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<br /> � . Assi�nm�ent�f Hcnts �°_- �° —
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<br /> �;�- -�. TtdlS 1-4 FAMil.Y RIp�R iK mucta thl� �i�d �tny af July, l��b � �`_ _=
<br /> "�" °., � �d is i�corpofatezi into;►nd shai)tzc cleen�ed to it�uen�!nnd nupplement thr• Mc�rt�;nbe.l�ccd af 71ust or Secarlty !?r.ed(ttie r`_ = -_ -
<br /> t � .�..�... ...�.�� ..,t Tho r= s_�: `�`
<br /> " '_ � ��SC±'lflt)+�IiSi�Llilr!!R�!!�!�!`le wyte i�u1��?►v::u by thL iiil�CfS��ii��(Z�C°flDLKS�:eT���t0�:CUTC�i7Ti'OL:o� r�.�e. 3 � r
<br /> '�� Equi�c�ble Building ond Loon A�sociot3on, Graiid Yel�nd� Nebraska� � �, . � ,:
<br /> - . � ltbc "[.en�icr") . � -- -
<br /> , �� � of thu siimo dute nnd cnverin�the Praperty desc�ibcd in the Securlry Insh�ument nnd toriitcd i►t: �
<br /> ' }� n
<br /> �• . 502 L�loat Charles ond 31A Sauth Cedar� Grend Islond� Nobreska G8801 � ' �
<br /> .. �1Rupcny Address� ,
<br /> ..� 1-4 FAMILY Cl)VENAl�TB. In addittun to tltc covcntunts und ngrcements madc in thc Sccurity Instrumcnt,eu�ra+vcr
<br /> , and Lcndcr further cmenant and agrce as f�illa�vs; •
<br /> A. ADUITIONAI. PRQPF:R7'Y SUBJCCT T(l TNE S�CURITY INSTRUM�N'� In uddi�ian ta thc 1'roperty �.�
<br /> � � described in thc Sc*curity Insttvment,tho following items iuc uddcd ta the Praperty descriptiun,und shall i�isu cunsdtutc thc
<br /> Pra{�cRy cavercd by tlw Secu�ity Instrument: b�+ilcling muteric�ls, upplia►nccs�ind goads of every nuture whatsocvcr no�v or :
<br /> � hercuftcr locnted in,rn,ur uscd,or intcndcd w bc used in connecdan with the Propeny, inrluding,6ut not limitcd tu,thosc � � ,-
<br /> � • far thc purposc� of st�pplying ��r �ii�triMuteng hcadng, coaling, cicctricity. ga�, w�ttcr, i�ir und light, tirc preventi�n und •
<br /> • extingulshing npp;ir,�tu�, �ecurity und a�rrss �ontrol uppuratus, plumbing, bath tubs, wutc�• hcaten, water closets. sinks, � ,
<br />� • . . . rnngc.r•,stuve.r•,rcfri�;ernturs,dishwashcrs,dispocals,�viishcrn,dryen,i�wnings,stonn windaws,storm dopr.,scrcens,blinds, � .
<br /> ' , shades,ctutnins und curiain rads,:tttached mirron,rabinets,paneUing and uttuched flcwr caverings now or hemuf'tcr auuchcd � _
<br /> ta the Prapeny,all of which,including repli�cements und i�dditians thtreto,shall he deemed to be:u�d�rmain a part of the � _
<br />" Pro{x;rty cove�ed by ihe S�curity Instrument, All of the faregoing tagethcr with the !'ropc:rty described in thc S�curity � `
<br /> . lnstrument(ar thc Icaschold estnte if'thc Secu�ity Intitrument is an a Icasehold)ure refcrred ta in this 1-41'Amily Ridcr imd ;
<br /> _ thc Sccudty Insirument as the"Prc�per�y." f .
<br /> �` B.USE UF P�tQIP�RTY;40MP1.IANG�WITH LAW. Borrowcr shall nrn scek,:��:rec to ur n►;�hc a chungc in thc � . _
<br /> ', use of the Prapeny or its zaning classi�cutian, unless I.eader has ngreed in wrlting ta the chunge. Borrower shall comgly ! ;
<br /> 4. ;;�� ��•ith iill laws,ordintmcos,re�ulatians und requirements of.my£m�emment�+l badv upplici,bte to�he Prupeny. � • ' ,_
<br /> --..
<br /> , , _ - -- - .
<br /> ���;,.;.' C. 5UBORUINA7'F. LIF.NS. Except us permiucd b�• f�der:il law, B�nsower tihull nnt alla�v i�ny� lien intcrior to�hc ,
<br /> ' •�� � ' �, Security Insirument ta be perfected aguinst thc Pro�xrty a�ith�ut Lendert pri��r��•fltten permitisian. , ,
<br /> .:._
<br /> ,
<br /> �` �--- �.
<br /> "• `� D,RENT LOSS INSURANCE. 8a�rc�wcr shatl miiintain in9urwue u:uinst n:nt tos��n adaition to►nc umcr nazards ior ` ' ' �
<br /> � which insurance is rcquired hy Unifi�rm Covcnant 5. `
<br /> �
<br /> � G."HORROWER'S RIGH7'TO Rf:INSTA'i'F"pl:I.ET�D. Unifomi Cvvenant 18 iti dcictcd. �
<br /> • F BURROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Hutrower vthcr�eise �Fme in writing, thc tir.r•t hcntence in i
<br />- • UniFarm Cavenunt b caneerning Aonawc��occupancy of the Pn�perty is etclrted, All mm:►inin�ec�ven.►ats and agreements '
<br /> sct farth in Unifurn�Guvenmu G,liull rrinuiu In ufPect. . '
<br /> _ G, ASSIGNMENT UF 1.F.ASES. Upon Lender:i•ryuest,Borro��•rr sh;ill ussign to Lender all Ieaser �f the Ytuperty
<br />- and ul)security depasits made in�:onncction with teases vf'the Prape�yy. Up�m thc atisignment,Lender shall huve the right to '
<br />-� modify, extend ar tcrminutc thc cxisling Icasc. and tu cxecutc new Icases, in Lcndcr� sale discretion. As used in this '
<br /> • pnrAgrnph o,the ward"lcusc"shull nmun"subleasc"if the Seruriry Intitn�ment is an a Ieasrhold. �
<br /> �
<br /> .. N. ASSIGNM�NT OI� ItENTS; APPOIN'1'i1F.NT l)r RI:CF.IVF.R; I.�ND�R 1N POSSF.SSION. eorrawer '
<br /> _ absalutcly and uncanditionally aissigns und tran.fcrs a�Lender all the rcnts und revenues l"Rents")of the Property,rogurdless .
<br /> _:;_ ' of to wham thc Rcros of the Properry arc payub!e. a��rrawcr uuthorizc.r•l.rndcr or Lendcr�agents t��coUect the Rents,and :
<br />:`�* � i�grees thttt eiich tenum uf the 1'ro}�eny tihall puy thc Rents to l.cnder�u l.cnder\agents. Hvwrver,BaRawer tihall rcceive the
<br /> a. .
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