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c , ' r , <br /> - .T'.:� rj . . . _".:,.__, <br /> .. . �� . . . . . �CC . .. .. [< �_ <br /> C{'� . � . �V '�.�� ,. •, � C } — <br /> � ' !!:� •` ,�.C <' �1)'_E'�� •=A�_ '�� l ,f ,c • . � •+,��Q�JiG+�c_�. <br /> a . <br /> .�. _..._'c. . ..a:� ' �'..� .. ':.`= _ � - - -- - _ _ � _ __"__— _ . <br /> . ' " <br /> - .. . � ..... . "'" <br /> '�. < . _ __'_ fr}.e ` �" • . - <br /> _,__ ��_ �� . w . �ic._ `_< .. .. � `. '� L __ _ . _ �.. � , - _i , • _ `f .• i— _--- i< <br /> .. � _ . .. . _ ��� r ' _ <br /> , � S �a,r plropect�bs�a�ot Boel�nw�at iYl k+eep tbe�aspe�amemea�as�a���oc Y�[ed�[iesied m ' <br /> _ . 't�Yt�apacb i��ed a�itNt 1�i b�8e�4�eb;iac�odied wiffiia ii�ater,m'siAeeded caversa►ti ad�a� <br /> " , indodmEllao3s a�•ia��h I�odrr requinE�iawu�aoe:T6is ia�xanoe amlt pe m�e�� <br /> ; aad for ffie p�iads thd��eader requu+eeE Tba iaiueaqoe ie<itwraaoe�hl!be cburea b�Bona*er � , . <br /> - � <br /> �;� m►bjecctiaLeoaec'�app�ovatwf�idt,alnttnoti� . tt� �slo�ocovr��n� <br /> `L - `` a6ar�I�de�msl,at Ieade�t.'s opaan►abdin co�rs+ia�o Peolect I�eor3ee's ri�s m ffie P�ropert!in aoo�o�no� <br /> � -��:_' . .�7. � ' . ' � — <br /> : _ �� _�„ m�qce pW'uaas aad raoara&�116a aeoe�hbla�sl.a�er aodEaYnil iAdnde s.fl�ood�d m�s��, <br /> --���-�' � , ���va t�e ri�t to bota r��o��as aod raa�a+�ste���;eoaa�equie�,Bae�w�ryahit�P�i d�� <br /> Ls�aderdtneoaprsdLridpnam�aiassadrea*al�otioea.Intlre�eatotlo�,Bor�+a�neralniip�e�e+OanptaoF+oab�e <br /> �- ��'`� " iasacmve aerier aod ea�r I�eader�myi�alo�proda[laes dmt mda pcpmpd�bl Ha��o�ser ` , ' — <br /> . 'F V • ` �tlsier��eoderao¢Ac�eraRLe�c'�e�pecmw�ia�omoeP�'ooeeds�itbaa�ii�t��miocatimatr�r <br /> -` " _ - dt��t�npectTd�a++yad,�tbcre�o�stianar�ir�seoo�oomial,l�ia�'b`issddtFadee'sa�ecndtTi�nottuaoed.�H�e . <br /> .,'��'�� res�ocatia�nat�eptri�aotaoomomieal4�at'bkarLadpr'saee�t7'�ddbF�esea�e�,�ei�a�r+�oaPE����• <br /> ., � :�::�`:'. ta ffie tiorns eecured�t�ii$earit�b�men�,wl�tber oc not tLai du�with�a! P���s��. <br /> u� <br /> � ��-= '�'�s�- - � � ��sbadans t�Pbcip� das aot m�ra witbin 30 dsys a so�ae fiom�d��i�ucaooe arriet ds — <br /> ^�_ -_ �`� oUa�d to a�c�s�,Um L�oda msl'od�ct�Pr'�I�n4if we th�e p[aoeeds eu npir ar � <br /> �'�,.. ��;. _ `�. -• �Stoc,etbept�npert�artapa�saomsseca�+edb�ffiis 1p�tmaieak�l�etl�eracmtt&ndaQTbe30�s7Puiod�nl� , <br /> be�nwha�enotioeis p'va1. ` -- <br /> :;r' �'�.,;�.`; . V Udea�.La�da aoa Boee+a�rer artba'wise a�ee in writiaL so►l�pl�tiaa oi p'a''eeds�u P�ia�Pd aMfl aot es0ad or ' � . � _ <br /> � ..t"' ..': pastponathedoad�aeaft8eee�oaffit7P�lt��ideeeddtoiap�r�slaad2or,r,6�smeaa�uqata[tbcp7m�t �=R--. <br /> _ . ` I�wida p�ts�+ph?l tLe Pk+opat�is acquired bl La�da.Boemwa's i�►t'�A am��e�x�oe P�aod lraroieds. �:_°�._ <br /> __ �' . ° ` . tt�tltia�itum de�a to t�e Pl�pat�prmr w t�e a�oqai�itiva�t P�es Uo I�eader to drs�at�itheaims aecurod b� . • Y_—_- <br /> ��. . .'