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' '_ ` ` `— t ' . .-' ' • f �����( C ` , ._ <br /> �_ ��C C � ` <br /> - at 8�.+�ia:at Le�der.�it ma�.i�rt,�.oe ,00.:�,�p t�.�ie ama�..a4�r��p����+4�I <br /> ` � pe+��#.aa iq�aear app�c�ad�b!I,+e�der�t beou�e�e�a��ii�bis a�d i�ob1�i�ei Hoee�o�r�t�ll pq tr pt+�e�s�r � �. <br /> _ ° re�ui�+ed tu naai�in�martp�s iaw�asoe ia edac4 ar to pevride s Iar re�er��adR�tbe mqui�e�3 6as moeqi�s �` . <br /> - ; mw�eanasmdsia�000e+�oceiiihaqwtiHaaaipeemeatkt+�aBa=vueraodI�eo3era�'p L� • � <br /> - � � !Iaspeetiaf.`L`eod�aritsa�entmqm�aie+�imt�apmaod,3a�peel3i�arcftbe�Ropak't�I�itari�tl - <br /> _- � �i�e�aotioeat�emaedorpeartoaiarpeetian!Pea�fm�t�e�a�aabbaourstbrti�eiapec6o�. „ . 4 <br /> _ - l�.Caiiaera�tiar:Tbapmctied�da�qarnedardi�iard�my�de+ector000reqoaaeid„�aaa�e�etie�� <br /> _-- -- - -' � -aa��aede�aet�osarotbee��taa�-p�ds�itbe�ap�e�+ac�otcva�aAaem:heaa[ea�demAa�id��+alereb� `.-- �- <br /> : � aMiyoeda�dv�ilbapiidlol�oade� ` <br /> 3; Ia t6e�mtat a ta�t�ioia4 d tbe Ropery;tbs peooeei adtt be spp�ied�o.tbs w�nr seet�e�ed b!t�s Sa�itl. . , <br /> � �+�umen�w�l�raottMndu4�aa�e�oespidbBoav�er.L►dx�aveatafi prWdtaidq�d�Yk�opett�in <br /> ' wL�i t�faie marbet dae d t�. usro�a�ei�b�e�oes ttie t�1ai�i�aqa�l�ar 'tLa t�samowtdtia. <br />` ' �soms secue�ed b�t5is Searitf��maapdwet�bda�t�e tafoin�.uoias�arra�ee�I.emder atheewire�ee <br /> . :.'��: � � ��t S a��e so�ms s e c u�e d b�9 i i s S e a x i t!b�tr u m a a t d r i t b e r e d�o a d b r t b a a e�n u�d t b a�P�'����P��'i l . <br /> -,'�_ ��e taila�►iqE�(a�t5a 1otit�aa�o�d t1s sueaa iecueed i�med'Wel�bda[c tba�d'i�i�ed.6J�b�tlsl�ic � � <br /> - - - _ _�`•,.�• - marloet�aiva.d�s�i'eop�art�imaQaBatet�be[oe�s tbs qloin�A�6d�noa�tl ba pid io Bot�ner.In�a�eat d s ,. <br /> ='` �:�_�G�;"�:_ . `p�etid�d tBe,Fle�ogesty ia wl�ffie ia�r��nine d tbe Pt+cpert��auae�d�bdare tbe tatie�is ks�n <br /> .. �esinAantdtbe�amsaecore�i�amed�tdybdanst�atitva�.dNar�a[m�etad I�eodeeatbe�Les�eeeiarritin� <br />�--t�, . .�`�''-`-`=''-�"-=-:� - ar�unlew sppi'usabta ias aLa�wi�povider, Ure peooeeds eintt be spptied to tb�aecoe�ed b�tbis Seo�it� . <br /> !' a� '`'.i:'r� J�ORt�atLOtt�G�lia�Et6dldl�t <br /> �'=�fc.:-:.,�- . _. <br /> � _i.-:�-sa`.F, , • . <br /> ' _'-°: �_:��-:°-�_.. � �f tb0��t�if�qId011Ed b!BO�l�11Q:a[l�.at0��OO bj��lt t0 BOf�Gw/!t tfMt 1�IO COO�AI00[aQEfs� <br /> z,�'�`��� �"''`�� . m�ta aa s�ed a setNe s daim fa��taa�.Aar��wri fa�to�erpaud tu Lmd�`�it�a 3D d�s a�a�+�a ffie - <br /> �"��`.''�?