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<br />----�,-,_�,�-� •. ��r��w������a�a�s �� ���a o�r�u�r -___�
<br /> ----__ -� �
<br />-- ��: . TFiU9TQR R�AU THIS OGFO�IC al(�NINd: - --
<br />� a-�r:ir:m.._-..-�- � _..----
<br /> ��u'_ .' Yrueior u�doretende thal tt�o documonl thnt 1'�uetar la abaut to executo io n Deeti of Truet and aol a martaage�nd that the pawee = -
<br /> r �-�-„, , ot oata pruvlded tor In tAe Qeed al7ruel�rovides eubatanli�lly diftorent rl{�hte�nd obltuAtlone to Trustor lhan a mArtnaae In Ihe evenl _L.9
<br /> r - _--_ ;;� of a cietAutf or bre�oh of obltpotion ur�clor tha Qead ol Trunt,Innlu�lny,but nol llmitsd to,tha Londer'a rlaht to h�va tha Property aotd m__-.-_-_--___ _-
<br /> _�.�r„`-� by tR�Truaten wlthaut eny��dinint prnc��ding. TrueQer �epresents er�d w�rrento thet qNa ncknowtedg�ment wae axenuted by _ _
<br /> - -- -� Truotar hafore the e�eouUon af ti�n Daad�f TruAt. �f� ��••�y.:r � A __ _
<br /> �,�� .�'► L�.�' !"/f D/.?��F:"� - - -
<br /> _ � � ._ ...�.--�....--.— - - _ _ ,_._
<br /> _._�;.�.� . (Lno Maance� A Tnielor Single Pareon) �,�.� — =-
<br /> -r� ,�. � _
<br /> ` �� ,.� ` t
<br /> � Trustor -j��'�
<br /> �c ' �`
<br /> ".�. �
<br /> .�' -;: � �;��,.-
<br /> � �� ° �. 9�@0 AF TRU9T WITW FUTURE ADVANCES
<br /> ` '` Jun� ,19 91 by and amon . �_�"'� �
<br /> •= �-� THIS DEED OF TRUST,la mAdo no ol tha�h dAy o1 0 ; ��. '���;�
<br />� �,' 1� �--�04-�'k30IL�.8,1'.�-�.�.flt}+°-..PS'8Qn _._. � ':n�.' �ai',�t'
<br /> � tho 1'rustor 6$803 � ��''"�' ��"`�°
<br /> �--°� whoso malllnp address Is�t21�GQmIllBSl�hfl.-��L-,�-.Grand Iolaud, N6 �herotn"Trustor;'whether one o�moro), ,��.'"� ��'-`���
<br /> � �• �
<br /> ��' FTVE FOINTS BANK� e Nebraeka Aanking Car�aa�aCion , ��=
<br /> the Trustee, -- —•- . '
<br />;`� . <• .i . . �..?',__�.
<br />-� P. 0 Box 1507. Grand Telc�nd. NP� 65502-1507 ____� ���re��"Trustco'1,and �. �. '��_�____
<br /> :;,� whose mnllinp addreas Is
<br /> . y ��' •;��-_
<br /> �° ., the Benoficlary, �Iy�. �'�INTS PA�. , y ,. , =-
<br /> �'t ', whose malling address is.��.�nx 1 SA7;�.Gsan� Ta1 and� �:E 69802-1� S�ereln"Lender"). � �
<br /> ��� , > ..�
<br />, rA�._
<br /> y�- ',4�a;1;; FOR VALUA9LF CONSIDERATIOiV,inoluding Londor'soxtension olcradit iden4ilied he►etn to. •30g_�.�.te�
<br /> . ,.. �
<br /> '-� '�''" A Sinble Pereon � ��
<br /> - � (hareln'•Borrower" whether ane or more)end the tru91 hereln areated,
<br /> - `' . - � the recoipt ot whicN Is heraby aaknowledged,Truotor horoby IrrovocA ly nts, irAns}ers,conveys and nssipns to Truatoe, IN -•�� ��
<br /> ; ' TRUST,Wf�H POWER OF 9A1.�,tor iho hpneilt and eecurity ot Lender,u eub)ect ro tho te►rns and conditlons herelnatter set
<br /> �. ,' torth,the raal property,described ap tallaws: Second
<br /> . �_:'t:�,,..
<br /> '`��`•���•,� Loe F1ve (5)� Block Three (3) Da1e Roueh�Subdiv ion, Nall Coeet�SV, NE : , �
<br /> .';.;;t,., ..
<br /> :;,;,,�" �:
<br /> � _-- '�,,- '
<br /> . .. � ;- • -- -
<br /> ! : ` .
<br /> 5 � �
<br /> � �. t..
<br /> Togethor wNh all buildings,improvemante,lixturas,streets,alleys,passac�eways,eaeoments,right�.l:�:ti-;:ges and appurte- ` ,�'•':• ' :
<br /> �� - - .. .. ��......�..,a=������n.�n sn�wf�n rciioi�i�n±no�at�,an�rhp.Anta,iaa�,�e�and orofits.reveraions and remalnders thereof,and � .-- `. _ i�
<br /> .GMi!-..--.-� - 2._ .. .- iiaRvvo�vvw��.v •
<br /> ��, auch pa�sonal properiy ttiat f�attached co the Improvemems so as to const�luto n iixture,Including,but not 8mited to,heatlnfl and [ .- ?
<br /> ''��,t .` 000ling oqulpmant;and togather with tho hameatead or marital interests,If any,whlch Interests are horeby releasAd and waived:all ` • �
<br /> � � of which,including replacementa And Additlane thereto,Is herehy daclared to bo a part of iho real estata secured ty the Iien allhls � �..� .��> � . ,
<br />, ' � Deed o}Yru9t and all of the(oreaaing being ra}orred to hereln as tho"Property" �
<br /> - Thls Qesd ot Trust ahail seoure(a)tha puyment ol the pr►ncipal sum and in;.rest evidrnced by a proml�sory noto or credit ; , . .