- ,` � : �aiaSea�eigiasonuneatimmediatd7Priormthesoqd�iti°n- "`_ <br /> �� 6` ,P�ra�erratio�.Nsiale�aaoea�a P1ro�actbw.a�l6aProperti;Horcewe�s I.aaAyplicatioM; ��-�_ <br />.`'' ' _ � . � , I�ehot�B�arnwa e1�u o�co�yr,astst�lish.sad ue�e tbe Pfe+opetty a��s peinc��r'aideoca witbia airts�js .�,_"__ - <br /> �tta t1�e e�cndaa ot tlds Sacunt9 Instnua+eot and a6at1�oatiaue to the au Buerniret's principt ` :�-;_ <br /> � -<=-- , � -----.��...�__._:- . . reaidetioefatat�aet.oi�yarahertbedape�oocup�r.y. - . . . _ <br /> .. . T <br /> uolas I.enda otbawiae a�,e+eas m wdus�.whicb cun�eat�11 . .._-�,. <br /> - ---�. -.- - --- -- uot ba imraeombly� a�las a�eai�cu�e�et�v�are bel6od$oeraxer'a ccnuo�8orsow� . _- <br /> ot '. <br /> � . � . ahatt nat d�oy.�nas�s or imP�is tbe�k+op�9*allo�v tha'Pt+opaty w deoeeiaravq,ot oommit�sDe on tbe P�roperty -. = <br /> . ' _ . . Boem�ra a�a11 be ia ddauit if nry iacfdtuoa acam or pioo�eed'ia�,�rbetMr gv�ot cti�n� be�un that in La�de�s = <br /> � . � � < , �ood!�iffi jod�meat oodd�lt ia ior[dw�ne oi the Pbnpetty or otbx�rise anateeidly impir'tl�e�ien ct+eatad 1R t�is � ' ` , ,- <br /> - . � ._ Secnr�ty Iartruenent or Irender's security iat�erest Bormwer may cuee sach s detinit ud�as P�oq3ded in ,• _;�- <br /> � , p�t�r s g h 18� by the actioa ar prnoeedi� to be �S+niaed withot ot� t�erW jm�s d�e t i a a - <br /> deoxmuatio0.P��atteit�xe oi the BaeruRa'�int�erast iu dp Pro�xty P�im�at . - <br /> � - �ted by ttns Secu�ity lmsonmaent ac I�erda's uecueity iata�nt.Borm�ra�ha11 a4o be�a ddirdt if Barnwa.duna� — <br /> en �� , <br /> . . : tbe h�n appitwtian peaces�. �av�e mst�iill�false a inaoeueate intohnatia►ot atat�ea�ct to Lp�der(ar�f�lled to _ . _ — <br /> ._._ _ ..._ .:-- ---_----- provide Lender�itt►aay mstaial iaiamation)�a coaneetioA with Un lam evide+xxd by tt�e Nota it�elodi�but�ot � •�:. ,�:�_ �.� <br /> timited tq�tePre�enntioas oonoerrna�Hormxa's oocuprxy d the Pfnupaty as s priacipal i+e� tlos Sa�drit9 <br /> � In�rummt is aa s l�d.Horm�eer abalt oomply�rith sll the povietons�tLa lasa.Ii Boa�uRa soquirea fee title to . . <br /> , � � .� j thePtroperty.the teaseLoid and t1�e fee title sta11 aot merge iml�I.enders�s to the ma@eria�+ritiqG . <br /> . ! . 7 Proteetlon oi Leader's ltishts�n the Propecty.U Horroxa i�'1a to perta�tue oovenu►ts and a�rameuts �.