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<br /> _µ_:�,� Rcnls untit (1) �.cndor hny given Dorr���vcr �ioticu uf dcfnult pur�uant ta F�ar�g��+�E�h 21 ��f'thn Serurity Instnuncnt �tnd qi) �� -
<br /> - • Le�xlce 6A�g(vcn na�ico to ttie tenant(s)thuc tlie Rents iva w bc��ni�l W[,cndcr or I.cndcrti agcm, '1'hix usgi�}nmc�it of Rent� � _,_
<br /> -- � censnlut�s t+�t��wofut�;Hs9lgnnKUt an�not iui uc.tiignmcnt for n�icii�lan�l sccuritv only. � _ ::-:
<br /> A= � tf I.e-�der givca noticQ�F Bm{�ch tn Uocrower:li)idl[dcens rcccivcd by i3urtc►wcr tih111►ze hcld by Bos�oti�ee ey truucc for � _ _-
<br /> `� .���,��M}:��f I.endcr oi�ly. to be npplicJ to tho Fum� sccurcJ by !hc Sccurity Instn►mcn1; tiil L.c�tidc�Fhnil i�cnii�teci to � ,,�, , _ -
<br /> - .. � cnpec�und�ecelve nll of tho kdemg af tho Prc�perty:liiii i��rmwcr n�rces tt,;tt et►cC�tenant at'thc t'rnr.«'sty�:r!!puy ttll Kenrx c- �� �— z
<br /> _---- -- due und unpald to Londcr w�I.endor�►agents upon 1.cndcry�v�ittcn clumnnd ro lhu tcniml;Uvl unless uppltcahlc lt�w p�•nvidcs . y�-�,�,.�,,��
<br /> °+�� '� otlicPwisc. ail Rcntn collcctcd by Lcnd�r ar l��ndcrk ugcnts shall t►c applicd fi��t to �ho casts uti t�tking contrat af and •-�����„ �
<br /> ��,;�. mun�,�ing �Do Property nnd collecting ti�o ftentg,including,but not Iimitcd to, nttarnoy�fccy, receivcr!�fe��s.prcmiumv un • , f .� :•-'
<br /> -_��' . cecelver►�bonds,rcpair mid mnintennnca cactH, iasurusca prcmium�,tuxcs. nsscssmenig und�thcr chi�r�es on Ihe PirapertY.
<br /> � �� •-' nnd then[a Iho sums sccurcci by thu Sccurity Instnuncnt; (v)L.cndcr, LcndcrS+��c.nta nr�ny Judtcinlly i�p{x�intcd rGCOivcr , . _
<br /> -�_-_,�!-; ,. s ha l l b a I la h le tQ nccount for anl y those Isents lictui�lly rcccivcd:iu�d(vl)I.cnder shall lx cntftled tn huve i�rccclvcr upnoinccd .
<br /> _��'� • ta tuka passassian of and mnn��Ae 1hc Ifiopeny and collect the Rcnta und prurts derived fram the Prapeny �vithau[ nny
<br /> �� �'� sh�wing�st�tho inndcquncy nf tho P�•opcny us scc��dty. '`�ri� �`t
<br /> ;�.
<br /> r •,, , If the Rents af the Pro}�erty nru nat sufiiciGnt ta caver thv cast��f tnl:ing conual of�nd mnnaging�he Pmperey 1nd of t � =..��,:.:
<br /> �,_•;Yy-,;� • collecting dse Rents nny funda expended by Lcnder for such purposos shnl) becmnc indebtedness oi'Ba�vawer to Lcnder „ �� R�-_
<br /> - sccured by tUa Sccuriry I�strumont pur�uimt to Uniform Covcnant 7. ,,,W�Y n '
<br /> ., '. . aona�vcr rcprescnts nnd wannnts thut aanok+er hus not executcd uny priur assiFnmcnt of thc Rcnl�nnd hns nat und will ��
<br /> '�•' ' • nat p�rfarm any nct that would pmvcnt Lcndor fram cxcrcising its righis unctcr this pxriigrnph. � --
<br /> ziO,j`.��-� C.endcr,or l.endery ngents or n Judicinlly np{wlnted rcceiver, shnll nat be required to enter upon, tuk� control of ur � � � :.�
<br />