{ .11} , �����i , � �_� �1 .:.i� ,-�,;t;4i��,�i;��.,���l�ii;:.,lVr. ;^��c.:^n,... . . . . ' � 1 -+1 �t! 1 x_'14`4.�� - � ..
<br /> . _ � � .U__r �� t.� �'rt� tir, .11--- -• .
<br />.. _"__'_'_'__' ___�_,_ '—" _'___-_',"-.'_"_' ". " "'__" _ _ '. . .. `.. __. . —'— '�t�l""'; ..1 ,� _ �\C'i � ._°a��tic .,.
<br /> . .. .. .� . ,` . " , _ • ��}`5;1�� "�"`r� t,.[:_
<br /> . .. . . .\,�� . . ; - . . . { � . .`d. .. -. --_.
<br /> �
<br /> "ti�'_'--' ' - ..._"'-_....� = -` - -
<br /> `, 'Y"'. . . . . , . . . . _ _ - -- _ =- -- -
<br /> . -,.,�' __-'_.. .... _.�....... .. .. ...--..�.._�.�...._...r_����_._.� - ' �_._.ia:.lt-....�_i�..,s_k�..,...t_,..._�_.a,-:...�.i�_,.,a..�.�.`....__._ . ..--
<br />",�,��4 • , ��� � V��V� �-_- __ _-____ _ . ' .__
<br />;���, _-_� • ncriods th;u Lender►t�yulirs. '1'hc in,ur�►nco riurtcr pr�widinZ:lhr i���ur��nre.shall t�.cho�cn b}•klmyr�wer subJect ta L.endee4 _=_ --- --
<br /> � .:,;.{r,f:.�. nppruv:�!wl�lrh shull�tut bc unmt�sonahly wi�hhcl�9. If I�unY�wcr f��ik tu maimain c�wrruZ r dc.critxd«lwvc,l.cndc�'atny.nl -_
<br /> Y�}��-��'�;� � Lrndcr\option,oNtiiin r��vcrng`tn pr��tcct Lcndc►�rights in the 1'����xrty in itrcunl�inrc�vith pa�ngri�ph 7. '"�'° -
<br /> •'"^�° ` All intiurnn�r p��lirii��tm�1►tinewnly rhnll he i�cr.cpia►hle tu�.rnd��r uitd shaN include n,tnntiard ntu�y�n�e riiuisr. L��ndcr �`
<br /> .�..aa .,►-. �'',:.. . .
<br /> ' shull h�wc thc right to hold tho palicias and r�nr�vid,. If Lriiacr m��uiir�s.Hun•ower�hall��mml�tly givr t�t cndcr+�II rcccip�� `�-�{ y` ,. - -
<br /> ���^�-- 'f� ot'�atd premiu�ns m►d rei���vul nodccs. In the evcnt of tc���. ti�m»vrr�hnl��tivr.pnnnpt �iuU�r tu the in�t��c►nre ccriti•�er.��xl = -- _- —
<br /> I.e��dar. l.cnde�atuy n�ukc proof of luss if nut mud�pnm�ptly h}f�urrm�•4r. ��
<br /> Y � *--.,� Unlesa Lcndcr und l�urrowr�aih�rwi�c abree in writing,lnsur:mcc,uucccd�shidl lk applicd t��n�turadon��r R�k�ir ui' 1v.� — __
<br /> ,,,,�;F thc 1'roixrty�lumagrd, il'dw re.tor+iduu or r�p��ie is ernnc�micidiy fe:i�ihtc .tnci�cndrr's sreurity h dui ir..�lte�i, ii�th�� � ` - --
<br /> ' r�sturatiun ur rep�dr is no! econe�mically i'ra�siblc ��r Lrndcr�s�curity a•u�dd he Ir.xrnr�l,ihe imuamee prure:cl.. .haU tx: �, �^;�� �°"`° --
<br /> - - oppllcJ tn �hc sum� ticcw�:d hy ►his Srrurlty lntiiruuicnt. whc►hrr ar uot �hen duc, a�ltl� �+ny cxces. paid to Elon���rrr. IP . �, ;!',t� ---- .•
<br /> �', _ Unrrower+►band�ms [hc E'n�petty,nr ducs n�u ims���cr wfihin ;1► d,�yx u nuli�r from I.ri�der �hcit the in,unuter rurcicr Ir�� �; '�;�:
<br />_'r��.' ; c�fi'��d to sclQc a cluinl,Ilten l..�ndce nt:ry ruUcc��hr insuamcc��ru�4rt1.. I.cndrr mny u�c thr pr��rrrd,lu�r��iir ur re��am - ' �1� -�+-; '
<br />_--_. ; -:• ihr f'mpcny o�tu pay xums sccurrtl hy Iltlh S«ui�ity Ins1���mmn�,�4�hc�hcr or no�thrn dur. '1'hr;0•da• �e�iu►1��•�11 hc�m�vh�n " ';'-��"_�-".-;Fr;'
<br /> } � �,' �.T,..,�,,b_�:
<br /> ;��` . Ihc nntirc is givcn. . •.'��'� ,� `� ..�
<br /> --_ U�tic.r•ti I.endcr c�nd Horrn.vc�u�l�cr��•I,r u�;n:r in ��ri�laN,uny +i{+pNradun ��f pru�ee.l�N�princi�r,►1 �h�ill izul c�tcnd ur
<br /> ' �f���ipuno Ihc duc dnt�nf ihr m��nthl�•pa)•mrnl�itif►m•d t��fn�s�r���;r�ipl►� 1 und :'.ur►•hun�;c Ilir ium,un�vl th:��;►yu�en�.. li� '���`��'.
<br /> � • - widcr rarn�;rnph 21 thc 1'��,pe�1y is ur��uired I�y I.�nder. N��rru����r\ riph� ���u��y In.un�nrr pulieir. ;md�,�u�eed. n.uUln�: ' '`;.`.� ��
<br /> h:-�_� � frunl d:nnugu lo thu I'ru�k�lp priur tu Ihr ur�pd,Uiun�luill p��„�u(.cn�te�tu Ihr cticnl ul'Ih� ��ut1��t•etmtl hy thi� ticrt�rit�' ' . �-�.�...,
<br /> In.U�unicol immrdlutcly prlur u��hc uc�Itd,iiiun, .,: P� '
<br /> .r.
<br /> ,.�: � . " 6. l)ccupunc�•. Pre�ervi�Uon. M1fulntenunce +md Nratertlun ui' Ihe 6h•upe�Iv: Iforro�ver'� Louu AppUc��llon: ` ' �
<br /> I.euyehttltiv. Harm��•cr+huU�x:cupy.r.rluhlfrh,und��•�Ih�I'�'up►rty u+H��r������•cr�pri�ir�p:d r►�id�ncr a�ilhin ri�,1y�luys�il'ter �' "�':�-�-�---��'_
<br /> � Ihc cxccudun of thls Sccurily Ia�Irumcnt nnd,h;ill«uiU�uir tu uccup�� �hc 1'ra��ri7)•u�Hu�ru��•rrt prl�iripul ►t�idencr tiu at � .,� ��y
<br /> P*''4� Ici�y1 une yettr id1C�' Ihe dulc ui urrup.uny, unle�y Lrndrr nthr�wi�r i��;re�s in ��riling, a�hich run+unl +hi►11 nul hr , �-_
<br /> ,_ ...rt.' .
<br /> ,��; unrensannhly withheld,or unlrss extentuuin�circum+�anrr�calst whirh lirc tkyund Har�'u��•�r�r��utral. Hurzuwrr�hull nut , __
<br /> . destmy,damngc o�impidr thc Praperly.�dlua�thc Nruprrty tu detrriariur,ur r�,mmit wu�tr�,n �hr I'���pr�ty, Horr��wer.h;►11 .. .. __._�
<br /> '�� . he in drfnult iP uny forfeUu�r nction or prureedin�,wi�ether�ivil ur rriminul,is lxgun�hu� In l.ende��N��ud Ihi1h jud�aicnt __
<br /> ,,:,= could result in tarfciturc uf thc Nr�perty ��r a�hcrwi,c mutcrially impair Il�c licn crc:ued hy thi, Sccuri�y h�s�rumcnt ur ,� �� -
<br /> " � l.endor�security inten:st, E�urruwer muy cure tiurh i�deii�ult und reinstiUa u�pr��vidc�i in para�:raph 18,hy ciiu,ing�he uctiun • -;.-
<br /> ,'-^' . ar procecding to he dismissed with u ruling thi►t,in l.rnderk��ood i:�ith drlem�inuti�m,prrrludcs t'ori'�ilurr ut'Ihr Burri,�vcr', -`' .