� . <br /> . o o�i n e d i a t l�S a�r i t y I a s t r w aen�or tba�e is a l e p l P m o'e e�n�thst msy sipnfianRlp attect t�ender's ri�h�s in the i . .. <br /> prnperty (such as a pin��eedin� in b�nlcruptcy. Pi'ubate, ior ooAdemnstion or forteita�e or to a�ia+a law� oe j� .: <br /> �� . ra�ulstions).tt�ea I.ender maq do and�y fot Rhatever ia neoee�rY to protect t1�e vstue of the FMoperty aad I�erdels ;� <br /> . . r�eAra in the Pf�opertq.L�der's actioas msy inolude p�yin�aAy sums secuea!by s liea wrhich b�s peiority ova tbis � -. <br /> . , � � Security ImtrumeM.aPPanA$ia oourt.P�Yint�ble atWtneps'tees and enutin�on tlre P�+ope�rty to m�te s�epits. : . <br /> - - - �� Althot�lt I.endet�sY tatce action wi0er this P�*a�raPb,T.I.ettder doea not bsve to do s� � - �- = <br /> � . My�amoanos�abuesod by Irender w�der thia pra�rspb�ahalt beoome additionil debt ot Boreaxa secoeed bytbis ; .. '� <br /> Seciu�ity Inswman.Unleas Boteo�rer aad I.endet aQroe to other terms of p�►eaa smou�slall beu iater�st <br /> from tha dau oi d'isbureemert at the Note rate md sf�a11 b+e p�qable.�+ith interrst�upon notioe fi+nm Irender to Horro�res ' <br /> � A � " . <br /> � -- �8 1N�I�suraa�e.It�r req�irod mortp�e insuraaoe�s s�aondition of m�1dn�the lo�n securod by tLis � _ .._ . <br /> . `. , • � SOCIA'Yt9��Jf1El�,�Off�DNa 6�i����t�10 QliE1!lZUA1S f+OQWlOd 10 fltitALtA t�1011fOf��O��t1001t1 EKOCf�.�,fOl iAjT L.. .. _- ' .�. <br /> ` reaeon.the mortp��e insuuyrnoe oovees�e reqwred by Lender lapses or oessea w be in eRect.Borcower eMll py the . . <br /> uy <br /> . . � . premiums:�equ3nd W obtdn aovaa�e subeuntiaily equivalel►t to the mort�@e lnunnoe pnviously�n dfac�,at a�aast <br /> � � ; a�bstantiatly eqwvalent w the oast to BomaRer�oi the morc�e iasutinoe prevtauslp ia eRect,iratn�a att�ernste � � . <br /> � - _ . i mort�e iasuir�er approved by I.endet. U substmtidly equivalent tnott�age insurancc caver��e is ttot svaibble. , <br /> . . . _ $on�ower ah�11 pay to I,ender e�ch month a aum equ�t to a�c'tpelfeh ot the yarly mortg�ge i�uratwe pretaium baing . <br /> � pdd by Bormxer Mhen t�e insue�noe wvera�e lspsed or oased m bo In etlect.Irender�ritl�acept�uee and ntsin tlsese . • <br /> . . , � ysymeats as s lase r�eserve in lteu oi martp�e iasuranoe. Laes rmetve pymenta msy no lonYer be requind, <br /> . � ,�. � � . . <br /> . � . . <br /> � . , ' � Frw!m !UO ' . . . <br /> -, - �—lRM�f'r,l�nosio� • a�.a•.�� . �nuate , � , <br /> . . . � . . <br /> ' v . , . .. , • . <br /> , � . . . � . <br /> ;� � . .. ,. . • � ' � , . . <br /> .. . _ _ , . . <br /> •---� -� -- •--�-- -_- .-------- . . . • . . . _ . ., , . • , .: <br /> ` _ . ��` _ . • .- , . . � . . . . � � . . <br /> : � • . <br /> , :.� _.. . - -.- _ _ _ • _ _. - - . . . <br /> -- . .,�__ � : . . . . � . . <br /> �. r � . , � ' ' • , � . , • ' ' ' . <br /> . . . . . , . . . �f : . . . <br /> : � • . . . . . . • . . <br /> , ', � •. , • ' ',. . . . • . . • . . <br /> . . . � . . . ' . . , ' . . • . . � ' .' ', . • . . • . <br /> _ .�' . . .. . . . ' ' • • . . .. . : . . . . <br /> . . . . .. : ' . . • . . . • • � • � " . ., " #• ' ,. <br />