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....C�( .,,i� C� Sry . . M1 G T�� ' �� � ��s <br /> �` C`� <br /> R� <br /> . .. _- •.c _:�- _ ' ,. t <br /> . . .. . . .. . . . L . . . .. —. . -._. <br /> ,�� 4t '- '4f c • . .. c . . �. c � � • .. .�� _�..t' ' _ `, 'r� ( <br /> y `f-t�.�.,.�.L_� C, "_ ". . _. _. , . . .. L'. . , . _ ._ . .. .. _ . . . _ . � \ . .. _ _ .. ._ t.. .� <br /> . . .. c ..Q � a � . , . � . . \ . .. ��. . � _ <br /> : , � . . . . . _ ` � �$3-► f��fig .` • <br /> � `�coo�tian or aher atiag of aoy pQe of a�e Piope�cy,ar�'orc�ouvey�c�u�lia+of c3noem�tiao,i�c hardry as�iaoed an�<° � . : <br /> � .sballb4p�wL'enda. � • . <br /> . �. � In me e�ear of a�.tct�t t�pg of the�Property:the piviceaTs sr,ait�6e ��to'the sum`s sc�nea uy tt�is sec�aitS+ . . , <br /> Iosa�anent.arhqha or ndt tLa�d�wit�►a�ry exoess paid ta'Sormwer. In the eve�t of a ganiai ta�ing of Jie P�opertjr in <br /> whid�the f�ir m�rkCt valuc.of tbe Ptope�ty imme�OeilT befo�e tLe taking is ec�t to or�r d�an the ma�otmt`of�he sums ` . <br /> :secoued blr ffti.s S�suity lnsu�mynt immMiat�ely befexe the taicieg,nnt�s�Ciuwer aa$LetKiet����& � <br /> - ' ` $�e s�s sewiia�i by tina Sawrity iasdm�swu'-shatl be�1yy ihe'�rnotmt af�Pr+eceeds meiGpt'�ed i►Y t6c� ` - -�: <br /> �fiacteoo: h)�wc�l smo��e o€the swns s«iu+ea�aroEu�tely lief«a d,e a�g,dividea by tb}tee tair�value af a,e. _ <br /> , .°pnapettq ieunedimiy Defoie'tbc t�lcing.' Any b�laoe�sb�li be paid to Bocmwer. Ia th�eveat of a pardal tAkiag of tbe , <br /> Ytvpnt�in w}�the fa'v mulcet value of tht Pmpetty�te1Y befae tbe(aking is less thart thc a�aunt 4f the sums . <br /> so�ned�elY befone.the talring,unies4 Bonvwer wd L,eodtr otberwise agx u►wr�ti�3g oF+mles�?PPricwisle law <br /> � ot6er�vise povides.d�e proaeds sh�lt be apQtied to d�e stims socured l�y►this Sccuntg(asw�t-�irl�aher or not du smnsene <br /> �Ihenduc. , � •. < " , . . .. • . <br /> _ � tt die Yi+npe�ty is a6oado�cd ffy BarROwer.or if,atYier oodc��jr La�der to 13qrmwar,tt�.tLe onndemnor ofi'ers to malr� <br /> ' �n�wa�d a setde a claim for damages,Hoaawer fai�ta nspond to I.enAeF vin'thin 30 days after tbe dau the aotax is Eiven,. <br /> ` L,ender is aadwtiud td collect aad applg tbe�u� its optia�,either,to iesto�ation o�reppir.ot tite'P►operty or w d�e <br /> smt�eocunod by tiqs 9ean'ity�t,�I�hec or rwt tb�n due. ` . <br /> Unks4 Leader and Bwsowa otl�ise agiiee in w�ting,'any applicau`on of prnv�eds w prirtcipal sl�all mt extend or � <br /> postpone tbe due Aste of the monWY PaYmems refened w in paragrap6s 1 and�qr chaage�he amount of sncri paymrnts. , <br /> - �L.Eon+ower Not.$da�td; Forbea�a�ce<By l.ead�er Not a Waivn: Extcnsian of tbe time for paymenc or <br />- . ` . me�tion of a�qi of tl�e sums savred by ihis Saeacity Instrunxnt giantod tsY l.ender w aay succes.tor m inte�est <br /> _ - of Bormwer shaU not aperatt to reiease tAe ti�biGt�+of the ariginat Borrower•or Bormwer3c succ+es,wis m irte�st.i.ender� <br /> �hali not 6e requined to oomma�oc pruoaedings against anY suc�sor in intere!�tt or cefuse w exom�d time fa paymeat at <br /> od�avvise modify a�uordrrrlon of the sums secured 6y tlus Security Msaument hy rwson of aay demaid niade by tbe orig'�mi <br /> Bos�uwer or Bonaaer's sn�ssors in inta+esi. Any fa�bea�anoe by Lender in exencis�n$�}'right a rertKdy shall na be a ` <br /> ` weivesaf or prod'ade the exercise of auy right or cemody. � , <br /> - '12. Saooea�ora aad A�Bonnd:Joint and SeverAl Liability,Eo-s�ers.'it�e covenanu and,agreanents of this - <br /> an <br /> - - . SecutitY Ituuutr�nt,shaU bu�aad brnefit the sucaces�ors and assi�of Lender and Borrower,subjxt w tl�e pmvrsioas o� . <br /> - p�agwph 17.