<br /> ,�,� inteir,t ln thc PrnExny ar othrr mi+terinl imp��ir�n�mt ot'thc Ucn crcutcd hy this S�rw•uy Instrumrnt ur l.end�eti serurity ":
<br /> �� intcrost. F�o�rowcr �h;dl i�l�o i� in dcf'uuU if Biuruwcr, during thc luun a�pplicution prix:es�, N.rv� miurrially fukc ur � , _
<br /> .-�!.:`� in:i��rar;ue infi�miation or stateuuiu�tu I.ender 1ur A�ilod to pruvidc Lrnder with any mca�rial infnrmalion)in coimectiun with , -
<br /> �s"�"�� the lo:io evldenced by thc N«.c, itiicluding. but not limitcd to, reprrsctuati��m r�vktiri�tng Horr����•rr� uc�up:utry ut' Ihr � "
<br /> . • .•.�;,s,>.•
<br /> „•;,. �'' Prapeny a�i�principi�l re�idrncc. If�his Scrurity Intih�umem i�nn i►Icu�ehrl�l.Eirm���cr.h;dl contply ���ith i�ll thr pruvi,iuns � `.,
<br /> _ �;'`�;';`�.� i�f thc Icusc. It'l�o�T�»ccr acyuir:�.i'cc dtic to thc Prapcn��,thc Ici�schold ar�i t`�:t.r titl��irdl nul n�rrgc unlc„Lrndcr agrcr� ; ;
<br /> ����t:, to thc mcrgcr ia writine. �� -
<br /> 7. Pruta.wt3un of Lendes s N1�hts In the Prt�perty. U� Harruwc� i'ai;: n• }rrti•rni �h� c��rrik�nls .md ;igrcrments � ' '
<br /> �:�� _ - ° contnined in thi� Seruri�y M�u•umen6 ur thrrc is u Icgiil prcxcedin� thiu may •��r.:1i�.:�tl}• uffrct Lcndcr� rights in Ih� ' _-- -- -_ .� _
<br /> '„ �,t:.,�.i;,,,'�. ProFxrry lsueh:�.���ro�eea��,�:�n r;�nkruptcy,prnhute,for cundemnatiun ur furi'eiunZ rr t:�rnii,rc�luws„�rrgulutionc►,then , �
<br /> - �,'��;;�; l.�nder may da and pay for���hutcvcr is mre..ary tu prutcct �h� ��ulur ut'thr Prop�rt� ;-�d l.endcrti rights in thr 1�4v,�x�My.
<br /> �� � t.....t . • 1 1{. .:wh��h nr J���•.�r tnie Crr�vitt Iml1'Utl1Btl1.:L1llnBA�IOL �
<br /> �.i --- l.:.:s:i.r�a...��:;:;;;y ���.,ucic,»:�:n�,a::.r..:�::::�csm�. .;x li:.� t!:t��r!. it -_ _- _ __
<br /> ��� , In col�n.pnying rensonnhle ,Uti•r�ieyti'i'ce�'und riUarlug uu II►c Piup�tly tu nutt.�rep�e�. .ahhc�ugh L�:nd.f ntay I:t'�-�r artion r:-.�
<br /> ;_•� undrr this pnriig�•iiph 7.l.endcr�a�,h.nut huvc tu du su. � '
<br /> =.;�',;::..; Aro}�umounty di�hursr�!h� Lender�utde�•Ihiti p:►ragr:irh 7 tihull he�untc uddiei�v�.�4 dcht uf Borruwer ,ccurcd bp thi� I
<br /> : .,�.<�.,....