<br /> F ,� ;,:
<br /> agreement dated June 13, 1991 . , having n maturity dAte of _____��a�uary 15, 1998 �
<br /> � In the origlnal princlpal amount a1$11,_Q_QQ.�_ _,and any and all modllications, exter.yipns and renewals ,
<br /> thereot or thereto and any and all tuture advances 2nd readvAnces to Burro���r ior any of them it more C�an one) hereunder
<br /> • pureuant to one or more promis&ary not�a or crodit agreemonta(heroln called"Not4');(b)tho payment of other sums advancod by . .
<br /> ' . Lender to protect the security ot the Not;;1c)the parformanca o1 aH covenants and agreoments o1 Trustor set torih hereln;and(d)all "�';
<br /> preaent and future Indebtedneas and e5lic�atlans al Barrowar(or any o1 tham If more ihan pnel to Lender whether direct,Indirect, ��'`���' �
<br /> absolute or contingent end whethar anaing by nata,guaranty, overdraft or othe�wl�e.Tha Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all i
<br /> -� other docuente thst eecure the Nate or otherwi9a exocuted In cannection iherowlih,mcluding without limitation guaranteea,security i
<br /> �• agreemente and assignm�nts o1 lensvs and renta,shall be r0lerred tp herein as the"Loan Insiruments". �
<br /> Trustor covenants�:��ag►ees�v�th Lender as tallaws: �
<br /> 1. PaymeM ot Indeb4edoesa.A!� ',�ebtednesa aecurod horpby shall be pald whon duo. '
<br /> • 2. Tltle.Truetor Is lhe owner of t��Proporty,hAS Iho nghl and authonty to convey the Property,and warrants that tho Ilen �
<br /> , � created hereby is a lirat and prior i.:n on tha Property, oxcopt}or Ilens and encumbrances set forih by Truator in writing and i
<br />_ ` dellvered to 4.ender before execution ol thla Doed ot Trust,and ihe execution and delwary ol thie Dead o1 Truat daes not vlolate any
<br /> contract or other obllgatlon to which Trusta la sub�act. i
<br /> 3. Texes,Aa4et�menta.TO pAy before delinGu=�cy all tAxes,speaial assassments and all other ch2rge5 dgalnst the Property ;
<br /> � • now or hereafter levled. �
<br /> d. Ine�utai►Ce.To kdap tha i'rop��ty�ilSu�v�uyda:>i Jat��ay�li� ti�o,fidcdt�s ii'��iuJna�r.�ti'�fi�'"-.'tarm"sxtendod covoragc��,�1lld '
<br /> T � auch other hazards as 4onder may'ea�ae,in�mpu�:s�nd w;•n cemparnps acceptable to L�rcc• �am�ng Lender as an additional '
<br /> nemed Insured,with Iv95 paydble to ttie Lender.In case o1 loss under such po��c•es.ihe Lerdr-��s author�zed to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> _ .,._._-__ ._ compromise,all claimsthereundor a:��ahali have t7e opUOn ot apply�ng au or��re`th�.^suraice procoeds O to any indobtadnpss
<br /> secured hereby a�d ire such order as Lvnder may tetermine,pi)to the Trustor!v;:•�sed for;�e repair or restoratlon of the Properry
<br /> Or(Ili)(or any oiher pu-p�90 0►Object satislaCtory to Londor wfthout aHecting tne.:�n e1 th�s Deed o�Truet for the tull amoum secured
<br /> hereby before such payrnent ever took place.Any appliCation of proc�eds to indebtedness sh2.i not aztend or postpona the due
<br /> , date of any payments und0r the IVOt�,or cure any deiault tharounder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. EuCrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shAll pay to Lender,�n such mnnner os Lendar may d8signAte,9uttiCionl �
<br /> sums to enable Lertd�r t�pdy ps thay become due one or more ol the lollowing:(I�all taxes,assessments and other charges ayalnst
<br /> the Properry, (ii)the�r:r:ums on the property insurance required herounder, and (iii)the pramiums on any mortgaye InsuranCe
<br /> required by Lender.
<br /> 6. Malntenanc0, Repalre and CompUanco wflh Lntvo,Trustor shall keep the Property In good condltlon and repalr;ahall
<br /> promptly repalr, or replace any impravamant which mpy bo dainaged o►destroyed; shail not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> deterioretlon o1 the Properry;shall not remove,demolish or&ub9tantially alter any o11he�mprovements on tne Property;9ha11 not
<br /> commlL t�utfer or permit any act to be done In or upon the Property In violation of any iaw,ordinance,or regulation:and shall pay and
<br /> promptly discharge at Trustor's cost and expense all liens,encumbrances and charges levied, imposed or assessed ageinst the
<br /> Property or any pan thoreol.
<br /> - 7. Emin�nf Domal�.Lender is hereby asslgned ail compons�tion,awards,damages and other payments or rellaf(heremafter
<br /> - "Proceeds")in conneclion with condemnatipn or other taklnp ot the Property or part thereol,or for conveyance In lieu ot condemna-
<br /> - don.Lender shall be entHled�1 its option to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own neme any ectton or proceedings,and
<br /> � ehAll also ha entitied to make Any compromiso or eptllement in connect�on with such takiny oi damage. In the event eny portlon o1
<br /> eec a+a�uvoM�.�c��wrs�oua�ew io.es j
<br /> O 108a N�uaul BanM ot Commuce T�vtl end SavmUf A�ioustwn 4ncoln Nebn��
<br /> � �---`_----_°--._. ,._; -
<br /> —--
<br />