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'Pt?tit37'Htitt 1VITN idl Ihe impiYivcmcnls nu�v iir h�rrallrr cncicd cn the property,nnd nU�nscments, ap�u�tenqnces. -- <br /> ��`° u�td tixtw��v�tu�v un c�renl'tcr u p�u�i t�F the prupc�ly. All rcplurcnu�nlY iutd a�dditium shuU ulsu [x:ci�vcrcd by this Secm•ity <br />` ;�",'- ''. . InsltYU9unt. All ot'thc fi►rc�:uing iti mi'crrcd tu In Ihiti 5c4urity Insuii�ucnt iw th�^„1'ropeny." <br />'` _�,�;. .�. HORCtO�VI?R('OVGNANTS ihi�t Horrowcr is li�wfully ticiscd ot'ti�c cstiitc hemhy cunvayc��m�l h��s thc right w���ant <br /> , �nd a,nvey the!'�nperty nnd thu�thr.t'roperty is unencuml�ercd,uxcep�i'or encumbranccti uf recur�. Wurro�vcr wun•mus wid � <br /> -- --..----- �vill defend generully thc Utle tn the Pruperty�gulnst ull cinin�s u�id demunds,su�ject tu u�iy eucumbnmc�s of iceord. _. <br /> � 'THIS S6CURI7'Y INS7'RUM�NT comblu4s �uifurm c�v�:nnn�s tar niniou�il usc und nu��•u��ifurn� covcnw�ts �vith � <br /> _ , ___. <br /> . ._.`_ limitcd vu�intiun.r•by.iurisdicUun t��constitutc u unifarm sccurltv inst�ument cuvcring rcul prupcet�. <br /> - ---- _-_ <br /> �� � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burru�ver imd l.ender cUVencmt und��grec�is iallows; � =- <br /> '' . 1. playment oP Priacipnl uad lnterests Prcpayment imd I.ute Chi�r�;es. Il�i�r��wcr shnil prumptly p�y whcn due�hc �i�---�__ .--__ <br /> , � '. � principul of und fntrrest un the debt evidanc�d hy the N��te und uny pmpuyment und li�m ch.u;;�s ctur�nulcr thc Note. ---_- -_ —__ <br /> ` :� Z. Hl�redy Pur 7Lxcv uud Insurun�v�. Sul�cct t��applici►tdr I:t���ar to u�vrlttcn��•i�i��r�h�•L�ndcr,flun������r shiill pav h* ' '` --�- <br /> � '�;'�� Lendcr un thr di�y m��nthly paymonts nm duu undir lhe N��t�, until Ihu Nut� iy pald in fUll, i�sum l"Flindv„) ti�r: (nl�•i��rly ��` __ -____ -- <br /> � - • � taxeti and,�sseti�menis wldch mi+y�u,dn priority o�•rr this Security Instrument ns t�lien�m ihe Pri�perty;!l�)yciu•ly lei�sehold =���_�=�-=� ---_- <br /> ' ' a ments ar �raund rents on the F'ra �rt , if'itn (c) ycurl hu7ard ar m erl intiuri�nc� remiums: (d) anrl flood � }"-� <br /> � P Y b P' Y Y� Y P P Y p Y Y r�4����?�r. <br /> �. insurnncc premiwns, if nny; (c) yeavly mortgage intiur��nce prrmium.r•, iP uny; and (t) nny sums paytit�lo hy Hanmver t�� • •-�--�--.— - <br /> `;;;4n--- <br /> ' .�:,�,p � l.endcr,ln nccardnnce with the pt'avlsi�ms uf parugr��ph 8, in Ucu��f Ihe �:+yt�ie����,f mortgc►gc inyuruncc premiums. 'Thetic ,-�;,.�: <br /> . itcros�rc callcd"Fscrow ltemx." Lendcr may,nt uny timc,cnllect and hold flmdx in im iunounl not ta excced tho muximum : " _-_ _ <br />� , amuunt u Icndcr f'ar u 1'cdcrully rcluted mi�nUugc I��nn mi►y rcquiru fnr p��ri�wcr\ escrc���• :iccaunt under the frdcrid Rea! . , _ --� <br /> . � Fslatc Se►tlemcnl f'mccdures Acl ul�1974 iis umended t�rum limc ta dmc, 12 U.S.C.p 2h01 e�r.�����. l"R�SPA"),unlc�s unotfie�• ".'-'�"�Y <br /> . ' . • liav�hm npplic.r•in�hc F•l�nds hc�s��les,cr unmum. If tin,Lcndcr nu�y,nt imy dmc,cnllrc�iind hold hlmdx in an mm�unt nut tu =- <br /> ° exccc�i �he Ics�c� umnum, l.rndce muy eslinuuc the nmuunt n1' flu�ds duc un th� hi�ris nf rurrcnt da�i� und reusons�hlc � <br /> e�tlnx�tes uf rxprndittn•rs ul'1'ulure ti�cr��w Ilrmy nr rlherwise in ucrurdiu�cr wilh iippUcahir law, ', -�;— <br /> 'Ilw Ilinds �hiill hc hrld in iu� inrdunlun �vl�u�c drpusi�s iiru insur�d hy ai ledcri►I +igcncy, inxtrumcnti�lity. ur cntity t� -_ --- <br /> . (inclu�Nng Lcndcr, if Lrndcr ir yurh un invUlud��nl��r in nny I�dcral Hunu(.uan Hank. I.