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<br /> �.'�'�' Ih�nt�porty�a so teken or tl�mugad,Londer chall h�va 1he opllan,In its sot�and absotuta d►eQr�tlan,fo c+ppty a►1 auuti Praceed�
<br /> �:
<br />��►��� after dacluctlnp thflratron�ell costa snd expa�ses Inourred bp�'��a���oli Praao'ado tc t aPe oh dm�uoUUns,to Sho reeto ntlo of th�
<br /> �''`�:�'�. hn�aby c►nd Di Auch orde�t�a Lvndor moy dotermino,or ta epp y
<br /> �"'*'-�-`� � Praporty upon sueh condlUone as 4�ndor mny datormina.Any app��Gatfon al Proceade to indabtndneas ehall nnt t+�tend ar poicswne
<br /> - °���`; tho duo dste ot enY paYmanls undor tho Note,ac auro ony del0utt Ihorow�dor ar horound�r.Any unapp��txl t�enet�ehall b�pald to �_____
<br /> --�-;
<br /> - �ruetnr. _� -
<br /> = 6. Pa�to�m�nCe by Llnd�r.Upon ti�o ocour�onoe��an��en�Q��pnder may In i�te o�+�dl�(:�g on,but v iNoulobllpxton 0'C�o ° --
<br /> ___ =T =�� � cpmmoncod whlch matorinl�y atio�ta Londo�'8��t3T09t�111h8 Rf0�91ty, -___ -_ __
<br /> _�_ �' _
<br /> _.- - - a,,�nc!wt�tiru,t cusuce tc or dem�nd upon Trustor pnd withoul releuslnq 7�us�tor lrom`anQ obllpMlon,do any act which ruator z9
<br /> �,..�-. . - . _. _.._�---
<br /> �...u�,�n��r►sy hr•rcal.Ttusiet s!t^!!,!mm€�dlst�s y -
<br /> - npraod bullalte eo do and may ateo do any othor nat it daa�itis nacaa.�«. ��. �
<br /> upon demond Ihorolor by l.e�sdor,pay to Landor c�il costa p�d oxponeas Incur►o�J nnd suma oxpondod by Londor In connaoNon wHh ���-
<br /> the�xaralao by Londor o1 the forepolnp rlphts,topuihor wlth Intsreel lho�aon ot tho dolault rpte prpvl�lctl In!hp Note,whlch 8hflll bn _ _
<br /> -- � ndd�d tn tho Indobtodnoso socurod heroby. l.andor shall not Incur uny Ilnblllry becc�uso a1 anythinp It may do or omlt to do �l_, ��, _�� �� _`..
<br /> - _ horounde►. In compllance wlth c�P appllcabto In�vs,ordinnncos and ropulatlono " _ � �
<br /> - 9. H�3e�douo M�teri�t�.7ruator ahall{caop iho Prnporly i' - " ;�°�'�'�---'
<br /> rolntinfl to Indust�lt�l hyglpne or onvlronmontal protvctlon(coUectivoly rol�rrod to hereln os"Envlronmontal Lawe"),Truator nhall .��,_y -_
<br /> � keep tho Proporty Iree trom all substpnces deomed ta ho hezardoue or toxlc undor nny Envlronmontal Lawe(collocUvoly reforrod to - '
<br /> hr�rei�ne"Hnzardous Matvrlals").Trustor hereby warraMS aod reprosante to Lend�r that thore aro no Mnzardauo Matt�rit�ls on ar ;, �.,�_
<br /> � under ihe Property.Truetor heroby atirees to Indemndy nnd hold h�rmless Lender,Ita cii�ectors,otticers,employaoe and ap�nts,and , �.�_-__
<br /> nnysucs��acors�t��'a,�po nlnoetronepo►t af anyAHazardoua Meterlla�ln qr+,AUnd r9irom or nboulbhalPropo�ty.THE FQREC�QINQ �_� _
<br /> � _ � fho p a � _.._.
<br /> ,�;
<br /> � 10. Attl�nment ot Rent�.Truator hereby u»signs to Lender the rente,Issuo9�nd prolila ol tha Proparty:provlded thnt Truntor ' n�ti�
<br /> =,' shAll,until iho ocCUrrenC��}�'n Evont oi Qotault hereunder,hpve tha rlght to colleCt and ret��n�3uch ronta.Issue9 and p�o11ts os 1hoY ���LL.