��`�`-;; ` nooiaeispvm.I�a�ti�wWocve�YOOO�ectsnd`sppt�fljep�a�ee�dtirtitaoptioo.dffierm�e�eoca�anari+apdrdtbe <br /> ;,;,_;- f __ . <br /> '"''= ��' ;P1�opat�oetot�S�umsseaueedb�t�isSecurits�ertru�a�ea�wbeqierataattbaadua ' _— <br /> •`�;�";'=�` '-�'-' ' ' . Unlasl.eadetaodBoaaiweta�elwi�esjt!eaiawtita�a�4�tioaotPeaoeed�toptitxiptaidUAOt�leoda , --- <br /> ►�`. ,--:- poetpars tbe due date d tbe ma�i!P7�eaa�to ia p�ra�p� 1 aad 2 a ch�s tbe u�t d�ocb, - -- <br /> � , - y� � <br /> . . . �A 4.. �'^ . 1 ,_.- <br /> _ .. _ ". ���.80[i��l NOt��b[�q[iOGa�-kidC[�Q���l��.�QII Ot t�Q�f¢fOt�Jl��Of - �; — <br /> .- - -� -, - - - - �OA O�ffiOl�ZltlOn O�t110�s01.7�by t�$OCCIIt��UJAEat�$��T.E�E!'�D��100l��1II =.'-T�':�– <br /> �. . ,t ` �AtiE[��BOl�OwCi�� DOL CpEi�tO LO!l1EM6 t�lD�t9 d tbQ C[1�tp1�iOwC Ot BOl'�!�/e1�0l�li fII `�• '�i: - <br /> . •z�_��,... <br /> } 111�Et��[IdQ�'!�1 ndt�6 t�DQtllt'Oa LD CO!lltflEtlOC�D000�11{�i�tl�t�0]106CE�0!�fl 1f1�+OSt O!fl�Q�D� };:�°=-x• <br /> .' - � ttfl10 fCl'��'flidit OC Ot��E fA0l��/ulOf�1�OD O�tbC SIUIIa�CI�D{�bJ t�sECO�it��C�t�lCi10l1�itl� • . _- <br /> . _ . � � .. � Y '.:; .. <br /> --� -. .-�-'`•�-- . .-��--; demaod made b�tlre ori�iaa�Boerowa or Bolmwa*a eu�ae�eo�t in inta+eet My fabe�raaoa by I�der ia a�a�isin� ' '. ,�iw..>�`' <br /> ,� ! ao,sisDtor remed�r a�all not be s waivrr dor peerl�de t�to�ci�d aap��tur raned� , y-��'- <br /> , li S000e�sqrs-aad Asti�u Bo�ad;Jo�t and Sevard Liability;Ca-sjpar�Tbe odvattnts a�d s�+eema►b .-.'�``--:-- <br /> � � � ot t1w Securit!1t�trumeat�11 bind aod baidit tbe suoc�erors aod ai�s o[1Jeeder and Barea�ar.aub�ect b tbe � `` ''�'�� �- <br />. . . ' _=-_:,,-;._ <br />` . �.� � • - proviaioas of p�rsyragU t�.Bu�mwds aovemats snd s��a6�t be jotnt md eev�eral.A�p Bonowa wfio co�ipis � �;_.:-"` <br /> � �.. --_'�---- .----.- -=. thia Sameity Ias�uenmt bat das aot e�eeuoe tba Nouc�is ao-ai�.tb'ss Satueiq Ins�mm�eat au�to mae�e. , . ;' ` ' <br /> ----- , . . �emt and aonvey tbat Boreolra'a iatarat ia the Property wsder tlie terms oi tbis Sec�ulty In�wneafi(b) i�not � � ° . <br /> � , peesonaU�oblip�ted to p�g tbe aums eec�u+ed by tWs Secnmlty Instru�neafi sad(c?a�c+ees t1�t I�der aad sa�otba �. <br /> ; . - i Bocrowec insy s�roe to ernnd.modit9.forbar or mabe�ay s000mmod�tioro�ritb r�epr�w tLe tams d t�Saa�rity � ` . <br /> :;:,;' . �- - : � laso'rtrmentortl�eNote�ithout thst BorroRet'soonaeat � , ;.` .: <br /> 13.I.on(�r�es�i ffie lap sxue�ed by flns Sec�xity Iastrument is subjeat t�a 1sN whieb�eCS m�imw»lo�u <br /> � � � chtt�eq,and tbat h�r is fimlly iatespreted eo�tLat tb iaterest ot at�et lam.cbar�es oollacted�to be Qotlacted iti ;� � <br /> �''� � c�oanection�rith the loan erooed the permittad liAnite.then:(�)anY sucb lam clisr�e sh�U be nduoed by tlis amou�t ' . . - <br /> :�;t. • ` . ae�oeea�ry to:+aduoe �e cha�e to the permitted limi�aad (by anY eums atrndy aoltactad frcm Ba�ernret which i . <br /> ' ' .