to providc t.cnder with any matenal . . _ <br /> _,= �- � ir� �• . . �� irrfom�atton)in wm�ectitm with thC liran evidenced by the Nate.includirtg,but rtot limiicd to.rept�esentations canreming <br /> ,.____ �':, ..:. _ _ :___ Somower's accupancy of the i'roperty as a prLicipal residcnce. If this Secunry lnstrument ix�a�►u leasehold$orrower shall : _ <br /> `'' camply wtth the pcovisjons of the lease.�If Brnrower acquires fce titic ta thc Propeny.the Ieatiehold and fee title shall nW , - <br /> .. •�`•�` . <br /> � _ � be nxrged unlcs.a Lender agrees to thc mergcr in wrifing. , <br /> , ' • 6. C gea to Borr+nwer nnd Protcction of l.ender's Rights ln tLe Propert�..8urrowcr shall pay all govemmemal <br /> =- �. . or municipal��v mullmposltions that�re not inctudcd in P�ragrnph 2. Horrower sha11 pay titcse ablisatlons an • <br /> --- •• time directly to the entity whicN is awed the payment., If failure u�p:ry woMtd adverscly afCect Lender's intere.rt in the <br /> °__ ' +�;:°:f P�ropeftY,upbn Lenderk roquest Ho�rower shatt pmmptiy fumish to Lertder rcceipts evide�citt�;thex paymet��+. - _ <br /> -- If Borrower taits to make these paymen�t nr•the�eyments mpuired by P a n�gmph 2.or fails to perform any otl�er <br /> . .=.�''- � cove�nts and ag�ements containal in thls 5ecuriry there iy a legul proceeding tfiat may signific�tty af'Pe.�1 .'- <br /> : -`-� •=T`;=�.�. _'�..•,'' Lender's rigMs fn the Pteperty tsnch as n ptoceeding in bankruptcy.for conde�ation or to enfarce luws oo t�egutatio�►s). � . <br /> - '.��:,' ,- °�- �, •.''" then Lertder may do and pay whatever is neces.��ary to protecllhe vatue of the Froperty und Lemler's right�in the Rope�ty. � . <br /> :;`�-�'. ��.. . . • . .. <br /> °,� .i .,"}- _:. :.� -. �c1�8 P�Y�►t of taxe9.h�ard insurance and athcT ttems memioned in Parng�ph 2. , <br /> ��:-�-.:.;... , <br /> � - - Any artwin�ts dlsMused 1sy Lender under W1s Paragrnph shall become an addlttom+l debi nf Bmrower and be secutcd • i • ' <br /> w . ' .'.'�.�%'�':� . ". by dds 5ecurity Instnmunt. Z]�ese amounts shalt benr intere.ct fram the date of the Note rate.and at the <br /> '':-•. : ..,. -, ' . option.of I�ender.sfiall be immediately due and payable. <br /> �.'.f• •1 �1.�'jt••:��:f . i . <br /> p• � q�!: -.'. '. 7. �. The prooeeds of�y gward or claim for d�mages.dlrect or connecdon with a� � • <br /> :�;��.—� _... �. �ndemrt�ion er aher�aking of aasr pait�ibe Firo�ert�r ar for c�m �t pl�e o€co�ns�ion.are herehy !__— <br /> a <br /> y�.r.. -•.-; � . aad shall be paid w l.endcr w tfie extent of t6e fufl amrnmt of the ittde ednes:4 thai reinai�unpaid�under the Note - dtis - - -- - ' <br /> '�� . '� Secudly ltntrnment. L,etber shall apply stuh proceedg w We rodtuti6a of tde indebtedness under the Nnte and this Secarity <br /> � � �o�:.:� _ tmdumm�ti�st to any de1'mquem mncwnts apptied in tGe order provided in Pamgraph 3,and then taprep�yment of � <br /> �, - prlddp�l. Any appllcadon of the procceds to the princlpal shall iat extertd or posstpone the due dgte of the ttumthiy � : <br /> . . i �. <br /> :. . �=.{ � . fpntRezalel,q�es� � . �_ .. <br /> . ... _'a_, _ .,.-. . . . • • , �.; <br />