�orrower�s covenaats and agr�ements shall be jouiY actd several.My Borrower wtio co-signs fhis�avrity <br /> o' <br /> Insuwneett but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-sfgning thu Security(nsaument aWy w mortgage,grant and comey that � U <br /> Boirower�intenst ip the Ptoperty urtder the tertns of this Secarity Ingtrumcnt; (b)is not persoaalt�!obligated on pay ti�smus <br /> secured by this Secvrity Inm�nr�enx and(c)ag�ees that l.ender and any other Borrower may agre�to exund,modifj.for6ear <br /> ' or make any mqcoirnnodations wiU►'regard w the�erms of t1�is Se,curity Instrument ar tl�e Note whhout that Sorrower�s <br /> conseat. � <br /> -- L� Laan ClwBes. If fie loan secured by this Securiry Insuumeat is aubject to a!aw which sets maximum loan <br /> charges,and d�at law is finally interpneted so tf�at the itrcemst or other loan cdarges collected or to be cultected in cau�ection <br />-: wlth the loan excoed the permitt�limits.tlien: (a)any sach loan charge shaq be reduceQ by the a�ount aeassary to nttaa <br />'' � tbe charge ta the permiued limit;and @)any sums alceady collected from Borrower which eaebedai petmiued tunits will be <br />_. refunde�to Barrewer. Lender may choose to matce t�is sefund by reduciag the ptipcipai oared under die Nou or by meking a <br /> .�s: direct payment to Bomnwer. If a r�fimd reduces principal.the reduction will be ueatal as a partial y�paymem without any <br /> '' �' P�Y��charge under the Note. . . <br /> 14. Notias. My notice to Bbrrower provided for in this Security lnsuument shall be given by delivering it or by = <br />� `"� _5, mailing it by frrst class mail uniess applicable law of aaother method.The notice shaii be di�ected to the Property � <br /> Addtess or any other add�s.q Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. Any natice to l..ender shall�be given by first class �- <br /> , mail w l.ender's address stated hercin or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any rtotice provided for - <br /> in this Securiry Instrument shal! be deemed w have becn given to Borrower or l,ender when given as provided in this =- <br />-- P�B�Ph• - ` <br /> .. `._:_. . l5. Coverning Lsw;Sererabllity. Tdis Security�lnstrutrteat shall be governed by federal !aw and the law of the - <br /> ��-''`.: jurisdiction in which the Property�S located. M the event ihat uny pravisian or clauce of this Seeurtty Instrument ar the Note �_ <br /> - - confltcls witb applicable law.such conilict�hall rtat atTect ather pravisioac of this Security ln.ctrument or the Nate wh3ch can �. <br />�_ 't'`'`' be givrn efftct without the conflictirtg provision. To thic end the pravisionw af this Serurity Instrument and ihe Note are �- <br /> ���� �r� dxlared to be sevetable. ' <br /> . ; 16� Borroxer's Copy. Borrowcr ghall be given one conformed r�py of the Note and of thi.s Security Instrumeat. � <br /> .:"�n• 1�. 7fansGer ot the P�operty or A BeaeiletAl lntercct in Borrower. If uq or any part of the Property or Any interest in � �• <br /> Y �.•'�'�„_: it is sold or transfeaed tor if o beneficiAl interext in Borrower is wid ar trnnzferred and Borrower is not a natural person) -_� <br />^;� �,�;: wIthout Lender�s prior wdtten con.sen�l.ender may.ut its�ption.rcquire immediate paymem i�full of a11 sums secuned by E`- <br /> • this Secudty tnstrumen� However,this aption shuQ not be exercised by Lender if exercise i4 prohibited by feaeral law as of �' <br /> .•= `:x- the date of this Security InswmenL - ' � <br /> � . <br /> �";":�s�� If l.ender exercises this option.lxnder shaU give$orrower rtotice of sucelerntion. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> . .�,_..,• �•. <br /> .•. ,,„�;y. •, : '• not lags than 30 days from the date the aotice is deliveted or trwiled within which Borrower must puy ai1 sums secured by this <br /> .,-� .. •-,,�. 5ecurity lnstrumenG lf Borrower fstilx to pa y thesc rums priar to tite expiration of Ihi� period, Lender may invoke any <br /> neanedies permitted by this Secudty latitrument without funhcr notice or demand on 8orrower. � <br /> I�. Borm�rer's Rig6t to Reiagtate. If Borrower mee4s certuin conditions, $orrower shall have the tlght to have :: <br /> � �, �:,'�� , efioncement of thix Secarity lnsuument discantinued ut:ury time prior to the carlier of: (v!S cWys(or such other period as � <br /> . �'r� � . � ' Sirigk xamily«Fannk Mse/Fi+etWk M�t UASIfOR31 Ckti"fRU11f�iT—Uniform Covenant� !1!0 (PnRe 4 ojhry�nl � tr <br /> �. � <br /> _:i . � . <br /> _ �. _ .,...-_""�_��_�.....-.-ZS•'_._.-.-�.. _'_ _'_ _ _ _.. . ._""__"' .._ _` _ _ � _ <br /> . -�-- _' t_"' " ' ' "-� <br /> --_" •-�:.. ,-_..c ___..,____ ' ' ' _• '�.� _'±_�' '_ ' <br /> _ _ _ ... ............. .. ..... . -.. <br /> � .. .c_• ...� . <br /> -'vY:�{�'.�s'_. . ��'�SST`,.+�'.{hI" :.<.v�r•r'w'�JF�� .a-'�..s. '•`� <br /> .. > <br /> .—.__._. . . . s. . , , . . <br /> _____ . . ' . . . . � . . . ' , ' . 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