- -. -.- -.- asooeded perafit�ed lifnite wilt bo�wttulded to Botroxer. Lendet may c1►oaeo W��lce tliis reiw�d'bY teduain�the e._.... ..._. <br /> � � . � ptincipd o�vad�mder tbe Note ot by tnatiag a dirr+ct pyment to Borrower.It a retuad�aduoas pri�pl,t6e t+eauction � • _ <br /> � � wiU be ueatedas a P�*bv PnP�Yment Rithoutanp pnp�ymeatcbu�e under tbeNoto. ; ' _. � _ <br /> � �. . .. � l4.Notioa�.My Aotloe w HorraRer provided for In tfis Sxvdty In9Rnrmentehall be�iven by deltveiins it or by , . . � , <br /> � .� �nai11�tt by finst claes mai�unless spplicsbie 1s�r r�eqwra ude of atatlser metho�d.Tbe notioe eba11 be directed to tLe ;. <br /> -,. --- - .-- -; Pboperty llddrees a any other sddr+eas Bomuxee de�i�nstea bp notioe to I,ender.My aotioe to Irender ebaU be=iva�by ' - - <br /> • � . _ iirat d�m�i1 t�Lznde�s sddt+eas snted berein or aay other sdde+ees Le�tder deei�stea by aotioe to Horrnwer.Any . . <br /> � -�-- . ; aotioe provided tor iA this Securlty Iasttument aha11 be deemad to 1�ave been�ivet�w Horroxee_at Lendet�en jtven � � j <br /> ' ' as pravlded ia tlris p�sa�raph, . . ' <br /> �• . �u� . � 1S.(�ovesnla=Lsw,Sevenbilttq.This Security Iaetrument sha11 be�overned by federal taw aad the hw d the .. <br /> � -- -- - - ' jurlsdiction in w h ich the Pr�operty is 1oc�te�.In the event that�nq provision or clause of tins S e c u r ity�nstrument er the � . . <br /> _.. � Note oontltcts�vitb�pplicable lsw.such contlict shsll not�lfect other pruvisio�oi this Securitp Iciswment or tt�e Note . ., <br /> , . -� -- t phic6 an be�ivet�etfeat�rithout thb c�onilicti�g pravision.To this er�d the ptpvisione of thia 8ecurety Ins4nmRent aad .. <br /> ' ': ffieNotearadeclared tobeseverabla �, <br /> .. . �. , , � 1 . � . <br /> _, ' � ' • f�r�!W !/!� ' � � <br /> _. := -- - : � �—�IIIIE�a�oao� � ..u..e� °�ne '. '. <br /> :i , . . „ 4� . <br /> ��.. .�' , I V � . <br /> . . <br /> :,-: 1 <br /> .. , <br /> . <br /> � . � . <br /> _ _.._. . . .. . . .. .. <br /> ,_ .. . . . . <br /> . . . . ,. <br /> ' s, _ •• <br /> . _. . . • ' • � • . • • . <br /> �': , . . • . , ' " • . , c� , ,.. , . . . " . <br /> _ . . , , ' . , ' , , . . . <br /> : _�.._ . • . . • _ <br /> - �. ���L_—_—._--'.__.____._.—_.J . . _._.__. . .....".. . _. ..._ . _ ... .._ . _..._ ., . _.„__ ___ �� _ __ _ __ __ —_ __ <br /> i . . . . . � _ . • .. • . � . : � � . . <br /> � . i � i . ' • ' • . ' . ' ' • • ' , • • ' . <br /> � � . . � . � •• . . `. • .. , . . . 1 ' ' • <br /> Y!� a��' ." � . . . C •. . . . <br /> _ �� ,. ._,.•it . . .. ... . .. ' ' ; I . . .. ''" .. • .. . • , ' ` ' <br /> .-..... _ „ ♦. • � ., .;. . . : . . . "' . . ." " . . " � •.. � � { '� _ ' _ _ . � , _ .�� . <br />