<br /> � becomo duv antf peyabte•UAon tha occurrence o1 an Evc�nt o1 petault,4ondor may,e����er In person or by ayF�t�W�� i Or wlthQUt , _
<br /> �`'� brinfling any act;on or proceeding,or by c+recolver appolnted by A court And without regard to Ihp t�dequacy of its seaurity,enter ; � ___
<br /> upon and tnkc�pQSS(ssio'�r�to Aroserve he vAlue,mt9rket blllty o�r�nit�Cn ty o1 Ihe Property.�or anY Part thorool or�ntereta!tharelni
<br /> deems nacesa��Y u des � P • -
<br /> ' � InoroABe tha Inc�me the►e��em or protect the socurity horeol and,w�th o� .�i�houl taking possasslonl�the sama.ee s costs and � �
<br /> OthOrWl80 CO��CGt the rents,issues and protits thereot,Including ihose Rast due and unpald, And npp y
<br /> exponsos of o�°raticn�nd colle�tlon Including attorneys'fees,upon any intiebtedness secured hereby,all in euch order As I.ender � ,.
<br /> ' mey dotermint�.�'�e entering upon and taking possesAlon o1 the propr-ity.the calloctlon ot such ronts� Issues and prailts and th� �
<br /> . � appliCfltlon the*eo1 as alo�esald,shall not cure or waive any default cr notico o}dolault hereimdc�r or invAtldate any pct dona In ( �
<br /> �esponso to auch defau►t ar pursuant to such nolice ot do}ault and,netwithatanding the aontinuanCa In possassion o1 the Properly or �-
<br /> the colleotlon,re�eipt and a,oplloatlon ol rents,Issue�or pr�lits,and Trustee and Lender shell bo ontftleci to exercisa every��9ht I
<br /> provlded lor In any ot thF Lcti�n Insh r 4ender's ril htsuR�emQdles undeA hi paragraphf ehalliba'cum9�ative with,c�'ndl nnno w yha E � .
<br /> to oxorclsv the PoW�r ot salo.Furt a , 9 j . � ��
<br /> Ilmitatlon on.Le:�dsr's rl�his and remed�es Gnde��ny assignment ot leases and rents recordad aglina!che P�oPerty.Lendor,Truatae �
<br /> . `<." wpd ihe recei�•2T Shall be liable to acccur.t only for those rents actual`y roap►ved. � � �'
<br /> — - _.,. •_.:,_,_...
<br /> ,. .• .•�• 1 t. Even9a o1 Qetau!f.The toli0wing anaii constiiutv ai�Eve�i�wt,u4!tsndQt�4�I�L��Ad ol rusL• �-; _ _ --- _ j
<br /> • • (a) Failure to pay 2ny Installment of princlpal or interest of 2ny alher sum securad hereby when duo: �
<br /> .;`�.,; '•. (b) A breaCh o1 or dafault under any provl�lon contalnod In thr�Note,this Daed o1 1'rust,any o11ho Loan Instrumente,or any :
<br /> � - ` � • c,ih�r tEo.n o�ancumbranCO upon the Property; __�_„��„�,o�, �,,�qt T�„Rtor whlch shall bocoma a Iian on �
<br /> _-_: _ - ....._�9 L�_...v._._�. '_
<br /> —�:. �-- - -� (�? A w�l�of ex�autton or eSacllment or�ny simiiar p�v�3s�.��a�����• �_ , _--__-j
<br /> the P�operty Or any portion thareol or Interast lherein; i ;
<br /> (d) There shall be Illed Cy or against Trustor or Borrower an actiun under any presont or luture leder�tl,stAte or other
<br /> ',�r,,;,•.`�:.�;1, ;:'' atotute,law or regulation relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other rellef for debtors;or tharo shall be appointed any trustea,
<br /> '�;.`.�,,."�. ' recolver or liquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part ol the Property,or the rents,Issues ar pralits therAOt,ur Truator
<br /> pr Borrower ahail make any general assignment 1or the benetit ot creditors: ;
<br /> ' ' � (e1 7he eato,transler,lease,asai�nment,conveyAnce or turther encumbrance o1 all or any pah p1 pr any Inte�eal In the , �
<br /> � ' „ � Property. either voluntarily or Involu�tarily, without ths express written conaent ot Londer, pravided ihat Truatar shall bo i �
<br /> � � - potmitted to execute a lease o1 the FrpPerty that doea not contaln an option to purChose and the term ot whiCh doos not exCeed ,
<br /> r
<br />:,� � • one yoar:
<br /> ���,•' (� Ab�ndunmeM o1 the Property;or ! �
<br /> (g) N Trustar Ia not an indivldual,the Issuanco,sale,transfer,assignment,convayanca or encumbrance of morn than a total C:
<br /> p�,_ percent ot(i1 a co�poration)its issuad and outatanding stock or(H e pnrinerahip)a total ot- peraent o1 ;
<br /> partnershlp Intareats during the period lhis Deed ot Trust remalns a Iten on the Property. ;' ' �
<br /> 12. Remedlea;Acceleratlon Upan Oelautt.In tha event o1 any Event ot Default Lendar may,without noticp except ea requlrad by
<br /> � law,declare all Indebtadness secured hereby to be due and payahla and ihe same anall thereupon pecome duo and pAyable
<br /> Wlthoul any presentmeM,demand,protest or natica QC any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a) pema�d ihat Trustee exercise the PONfER OF SALE granted herein, and Trust�e shall Iharo�tior qause Truator's
<br /> interest in the Property to be sold artd the proceeds to be distributed,all in tho manner prov�cfed in the Nebraska Truat Qeeda �
<br /> Act; �
<br /> (b) F.xercise any and all rights prvvided for in any ol the Loan lnstrumenta or by law upon occurrpnce at any Event a1
<br /> � � ' Default;and
<br /> (c) Commence¢n action to toreclose this Deed o1 Trust as a mortgage,appoint a racerver,or specificnlly anlorca any o t o
<br /> covenants hereoi. �
<br /> No rem�dy he�eln conterred uFor or resorved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be oxclu9�ve u1 any other remedy hereln.In ihe '
<br /> hereundor`inthe�o nylnstrumentseor now�cr�hereater ex sting at law or�iin eqtu�ty ohby statute,an1d may bo axe ct sad ConCUyrentiy, �
<br /> ,,dopondently or successively.
<br />- ' � --'� - 13.Ttusteo, 1 he iruetee niHy resig� at any tsms�::sthnut cat�se.�nd Lender may at any tr.,�e and�Yithn�,t cause�ppalnt a
<br /> . � 9uCCesaor or su6Stitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be i�able to any party,�ncludinp w�thout lim�tal�o;�Lender,sorrowar,Truator or any
<br /> � purchaser ot the Property,lor any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wdNul m�sconduct,and snall not be requirod to take any
<br /> aCtion in connection with the entorcement of tnia Deed af Trust unless �ndemnit�ed, �n Wrrtmg,tOr flll C09tA, componsation or
<br /> expenses which may bo associated therewith.In addition,Trustee may become a purchaser a1 any aale of the Property Uudicial or
<br /> under the power of eale granted herein);postpone Ine sala ot all or any portion o1 the Prpperty,as prpvided by law; or aell the
<br /> Properry as a whole,or in separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> 14. Faes and Exp�naoe.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercisa o1 power of salo.Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds first to payment ot all costs and expenses o1 exercising powor of sale,�ncluding all Trusteo's fees,and l.entlor's
<br /> and Trustee's ariorney's fees,actually�ncurrod to extant porm�tted by app��cable lew In Iho c�v��1 sorrower or Trustor oxercises any
<br />- � rlght provlded by law to cure an Event ot Detault,Londer Shall bo�ntitlod to recovor IrOm TruStor all costfl nnd oxponsos actually
<br /> - incurred as a result o1 Trustar's delauN,�ncluding w�thout hmdation all Trustee'e and atlornoy's lees,to the extont pormitted by
<br /> applicable law.
<br /> 15. Future Advance�. Upon request o1 Borrower, Lender may,at its option, make additional and luturo advdnces an ro-
<br /> advilnCes to 8orrower.SuCh advance9 and readvanCes,w�th interest thereon.shall ba secured by thie Qeed o1 Truat.A1 nd t�mo shell
<br />- ' the princlpal amouM o1 the indebtedness secured by this�eed o1 Trusl.��„1 i�mi�tQdum��wh�cho ar��s g eater�spcunty o1 thiu
<br /> Q�od o1 Trust,exceed the orlglnal principel amount stated nere�n.or 5
<br /> i
<br /> �l _- __ _ _- __ - -
<br />