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��s�' � f n `'�� ' 4 � - - <br /> - _ � � ,. � . " ,� . . < . � _-- _. <br /> _ .. . —f. - . . " J .. <br /> Q . � . .. . .' _ - . .. <br /> . � � � <br /> . . .._ . � . �..��c,...._ " <br /> '.•'_"_""�-.".. <br /> t <br /> � , <br /> :__. ... <br /> =.....c..`�. �: .-..:,. �.. -� ." .+.��...z ..: � ... <br /> - ._ .. � , `������St , � . . . r < . �. . �. � ' .. . � . . . - � . � , . •,,� � . <br /> ,_�_.s._-1�--�z mril! � _ c ,- .- , -' . . - , . . . -c' .- . - t i . .. ._ , - , ' . ' '< • , c - • -- .. . � - f< � <br /> < C: <br /> . E� . � � . . . - < "� �� �a . �3 ` �3��'i9 , . _ � <br /> - �: _ . . . , � _ . . <br /> � t�, 'spec�y,for�c)betoez a�a��he�9 P���3►�oP atic co�tained in dis <br /> � ` �r��or tb)�S►�s l�&�enfocaina tfis$aauity Iastrnment 17�ose oonditi�ace t�at Bano�w�er.' (s3 . ° . <br /> ` ..psys Laider all smn�wltich thea virau�8 D�due undet dds 5ecwiitg 5�ued�t sad the Nbte as if�n axe�on liW : <br /> aaw�cd:N)��Y`����Y atber ooveaants or ag��(c)P�Ys sli ta�s it��in a�'orcing tb�SeceitY <br /> .Lu�nt,in�g,bmE uot Lmitod�nasa�ble a�nneys'feea� aod(�pk+es s�h l.ender�FY� <br /> � nquit��o�rF tLU we Gen of t6is Secaiity�,�'��us in we pivperty,and�r'���m P�3'� ; - <br /> s�sec�uad-by �is:�puiry Tn�r�`c�ati�e'�uiehan�d. i3p6n-�M► �`3hes�ectmt�►` '. `_ .- _ <br /> � �poent and tths obLgattdas seca�ed henebY s��!�it�full�r��o�ive as if m aooekratian b�d occ�mal. However,dlis ,. �-,�. <br /> rig�t�raasiatt atal[not ap�pty in t1K aae of aor�eke��r+tkr Par�g9Pb 17. :_ ` ` _ <br /> ' 1�1 S�de d Ni�e;C�s�e ut lraa�Servioa. TGe Naoe or s�intaest in tbe Note(togetha'with ttis Sav�ity . <br /> 1a�oent)m� SotRi aac ar t�e times wltbaut prior�uace ffi Barawa. A s�k may��so14 in a chaoge in the.ea6ty <br />-- (ItaoMn�s the°L�Savic�er'?tint coltats noo�ty PaYments dne tmdet the Rote aad 8iis Secu�y I�Saumer���'1'�e al:w <br /> — , • .taiy b�ooe cr mae cl�nges of thZ LMn Servicer wud8od to.a ssk of 1be Naoe If tf�ae is a eb�nge bf ttx Lwn Servker. <br /> Bo�tnwer wiil b�.'given writ�de notice af the draage in aa�ocdm+oe v�rilb puagtaph 14 sbore aad appliwble Lw. The mtice <br />-- �nit'atatic tbe mme and a�ddt�s of the new Ioan Savic�and�e sddness to wincb paymet�ts sbould 6e made. The natnx r�n71 `� . <br /> - atso�n�n aay otba�inforinatiob.�equic+ed bS+AFF�k law � � -`� ' <br /> � Z!. rax�rda�s�6�ea� Harower st�ap not cause a�etmit the p�.usG dspos�t,stora8c+or�o�� <br /> P^- � � Ha�do�Snbstances on or in tfi�P�o�x�Y- Bormwer.s6a11 not do,nor atlow an}wne eLse to do,anYth►nB �8 ' , _ <br /> - _ `Propetty tbat is m viblation of any E n v i m o m e�a t L aw. T t�e p�a a e d i i t$t w o s e a t e n c e s s A a l l n o t a p p l y Lo dt�p�e s a�`nsa.ur , <br /> -:-' scorage on the propetty of sa�lt quanti6es of Hazacdons Snbspmxs d�at�e Sener�t►Y ra�iud to be�p�iate to nannal . . <br /> ' �sHdentiai uses aod to mauaeaaace of t�e Fiopnty. :. ' . .• <br /> = Bamwer shaD promntlY Srve I:ender wrliten rtotia af aay investigariun,ctaim.demand.lawsutt or othea ac6on Iry ai�Y <br /> ° ' B+a����aY$S�Y�P�'�P�Y�olving the�ropen�r and aay�us Subsh�nce or Envl�nnmtsl . <br /> = Law of wfti�b Bocrower t�as�ou�l koow?td8e. If Hotmwer teams,ar ts notif� bY �Y Sovernmeatal or s�egnl�to[y <br /> �: . ' � amhoritY,t6at atty rpnoval or dher ieri�'wtiort of any Haz�dous Snbstaace affaKing the PfroperiY is no�s�azY.Baruwer <br /> shall pmmptly ial:e aN t�ecessazy temedial actions in acco[dance with F�vit�untentai iaa. •- <br /> As used'm d�is�ph 20."Haza�dous Substances"a�e dase sul�tances defined as to�cic or hazaMous substances try <br /> � - E►vicaomeo�l Law aad tGe fapawing substances: gas.oline,ke:bsene.ndter_�bld�wxic�eaoleum�cie <br /> pes6eidas aad hecbicides.volaWe solvents.rt�a�rials cumaining asbestos or fomiatdehyde,and rad'ia�cave materials. As <br /> u�d in this pa�agraph 20,"Environmental Law".means federal laws and laws of tbe jurisdiction wbere the RoPertY is locaud <br /> ' �t . tlrat ntate m�eavaonmentat protec�ian. � . � , . . <br /> �L��:�:�_ . NON-UNIFOItM COVENANTS. Bortower and I.cader fuNter covenant and ag�,as follows: <br /> '�"4....:�-.. 