<br />--„-;;,r�� Sccurit}•1n�liument. U�tle�s Br:ruwci'und L�nder:ig�uc to otl�er terms oC pirymrnt.thcu amuunls.hall hcar inlerr>t fmnt�h� � . •
<br /> ' ' dutc ot'disNurswne�tt iu�h� Nrtr raUe und tihull he payuhlc. �viU� intcrcy�. er�m r.��:i�ti irom Lender tu 8urn�wc:r c�yucsting � •
<br /> paymcnt. �
<br /> ;�':�'�;,, 8. Mur3�ngr 4nsu�naicc. IF l.cndcr rcquircd m��rtga�;c in,urancr as :�r.�r.�+::i.�n��f makin�thr luan ticcurrd hy this ' •
<br />--, .. : . Scruriry Intilrumrnt. Ht�rnm�er �haU pay thr prentiun�s requir�d tu maintain th� mrng:t�,r in,ur:►nce in�tf�ct. If. for uny .
<br />.�-,;;;,�„ ;
<br /> =�.•-l,r rcuxi�n. Ihe mongnge imuranre cu��rrapo rryuir�d by Lrndcr lapus i,r cra�rs te� h in rt'1'ect. Horri��ver shalt p:sy thr
<br />-`'''�`'�� premiums rcyaired t�� ohluin�uvera�;r �uhtit;mtii�lly cNuivulenl tu Ihr mungugc in.ur:�nce prr�•ii�u,ly in rFYert. :+: a rost i ,
<br />"�, � � ' substuntially e�;ui.•alem to�hr r�,st tu Burru���er uf thc murtgu�e in,urcince p�rciuu.ly in rffrct,i'rnm an altrrnate mung.►gc I
<br /> ��., . � insurcr uppruved hy l.rndcr. IF�ub�l;uUiiilly equivalcm nu,rt�agr in,uranre ruvrragc iti n�,t availublr. Burcuwrr+h:►11 pay tu
<br /> l.ender euch monlh i�sum equnl ti,i,ne-twrlflh ot'thc yrarly martgu��in�urancr r����»����»n.�„�naid hy Hurruwer��•hen thr i .
<br /> _��;�t�.; ' insur;nuc covcrugc lupsed ur cca�cd tu hc in rfl'crt. Lcndcr��•ill ucrrpt,u�r:uid r��ain t.^,e�r paymcnt,as a luss rcscrc�in licu
<br />'°.;;";,`' .. � of mortciige insurimre. l.��s,rescn•c papmcut. niay nu lun�un c� rc��uirrd. at !he r}�ti��ie ul'l.rn�lcr, if nturtgu4r insur:�ncc ; ,
<br />:.�.,,,-,,�,�.�
<br /> _ �,.s� caveri�gc lin thc amaunt an�!ti,r the periud that Lrndcr r�quir�sl pruvidod hy:ui in.urer uppruve�l hy l.ond�r aeain hacumrti : .
<br />`_ � availnblc�md i.��bli�ined.Burruwcr tihiill pa�•Ihc prrmiumti ro��uirod tu mainlain n�rrt�;agv imuranrc in cffcrt.or tu prnvidr« �
<br />- . loss rc�crvc,un�el�h�� rcquircmcnl 1'„r murtgi�cr in.uranr�cnd,in arrc,r�l;�nre��ith;m}�«•rin�n;igrcrmrnt hrt�vccn Hi,rrowcr � .
<br /> �
<br /> , ;� , und Lender o�aF�plic.ible la��•.
<br />=`�';;, 9. IrlspcCtit�n. Lcnder i�r ilti a�rnt ma�•mal�r ninunahlc rntric� upun anJ intip«tiun. ul'Ih� F'�t,perry, l.�ndcr hhull :
<br />` -. �:ive H��rrower n��lice at the tima ui'nr priar tu an in,prrtiun,prriiyinL rr:n�mahlc c;�u�c tur Ihc in+��ertiun. :
<br /> � 10. Cundemantion. "1'hc prurrrd.uf an}•awant ur rlaim I�,r�lamaec,.dirrri�,r runu�µ�ential. in c��nnrctiun with any ;
<br /> � timtlr F.uml���F'unnlc 1lucil�rcddte\1nr l'11F'I)N111\��I'RI 11t:�I' I'n�i�mu t'���r��amti 9i411 ip��4r?��l n P�i«•�� '
<br /> -�.� Gn•.il I.i►ry Hn.lnr�v Funne,lue.�
<br /> �� fu uttlrr Cell I�IllNhilll![I1[I�1 PIX�qH�79h11'll
<br /> � .
<br />.�____._.____ � . .
<br /> .,,_ �
<br /> S.
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<br /> S
<br /> P
<br /> '
<br /> �` ,
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