�ndcr shull uppiy�hc Fur.ds to puy .• � <br /> Ihv F.�craw Itcmr, l.rn�irr miry nrn churgr ilnrrawer ti�r holding und upplyin� Ihc Fun�ls, unnuiilly thc czcrow ' =_- <br /> acc��unt, ur vrril'ying Ihc Hscru�v Itrmh, unlc�v l.rndur puy� liurr�uvrr intrrest un thr Ilmds :�nd upplici�blc lu��� permi�� �-�: <br /> l.cnder tu mnke,uch u rhuruc. Huwrvcr. L�nder muy rcqulr� Hurrnwer tu piry u unc-timc rlu�rgc far un independent rcul , -- <br /> ; estnlr Inx rcpurUn�service u+ed hy l.rnder in runnrctiim�vith thix lo+ui,wilcss uppUcahle lu�v pmvid�s othrrwise. Unless iin , <br /> ugrcemcnt Is mad�ur upplicuhlc liav ro��ui��os intcrezt tu he paid,Lendrr.hnll nnt be required to pay Hormwcr uny intcr�yt ur ! .� <br /> . curningr un�hc Hlmds. Horru���cr und l.cndcr mny i►gro�in wrilin�;,huwevcr,thnt intcrest shall hc piiid�m thc Funds. Lcndcr • �•. <br /> sh;dl pivc�a Hnrr��wcr, with��tu char�:e,an a►nn�uil uccounlin�;ot'thc Fundx,,hawing cmdits and dchits In thc Flmds und thc •' <br /> purpase for which cueh dehit tc�the F1�ndx wux nu�de, The flmdti,ir�pledgrd iis{idditianal securiry Ii�r aU sums seeured hy � . : �. <br /> � this Sccurity Instrument. I ,. ' : <br /> IP thc Fundv hcld hy L.cndcr rxcccd thc innotmts prrmittcci u� hr. hcld hy upplicable la�v, l,cndrr shi�ll uccaunt w I , "��1�.;� , � <br /> � <br /> Ha�rower for Ihe exce�s FUnds in.iccordance with thc requiremrnts of upplic.ihlr I�nv. li'�hc amo�mt of Ihr Flmds held by , �. <br /> L.ender nt imy time is not sufficient to p:�}•Ihe�iscr��w Itemti when due, l.endcr mtiy �o notifc Ron�����•rr in�vriting,and, in ,` � <br /> . . �. such c�se Horrower shall pUV m Lender the mnuunt nececwry tn m:�}�e u� !he ��e(4c�e�cy: g�„�1�..•cr �t�a!! it2�.kc u�+ !he �— -_- - �� <br /> -_- --.:-__ , <br /> deficiency in nu more thun twelve m��nihl�•payments,�u Lendcrti s��le disrretic�n. � � <br /> � :� Upon puyment in t'uU of i�ll suntx.c�urcd by ihis Sccurlty Im�rumcnl, Lrndcr tihull promptic rct'und 1a Bnmmvcr imy i "�r, <br /> ;,_: . Funds hcid by Lendcr. 11', undcr parn�raph 21,l.ctidcr shaU acquirc or scU thc Pr��prny, L,cnder, priar to thc ucquisitian��r ' <br /> ___-•.._....w..l:: ..{�.1 w 1.. ..w.. I`.....1.. ...__ ,........ .._ <br /> :��.^.L:f:�i: t'::1 ^i2" ,.�.d�� 'i . .���. ..�...�., �S�i� ::•. �.:.z.a.Ci 'ii i1i� Q�iiiv :,i ii�"biaiiiiii� i,P ai�ic ii. ii cic�fii ai•iu�iai i��c�uu�a ��, <br /> . ... ._.. <br /> ', ;;:-4,'.— .—(,:�- �� •Y i . ) • M' b' (—.___—�---.. <br /> - — <br /> secured by this Security In.r•ttumem. � ' " <br /> • 3. AppUcnllun oP PiivmcMr. Unlc�� i�pplicahlc lu�v pn�vidcs u�hcr�visr, aU paymcnts rcccived by� I.cndcr undcr <br />'''� � � arn rs h� 1 and� sht�ll hc a licd: fir.t,tc�un r� �� ment chur�cx duc imdcr thc Notc;sccond, W i�maunts � <br />_ P" 6 'P •' pP� Y p 'p'Y b payuble undcr , <br /> puragrnph�;third,ta interest due;ti�unh,to principal due:und Inst,t��uny latc churgcti Que undcr Ihe Ne�te. � � ' . <br />