21. Acoderation,,Reioedies: I.ender s6a8 give notioe to Noreower Prlor w acedaatiob fdbW(n8 Borst�w�'s <br /> - � bn�cb d aay cove�nt or s�cenKat ie th�s Saority Ia�trameat(but aot prbr to aocefer�dion aader p�n�raPf�17 <br /> a <br /> � r.leffi sppliae�e Isw nrovides ahenvve�. Tbe adioe stwu�ecNy: 1�)t6e defaatt;ro)!��•tiqo�ed to tie <br /> • � detarlt;(c)a datG�ot less thne 30 dn�s irati t6e date tlk aotia is given W BorroWer.6y w6ich!Ue defaalt most be <br /> . � . t�nedi�d(d)dat failne+e to cor�e the defsa�t oa pr before fhe dAte specilie�ia tht uutke ma!ne�lt is aoale�tias ot <br /> , �-.�;�. � tbe snnt�secared by th�Secarity Instrument aqd sale ot t6e Property. The aof�ce s6aU turtben•infona 8orrowes of � <br /> ja� ';;c;- tbe tig�t to�+eiastate aRer aoeelecAtiau aad!�e�ight to brin8 A oanrt actloa to sts�sert the aon�e�ta�oe ot a ddwlt a' <br /> ._. �.:::�•. t • aay otber ddense ot Borrower to aocekntion and sa1G If tbe detauk is not cured on or betore tt�e date spe�iti�d in <br />_ ` �' ' tLe noticti l.ende�at its optb�may require immedlate ps�yment in tull otnll sums saared by tbfs S�curity Lastromeat <br />_ �-.Y.��`-'����`::'���.,;� �vlthoot forther Aenwnd and ms�y invoke t6e power ot sak and aay otber remedies permitted by applknbk law <br />_ .�;,�. , � • . e ' Lender sball be entitleA M oollect all e�pm.ges incnrred in porsWng the remedies provided in tl�is paragrapb ZI, . <br /> '�' ��:Y��•-.�" • includin�,bpt not limited t0.reasonahk attarneys'fas and cusic ottitk evideace. <br /> , � �.�����:" .- •� • It the potirer d salf is involced,7Yustte s1�U r�oord sr notke of de�autt in eAeh coanty in w6icL any part o�tLe <br />=�. .• .M.='-c� _ ProperlY�located and shall mail copies otsacb noNa in the manner prescribcd bq applkable iaw to Borrower aad W <br /> •,� . . -.:"�..� � t6e dher persons prescribM b9 APP���law� Atter tde time required by applicabk law,7frustee sbsll give public. <br /> • a-_tt:'t�.=.y...n - <br /> "':�.� eotice ot sak to the perso�and in tde manaer prescrlhed b�applicabte!nw 7lruste�withoat demartd m Barrmver, <br /> _"L.�"�. .. ' <br /> • " `�"�"'–" ' • � s6a0 sell the Property at public a�cction to the highest bidAer at the dme and plaa smd nnder the terms d�cd in <br /> .?�;..:.. . ., <br /> "�. . _. tUe notice of s�le ie one or mon parcels and ln aay order Trnstee determines. 7lrustee may pastpone s�le ot all or any <br /> .��°. .�' . �' ' psra!of the Propaty Dy publk a�noancement ai tbe time aml place ot any previoucly scluduled sak. Lende�or its <br /> ;.��s�.{ : . ' desip�ee np�r purchase the Property At any sak. <br />' ��:;;: ,� Upoe receipt ot paymem ot the pe�e bld,'I�a�ee shatl deliver to tAe purchager 7lrastee's deed conveyi�the <br /> . °-�.�;`'�� ' • Pr�e�y The recital�in tbe 1tuata's deed shatl be prinw tack evldence ot the truth ot the statements made therein. <br /> '. �-:�` �}��p y�pply the pro�eeds at the sale in the tollowingorder: Ia1 to all casta and expenses af exercisi�g!6e'power <br />- ' :�'. , . . <br /> I' �.�Y•�� . . . <br /> . �rnr �. .. . ' . � � . <br /> �',� _.. , , . . <br /> 1 `.i. . . <br />. •.F' <br />_- . ;;s..... � . . FOnn 3s28 �llb �I"uRe!O/b pnQ!!� <br /> f. .,� - , ��� . <br />__ : �•� w�JSti S�5 -) . , • • ' � • � <br /> ��+;�,. w:... .�: . - <br /> '�.j.4.._`, y _ . , . . .. <br /> ��� <br /> .�• - <br /> _ r _ . <br /> '- • _ <br /> .. -....-,.�_..__.... _....._...-._... . . . . _.. <br /> .. . ...-.- , ..._..._. .�, . . - r _ ..�_..�,�. .r,:� , <br /> ..�... <br /> .. <br /> • ' • .. '��...`.�. _ .. ' i _a' 'C.1s:w'���`°.����-� <br /> .' 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